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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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18 minutes ago, sheson said:

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

See  https://dyndolod.info/Messages and/or https://dyndolod.info/Help/Summary-Of-Messages for explanations about messages, their severeness and possible (often optional) solutions (obviously only brief/generic and non exhaustive ).

If further help is required ask specific questions and provide the log/debug log files.


Here are the logs, i ensured that nothing is overwriting the Serana Dialouge Add-on, Verdant and Pilgrim. Also i'm not sure what you meant in the first post by "truncate" the log message so i left it as it is.

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1 hour ago, Kiwi said:


Here are the logs, i ensured that nothing is overwriting the Serana Dialouge Add-on, Verdant and Pilgrim. Also i'm not sure what you meant in the first post by "truncate" the log message so i left it as it is.

Now what are the actual questions in addition to the explanations from https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Property-Not-Found-In-Scripts or https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Meshes?

Install the latest version of mods. For example it looks like Serana Dialog add on just had an update today. Maybe the missing property was fixed in case it was an actual problem.

In case of Pilgrim checking the https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54099?tab=bugs it seems that the 2 meshes are not used.

6 minutes ago, Glanzer said:

Well it works fine when I uncheck grass. Why would it do that if it's something about trees? Anyway, I'm sure you'll find it. :)

You checked if all BTOs are valid? I am pretty sure they would cause CTD in game in case that error goes through unnoticed. That tree is not used that often, so check where it is positioned to find the filename for the bto to see if it opens in NifSkope without error.

What makes debugging this not take some time is that it takes ages to let it do the reuv to see what is happening.

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8 hours ago, Kiwi said:

Hello, this is the first time i use Dyndolod and i have several messages in the Log and i'm not really sure how to fix them, i understand how to fix large reference bugs but with the other 3 types of messages it's not really clear to me. I have many Property not found messages on the "Serana dialogue add-on" mod and 2 missing meshes from the mod Pilgrim, and Verdant, i tried reinstalling them both and checking their post section on nexus but i couldn't find anything useful. Thanks in advance for help.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages

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With a few of my recent DynDOLOD generations I've had issues with flickering distant LOD. Here's a video with a couple clips that demonstrate the problem:


I don't think this is a large reference issue, as the affected cells are way too far to be included in the uLargeRefLODGridSize range, which I have set to 11. Also it often affects trees, which can never be large references anyway. To my eyes it looks like two different LOD levels are fighting in the affected cells, rapidly switching between LOD4 and LOD8 or similar.

The issue is quite sporadic. With each LOD generation the affected cells are different. Sometimes I don't find any affected cells at all. When I tried approaching the bugged cells some of the LOD in the cells failed to properly unload. All non-bugged cells always unload without a hitch.

Here are some logs. Logs 1 should correspond to the first clip on the video, and Logs 2 to the second clip.

What kind of troubleshooting steps would you recommend? Is there a chance this is related to the large ref workarounds? Should I try generating LODs without them active? I tried setting uLargeRefLODGridSize to 5 just in case, but it had no effect on this as expected.

Edit: Checked Papyrus logs, no DynDOLOD related messages.

Edited by Blackread
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1 hour ago, Blackread said:

With a few of my recent DynDOLOD generations I've had issues with flickering distant LOD. Here's a video with a couple clips that demonstrate the problem:


I don't think this is a large reference issue, as the affected cells are way too far to be included in the uLargeRefLODGridSize range, which I have set to 11. Also it often affects trees, which can never be large references anyway. To my eyes it looks like two different LOD levels are fighting in the affected cells, rapidly switching between LOD4 and LOD8 or similar.

The issue is quite sporadic. With each LOD generation the affected cells are different. Sometimes I don't find any affected cells at all. When I tried approaching the bugged cells some of the LOD in the cells failed to properly unload. All non-bugged cells always unload without a hitch.

Here are some logs. Logs 1 should correspond to the first clip on the video, and Logs 2 to the second clip.

What kind of troubleshooting steps would you recommend? Is there a chance this is related to the large ref workarounds? Should I try generating LODs without them active? I tried setting uLargeRefLODGridSize to 5 just in case, but it had no effect on this as expected.

Edit: Checked Papyrus logs, no DynDOLOD related messages.

Some of it looks like z-fighting between object LOD and object LOD or maybe terrain LOD. Are the trees affected or not? If there is ultra tree LOD set standard tree LOD to zero.

Some of it looks like almost like there is something going on with the snow LOD shaders. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Snow-Ash-LOD-Shader, check what overwrites those records.

Test without DynDOLOD plugins to make sure it has nothing to do with dynamic LOD and this the large ref workarounds. Large ref workarounds can only work in the uLargeRefLODGridSize.

Test with default INIs. Make sure no custom INI or [plugin].ini in data folder either.

Test without the water (falls) mod that has controller blocks in LOD models (the block itself is not causing the issue as it is ignored, but it means somebody made bad static object LOD models). Which version of Water for ENB is it?  https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Waterfalls (meshes in DynDOLOD Resources for these mods have the full model CRC32 in their filename)
Do you use other full models for LOD. Especially ones with BSEffectShaderProperty. Some shader settings/flags can cause wierd effects.

The last few seconds of the video shows switch between LOD levels.

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Using the current Dyndolod 3 Beta with Dyndolod 3 Scripts and LargeRef Workarounds, I am getting an error for a specific mod for the first time almost instantly after starting the LOD creation process in the Dyndolod exe.

Dyndolod: "Item not found while processing Improved Mountain LOD and Z Fight Patch.esp [REFR:00041EE4] (places MountainRidge01_HeavySN [STAT:0005205B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000BBA1] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 48,-15))". 

Maybe this error report is helpful, so I posted it here according to the recommendation for such errors from Dyndolod info page.

EDIT: Same error for Lanterns of Skyrim II with another random reference: "Item not found while processing Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm [REFR:000F4CFA] (places FXAmbSnowBlowingPlane [MSTT:000197C7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00006E0D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -33,29))".

Edited by David2408
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Do I need to disable synthesis and Wyre Bash When running Dyndolod I was having Form ID errors from some mods and when I disabled well synthesis since that was coming up a lot it works all of a sudden. In my Experience Dyndolod dosent add any draw distance for these 2 patches 

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18 hours ago, sheson said:

It reported this in the log
[00:04] <Error: File not found textures\DLC03\Architecture\PierShacksSiding03TwoWideRed_s.dds. Used by textures\DLC03\Architecture\PierShacksSiding03TwoWideRed_d.dds>

The textures were copied fine to the new _s name, it just didn't look for them in the temp location, only in data.

I also made it so that temp textures use uncompressed formats so texconv doesn't complain about multiple of 4

This version should do the trick

See https://dyndolod.info/Changelog to see what changed between versions.

>I'm not sure if something has changed

You are changing settings. This is what changes. 
In your last post you said you set uLockedObjectMapLOD=8.

Which means the map is obviously not using object LOD Level 32.


Hi shenson,

So I'm using uLockedObjectMapLOD=8 and then in the DynDOLOD UI I have LOD4/LOD8/Level0 and LOD16 Level 1 and LOD32 None.

I thought this is all correct for no trees on the map? But I still see tress...


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8 hours ago, David2408 said:

Using the current Dyndolod 3 Beta with Dyndolod 3 Scripts and LargeRef Workarounds, I am getting an error for a specific mod for the first time almost instantly after starting the LOD creation process in the Dyndolod exe.

Dyndolod: "Item not found while processing Improved Mountain LOD and Z Fight Patch.esp [REFR:00041EE4] (places MountainRidge01_HeavySN [STAT:0005205B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000BBA1] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 48,-15))". 

Maybe this error report is helpful, so I posted it here according to the recommendation for such errors from Dyndolod info page.

EDIT: Same error for Lanterns of Skyrim II with another random reference: "Item not found while processing Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm [REFR:000F4CFA] (places FXAmbSnowBlowingPlane [MSTT:000197C7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00006E0D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -33,29))".

Read the first post which log and debug log and bugreport.txt (if it exists) to upload

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8 hours ago, MarkAim said:

Do I need to disable synthesis and Wyre Bash When running Dyndolod I was having Form ID errors from some mods and when I disabled well synthesis since that was coming up a lot it works all of a sudden. In my Experience Dyndolod dosent add any draw distance for these 2 patches 

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

As explained in the first post, click on "Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message" if an error prompt and read what the error means and suggestions how to fix it.

Finalize the load order. Install mods and their requirements. Sort and resolve conflict. ...
Typically create all other patches first. Especially all patches affecting exterior worldspaces in any way should be done before generating LOD.

Finalize the load order as explained in the prerequisites above. Make sure all mods, plugins and patches (that affect exterior cells and worldspaces and base records used by references in exterior cells) are enabled and their overwrite order is sorted. Ignore wrong 3rd party advice to temporarily disable plugins, mods, meshes or textures. Such advice is categorically wrong or outdated. In case of issues, solve the cause or use appropriate rules or settings for desired results.

Errors in the patches need to be fixed (for example the patch needs to be generated for the current load order) instead of being ignored.

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2 hours ago, mooit said:

So I'm using uLockedObjectMapLOD=8 and then in the DynDOLOD UI I have LOD4/LOD8/Level0 and LOD16 Level 1 and LOD32 None.

I thought this is all correct for no trees on the map? But I still see tress...


You set uLockedObjectMapLOD=8.

Which means the map is not using object LOD Level 32.

https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD#Trees-on-the-Map explains to set uLockedObjectMapLOD=32.

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3 hours ago, sheson said:

Read the first post which log and debug log and bugreport.txt (if it exists) to upload

Here are links to the three log files as requested. These were generated when I encountered a second error (of similar kind to the z Fight Patch mod) with Lanterns of Skyrim II and latest Dyndolod 3.

bugreport: https://ufile.io/uc9wlnsb

log: https://ufile.io/lwzvs2qh

debug: https://ufile.io/713o3vat

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33 minutes ago, David2408 said:

Here are links to the three log files as requested. These were generated when I encountered a second error (of similar kind to the z Fight Patch mod) with Lanterns of Skyrim II and latest Dyndolod 3.

bugreport: https://ufile.io/uc9wlnsb

log: https://ufile.io/lwzvs2qh

debug: https://ufile.io/713o3vat

Download and use this test version. https://mega.nz/file/ZJhCDLaR#55i96PrOSVkStquO4Tz9aL0-w6nQOprGvZUh8GBNWzQ
It should properly deal large references being moved to cells that didn't lave large references before. Let me know in case there are still problems and upload new logs in that case.

Also note this:

The workarounds require plugins containing deleted large references to be cleaned. Every plugin containing deleted references should be cleaned. See the Prerequisites section of the Generation Instructions for more.

Clean and error check the load order with xEdit. Clean every plugin that LOOT suggests to clean - ignore misinformation that cleaning any plugins is not needed or causes problems. The Batch Plugin Cleaner for Mod Organizer or the xEdit Cleaning Extension for Vortex help to automate some of that.

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16 hours ago, sheson said:

Some of it looks like z-fighting between object LOD and object LOD or maybe terrain LOD. Are the trees affected or not? If there is ultra tree LOD set standard tree LOD to zero.

Some of it looks like almost like there is something going on with the snow LOD shaders. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Snow-Ash-LOD-Shader, check what overwrites those records.

Test without DynDOLOD plugins to make sure it has nothing to do with dynamic LOD and this the large ref workarounds. Large ref workarounds can only work in the uLargeRefLODGridSize.

Test with default INIs. Make sure no custom INI or [plugin].ini in data folder either.

Test without the water (falls) mod that has controller blocks in LOD models (the block itself is not causing the issue as it is ignored, but it means somebody made bad static object LOD models). Which version of Water for ENB is it?  https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Waterfalls (meshes in DynDOLOD Resources for these mods have the full model CRC32 in their filename)
Do you use other full models for LOD. Especially ones with BSEffectShaderProperty. Some shader settings/flags can cause wierd effects.

The last few seconds of the video shows switch between LOD levels.

Thank you for the tips. It is indeed a case of z-fighting between object LOD and object LOD. The youtube compression ruins the image so it's not so clear, but here's another video that should display it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piHXL1DE9CM

I also found a solution: remove ini files from the data folder for an amount that adds up to at least 8 lines of text. Commenting out lines of settings with a semicolon (;) works too. It doesn't matter what settings they are or which mod they are from, or whether the settings are overridden by another ini file from a later loading plugin. As long as at least 8 lines are removed the z-fighting is gone. It also looks like ini files intended to be read by various SKSE plugins (KID, SWAP, DISTR, LID, FLM, etc.) are included in this count. Removing any of these files that have at least 8 lines of text removes the z-fighting. The file I remove can also be in a subfolder. It doesn't even have to be an ini file at all, it can be a json file or a txt file such as a changelog, or a readme. Script source files (.psc) also work.

Reseting my base inis to default also fixes the z-fighting. I would imagine this is because it effectively removes at least 8 lines of text from them, as the BethINI Tweaks add several new settings to the files.

I also tried packing one of my mods that had loose script files into a bsa, and this too removed the z-fighting.

Putting all of the above together seems to suggest that there is some sort of engine limitation on the number of lines there can be in loose files with text content in the data folder. Or something along those lines.

Edited by Blackread
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