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I'm a little confused about the Auto Doors DLC Unofficial Patch instructions. They say that we are to download the Main File: AD_Vaultec, which leaves us with AD_VaultTec.esp in our load order.


However, when I compare my load order to yours (courtesy of a not-quite-ready-for-prime-time LOOT sorting), I see that you actually have AD_DLC.esp, which is the esp that gets downloaded with Main File: AD_DLC. You don't have AD_Vaultec.esp at all.


Which should we have in our load order?

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Auto Doors contains Autodoors.esp

Auto Doors DLS Unofficial Patch contains AD_DLC.esp


(It's more for those who FO4Edit and can see how to attach auto doors to doors)


The must have been an update and I missed updating the MOD in the Wiki. 



Sorry for the confusion I've changed it now to reflect the correct changes.

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Awesome work with the patches and the guide


A couple of questions:

1. I do not want to use the weapons-plugin due to the ammount of weapons weaponsmith extended adds but Weaponsmith - VIS Icon Patch.esp is a master to your core patch

2. Should we use the worldspace patch, the navmesh patch or both?

3. Could you provide a more updated loadorder, maybe share your loadorder.txt file? I made a simple program that reorders my loadorder.txt following yours as a master skipping mods you use that I don't. Several mods that are in the guide weren't in your loadorder.txt.


Edit: apparently I can't write proper sentences anymore, fixed that...

Edited by dreadflopp
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1. the MODWiki - Core contains an overwrite esp that is a cutdown version for vanilla so yes install it


2. All the ranting in the last page of the forums is about that Do you want to use World space mods? the game will be most stable at this point with out any worldspace mods. 

Tell me what you want to use and I'll try and help


3. hmm I cant really do that as I've been experimenting with stuff and cant give you a Nice clean load order from mine as yet. the Only thing missing from the posted load order at the bottom of the wiki is the clothing patch/update I did recently to play with settlers and those mods can go anywhere as long as they are above the settler patch and blow the Bettersettlers.esp


Forgiven you have been reading my chicken scratch too long and have embraced the dark side.....

I'll overhaul the world space mods next couple of weeks and I'll patch out the need for them over the weekend.

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1. Am I understanding this correctly, Weaponsmith - VIS Icon Patch.esp should be installed even if you do not use Weaponsmith?


2. I have seen that. First and foremost, I want the game to be stable so I decided to skip 3DNPC. Removing it from your core-patch is easy as it isn't that many records that are patched. Maybe you should move those records to your woldspace patch? The worldspace mods I use are the ones in your guide except 3DNPC: plent o exploration, stumble upon interiors, lexington interiors, beantown interiors, subway runner. Maybe I should skip all of them for now and add them as you have checked it in more detail. They can be added later if you force a cell reset, right? I really need to learn to make navmesh patches myself.


3. Ok, I'll use the one you have shared in the wiki. If you want I can share my little program when it's done. All it does is take a text file as a master and reorders entries in another textfile, putting the entries that weren't in the master last. This way it is easy to find the plugins that needs to checked for conflicts and manually sorted by the user . I really do not like LOOT and I'm planning to use this for my STEP packs when STEP is updated for Skyrim SE.



Forgiven you have been reading my chicken scratch too long and have embraced the dark side.....

Well, I probably should be working on my Skyrim mod instead of modding/playing Fallout ::):


Have you checked these mods, I am trying them atm but just started the game so I haven't checked them ingame:

TNR Shoulder Lamp https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17860/?

Valentine REBORN https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9568/?

Eli's armor compendium https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22431/?

Survival quick save https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12593/?


The last one is nice if you play on survival and doesn't trust the game to not ctd.

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1. Yes I use the INNR system it introduces for the ICONS. and weapon naming. Because it's a MOD and I did not write it.


2. Yes 3DNPC will be patched out and all World space mods. I'm moving to a new patching system for those type of mods as they cause all sorts of issues.

Recommend disabling Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project Revised or just deleting all the cell and worldspace edits apart from the trough entries.


I've had zero issues adding and removing those types mods my save game is functional.


3. yea would be nice for others to organize their mods. 



Yea I've seen those mods I was thinking of doing a section about cybernetics.... but I want to tidy up world space as it's the NO1 issue people are having.


I have a survival mode overhaul bubbling away on the pot...

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A couple of more things:


1) The following plugins are not in your posted loadorder. Anything that's there that shouldn't be there?



AA LMSE_BetterSettlers11c_Patch_Mortal.esp
AA LMSE_FarHarbor.esp
AA LMSE_VariedRaiders_Patch.esp
AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR Power Armor.esp
Evil Detective Outfit.esp
Grasslands - Healthy.esp
Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp
NAC-PRC Nucleartime.esp
NAC-PRC Summertime.esp
NAC-PRC Wintertime.esp
Waterworld.esp (yours is named akaWaterworld.esp)


2. HUDFramework contains HUDMenu.swf that overwrites the one we autopatch and put in the DEF_UI folder

3. Some of the files that should be hidden from DEF_UI aren't there. Not a problem I guess?

4. Your instructions says to install the map from Fallout texture overhaul Pipboy which overwrites Immersive maps making it completly overwritten.

Edited by dreadflopp
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