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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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I have done that. Probaly is my RAM, i will buy 16GB, its a pain because it will take 45 days to arrive to my country:)


kkkkk. Yes it is, im talking of Texture optimizer, that as ordinator.exe. I like eye candy, cant play skyrim with normal graphics. Live in third country no PC component for gamers, have to buy from others country so price+shipping+tax equal 2 or more normal price, which i think if 16GB dont cut it, i will be waiting for SSE modding. Its a shame, you guys have here a pretty nice guide. My Pc can handle all others guide without problem, but just the one i want it doesnt, bad lucky. Thank you all. wish you the best. Almost forgot, i can handle it without ectv, but i wont. kkkk



kkk, me and you have some writing problem:) Ordenador:)

well you're gona wait some time because i dont think there will be a skse soon for SSE. You can play without ECTV ? or just use ETAC and dont use Dawn of Skyrim (this is heavy hitting)

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I'm really, really lost on merging plugins. Maybe it has something to do with my brain at 2AM, or maybe I'm missing something. So, for merging plugins, I've setup the profile and such, and now I have to put the ESPs to be merged at the bottom of the right pane, in the order that they are specified in the guide, check for errors, and merge. Can I make multiple merges with one launch of merge organizer? Does left pane order matter at all? Does it matter if, when launching from mod organizer, extra ESPs and left-pane mods are selected? 

Two additional question: Is choosing one of the options in the WLSO page mandatory? Or can I get by without one. Also, in the WLSO page, if I were to choose, say, option 1, should I do option 1's merge instead of the normal WLSO merge? (I noticed they have a lot of ESPs in common) Anyway, this is a lot of questions, but thanks in advance to anyone who answers them.

With the merges, no, just do one at a time. The program actually closes after each one anyway.


Don't touch the left pane order, just move the ESP's in the right pane. The extra ESP's and left pane mods should be overwritten by the merged esp, but it's always best for cleanliness to go to the mods the esp's are from and just move them to optional esp's via MO. Do this so that when you DO do the Mod Order step at the end, you dont have heaps of esp's at the end of the load order.

Edited by Nozzer66
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With the merges, no, just do one at a time. The program actually closes after each one anyway.


Don't touch the left pane order, just move the ESP's in the right pane. The extra ESP's and left pane mods should be overwritten by the merged esp, but it's always best for cleanliness to go to the mods the esp's are from and just move them to optional esp's via MO. Do this so that when you DO do the Mod Order step at the end, you dont have heaps of esp's at the end of the load order.

More like if you don't disable those original esp you're gonna have a really ****ed up game 100% guaranteed...  if Skyrim would actually load that many esp.   Since it doesn't it'll literally just crash at the main menu ;)

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More like if you don't disable those original esp you're gonna have a really ****ed up game 100% guaranteed...  if Skyrim would actually load that many esp.   Since it doesn't it'll literally just crash at the main menu ;)

I got that much, hahah. 255 limit etc etc. I have a decent understanding of how to merge now, but on the very first merge (arthville patches) I'm getting this error "Failed to merge --->++++ Arthville Patches Merged, Cannot create file "C:\Users\William\Desktop\Skyrim modding\Tools\Mod Organizer\mods\--->++++ Arthville Patches Merged\merge\Arthville Patches Merged-Copy.bat". The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect" What do I do?

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I got that much, hahah. 255 limit etc etc. I have a decent understanding of how to merge now, but on the very first merge (arthville patches) I'm getting this error "Failed to merge --->++++ Arthville Patches Merged, Cannot create file "C:\Users\William\Desktop\Skyrim modding\Tools\Mod Organizer\mods\--->++++ Arthville Patches Merged\merge\Arthville Patches Merged-Copy.bat". The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect" What do I do?

---> is not part of the merge name

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