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Well not exactly shure is it Megatone it's after leaving Vault 101 heading in that direction and it CTD before I even reach mail box with grenade. Here is my mods load order:

# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Goodies.esm
Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm
Configurable essential F&C.esp
Smart Almost Perfect.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms + Armor Damage (FOSE).esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Vendor Added).esp
Xepha's Darkened Interiors.esp
Xepha's Darkened Interiors - OA.esp
Xepha's Darkened Interiors - BS.esp
Xepha's Darkened Interiors - PL.esp

As you can see it's not too big. Besides plugins there are also:

Command extender
Out Of Memory Fix
IstewieAI's Tweaks
One Tweak for FO3
F3TF - Fallout 3 Tick Fix
High Quality Pip-Boy Icons
HD Main Menu - Pause - Loading Screens - DLC
Crisp Main Menu And Loading Screens
Vanilla UI Plus (Fallout 3)
Proper Power Armor Footsteps
Quiet Molerat Footsteps
Precision Collision - Clutter Fix
Collision Meshes - Clutter Fix
Collision Meshes
Fallout 3 Re-Animated
Fallout 3 Re-Animated - Fix
A Decent Metro Map
Visitant's HD Fallout Night Sky
EXE - Effects teXtures Enhanced

And couple of things installed manually:

Fallout Anniversary Patcher
fose (with deleted executable of course)
True 3d Sounds for Headphones (HRTF mod)
NVAC - New Vegas Anticrash
F3HR (which stands for Fallout 3 Heap Replacer, if I remember good)
Vorbis libraries

As you can see nothing really fancy is on those modlists.

Well my main suspect is "Caravan Fast Travel", because it messes up with travelling traders and those are always present in this area when you start the game. I runed xEdit and looked for conflicts, but I haven't found anything obvious to paching. I'm kinda shitty in this. In most cases I have no idea what I'm doing. Additional confusing is created by fact that I am apparently spoiled by New Vegas modding community where many mods are updated to unofficial patch. Here it isn't the case so when xEdit vomit list of conflicts many of them are simply with unofficial patch and because I'm stupid I don't know if I should do anything with them.

Already tried:

- creating merged patch: it was empty, I deleted it.

- changing iNumHWThreads from 2 to 1 and disabling Vsync, didn't help.

- cleaning DLC's and mods, but in this case I am not even shure if I performed this correctly.

There are also things that I wanted to do but failed. Apparently command isdllloaded in fallout 3 console doesn't exist so I can't even say that I'm 100% sure is those mods are really loaded.

My game is Fallout 3 from GOG with all DLCs, probably the one that is called GOTY by wide modding comunity (I'm not even know what it means).

I would really try to make this work, but already finished my short list of actions that I can perform.

So, I vomited all this stuff, because I was very focused and now can properly introduce myself. Sorry for that order, but with age I realised that it's very easy for me to get distracted. I'm playing games since elementary school, those were times of Baldur's Gate which had great cinematic localisation in my language and first Fallout, which didn't. This is my first post in this forum (probably, because I already had an account and have no idea when I created it). At this moment I jobless, so I decided to take my time and play games for month or two before going to another job. Last time played New Vegas (It's possible that I change jobs too often).

I'm done boring. Big thanks for help in advance and if don't get anywhere with this it's The Journey thats really matter, not the destination. Right? 


So I didnn't waste my time.

I runned game unmodded. Well not exactly unmodded, but through Bethesda launcher still patched by Fallout Anniversary Patcher with: fose, nvac, True 3d Sounds for Headphones, Vorbis and F3HR libraries and it crashes in the same moment anyway. Inside main folder nvac.log states that:

 15185137 _ NewVegasAntiCrash Fallout3.exe
15185137 _ 03190000 07050000 nvac.dll
15185137 _ 030F0000 01030020 fose_1_7.dll
15185137 _ 773E0000 06001772 ntdll.dll
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB94 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB99 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB9E 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CBA3 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB81 660F7F07 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB85 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8A 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe
15185327 h 00C0CB8F 660F7F47 Fallout3.exe

So at least I know that nvac and fose are loaded and that badboys are not those big, fat mods from Nexus, but some of those more essential stuff. And this is compleatly out of my range of fixing capabilities or even understanding. By the way, I found out that GOTY state for Game Of The Year Edition. Already wrote that I'm little stupid.



This is VooDoo. Reinstalling everything from bootom up, editing every configuration file from the beginning, making patch for couple of conflicts again fixed it. I could swear that I did everything the same way as last time, but apparently not. Well I'm old and could twist something in wrong direction. Everything that left for me is to say very sorry to everyone on this forum for bothering and wasting time. I saw that more then sixty people saw this topic already, I need too thank them from the bottom of my heart. It's hard to put in words how gratefull I am for their will too help me. One more time sorry. It looks like I spend five days chasing my own tale and unintentionally grabbed all of you into this madman's dance.

Topic can be considered closed.

  On 3/16/2022 at 4:20 AM, PaKaniuk said:


This is VooDoo. Reinstalling everything from bootom up, editing every configuration file from the beginning, making patch for couple of conflicts again fixed it. I could swear that I did everything the same way as last time, but apparently not. Well I'm old and could twist something in wrong direction. Everything that left for me is to say very sorry to everyone on this forum for bothering and wasting time. I saw that more then sixty people saw this topic already, I need too thank them from the bottom of my heart. It's hard to put in words how gratefull I am for their will too help me. One more time sorry. It looks like I spend five days chasing my own tale and unintentionally grabbed all of you into this madman's dance.

Topic can be considered closed.


Glad you got it sorted yourself. thanks for posting your follow-up.

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