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  • 2 months later...

This mod has updated several times adding more abilities, and the default configuration is terrible. Disable the LOD [TerrainManager] tweaks altogether, as that is only going to introduce LOD pop-in and stutter (very bad idea to dynamically change the loading of LOD supermeshes in a heavily CPU bound game). Grass Fade should be okay to modify this way, however. I'm unsure if changing the [LOD] parameters is a good idea either, since these are so close to the player, but it might be fine, but watch for pop-in within uGridsToLoad. I'd disable the Godrays thing too. We should be using that Godrays fix that is popular... can't remember if we have it implemented anywhere yet... might be a tweak to add to the Step Patches.

Test against the Alexander Blade\Kediwah Shadow Boost solution. It's algorithm may be better.

Here is my current config I'm using to test this with the notes above implemented.


; key to open settings (default F12)
; For other keycodes check this site
; https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/win32/blob/docs/desktop-src/inputdev/virtual-key-codes.md
iKey = 123
iExtendedKey = 0

; frame threshold:
; - if the frames are lower the distance of the shadows will be decreased;
; - if the frames are higher the distance of the shadows will be increased.
fFpsTarget = 58.000000

; delay in the calculation of the distance of the shadows (too low values create sudden changes in the distance of the shadows)
fFpsDelay = 5.000000
fMsTolerance = 0.000000

; minimum distance of shadows (this parameter must not be greater than fMaxDistance)
fMinDistance = 2048.000000

; maximum distance of shadows (this parameter must not be less than fMinDistance)
fMaxDistance = 6144.000000
sBlackListMenu = MainMenu;LoadingMenu;PipboyMenu;PauseMenu;SleepWaitMenu

; the value will be increased or decreased according to the following formula ((avg ms) - (target ms)) * factor
; the higher the factor, the faster the shadows change
fDynamicValueFactor = 12.8
bEnable = 1

fLODFadeOutMultObjectsMin = 5.000000
fLODFadeOutMultObjectsMax = 15.000000
fLODFadeOutMultItemsMin = 3.000000
fLODFadeOutMultItemsMax = 6.000000
fLODFadeOutMultActorsMin = 6.000000
fLODFadeOutMultActorsMax = 12.000000
fDynamicValueFactor = 0.200000
bEnable = 1

fGrassStartFadeDistanceMin = 1024.000000
fGrassStartFadeDistanceMax = 6144.000000
fDynamicValueFactor = 25.6
bEnable = 1

fBlockLevel2DistanceMin = 131072.000000
fBlockLevel2DistanceMax = 131072.000000
fBlockLevel1DistanceMin = 65536.000000
fBlockLevel1DistanceMax = 65536.000000
fBlockLevel0DistanceMin = 32768.000000
fBlockLevel0DistanceMax = 32768.000000
fDynamicValueFactor = 4096.000000
bEnable = 0

iQuality = 3
iGrid = 8
fScale = 0.400000
iCascade = 1
bEnable = 1

; if activated it displays a window of information in real time
bLog = 0
bTransparent = 0
bPauseInMenu = 0



Changed settings in above post after seeing some of this in action at the College Square. I basically slowed everything down, and enabled the Godrays as that isn't actually dynamic.


So here I have 3 videos of the vertibird approach to the Prydwen. 1st is of the Alexander Blade shadow boost mod. 2nd is this mod with the settings above, and 3rd is vanilla with shadows set to 5000.

  • 4 months later...

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