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Duplicate loot chests.


I'm currently working on the the 2.3.0 Core and I started a new game with the world space patch disabled.


When I went back to an earlier save (where the fault existed) with the ver 6 enabled the issues it gone.


If you are experiencing duplicate loot chests and unable to loot some corpses I recommend disabling the worldspace patch start an new game, Let er settle for 60sec then exit FO4 enable world space and check if the issue persists.


I'm mistaken it's a mod or patch causing it still investigating.

It's weaponsmith. So all good the issue can be resolved without me buying Jonson'n'Jonson . I'll post a fix in the morning.

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It's weaponsmith. So all good the issue can be resolved without me buying Jonson'n'Jonson . I'll post a fix in the morning.

MODWiki-ModernWeapons-Patch v2.2.3


NOTE: the new version of weaponsmith required edits to the CORE. These will be available at a later date(not game breaking)


Updated https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Gernash/Plugin_Weapons#Weaponsmith_Extended



This should fix Some LL issues and Missing icons

If you have the issue with any containers (Steamer trunks, Safes etc) that seem to have multiple loot frames please report it.


NOTE: I re-read some of the earlier posts of duplicate teddy bears and some other objects. If you use the V5 or V6 style patches you cannot use the Holotapes to configure compatibility with worldspace mods. I have statically made changes and it will Bork your game. You will need to change the settings back and fast travel or load into/out of an instance.

Edited by Gernash
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Going back after a few days (organising a Sea Change in 3 weeks = no fun  ::P: ) I see there is a new world patch

What settings do you need for bUseCombinedObjects and bUsePreCulledObjects for v6 ?



Well, now I'm curious... If you don't mind my asking, what's a Sea Change (unless you mean it in the generic "big shuffling around at work!" sort of way)?  The capital letters makes me think it's something more specific than that.


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bUseCombinedObjects=1 or 0 I don't think it matters (I've not played with scrap mod to see if it's still needed) but I find that some occlusion objects that use textures flicker if it's set to 0


  fallout4.ini  (is had to be in the fallout4.ini)

bUsePreCulledObjects=0 This loads the new VIS an precombined

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Well, now I'm curious... If you don't mind my asking, what's a Sea Change (unless you mean it in the generic "big shuffling around at work!" sort of way)?  The capital letters makes me think it's something more specific than that.


By sea change I meant moving country.

Last Friday, works told me I have to report to our London Office on May 2nd

So lots of things to organise in less than 3 weeks

Yay... :dry:

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By sea change I meant moving country.

Last Friday, works told me I have to report to our London Office on May 2nd

So lots of things to organise in less than 3 weeks

Yay... :dry:



That's a tad different than buying the house down the block. Good luck to you!

(Personally, it takes more time than that for me to decide what to have for dinner!)

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England? Well that would be very nice having a job you can travel. Lets you have a look and poke around and smell the natives.


Also you can take pick to make texture from ;)


(I've always wondered why people haven't taken stills in Scotland and northern Europe for Textures in Skyrim)

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So I'm popping through, doing a rebuild. Under the instructions for BethINI, it says to check windowed but when I do that my the screen gets really big.


bfullscreen should be 1, correct?

Edited by rayhne
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