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I'll be taking a leave of absence for a month or longer. I am only just recovering from a back injury and then afterwards I fell ill from a virus. My energy and strength has been spent.  Hopefully any veteran users of this guide will be able to kick in when help is needed. I'll try to catch up with it all when I am fully recovered and able. 

Posted (edited)

Rest up and get well Diana   ::):


Hopefully you'll be able to get back sooner, rather than later.


Again, thanks for all your time and effort on this guide   :clap:


Kind regards,

Dodgy Bob



PS - Sorry I wasn't able to kick in and help with doing a GOG run through of this guide as well, things changed for me over the Christmas holidays and as such, I'm still not there yet!

Edited by DodgyBob
Posted (edited)

An update on my health: I was prescribed a strong series of antibiotics that I will be taking for about a week. Hopefully my health will improve if we can rid my body of the infection it developed when I fell ill a few weeks back. If not, another trip to the doctor it will be. I just want you all to know that I'll hopefully be back in shape soon to dive back into this project. 


Until then, I'm fooling around with my husband's Xbox One Skyrim Special Edition and attempting to get his game modded. I'm learning just how limited console players are when it comes to modding. I still prefer my PC games and the ability to mod as I see fit...lol. I may end up creating a STEP like guide for console players by the time I figure out how to give my husband the best experience on his Xbox One.


Hopefully you are all doing well. I'll catch up again soon.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
  • +1 1
Posted (edited)
The guide is going to need an update this Spring or Summer. I'll be looking over a few new mods, so if anyone wishes to put in their requests, please feel free to. 


A new CR Patch will need to be created. The crpatch.esp that is uploaded to the Nexus only works for the current guide. Since jdsmith2816 has taken a break from the gaming scene for while it will be up to us to create our own this time around.


I also wish to make it a little more modular so that users can pick and choose the mods they wish to install. Any suggestions on this will be welcome as well.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
For anyone currently following this guide, please note that I will be updating it. The following link will take users to the current stable version of the guide. When I finish editing the guide, I will make certain to make you all aware. Hopefully linking users to this version will cause less confusion as changes are made. Please bookmark this link until I have made all the necessary revisions:


Morroblivion Overhaul&oldid=101827


I spent some time this evening trying to clarify the TES4LL instructions in the guide. The Install Essential Utilities section seemed to be more confusing for users. Hopefully the revised instructions will be more easily understood. I have added BOSS back into the section. DDSopt has also been added. 


Feel free to take a peek at the revisions being made to the guide as I move along. However, I still recommend that users wait to begin following along until I am satisfied it is ready for release and testing. This may take several more weeks or months. Morroblivion Overhaul is the stable version to date.

Posted (edited)

i just finished modding last night...and the game wont load to main menu...first screen...

Mod list:

Active Mod Files:
  Reveal hidden contents

just before Morroblivion Profile everything worked and now it's not loading
EDIT- without crpatch it starts...:(
         Should i Create mysel a patch?
         and what about the last Bashed Patch, what options do i chose?
Edited by claudentziu
Posted (edited)
  On 3/8/2018 at 6:59 AM, claudentziu said:


i just finished modding last night...and the game wont load to main menu...first screen...

Mod list:

Active Mod Files:
  Reveal hidden contents

just before Morroblivion Profile everything worked and now it's not loading
EDIT- without crpatch it starts...:(
         Should i Create mysel a patch?
         and what about the last Bashed Patch, what options do i chose?


The Bashed Patch is really more a personal preference. The list we place in the Test the Game sections are all that is needed. 


As for the crpatch.esp, some of the merged mods may be renumbering FormIDs. Load the crpatch.esp in TES4Edit. Check it for errors and then correct the errors by either dragging from a good record to replace the bad reference, or remove the Error reference altogether.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
Posted (edited)
hey,did u heal?

wish u well anyway! :P


  Reveal hidden contents

[00:00] Checking for Errors in [4F] crpatch.esp

[00:00] CheydinhalGuardFaction "Cheydinhal Guards" [FACT:000034B9]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] BravilGuards "Bravil guards faction" [FACT:0000A070]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] AnvilGuards "Anvil guard faction" [FACT:0000A270]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] MQ13BattleAllies "MQ13 allies faction" [FACT:000272BF]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ChorrolGuardFaction "Chorrol Guard Faction" [FACT:00029F80]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] SkingradGuardFaction "Skingrad Guards" [FACT:0002A819]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] LeyawiinGuards "Leyawiin Guard faction" [FACT:00034E70]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] BrumaGuardFaction [FACT:00035EBD]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ImperialLegion "Imperial Legion" [FACT:0018B117]

[00:00]     FACT \ Relations \ XNAM - Relation \ Faction -> [21001BA7] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] xxMiniTreasureSack01 "Treasure Sack" [CONT:3E03D055]

[00:00]     CONT \ Items \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> [342D125D] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00]     CONT \ Items \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> [342D125E] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00]     CONT \ Items \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> [342D125F] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00]     CONT \ Items \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> [342D1261] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00]     CONT \ Items \ CNTO - Item \ Item -> [342D1264] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] UlfgarFogEye "Ulfgar Fog-Eye" [NPC_:0000A27B]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [10012761] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] DidierAumilie "Didier Aumilie" [NPC_:0000A281]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [1001276D] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] Hasathil "Hasathil" [NPC_:0000A29C]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [10012767] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] Maelona "Maelona" [NPC_:0000A2A2]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [1001276A] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] AnvilGuardCityPostDay02 "Anvil Guard" [NPC_:0000BFFB]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [10012773] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [10012771] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] AnvilGuardCityPostNight02 "Anvil Guard" [NPC_:0000BFFC]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [10012773] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [1001276E] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] BeggarAnvilPennilessOlvus "Penniless Olvus" [NPC_:00015D7F]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [10012760] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] bgZMG1GarraduggraShudrulIC "Garradug gra-Shudrul" [NPC_:4B01EC53]

[00:00]     NPC_ \ AI Packages \ PKID - AI Package -> [3C12010F] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:03] All Done!

Edited by claudentziu
  On 3/8/2018 at 7:27 AM, Diana_TES_GotH said:

The Bashed Patch is really more a personal preference. The list we place in the Test the Game sections are all that is needed. 


As for the crpatch.esp, some of the merged mods may be renumbering FormIDs. Load the crpatch.esp in TES4Edit. Check it for errors and then correct the errors by either dragging from a good record to replace the bad reference, or remove the Error reference altogether.

fixed, TY a LOT!

now to deal with some missing meshes:P:))

  On 3/8/2018 at 9:19 AM, claudentziu said:

fixed, TY a LOT!

now to deal with some missing meshes:P:))

Thank you. I'm still struggling a bit with fatigue, but I believe I am healing.  In order for us to help resolve missing meshes, we'll need more information. List the location, FormID, and Screenshots, etc..., providing as much information to us as possible.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/8/2018 at 11:20 AM, Diana_TES_GotH said:

Thank you. I'm still struggling a bit with fatigue, but I believe I am healing.  In order for us to help resolve missing meshes, we'll need more information. List the location, FormID, and Screenshots, etc..., providing as much information to us as possible.

fixed,i reinstalled [Fixes] Harvest Containers

cause i was missing containers...for now...

take care of ur health...now if the game runs,there is nothin i cant fix...;)



Finaly after 3 days of modding I can play Morroblivion...:P:))

BTW,how do i get to Morrowind>? cause i started in the my new gameplay in the jail..:)



the Error references were the last stepping stones...because of them i almost gave up...:(

TY again!:P

Edited by claudentziu
Posted (edited)
  On 3/8/2018 at 1:43 PM, claudentziu said:

fixed,i reinstalled [Fixes] Harvest Containers

cause i was missing containers...for now...

take care of ur health...now if the game runs,there is nothin i cant fix...;)



Finaly after 3 days of modding I can play Morroblivion...:P:))

BTW,how do i get to Morrowind>? cause i started in the my new gameplay in the jail..:)



the Error references were the last stepping stones...because of them i almost gave up...:(

TY again!:P

I really hope you enjoy the game. Share screen shots if you can. Also, let us know of any bugs you experience. 


To start in Morrowind, you need to edit the Morroblivion.ini: set mwMainMenu.AltStart to 1

To start in Oblivion, you need to edit the Morroblivion.ini: set mwMainMenu.AltStart to 0


P.S. If you have the Alternate Start mod from the Quests section activated, you can only start in Oblivion.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH

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