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I was following Gamerpoet's video and screwed up. I checked all the configuration options he said to uncheck and didn't catch it until he reviewed the settings after editing all the navmeshes. That's what I get for modding when I'm exhausted, but I was frustrated enough I wasn't about to go through all of them by hand again. Even though I've never touched Pascal before, I decided to dig in and create a FO3Mod script to fix the navmeshes instead.


I've attached the script in case anyone wants to try it out or would be so kind as to double-check my work. The forum software wouldn't permit me to upload a *.pas file. So I've changed it to .txt.


To use it:


1. Rename the attached file from .txt to .pas

2. Copy it to your FO3Edit Edit Scripts directory

3. Run FO3Edit

4. Select Fallout3, all of the DLC, and nothing else

5. Click OK

6. Right-Click on any of the ESMs in the left pane

7. Select Apply Script

8. Select the 'FO3 Fix NavMeshes' script

9. Click OK

10. Exit FO3Edit

11. Be sure to save the changes to ThePitt.esm and BrokenSteel.esm


This script should probably be considered experimental until it's been tested and proven a bit. I've double-checked things in FO3Edit and compared the FormIDs and updated resources to what shows up in GamerPoet's video. At this point, I think its doing the right thing, but haven't finished modding FO3. So I'll proceed through the guide. If everything goes well, maybe I'll upload it to Nexus later.




Here's a log of the script running, it at least shows all the FormID's modified and the list of things being updated:

Applying script...
Processing: ThePitt.esm
Processing: 0005A7C0 and 4 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A7C1] (for [CELL:000012AD] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -13,29))
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A7CA] (for [CELL:0000128D] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -12,30))
  Updating: [NAVM:0007859B] (for [CELL:0000128F] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -14,30))
Processing: 0005A7BF and 3 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0006DF59] (for [CELL:0000126F] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -13,31))
  Updating: [NAVM:0007859A] (for [CELL:0000128F] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -14,30))
Processing: 0005A76F and 6 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A762] (for [CELL:000012D2] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -20,28))
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A763] (for [CELL:000012D2] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -20,28))
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A76E] (for [CELL:000012EE] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -19,27))
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A777] (for [CELL:000012D0] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -18,28))
  Updating: [NAVM:02001844] (for DLC01RadioTower [CELL:000012B3] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -19,29))
Processing: 0005A772 and 5 references...
  Updating: [NAVM:00003188] (for [CELL:000012B4] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -20,29))
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A76F] (for [CELL:000012D1] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -19,28))
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A775] (for [CELL:000012B2] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -18,29))
  Updating: [NAVM:02001842] (for [CELL:00001294] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -19,30))
Processing: 0005A760 and 4 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A772] (for DLC01RadioTower [CELL:000012B3] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -19,29))
  Updating: [NAVM:0005A773] (for [CELL:00001293] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -18,30))
  Updating: SlaveCamptoPittWorldREF [REFR:020009A9] (places DLC01SlaveCampToPittDoor "Door" [DOOR:02006334] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00002DB4] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C]) at -19,30)
Processing: BrokenSteel.esm
Processing: 000749FB and 2 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:000BC364] (for FFnukaJackknife [CELL:00001569] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 13,24))
Processing: 000749FA and 2 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:000749EA] (for [CELL:00001549] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 12,25))
Processing: 00072078 and 8 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0005E8BA] (for DLC03EnclaveCamp02 [CELL:0000158B] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 12,23))
  Updating: [NAVM:000749EA] (for [CELL:00001549] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 12,25))
  Updating: [NAVM:000749EC] (for [CELL:0000156B] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 11,24))
  Updating: [NAVM:000749FD] (for [CELL:00001549] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 12,25))
  Updating: [NAVM:000BC364] (for FFnukaJackknife [CELL:00001569] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 13,24))
  Updating: [NAVM:000BF125] (for [CELL:00001549] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 12,25))
  Updating: [NAVM:000C79C7] (for [CELL:0000156B] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 11,24))
Processing: 0007294E and 3 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:00072964] (for [CELL:00000D95] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 13,-16))
  Updating: ProjectPurityNavmesh06a [NAVM:030094D4] (for [CELL:00000D95] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at 13,-16))
Processing: 0005FA14 and 6 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:0005FA15] (for [CELL:0000134D] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -8,23))
  Updating: [NAVM:000603D3] (for [CELL:00001333] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,24))
  Updating: [NAVM:00063123] (for [CELL:00001364] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,22))
  Updating: [NAVM:0006DE2A] (for [CELL:0000134B] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,23))
  Updating: [REFR:0300734D] (places SiloDoor "Silo Door" [DOOR:00098733] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00002DB4] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C]) at -7,23)
Processing: 00071F47 and 6 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:00071F45] (for [CELL:000010B2] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -12,-3))
  Updating: [NAVM:00071F49] (for JuryStreetMetroExterior [CELL:000010B0] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,-3))
  Updating: [NAVM:00071F4A] (for [CELL:0000109B] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -11,-2))
  Updating: [NAVM:00073F64] (for [CELL:000010C8] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -11,-4))
  Updating: [REFR:030068E6] (places ParadiseDoor01 "Door" [DOOR:0005875C] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00002DB4] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C]) at -11,-3)
Processing: 00071F46 and 3 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: [NAVM:00071F48] (for JuryStreetMetroExterior [CELL:000010B0] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,-3))
  Updating: [NAVM:00071F49] (for JuryStreetMetroExterior [CELL:000010B0] (in Wasteland "Wasteland" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,-3))
Processing: 00056D72 and 1 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
Processing: 000C6E56 and 4 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
  Updating: CitadelExteriorBTo02REF [REFR:00020AE1] (places OffDoorMetalSmL01 "Door" [DOOR:00019CF5] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00015158] (in CitadelWorld "The Citadel Courtyard" [WRLD:00015145]) at 8,-13)
  Updating: [NAVM:0006FBF1] (for CitadelBaileyNE [CELL:00036AE7] (in CitadelWorld "The Citadel Courtyard" [WRLD:00015145] at 9,-13))
  Updating: [NAVM:0006FBFD] (for CitadelBaileySW [CELL:00036AEA] (in CitadelWorld "The Citadel Courtyard" [WRLD:00015145] at 8,-14))
Processing: 000B2260 and 1 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
Processing: 000B225D and 1 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
Processing: 000B21E7 and 1 references...
  Updating: [NAVI:00014B92]
[Apply Script done]  Processed Records: 0, Elapsed Time: 00:01

FO3 Fix NavMeshes.txtFetching info...


Hey brother = )
I'll respond better to your message later... but suggest that this process should be run at the END of your modding session (manual or auto, either way). xEdit carries forward records to your mods to make sure that if there are mods installed that use these navmeshes (very unlikely, but it may happen) it corrects them as well.


EDIT: I haven't checked the script out either but it needs to be those specific ID's listed in the video, and if your plugins are not in the correct order it's going to fail. 


Thanks. I didn't see a way to attach the script to the conversation on Nexus and wasn't sure the best way to reach out.


If the process needs to be run at the end of modding to pickup any other mods that may refer to the "bogus" form ID's, I will need to update the script to address overrides as well as references. I could base that off of similar logic in FO3Edit's ShowChangeReferencedBy function which is invoked by the Change FormID command. However, I left it out for now, since I had nothing that exhibited the behavior to test it with and make sure it worked.

If anyone is aware of mods that refer to any of the DLC ID's 02004157, 02004156, 02001841, 02001844, 02001842, 03005338, 03005339, 0300533A, 030094CE, 03007351, 03006867, 03006868, 030091CC, 0300CA1F, 03008998, 03008997, or 03008996 shown in the video, I'd be happy load them up, add the logic, and test it.


I THINK there is a conflict with one of these navmeshes and the handicapped water beggars mod. That was the only one that I came across that had a navmesh conflict if memory serves (regarding mods I used).

Posted (edited)

Good memory,


Handicapped water beggars doesn't override any of the navmeshes. It has a conflict with FormID 00020AE1. Where it removes the XNDP - Navigation Door Link. Here's the conflict displayed using the original unmodified DLC files.



In this case it doesn't matter whether Broken Steel's 0300CA1F NAVM is changed to 000C6E56 before or after Beggars is added to the load order. What I think is needed is a minor patch to Beggars that copies the XNDP record with the right NAVM FormID or a manual edit of Beggars to remove the form ID 00020AE1 override. You may already have that and I just haven't gotten far enough in the guide yet.

Edited by rdp4life

I knew it was something = ) 

I spend way too much time working on "this stuff" lol = )

Edit:... didn't get to the point to where i made my patches... My Way cut short for FO3 at part 7 due to moving things over (most likely) to TTW. 3.0 has tons of optimization and I can't make myself want to go back to default fo3 after playing it there. Lots of help from Roy with my guides. (this Navmesh process is his.. and he wanted me to make sure to tell people to do it towards the end of the their modding session)... 


Once I figure out what way My Way will go I will update accordingly. If I go TTW My Way will go in my archives.. if I stay FO3 default I'll update what needs to. I've been working everything out on paper first... nearly 100 google doc pages at the moment.. on break while creating an MO2 and Manual Merge series. 

  • 2 years later...

The script is linked at the bottom of the first post above. Click the "FO3 Fix NavMeshes.txt" to download the file and rename it to "FO3 Fix NavMeshes.pas".

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