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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD 2.21



DynDOLOD 2.19/2.20 / 2.21 condensed update post | Full Update Post | Skyrim Special Edition


What’s New?


This updates includes minor speed improvements for DynDOLOD.exe and TexGen.exe, 64 bit executables and visual improvements for billboards used as static LOD (higher LOD levels 8/16) if using the ultra tree LOD option. Of course there are also a few updates for a couple mods.


See Full update post for 2.xx update instructions



64 bit executables

To avoid confusion, this has nothing to do with Skyrim SE being 64 bit. Just going with the flow. There is no requirement for this right now, but it will work natively with 64 bit managers or if executed directly. 64 bit versions are a tiny bit slower due to a couple reasons, but obviously they will allow for more data to be loaded... in the future... for insanely large load orders. Another long term benefit is, that the 64 bit changes are merged back into xEdit sources.


Improvements for billboards used as static LOD

When using the ultra tree option and you ever thought far away trees or trees on the map look too dark or too bright, check out the new Trees on the Map section in docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html. The new default settings should already result in better lighting behavior. If not try any of the additional tips from the manual. To update an existing save game, it is enough to just do an update generation with the existing DynDOLOD.esp in the load order. Then no clean save cycle is required. Just a save in an interior before updating.


Persistent references

There is a new switch Temporary=0/1 in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5.ini, which instructs the patcher to use less persistent references. This is for users who have so many mods installed and suffer from CTD when clicking new as we discussed recently. The downside is, that by using temporary references more plugins may have to be used as masters and the generated DynDOLOD.esp will be larger, because of additional CELL data that needs to be copied. If you do not have any problems starting the game there should be no reason to use this setting.



Mods Requiring DynDOLOD

Spice of Life - Orc Strongholds - overwrite meshes from DynDOLOD Resources with the ones included in the mod


Verified working out of the box - included rules

Wind's Rest Estate - A Whiterun Tundra Home

Ayleid Palace Remastered


Verified working out of the box - added/updated meshes and/or textures

Settlements Expanded

Greater Skaal Village

Whiteraven Manor

Tactical Valtheim

Dwemer Manor

JKs Skaal village

Dolmen Ruins - ESO Dark Anchors

Peak Aspens - Billboards included in versions for DynDOLOD/TES5LODGen in optional files

Fantasy Forest Overhaul - Billboards included in versions for DynDOLOD/TES5LODGen in optional files




DynDOLOD 2.21 - Download from Mega, Nexus


DynDOLOD Resources 2.20 - Download from Mega, Nexus


DynDOLOD Patches 2.22 - Download from Mega, Nexus



[spoiler=Changelog DynDOLOD 2.19]DynDOLOD.exe - added xespignore file for XESP markers to ignore instead of the one hardcoded dunCGOutsideClutterMarker from intro scene

DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not correctly identifying Has Tree LOD flag on base records

DynDOLOD.exe - added settings FlatLODLightingEffect, FlatLODGlowMap and FlatLODLevelLODFlat to DynDOLOD.ini, see docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html

DynDOLOD.exe - added a switch Temporary to use less persistent references for overloaded load orders, will result in more plugins required as masters and larger esp

DynDOLOD.exe - added verbose switch for LODGen.exe to DynDOLOD.ini

DynDOLOD.exe - updated reading existing tree LOD to be able to read btt data from BSA

DynDOLOD.exe - some minor performance improvements

DynDOLOD.exe - changed log filename to DynDOLOD_log.txt

DynDOLOD.exe - added a x64 version

TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe

TexGen.exe - some minor performance improvements

TexGen.exe - changed log filename to TexGen_log.txt

TexGen.exe - added a x64 version

LODGen.exe - added optional --inputfile path/to/file command line parameter, first parameter just being path/to/file still works too

LODGen.exe - make billboards soft lighting behave more similar to vanilla tree LOD (FlatLODLightingEffect and FlatLODGlowMap)

LODGen.exe - added setting LOD Objects flag for higher LOD levels on billboards (FlatLODLevelLODFlat)

LODGen.exe - added a x64 version

DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods

DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods



[spoiler=Changelog DynDOLOD 2.20]

DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a list assignment

TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe

DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a race condition



[spoiler=Changelog DynDOLOD 2.21]

DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of removing entire worlds when removing empty cells

DynDOLOD.exe - added an installation path check

DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods

DynDOLOD Patches - added script patches for Caranthir Tower Reborn 2.x



[spoiler=Changelog DynDOLOD 2.22]

DynDOLOD Patches - fixed a typo in Wizard.txt





See Full update post for full changelog, fully detailed update instructions and updated compatibility information for Skryim mods.


DynDOLOD 2.18

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  • 0
  On 10/29/2016 at 4:07 PM, Sundder said:

Nope, nothing relating to DynDOLOD appears in the top left when the output file created using the Temporary=1 setting is installed. I always get my setup's standard messages related to Death Alternative and Hypothermia Plus, but I only get the successful DynDOLOD activation message when I install the output file created using the Temporary=0 setting.


In the former case the "Last Message" in the Main DynDOLOD MCM window is "DynDOLOD deactivated".


Main screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/53ZtqfT.png

Information screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/7jk5xHL.png

There was a bug when generating several worldspaces. DynDOLOD 2.21 fixes that.

  • 0

So I feel horrible for posting this because I know I missed something.


I am trying to generate my first use of the TES5LODGen but get this error at the end, "Objects LOD generation error: LODGen process error, exit code 502"


Not sure where I bungled the install, because I had thought I put TES5LODGen outside of MO.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/29/2016 at 11:01 PM, cricket_face said:

So I feel horrible for posting this because I know I missed something.


I am trying to generate my first use of the TES5LODGen but get this error at the end, "Objects LOD generation error: LODGen process error, exit code 502"


Not sure where I bungled the install, because I had thought I put TES5LODGen outside of MO.

Check the lines above that error for "Error accessing ... " or "Error writing ..."

If you can not find such error message in the TES5LODGen message window, check LODGen_log.txt which should be in the same folder as TES5LODGen.exe


Such file access error can happen because of AntiVir, MO virtual data folder (use -o: as explained on description page), or game in special OS folders like Program Files in newer windows versions, also use -o: to generate into "save" folder.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

I just updated to 2.21 and ran Dyndolod for a new game. Amazingly, it took about 10 minutes to complete. Previously, all Dyndolod patching has taken about 45 minutes. Load Order is the same as usual, Dyndolod output size is the same. I'm hoping this isn't a problem! Almost too good to be true :)

Edited by Atardecer
  • 0
  On 10/30/2016 at 10:37 AM, Atardecer said:

I just updated to 2.21 and ran Dyndolod for a new game. Amazingly, it took about 10 minutes to complete. Previously, all Dyndolod patching has taken about 45 minutes. Load Order is the same as usual, Dyndolod output size is the same. I'm hoping this isn't a problem! Almost too good to be true :)

Sounds about right. I am down to 7 - 8 minutes for Legendary + USLEEP and high resolution terrain meshes (

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/30/2016 at 11:16 AM, sheson said:

Sounds about right. I am down to 7 - 8 minutes for Legendary + USLEEP and high resolution terrain meshes (<- this is a considerable factor).

i got from 45 minutes in worldgen to 15 minutes. That is a big update!

Edited by paul666root
  • 0
  On 10/30/2016 at 11:16 AM, sheson said:

Sounds about right. I am down to 7 - 8 minutes for Legendary + USLEEP and high resolution terrain meshes (<- this is a considerable factor).

I can confirm as well, I got around 8 minutes using 2.20 instead of the previous 45 min. Given that I'm comparing outputs (Temporary=0/1) this is definitely a major plus! Thanks!


I'll be updating to 2.21 today and testing again.

  • 0

I just ran 2.20\2.21 and I am most impressed with its performance.


Here is rough sketch of what Ive seen over the last while since 1st started using Dyndold


~1 year +

Average times 52-58 mins   5-600 ITMs


~Couple months ago

Average time 21-22mins      150-250 ITMs



~13m 53s                           ITMs= 0


Great job!  :woot:

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/31/2016 at 10:14 AM, Mebantiza said:

I just ran 2.20\2.21 and I am most impressed with its performance.


Here is rough sketch of what Ive seen over the last while since 1st started using Dyndold


~1 year +

Average times 52-58 mins   5-600 ITMs


~Couple months ago

Average time 21-22mins      150-250 ITMs



~13m 53s                           ITMs= 0


Great job!  :woot:

With that that many intentional ITMs do you still have SkyFalls/Mills or was it another mod that added lots of full model neverfades?

Edited by sheson
  • 0

There was a time, before Dyndolod that I used Skymills. There was some overlap when using Dyndold and Skymills concurrently, but stopped using that fairly soon after beginning to use Dyndolod. All ancient history now, but I recall in general the numbers and regardless, the improvement along the way has been dramatic, like i say. When I saw no ITMs  today on my full re-install, i checked it twice in case I made a mistake heh. 

  • 0
  On 10/31/2016 at 8:03 PM, DanimalTwo said:

DynDOLOD 2.21 does not generate a DynDOLOD.esp file, is that the new behavior?  Everything else completed normally.

Yes it does. Select world spaces. Start process. Make sure it completes successfully, then click the Save & Exit button to save the new esp.

  • 0

I'm getting weird wall flickering with the latest DynDOLOD (2.21) in Solitude.


I did several tests with completely new characters (in case if it's upgrade issue - I've upgraded from 2.18). Issue still persists on new characters. I can't say if this issue was present in 2.18 since I didn't really pay attention to the walls.


Here are the videos: 


1st video - with DynDOLOD enabled on a completely new character

2nd video - with DynDOLOD disabled on another new character


by 'disabled' I mean TexGen output and DynDOLOD output (incl DynDOLOD.esp) were disabled in MO mod list. However DynDOLOD Resources (and Solitude Exterior.esp) were enabled in both tests.

As it can be seen in the 1st video, if I disable ENB issue disappears. However without DynDOLOD.esp ENB works absolutely fine.


For instance I'm using latest ENB binaries and Tetrachromatic ENB preset.


Modwatch (if it makes sense)

  • 0
  On 11/2/2016 at 8:05 AM, Vitala said:

I'm getting weird wall flickering with the latest DynDOLOD (2.21) in Solitude.


I did several tests with completely new characters (in case if it's upgrade issue - I've upgraded from 2.18). Issue still persists on new characters. I can't say if this issue was present in 2.18 since I didn't really pay attention to the walls.


Here are the videos: 


1st video - with DynDOLOD enabled on a completely new character

2nd video - with DynDOLOD disabled on another new character


by 'disabled' I mean TexGen output and DynDOLOD output (incl DynDOLOD.esp) were disabled in MO mod list. However DynDOLOD Resources (and Solitude Exterior.esp) were enabled in both tests.

As it can be seen in the 1st video, if I disable ENB issue disappears. However without DynDOLOD.esp ENB works absolutely fine.


For instance I'm using latest ENB binaries and Tetrachromatic ENB preset.


Modwatch (if it makes sense)

small update: made few additional tests. Just disabling DynDOLOD.esp is not enough to fix it. Disabling the entire 'DynDOLOD Output' mod fixes it (DynDOLOD Textures (TexGen output) doesnt matter). So I guess it's caused by something inside output generated by DynDOLOD not the esp itself  

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