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This was ran after Texgen and still same issue. I just ran DynDOLOD twice, selecting 1st half and 2nd half

Without the logs it is hard to tell what else could be wrong.


Obviously the first check would be to verify the files exist in the load order.

TexGen should generate them when Folkstead.esp in the load order.


If the files exist in the load order, then make sure that no UAC, AntiVir or mod manager is preventing access to them.


I got another access violation while running DyndoLod (not updating, generating static lod and atlas only).


log pt 1: https://pastebin.com/PVxtk9m7

Lot pt 2: https://pastebin.com/eAVUhd2P


Test if just selecting BSHeartland runs through or if it also fails just by itself.


Then check if it runs through when you set fall back for 3D tree LOD back to just billboard instead full model.


What's the tree mod setup? I see EVT, but what version and which install options? Any other tree mods, specific models maybe?

Posted (edited)

So...trying again with bsheartland disabled I got a bad_module_info error, then DWM.exe crashed repeatedly, then I got a bsod. I'm a little scared to try again. ^^;


I am using Cathedral Flora Overhaul and the realistic high altitude treeline.


EDIT: Oh and Skyrim is windy.

Edited by DarthVitrial

So...trying again with bsheartland disabled I got a bad_module_info error, then DWM.exe crashed repeatedly, then I got a bsod. I'm a little scared to try again. ^^;


I am using Cathedral Flora Overhaul and the realistic high altitude treeline.


EDIT: Oh and Skyrim is windy.

BSOD = hardware, driver problems. Check CPU cooling, overclocking settings etc. You need to fix this issue first before troubleshooting any other issues in the game, load order etc.

Posted (edited)

Hello Dragon, thank you for this awesome job :). 


I just have one question. 

Dyndolod was on "Closing Files" and "CMD: "Finished LOD level 4 coord [-12, -16] [166289/142922]  " for almost 1h (i´m still waiting).


Dyndolod closed, but LOdGeneratorCMD (CMD window) still running [Cpu, Ram and Disc]. Is it normal? I´m using High Settings and Ultra Trees.


Edited by ImperiusOmnis


Hello Dragon, thank you for this awesome job :). 
I just have one question. 
Dyndolod was on "Closing Files" and "CMD: "Finished LOD level 4 coord [-12, -16] [166289/142922]  " for almost 1h (i´m still waiting).
Dyndolod closed, but LOdGeneratorCMD (CMD window) still running [Cpu, Ram and Disc]. Is it normal? I´m using High Settings and Ultra Trees.


FAQ: LODGen.exe: Runs a long time / The LOD files generated are several GB in size

A: The selected configuration options require a lot of work. Do not manually close LODGen.exe. Wait for all processes to complete before closing DynDOLOD.
A: If there are more objects with LOD, it takes longer and creates larger files. If there are more triangles in the models used for LOD, it takes longer and creates larger files. If there are more triangles in the terrain meshes, it takes longer. 
A: Do not use the experimental TreeFullFallBack setting without understanding what it does and what it is for. 
Posted (edited)
Hello. I'm trying to install 3D Ultra Trees, from the video guide - WazaLang - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gu8inzs09s
These two guides are almost identical.
I do all the steps correctly at 100%, but in my game there is no LOD. Trees are loaded into the world only at a short distance from them.
If I make TreeLOD = 1 (in the file - DynDOLOD_SSE.ini) - everything works correctly, flat 2D files appear in the game. True, these LODs do not always coincide with the real tree.
I attach logs from Dondolod and screenshots of my MODs to the trees.
I hope someone can help me. I spent more than a week on this ((

<script src = "https://pastebin.com/embed_js/6MmnQSMp"> </ script>


Edited by sam_dmitry


Hello. I'm trying to install 3D Ultra Trees, from the video guide - WazaLang - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gu8inzs09s
These two guides are almost identical.
I do all the steps correctly at 100%, but in my game there is no LOD. Trees are loaded into the world only at a short distance from them.
If I make TreeLOD = 1 (in the file - DynDOLOD_SSE.ini) - everything works correctly, flat 2D files appear in the game. True, these LODs do not always coincide with the real tree.
I attach logs from Dondolod and screenshots of my MODs to the trees.
I hope someone can help me. I spent more than a week on this ((


<script src = "https://pastebin.com/embed_js/6MmnQSMp"> </ script>






I did not have time to edit my message in time (
Here are links to my logs from Dyndolod








Hello. I'm trying to install 3D Ultra Trees, from the video guide - WazaLang - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gu8inzs09s

, as well as TUCOGUIDE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10694?tab=description.

These two guides are almost identical.


I do all the steps correctly at 100%, but in my game there is no LOD. Trees are loaded into the world only at a short distance from them.


If I make TreeLOD = 1 (in the file - DynDOLOD_SSE.ini) - everything works correctly, flat 2D files appear in the game. True, these LODs do not always coincide with the real tree.


I attach logs from Dondolod and screenshots of my MODs to the trees.


I hope someone can help me. I spent more than a week on this ((



As suggested, check the logs for errors. Checking logs can immediately tell you what is wrong.


The DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt shows: 

<Error: LODGenx64.exe check the logfile for errors D:\\Games\\TES V - Skyrim SE\\DynDOLOD\\Logs\\LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt>

There were errors in one or more LODGen logs (see report above) resulting in incomplete static object LOD.
Check the LODGen logs and fix cause of errors.

The LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt shows:

Error reading meshes\\terrain\\Tamriel\\Tamriel.4.44.0.btr from BSA/BA2 The lz4 assembly requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtime installedlz4.AnyCPU.loader

The Requirements in the manual list:


Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable - Required by LODGen.exe. Get matching platform x86/x64 depending on which DynDOLOD.exe (x86) or DynDOLODx64.exe (x64) is used. LODGen.exe will print an explanatory message in case it is missing.


The 2015/2017 Redistributes are compatible. 


Use a legal copy of the game.

Posted (edited)

As suggested, check the logs for errors. Checking logs can immediately tell you what is wrong.


The DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt shows: 

<Error: LODGenx64.exe check the logfile for errors D:\\Games\\TES V - Skyrim SE\\DynDOLOD\\Logs\\LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt>

There were errors in one or more LODGen logs (see report above) resulting in incomplete static object LOD.
Check the LODGen logs and fix cause of errors.

The LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt shows:

Error reading meshes\\terrain\\Tamriel\\Tamriel.4.44.0.btr from BSA/BA2 The lz4 assembly requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtime installedlz4.AnyCPU.loader

The Requirements in the manual list:


Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable - Required by LODGen.exe. Get matching platform x86/x64 depending on which DynDOLOD.exe (x86) or DynDOLODx64.exe (x64) is used. LODGen.exe will print an explanatory message in case it is missing.


The 2015/2017 Redistributes are compatible. 


Use a legal copy of the game.


Holy cow. sheson Thank you so much!
I could not understand the error, because I had already installed all versions of Microsoft Visual C ++.
But I have already had both versions for x64 and x86 installed at the same time. This is very strange, but all my programs and games worked correctly, so I did not betray this value.
I deleted all x86, reinstalled 2015 and 2017 versions for x64 and Dindolod finally earned!





Use a legal copy of the game.

My conscience is clear, I have a license in Steam. But then I downloaded the game with a mod collection, on which one person worked for a long time, in terms of performance and optimization.
I just improve it.
It can be easily associated with legal Steam, but I am too lazy to do this)




Thank you for your work! Skyrim no longer looks bald and clumsy from afar)

Edited by sam_dmitry

Hi Sheson,


I've been using Winterhold Restored, for months, and now with the 2.58 DynDOLOD I got an instant CTD when I try to fast travel, or approach Winterhold.

When I disable DynDOLOD the issue has gone away.


I noticed that issue at the mod topic, as well.


Exactly, that is my issue:





I've been using your mod, for months...


Now, I saw that version:




" Winterhold Restored (Loose Version)


This update requires a new game.

Please read the pinned comments for more details before downloading.

Temporarily disable the BSA version and enable this version if you need to regenerate LODs for DynDOLOD."


I also used for months DynDOLOD, as well.




Tried twice, that version and generate the whole DynDOLOD process.


coc riverwood

(waiting everything is loaded, ...)


tmm 1


And, if I try to fast travel to Winterhold, every single time I got a sudden CTD. Every time.




After that, I deactivated DynDOLOD (Resources and Texgen + DynDOLOD)

So, load order is the same.


Load, that save without DynDOLOD, and works fine. (Fast Travel from Riverwood to Winterhold)


I followed your rules, and while I generated DynDOLOD disabled the BSA version, enabled the Loose Version.

After finish, the process deactivated loose one, and let the BSA version.


Before, I never ever had to issue something like that.


It is obviously related to DynDOLOD or your Loose version, and the rest...






I re-run DynDOLOD again, BUT with the BSA version.

I used for months, and of course the newest DynDOLOD for SSE, 2.58.


Very odd!


1.) It can't because of load order issue, cause without DynDOLOD (just disabled at MO2) it works fine. So, the load order does not change.

2.) It can't bemod issue, cause in that case without DynDOLOD I also should get CTD, but not.


After I finish with the new process, I will give feedback...



Do you have any idea, what could be wrong?!





I also didn't notice at all with LOD with the BSA version.


- So, I do not really understand why the Loose version exists?

- Nobody, told issue like that?




Sadly, the same issue with the BSA version, as well.

I moved your mod at the very button of my load order.


coc riverwood

coc whiterun


When I want to fast travel, sudden CTD.


Hmmmm.... I have no idea...


The same CTD, just when I am just trying to approach at Winterhold. For instance, from The Shrine Of Azura, and down the path to Winterhold...

I didn't have any issue with the previous one. Which is sadly don't have. :/"



I accept any idea, how can I solve that issue.



Hi Sheson,


It looks like, I also have almost the exact same issue with Winterhold Restored after generated DynDOLOD. :/

That issue in the meantime solved, cause mod author updated Winterhold Restored to 2.1, and found out the issue was cause Majestic Mountain also updated to 2.2


After that, that CTD issue has gone away totally.


In the meantime, we had a new issue with DynDOLOD, when Dragonsreach top was missing.

And you fixed it, with the 2.58 version of DynDOLOD.


ATM, with DynDOLOD 2.59 I have that issue:


1.) I can fast travel to Winterhold, but not to the College of Winterhold. (CTD)

2.) % to another part of Winterhold Restored (stable, or the part of the valley (near the ocean), or to the church, and I can step to the inn at Winterhold.

3.) When I go out from the Inn, and starting to move, approach where Faralda is stand, I got a sudden CTD again. :/





Without DynDOLOD, just use Winterhold Restored 2.1 (BSA or Loose version) does not matter no issue at all.

So, the mos is fine. And also I have such mod, which releated to that issue. (for instance a broken NIF file, or something like that)


The issue is 99% again with DynDOLOD.


I will generate DynDOLOD again, but just for Tamriel Worldspace, and I guess I again will ask yoursupoort what's going on.

(bugreport, log files, etc...)


Thank You in advance!


I really hope, you can find out what's going on...

Posted (edited)

Hi Sheson,


It looks like, I also have almost the exact same issue with Winterhold Restored after generated DynDOLOD. :/

That issue in the meantime solved, cause mod author updated Winterhold Restored to 2.1, and found out the issue was cause Majestic Mountain also updated to 2.2


After that, that CTD issue has gone away totally.


In the meantime, we had a new issue with DynDOLOD, when Dragonsreach top was missing.

And you fixed it, with the 2.58 version of DynDOLOD.


ATM, with DynDOLOD 2.59 I have that issue:


1.) I can fast travel to Winterhold, but not to the College of Winterhold. (CTD)

2.) % to another part of Winterhold Restored (stable, or the part of the valley (near the ocean), or to the church, and I can step to the inn at Winterhold.

3.) When I go out from the Inn, and starting to move, approach where Faralda is stand, I got a sudden CTD again. :/





Without DynDOLOD, just use Winterhold Restored 2.1 (BSA or Loose version) does not matter no issue at all.

So, the mos is fine. And also I have such mod, which releated to that issue. (for instance a broken NIF file, or something like that)


The issue is 99% again with DynDOLOD.


I will generate DynDOLOD again, but just for Tamriel Worldspace, and I guess I again will ask yoursupoort what's going on.

(bugreport, log files, etc...)


Thank You in advance!


I really hope, you can find out what's going on...

There is to post all that superfluous information about unrelated problems from the past you had with mods. Stick to the problem and information at hand.


It seems there is a problem with the load order. That issue might cause CTD. Read the DynDOLOD FAQ entry about CTD. It points to the readme with hints how to troubleshoot missing or invalid NIFs.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)

sheson, on 17 Apr 2019 - 3:56 PM, said:

There is to post all that superfluous information about unrelated problems from the past you had with mods. Stick to the problem and information at hand.
It seems there is a problem with the load order. That issue might cause CTD. Read the DynDOLOD FAQ entry about CTD. It points to the readme with hints how to troubleshoot missing or invalid NIFs.



It can't be! Before that also got something like that info, and found out the issue is with MM, and later DynDOLOD (missing Dragonreach top)


It can't be load order issue, cause without DynDOLOD everything works fine. Load order does not change, after I generate DynDOLOD. (just the DynDOLOD files)

Everything else works fine, I can fast travel anywhere, no CTD at all. Nothing.

I can run for hours at Winterhold Restored installed, BUT just without DynDOLOD.

Beleive me, I know, what could cause CTD. ATM, 99% sure it is DnyDOLOD.

(before that also DynDOLOD waas the guilty one, not load order, or anything else.)

It is also can't be NIF issue. Got it Sheson:

Without DynDOLOD no issue at all. The NIF files are there!

I generated a new DynDOLOD, but just for Tamriel, without xLODGEN, just TexGen and DynDOLOD. Nothing else.

Please, answer that question:


  1.     How could it be, that without DynDOLOD I have no issue at all?
  2.     No CTD; No Load order issue; NIF files is there (and SSE AssestOptimized), etc...

How could it be, that without DynDOLOD I have zero issue?!

Something logic answer?

I read the manual.

So, I do not post anything, at all?!

For me it is obvious my CTD is because of DynDOLOD.

I thought this is the DynDOLOD support topic.

I have some idea, that maybe No Snow Under The Roof.


















Again, the only thing I can say, and repeat myself:


Edited by kranazoli

I am a real GENIUS, I thought it right.

The CTD is releated to NSUTR + DynDOLOD together.




I can solve it.


Thank you for your cooperation.
(No sense to live without sarcasm and neurons)


Watch the (our) video at my signature! (...from love...)

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