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  On 4/12/2018 at 7:54 PM, Schvanys_Epitome said:

These screens are from Bevilex' Modlist. Not sure if you want to use them or not. (https://imgur.com/n8A5rGB) (https://imgur.com/S2NsM28)

Very nice. Thank you for sharing. :) I will most likely include a couple of screenshots from Bevilex' modlist as we have integrated most of those mods into the Morroblivion Overhaul. However, I would really like to incorporate mostly the additional Vvardenfell worldspace and Morrowind related screenshots for the majority of the TLS loading screens. I would also like some screenshots from the Tamriel Rebuilt worldspace, as well as any of the other Morroblivion mods that we use.


In the next few hours I will begin work on cleaning up the latest revision of Morroblivion Overhaul Version 2.0: The Modular Build. Afterwards, I will slowly edit in all the new content. There will be drastic changes in the revised guide. Remember, if you are currently following the guide, you should be following the version that was last edited on February 3, 2018: https://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=User_talk:Diana_TES_GotH/Morroblivion_Overhaul&oldid=101827


My current goal for completion of the revision is sometime during the summer break (end of May); however, real life must take priority and I can not guarantee that I can stick to a time table.

  On 3/16/2018 at 7:57 PM, claudentziu said:

I've looked over your screen shots and noticed that this character is from RTT.esp. I know I'm late in trying to get this figured out, but have you reviewed this information in TES4Edit? It may be that you can drag the missing or corrupted file from another mod with a working file to correct the problem. I'm not even certain if I will be keeping Ruined Tails Tales in the revised modlist, but if I do, I will dive deeper into this issue.

Posted (edited)
There will be a completely new format for the Morroblivion Overhaul guide. To alleviate the strain on the STEP Wiki server, it will need to broken up into sub-sections. The main page of the guide will consist mainly of the Table of Contents with an Introduction. Each section of the guide will then have a link to a new subpage. I have already created a Morroblivion Overhaul/Morroblivion Overhaul Subpage which will contain the following contents:


1.1 Pre-Installation Setup

1.1.1 Clean Install of Morrowind & Oblivion

1.1.2 Launcher Options

1.1.3 Working Folder

1.1.4 Backing Up Morrowind and Oblivion

1.2 Install Utilities

1.3 INI Tweaks

1.4 Display & Video Card Settings

1.5 Final Pre-Installation Notes

1.5.1 Suggestions for In-Game Testing

1.6 BOSS Sorting

1.7 Launching Morroblivion

1.8 Tips & Troubleshooting Common Issues

1.9 Credits


When I begin formatting the Modlist sections, they will also be contained within a subpage of the main page. There are other benefits to this as well as helping reduce stress on the STEP Wiki server.


z929669 pointed out to us that "Also, using links that open in other tabs could help, particularly when you are editing the guide. Imagine: user is looking at your guide (while you are in the midst of editing), user clicks a link on your guide, link replaces current browser content, you save your edit, user clicks 'back', user must reload entire page, since it has changed (or their local cache misses your changes, potentially ... can't get around that I suppose)"


Hopefully the new format will be acceptable to our users. 

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
  On 4/19/2018 at 11:10 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

I might have to sneak peek at your code Diana As I am planning break mine up a little more too. We can bounce ideas off each to help alleviate any future Wiki issues.

That sounds good to me. The honey and I just finished dinner, so as soon as he goes to bed I'll probably start editing those subpages into the guide.

Posted (edited)
  On 4/20/2018 at 6:09 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

Diana, Can I ask how you added all the Images?

When you are inside the edit screen, you can drag an image into the Dropbox when you select Advanced edit. I'll see if I can take a screenshot to share on imgur for you.




You have to "Click" to upload the file. Make certain to give it a unique name so that is distinguished from other files uploaded on STEP Wiki. Here is a link to those files. https://wiki.step-project.com/Special:ListFiles


Uh oh, I didn't realize mine uploaded...lol....

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH

Thanks, Diana I decided to do it a slightly different way I am uploading Images to Imgur and then simply adding a link to them from my guide.


Also i have added Credit to you and a link to your Morroblivion Overhaul guide.

  On 4/20/2018 at 11:33 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

Thanks, Diana I decided to do it a slightly different way I am uploading Images to Imgur and then simply adding a link to them from my guide.


Also i have added Credit to you and a link to your Morroblivion Overhaul guide.

Oh thank you. I will do the same for you. I frequently recommend both your guides for users seeking Skyrim guides for both LE and SE. I'll add a recommendation on my page as well to spread the love.  :wub:

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

As I'm testing Oblivion builds with MO2, I am also creating several different profiles to test the limits of how many mods it can handle. The following builds will be blended into the upcoming revision of the guide:


Oblivion Vanilla Enhanced by mmclendon

Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics by Bevilex


laiilaiiheii is on sabbatical, which means Frosty's Oblivion Gameplay Overhaul Tutorial is not currently being maintained. However, Oblivion Ultimate Modding Guide - Gameplay and Immersion will be an excellent and maybe even superior substitution.


Expect Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics to be updated in the near future. I am tracking it on the Nexus and look forward to the update.


The guide is now broken down into subpages to alleviate the strain on the STEP Wiki server. Feel free to check out the new format and give suggestions for improvement. However, keep in mind that linking subpages will be the new "normal" for Morroblivion Overhaul. So please avoid complaining about this necessary reformat style.


For the modular build I have added two new terms that should help users make an informed selection of mods. Each section will now include a selection of either of the following:


Vanilla Enhanced - A term that refers to models and textures that enhance content and is "lore friendly" or only visually different in terms of quality and/or better performance. Vanilla Enhanced will be flagged as CORE, meaning that the mod is a full part of the guide and is expected to be installed.


Graphics Expanded - A term that refers to models and textures that expand content and may appear visually different than vanilla content. Graphics Expanded will be flagged as OPTIONAL, meaning that the user may opt to install the Graphics Expanded section instead of the Vanilla Enhanced section. It is not recommended to install both together.
Of course, the guide is still in [WIP] and all of the edits are not currently in place on the STEP Wiki page. Again, please feel free to make any suggestions for improving the new format, or even recommendations for other mods you would like to see included in the next revision while I am still in the testing phase.
Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
  • 3 weeks later...
This is just an update on the status of the guide revision. I'm taking just a short break from TES and Morroblivion to hopefully clear some "brain fog" and rejuvenate myself for the guide revision.


I'm currently reading The Witcher Series books. I now have The Witcher Trilogy from Steam and intend to play them after I finish reading the books.

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