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The Beta Wrye Bash Guide to STEP Installation is available



Based on the advice I received from users here, I will be asking TC to host on his site if he wishes. I will also host right here on the STEP wiki site when final. It is not yet final, but I will make it so once we have a fully compatible BOSS-Wrye Bash implementation to support Skyrim v1.5.

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It might be more intuitive and/or efficient to code in reverse order, but I am sure it could be done either way since the net result is all that matters, and that is known.

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Hello, I have a quick question that has been bother me for some time. 

So, after we use Wrye Bash to create a Bashed Patch and rebuild it, by following every step from SR guide, some esp's stay unchecked. My question is, do I need to check them before run SUM and let them stay checked?

I have been checking after rebuild a patch, is there any issues that I may find later in game if those esp's had been checked all along?

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The mods that get merged should have a plus sign in the box if they are unchecked and the bashed patch is checked. Make sure you check the merge mods and leveled lists boxes and check the mods listed for merge mods.

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Yes, those mods got a plus in the box. But when I close wrye bash and look at the esp list from mod manager, those same esp that had a plus are now unchecked.

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  'amoeba1126 said:
I am a bit confused at the guide for configuring Wyre Bash for Skyrim. When they say to uncomment out the following lines' date=' do they mean to remove the ";"?[/quote']

Correct. The semicolon is the single comment character, so anything on a line after that will not be interpreted by the scripts.

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What does this error message mean?


AttributeError: "InstallerConverter" object has no attribute 'hasBCF'"

Should I ignore it?


Also, I have a package that becomes a grey-colored package after I apply a BCF. From what I understand, I should not be making any changes inside the archived package because that will just cause a 'mismatch' between the archived package and the BCF file. So how can I fix the grey-colored package with a BCF file that needs to be applied?

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What does this error message mean?


AttributeError: "InstallerConverter" object has no attribute 'hasBCF'"


Should I ignore it?


Also, I have a package that becomes a grey-colored package after I apply a BCF. From what I understand, I should not be making any changes inside the archived package because that will just cause a 'mismatch' between the archived package and the BCF file. So how can I fix the grey-colored package with a BCF file that needs to be applied?

You can ignore that error. the Py script has a bug.


Is the text gray or is the background gray? The BCF only applies to a file in Bash Installers that matches the CRC referenced by the BCF. The result should always be a new installer package that will appear as the last in the install order.

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Oh... Thanks for pointing that out.


The text of the package is grey.

Do I need to change anything on the package?

The new package should not be gray. The original can be removed from Bash Installers.
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Hey there,


I've been using Wrye Bash during the Oblivion days to install mods, before the rise of NMM and such, so downloading mods and dragging them straight into the installers never caused me problems as all the big mods with choices all had wizards built in. However, I see this isn't quite the case with Skyrim as I have a few mods that have a white box (a couple have the wand, but most have nothing except the white box). All of the mods in question have fomod xml installer scripts in them, but obviously, I don't want to use NMM because of its limitations compared to Wrye. Question is, has anyone came out with a way of converting those .xml files to Wizards, or does it have to be done manually? I have no experience with script writing, so obviously that will be a pain for me.


So far, the mods with the white boxes:


With the wizard wand:



aMidianBorn book of silence

Enhanced Lights and FX




Winter is coming - cloaks

Climates of Tamriel

Enhanced Distant Terrain


Of course these are just the ones I have so far, but clearly I'm gonna need to nip this issue in the bud pretty quickly.

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I don't know of anyone that has created a converter for fomod XML to wizard script, but it should be possible using reg expressions. I am not sure about the variation and flexibility of the XML though.


I don't find that most mods need an installer anyway. Only the really complicated ones. (e.g., visible windows, closer quivers, SMIM)

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So what would be the recommendation here? Has someone else already set out making wizards for these popular mods? Or am I kind of SOL and will have to write the scripts myself?


Seems strange nobody would have attempted to make some kind of converter.

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