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The Beta Wrye Bash Guide to STEP Installation is available



Based on the advice I received from users here, I will be asking TC to host on his site if he wishes. I will also host right here on the STEP wiki site when final. It is not yet final, but I will make it so once we have a fully compatible BOSS-Wrye Bash implementation to support Skyrim v1.5.

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Isn't it a bad idea to tell WB to not refresh any of the texture/mesh mods?

Do you fiddle with these folders? Nope? So
, tell WB to skip them


BTW: Use MO :P:P:P

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hmm. Let's say I set all texture installers to not refresh and I then optimize my Skyrim\Data directory and overwrite the Data directory with the optimized files, will WB still uninstall textures that got processed by DDSopt when uninstalling the mod where those textures originally came from?

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You're again starting to make spaghetti code speech(no offence). Put the optimized ones to the directory at the bottom of Installers tab Better, don't ddsopt Data but discrete mods, make an new, corresponding mod with optimized textures just below original one, uninstall both at once.

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Well... whatever.

I'm too tired right now - been a long day. I just don't feel like setting up Wrye Bash python. I really don't like python AT ALL. I had to use it 1 year in our equivalent to high school and I hated every moment of it...

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You can just swap the Mopy folder of compiled WB with Source Version ;) Everything is kept outside, so no problem

BTW Python installation is just Next -> Next -> Next -> Next, you don't code in it, so why hate? It's not COBOL ;)

  • 0

You can just swap the Mopy folder of compiled WB with Source Version ;) Everything is kept outside, so no problem

BTW Python installation is just Next -> Next -> Next -> Next, you don't code in it, so why hate? It's not COBOL ;)

Well two things stop me.


1. I don't want to install the python version of WB because it only uses 32 bit applications - just like the standalone

2. I don't know whether I can just port my bash.ini file to the mopy directory of the python version without issues.


If you could provide me with a detailed step by step tutorial how to set up WB Python to use only 64bit applications, I'll do it. Otherwise... rather not.

I spent too much time reading too many forum threads about too many too vague things that had literally nothing to do with what I intended to find out via google. I just don't get why the official WB readme doesn't tell ya how to get it to work in 64bit mode. Even how to set LAA flags for the standalone version I had to find out myself with google which took ages by the way, since apparently nobody ever thought it might be worth mentioning how to do so in these really awfully helpful readmes.



Edit: Oh a 3rd reason is, that I don't know whether all of WB functionality is the same when running WB or if there are things that are different and you have to note so that you don't run into problems.


Edit2: Replaced WB.exe with the original exe since my antivirus doesn't seem to be able to remember that this exe is no virus and informs me every 2 seconds that it has found a new virus.

  • 0

You can just swap the Mopy folder of compiled WB with Source Version ;) Everything is kept outside, so no problem

BTW Python installation is just Next -> Next -> Next -> Next, you don't code in it, so why hate? It's not COBOL ;)

Well two things stop me.


1. I don't want to install the python version of WB because it only uses 32 bit applications - just like the standalone

2. I don't know whether I can just port my bash.ini file to the mopy directory of the python version without issues.


If you could provide me with a detailed step by step tutorial how to set up WB Python to use only 64bit applications, I'll do it. Otherwise... rather not.

I spent too much time reading too many forum threads about too many too vague things that had literally nothing to do with what I intended to find out via google. I just don't get why the official WB readme doesn't tell ya how to get it to work in 64bit mode. Even how to set LAA flags for the standalone version I had to find out myself with google which took ages by the way, since apparently nobody ever thought it might be worth mentioning how to do so in these really awfully helpful readmes.



Edit: Oh a 3rd reason is, that I don't know whether all of WB functionality is the same when running WB or if there are things that are different and you have to note so that you don't run into problems.


Edit2: Replaced WB.exe with the original exe since my antivirus doesn't seem to be able to remember that this exe is no virus and informs me every 2 seconds that it has found a new virus.

have you read this?


Also quoting the Nexus thread referenced:



I have the Wrye Archive Version working with Python 2.7 x64 happily - just make sure you install the required extensions to Python (ctypes, wxpython, and pywin32), and make sure you start it with the actual Python 2.7 x64 exe if you have multiple Pythons installed. You will also need to remove/rename CBash.dll from the Mopy directory (it's an x86 library so x64 Python can't load it).


EDIT: Whoops - almost forgot. Remove LZMA.dll and 7zUnicode, and replace 7z.exe and 7z.dll with 64-bit ones from the 64-bit 7zip installer at 7zip.org

  • 0

have you read this?


Also quoting the Nexus thread referenced:



I have the Wrye Archive Version working with Python 2.7 x64 happily - just make sure you install the required extensions to Python (ctypes, wxpython, and pywin32), and make sure you start it with the actual Python 2.7 x64 exe if you have multiple Pythons installed. You will also need to remove/rename CBash.dll from the Mopy directory (it's an x86 library so x64 Python can't load it).


EDIT: Whoops - almost forgot. Remove LZMA.dll and 7zUnicode, and replace 7z.exe and 7z.dll with 64-bit ones from the 64-bit 7zip installer at 7zip.org

Yep, and I tried it in about 2 billion variations. I cannot get it working this way. There is something I'm overlooking but it is just out of my grasp. I already posted in the thread you quoted from about my issues.



EDIT: Apparently the newer Wrye Bash versions don't support 64 bit python anymore... unfortunately.

  • 0

have you read this?


Also quoting the Nexus thread referenced:



I have the Wrye Archive Version working with Python 2.7 x64 happily - just make sure you install the required extensions to Python (ctypes, wxpython, and pywin32), and make sure you start it with the actual Python 2.7 x64 exe if you have multiple Pythons installed. You will also need to remove/rename CBash.dll from the Mopy directory (it's an x86 library so x64 Python can't load it).


EDIT: Whoops - almost forgot. Remove LZMA.dll and 7zUnicode, and replace 7z.exe and 7z.dll with 64-bit ones from the 64-bit 7zip installer at 7zip.org

Yep, and I tried it in about 2 billion variations. I cannot get it working this way. There is something I'm overlooking but it is just out of my grasp. I already posted in the thread you quoted from about my issues.



EDIT: Apparently the newer Wrye Bash versions don't support 64 bit python anymore... unfortunately.

He mentions using his "Wrye Archive Version", which may mean that he was using v295. Not sure though, but I could have sworn that I have been able to run WB under 64-bit Python in the past, but that was Oblivion and probably pre v190.


I also tried that method to no avail. Just get a cbash error in the Traceback.


Try to see if any of these custom windows 64-bit binaries help.

  • 0

Thanks for making this guide!


I'm having some trouble, though, getting Wrye Smash 303 to recognize anything other than Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and Batched Patch, 0.esp. I completed the Skyrim Installation Guide and did all 3 of the optional steps (Remove redundancies in the HRDLC, Optimize the non-texture vanilla BSAs, Optimize the vanilla BSAs with textures). I also configured all of the bash.ini variables by hand. When I right-click the Package column of the Installers tab and select "Open", it takes me right to the folder where my .7z "simple package" archives are, shown below. What am I doing wrong?


Posted Image



Here's my bain.ini file.


I've tried changing the folder Bash it looks at and adjusting compression settings, but it still won't recognize my archives.


EDIT: The step I'm getting this info from is the "Archiving the textures" box on this page.

  • 0

Thanks for the response!


UAC is completely disabled. Here are those screenshots:


Posted Image


Posted Image


I also ran WB from the command-line with the debug switch to see if any errors popped, but the error log was clean. Also, I tried switching tabs in WB a few times, but the switches were instantaneous, so maybe the data isn't refreshing properly?

  • 0

Ah, good catch! I can finally see them now. I could've sworn I tried that option earlier, but maybe I had the files in the Data directory at the time. If I were to re-make this into a single, complex package, is this the right format? I'm not 100% on the prefix generation for BAIN packages.


Hi-res and Vanilla Textures.7z

....00 STD

........[contents of STD archive]

....01 HRDLC1

........[contents of HRDLC1 archive]

....02 HRDLC2

........[contents of HRDLC2 archive]

....03 HRDLC3

........[contents of HRDLC3 archive]

  • 0

Right click on that header and select "Open...", move packages there

You ninja! Yup, those labels looks good. If you have DLCs you can put their textures before HDpack.

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