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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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Posted (edited)

Just finished merging and downloaded the newest Load Order file I found one .esp that isn't used.


konahriks_accoutrements___usleep.esp coming from Konahriks Accoutrements - Dragon Priest Armory Extra Patches

Oh, I see what's happening now. The loadorder.txt contains konahriks_accoutrements__usleep.esp whereas Extra Patches contains konahriks_accoutrements___usleep.esp. The one in Extra Patches has a third underscore.


Also, TMB Vanilla Armors Merged.esp needs to be added to loadorder.txt

Edited by cqusmc

Oh, I see what's happening now. The loadorder.txt contains konahriks_accoutrements__usleep.esp whereas Extra Patches contains konahriks_accoutrements___usleep.esp. The one in Extra Patches has a third underscore.


Also, TMB Vanilla Armors Merged.esp needs to be added to loadorder.txt

Thank you, I missed that. Renamed my file accordingly.

Posted (edited)

Oh, I see what's happening now. The loadorder.txt contains konahriks_accoutrements__usleep.esp whereas Extra Patches contains konahriks_accoutrements___usleep.esp. The one in Extra Patches has a third underscore.


Also, TMB Vanilla Armors Merged.esp needs to be added to loadorder.txt

Drop it in just above Toccata.esp for now, will get an updated load order pushed up soon.

It is used, you'll see it in the loadorder.txt from the Nexus, it just doesn't get sorted for some reason. I had to manually move it to the right spot.



On an unrelated note; The NSUTR instructions state to the delete the statuessnow folder, but this was originally done because 'Better-Shaped Talos Statue with Greatsword' and 'Stunning Statues of Skyrim' provided these meshes. We are no longer using those modes, so should that instruction be removed?

Ah, nice catch.  Yes, for now go ahead and leave the files there.  Beautification guide will require you to go ahead and delete those files but we can add instructions to do so at the appropriate time.


So many issues being caught.  The change from SRLE to stand alone was a big one, sorry for the trouble.  We're getting close now though :D

Edited by jdsmith2816

Well I think you guys are doing an outstanding job, considering you overhauled pretty much the entire guide! :)

Any news on how to SMC part is coming along? Can understand if you've been pretty busy with this lately :p

Posted (edited)

Like... the notes are done.  I'm running an upgraded version and Paul followed my notes successfully.  Those notes need to be translated into a guide and we need to determine how to handle the files that aren't available on the nexus and must be acquired... elsewhere.


One option is to just assume people having trouble will ask privately... another is to host that part of the guide outside of the STEP wiki and directly link / provide said files... Another is to assume people can properly google and just say 'if you can't locate these files things will be fine but you won't have exactly the intended look and feel"


I think once that's decided actually putting it out won't take but a day or two?  Feel free to give opinions.

Edited by jdsmith2816

Hi, I get these errors in these plugins when I try to merge.


[spoiler=requiem__konahrik_accoutrements.esp][00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPKrosis "Krosis' Gloves" [ARMO:080063B6]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0244] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPVolsung "Volsung's Gloves" [ARMO:080063B8]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0245] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPOtar "Otar's Gloves" [ARMO:080063BD]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPMorokei "Morokei's Gloves" [ARMO:080063BF]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0252] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDPMorokei "Morokei's Greaves" [ARMO:0800A47B]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0252] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDPMorokei "Morokei's Armored Robes" [ARMO:0800A9E6]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0275] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSilver "Silver Plate Robes" [ARMO:0801310E]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0275] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDFMoonstone "Moonstone Plate Robes" [ARMO:08013111]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0275] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPKrosis "Krosis' Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6C]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPVolsung "Volsung's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6D]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPNahkriin "Nahkriin's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6E]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPHevnoraak "Hevnoraak's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6F]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPOtar "Otar's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB70]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPMorokei "Morokei's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB71]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPRahgot "Rahgot's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB72]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPVokun "Vokun's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB73]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPKonah "Konahrik's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB7E]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPKonahNE "Konahrik's Robes [unenchanted]" [ARMO:0802FB7F]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dunRevakheimMaskClay "Clay Mask" [ARMO:08063315]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04AF02E5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000813] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDFMoonstone "Moonstone Scale Greaves" [ARMO:0806F2F7]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0260] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDFSilver "Silver Scale Greaves" [ARMO:0806F2FA]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0260] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFBronze "Bronze Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F86E]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0243] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFMoonstone "Moonstone Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F86F]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFSilver "Silver Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F871]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFCorundum "Copper Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F874]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0245] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskBronzeHelmet "Bronze Mask" [ARMO:0806FDFF]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04AF02E4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000815] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskCorondumHelmet "Copper Mask" [ARMO:0807036A]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000806] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000819] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000810] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskIronHelmet "Iron Mask" [ARMO:0807036C]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000808] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400081B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000812] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskSilverHelmet "Silver Mask" [ARMO:0807036D]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000803] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000816] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskMoonstoneHelmet "Moonstone Mask" [ARMO:0807036E]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000805] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000818] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskSteelHelmet "Steel Mask" [ARMO:08070370]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000807] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400081A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000811] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDFGlass "Glass Scale Greaves" [ARMO:08077B52]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFGlass "Glass Scale Gloves" [ARMO:08077B54]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskGlassHelmet "Glass Mask" [ARMO:080780C1]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000804] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000817] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDFGlass "Glass Plate Robes" [ARMO:080780C4]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesHtoL [COBJ:0800E551]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLtoH [COBJ:0800E552]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPKrosis [COBJ:0802FB75]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPVolsung [COBJ:0802FB76]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPNahkriin [COBJ:0802FB77]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPHevnoraak [COBJ:0802FB78]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPOtar [COBJ:0802FB79]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPMorokei [COBJ:0802FB7A]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPRahgot [COBJ:0802FB7B]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPVokun [COBJ:0802FB7C]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPKonah [COBJ:0802FB7D]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeClothingDragonPriestRobesIron [COBJ:0806F2EE]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeClothingDragonPriestRobesSteel [COBJ:0806F2F2]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsBronze [COBJ:0806F2FB]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsCorundum [COBJ:0806F2FC]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsIron [COBJ:0806F2FE]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsSilver [COBJ:0806F2FF]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsSteel [COBJ:0806F302]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesBronze [COBJ:0806F875]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesCorundum [COBJ:0806F876]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesIron [COBJ:0806F878]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesSilver [COBJ:0806F879]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0117] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFBronze [COBJ:0806FDE6]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFIron [COBJ:0806FDE7]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFCorundum [COBJ:0806FDE8]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSilver [COBJ:0806FDEA]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSteel [COBJ:0806FDED]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHtoL [COBJ:0806FDF2]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsLtoH [COBJ:0806FDF9]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsHtoL [COBJ:0806FDFA]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesSteel [COBJ:08070371]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskBronze [COBJ:08070372]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskCorundum [COBJ:08070373]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskIron [COBJ:08070375]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskSilver [COBJ:08070376]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0118] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskSteel [COBJ:08070379]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesLtoH [COBJ:0807037F]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFBronzeUP [COBJ:0807C76C]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFCorundumUP [COBJ:0807D25F]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFIronUP [COBJ:0807D262]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSilverUP [COBJ:0807D265]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSteelUP [COBJ:0807D266]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_TemperWeapDragonPriestDagger [COBJ:080FED5C]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0299] < Error: Could not be resolved >



[spoiler=requiem__konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp][00:00] KA_DLCArmorDragonPriestGauntletsFrost "Dukaan's Gloves" [ARMO:0A03E724]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesShock "Zahkriisos' Robes" [ARMO:0A03E72A]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesFire "Ahzidal's Robes" [ARMO:0A0444C2]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesFrost "Dukaan's Robes" [ARMO:0A0444C3]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCArmorMiraakGlovesLGT "Miraak's Gloves" [ARMO:0A0E5288]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0247] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCArmorDragonPriestGauntletsVahlok "Vahlok's Gauntlets" [ARMO:0A0FC8F6]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0243] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesVahlok "Vahlok's Robes" [ARMO:0A0FC8F8]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcClothesDragonPriestRobesDFLorkan "Heart Stone Scale Robes" [ARMO:0A113F9A]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestMaskLorkanHelmet "Heart Stone Mask" [ARMO:0A113F9C]
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [06000820] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [06000821] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestBootsDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Scale Greaves" [ARMO:0A116E7B]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0A116E7D]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestMaskStalhrimHelmet "Stalhrim Mask" [ARMO:0A119D51]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Plate Robes" [ARMO:0A119D53]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcClothesDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Scale Robes" [ARMO:0A119D55]
[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_RecipeClothingDragonPriestAmulet [COBJ:080684E3]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0126] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesFire [COBJ:0A0444DA]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesFrost [COBJ:0A0444DB]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesShock [COBJ:0A0444DC]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHVY1 [COBJ:0A0B9495]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLGT1 [COBJ:0A0B9498]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesHVY [COBJ:0A0BF232]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsHVY [COBJ:0A0BF234]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCTemperArmorMiraak3H [COBJ:0A0D6897]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0299] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCTemperArmorMiraak3L [COBJ:0A0D6898]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0299] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsLGT [COBJ:0A0E528B]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesLGT [COBJ:0A0E528C]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHVY2 [COBJ:0A0FC8F1]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHVY3 [COBJ:0A0FC8F2]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLGT2 [COBJ:0A0FC8F3]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLGT3 [COBJ:0A0FC8F4]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPVahlok [COBJ:0A0FC8FC]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsLorkan [COBJ:0A113F9D]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestGauntletsLorkan [COBJ:0A113F9E]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskLorkan [COBJ:0A113F9F]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFLorkan [COBJ:0A113FA0]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFLorkanUP [COBJ:0A113FA1]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeClothingDragonPriestRobesLorkan [COBJ:0A113FA2]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D56]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestGauntletsStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D57]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D58]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D59]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrimUP [COBJ:0A119D5A]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeStaff [COBJ:0A1545FC]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0130] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak1HtoL [COBJ:0A20CEA3]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak2HtoL [COBJ:0A20CEA4]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak1LtoH [COBJ:0A20CEA5]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak2LtoH [COBJ:0A20CEA6]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak3LtoH [COBJ:0A22A334]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak3HtoL [COBJ:0A22A335]
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >



[spoiler=skyrim-radioactive__catm.esp][00:00] [REFR:07001D9B] (places [02007A14] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SolitudeBluePalace "Blue Palace" [CELL:00016A04])
[00:00] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02007A14] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] [REFR:07001D9C] (places [02007A17] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SolitudeBluePalace "Blue Palace" [CELL:00016A04])
[00:00] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02007A17] < Error: Could not be resolved >



Hi, I get these errors in these plugins when I try to merge.


[spoiler=requiem__konahrik_accoutrements.esp][00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPKrosis "Krosis' Gloves" [ARMO:080063B6]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0244] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPVolsung "Volsung's Gloves" [ARMO:080063B8]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0245] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPOtar "Otar's Gloves" [ARMO:080063BD]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDPMorokei "Morokei's Gloves" [ARMO:080063BF]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0252] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDPMorokei "Morokei's Greaves" [ARMO:0800A47B]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0252] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDPMorokei "Morokei's Armored Robes" [ARMO:0800A9E6]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0275] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSilver "Silver Plate Robes" [ARMO:0801310E]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0275] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDFMoonstone "Moonstone Plate Robes" [ARMO:08013111]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0275] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPKrosis "Krosis' Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6C]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPVolsung "Volsung's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6D]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPNahkriin "Nahkriin's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6E]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPHevnoraak "Hevnoraak's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB6F]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPOtar "Otar's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB70]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPMorokei "Morokei's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB71]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPRahgot "Rahgot's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB72]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPVokun "Vokun's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB73]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPKonah "Konahrik's Robes" [ARMO:0802FB7E]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ClothesDragonPriestRobesDPKonahNE "Konahrik's Robes [unenchanted]" [ARMO:0802FB7F]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dunRevakheimMaskClay "Clay Mask" [ARMO:08063315]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04AF02E5] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000813] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080A] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDFMoonstone "Moonstone Scale Greaves" [ARMO:0806F2F7]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0260] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDFSilver "Silver Scale Greaves" [ARMO:0806F2FA]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0260] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFBronze "Bronze Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F86E]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0243] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFMoonstone "Moonstone Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F86F]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFSilver "Silver Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F871]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFCorundum "Copper Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0806F874]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0245] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskBronzeHelmet "Bronze Mask" [ARMO:0806FDFF]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04AF02E4] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000815] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskCorondumHelmet "Copper Mask" [ARMO:0807036A]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000806] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000819] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000810] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskIronHelmet "Iron Mask" [ARMO:0807036C]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000808] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400081B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000812] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskSilverHelmet "Silver Mask" [ARMO:0807036D]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0220] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000803] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000816] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080D] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskMoonstoneHelmet "Moonstone Mask" [ARMO:0807036E]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000805] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000818] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080F] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskSteelHelmet "Steel Mask" [ARMO:08070370]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000807] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400081A] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000811] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestBootsDFGlass "Glass Scale Greaves" [ARMO:08077B52]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFGlass "Glass Scale Gloves" [ARMO:08077B54]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestMaskGlassHelmet "Glass Mask" [ARMO:080780C1]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000804] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [04000817] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0400080E] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_ArmorDragonPriestRobesDFGlass "Glass Plate Robes" [ARMO:080780C4]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesHtoL [COBJ:0800E551]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLtoH [COBJ:0800E552]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPKrosis [COBJ:0802FB75]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPVolsung [COBJ:0802FB76]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPNahkriin [COBJ:0802FB77]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPHevnoraak [COBJ:0802FB78]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPOtar [COBJ:0802FB79]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPMorokei [COBJ:0802FB7A]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPRahgot [COBJ:0802FB7B]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPVokun [COBJ:0802FB7C]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPKonah [COBJ:0802FB7D]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeClothingDragonPriestRobesIron [COBJ:0806F2EE]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeClothingDragonPriestRobesSteel [COBJ:0806F2F2]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsBronze [COBJ:0806F2FB]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsCorundum [COBJ:0806F2FC]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsIron [COBJ:0806F2FE]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsSilver [COBJ:0806F2FF]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsSteel [COBJ:0806F302]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesBronze [COBJ:0806F875]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesCorundum [COBJ:0806F876]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesIron [COBJ:0806F878]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesSilver [COBJ:0806F879]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0117] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFBronze [COBJ:0806FDE6]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFIron [COBJ:0806FDE7]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFCorundum [COBJ:0806FDE8]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSilver [COBJ:0806FDEA]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSteel [COBJ:0806FDED]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHtoL [COBJ:0806FDF2]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsLtoH [COBJ:0806FDF9]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsHtoL [COBJ:0806FDFA]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestGlovesSteel [COBJ:08070371]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskBronze [COBJ:08070372]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskCorundum [COBJ:08070373]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskIron [COBJ:08070375]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskSilver [COBJ:08070376]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0118] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskSteel [COBJ:08070379]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesLtoH [COBJ:0807037F]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFBronzeUP [COBJ:0807C76C]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFCorundumUP [COBJ:0807D25F]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFIronUP [COBJ:0807D262]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSilverUP [COBJ:0807D265]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFSteelUP [COBJ:0807D266]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_TemperWeapDragonPriestDagger [COBJ:080FED5C]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0299] < Error: Could not be resolved >



[spoiler=requiem__konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp][00:00] KA_DLCArmorDragonPriestGauntletsFrost "Dukaan's Gloves" [ARMO:0A03E724]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesShock "Zahkriisos' Robes" [ARMO:0A03E72A]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesFire "Ahzidal's Robes" [ARMO:0A0444C2]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesFrost "Dukaan's Robes" [ARMO:0A0444C3]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCArmorMiraakGlovesLGT "Miraak's Gloves" [ARMO:0A0E5288]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0247] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCArmorDragonPriestGauntletsVahlok "Vahlok's Gauntlets" [ARMO:0A0FC8F6]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0243] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCClothesDragonPriestRobesVahlok "Vahlok's Robes" [ARMO:0A0FC8F8]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcClothesDragonPriestRobesDFLorkan "Heart Stone Scale Robes" [ARMO:0A113F9A]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestMaskLorkanHelmet "Heart Stone Mask" [ARMO:0A113F9C]

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [06000820] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [06000821] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081F] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestBootsDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Scale Greaves" [ARMO:0A116E7B]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestGauntletsDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Scale Gloves" [ARMO:0A116E7D]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0246] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestMaskStalhrimHelmet "Stalhrim Mask" [ARMO:0A119D51]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081D] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] ARMO \ Armature \ MODL - Model Filename -> [0600081E] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcArmorDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Plate Robes" [ARMO:0A119D53]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0127] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcClothesDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrim "Stalhrim Scale Robes" [ARMO:0A119D55]

[00:00] ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [01AF0259] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_RecipeClothingDragonPriestAmulet [COBJ:080684E3]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0126] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesFire [COBJ:0A0444DA]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesFrost [COBJ:0A0444DB]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesShock [COBJ:0A0444DC]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHVY1 [COBJ:0A0B9495]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLGT1 [COBJ:0A0B9498]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesHVY [COBJ:0A0BF232]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsHVY [COBJ:0A0BF234]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCTemperArmorMiraak3H [COBJ:0A0D6897]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0299] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCTemperArmorMiraak3L [COBJ:0A0D6898]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0299] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakBootsLGT [COBJ:0A0E528B]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeMiraakGlovesLGT [COBJ:0A0E528C]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHVY2 [COBJ:0A0FC8F1]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakHVY3 [COBJ:0A0FC8F2]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLGT2 [COBJ:0A0FC8F3]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorRobesMiraakLGT3 [COBJ:0A0FC8F4]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDPVahlok [COBJ:0A0FC8FC]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsLorkan [COBJ:0A113F9D]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestGauntletsLorkan [COBJ:0A113F9E]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskLorkan [COBJ:0A113F9F]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFLorkan [COBJ:0A113FA0]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFLorkanUP [COBJ:0A113FA1]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0256] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeClothingDragonPriestRobesLorkan [COBJ:0A113FA2]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0116] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0102] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestBootsStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D56]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0105] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeArmorDragonPriestGauntletsStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D57]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0107] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D58]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrim [COBJ:0A119D59]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestRobesDFStalhrimUP [COBJ:0A119D5A]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0106] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_DLCRecipeStaff [COBJ:0A1545FC]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0130] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak1HtoL [COBJ:0A20CEA3]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak2HtoL [COBJ:0A20CEA4]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak1LtoH [COBJ:0A20CEA5]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak2LtoH [COBJ:0A20CEA6]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak3LtoH [COBJ:0A22A334]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0101] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] KA_dlcRecipeArmorDragonPriestMaskMiraak3HtoL [COBJ:0A22A335]

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0108] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] COBJ \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> [01CC0100] < Error: Could not be resolved >



[spoiler=skyrim-radioactive__catm.esp][00:00] [REFR:07001D9B] (places [02007A14] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SolitudeBluePalace "Blue Palace" [CELL:00016A04])

[00:00] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02007A14] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:00] [REFR:07001D9C] (places [02007A17] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SolitudeBluePalace "Blue Palace" [CELL:00016A04])

[00:00] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02007A17] < Error: Could not be resolved >


Is the CATM file loaded when you look at the list of plugins?  That file may not actually have CATM set as master for some reason.  Same question for konahrik_acc_WAFR_CCOR


Is the CATM file loaded when you look at the list of plugins?  That file may not actually have CATM set as master for some reason.  Same question for konahrik_acc_WAFR_CCOR

The CATM file is loaded when I load skyrim-radioactive__catm.esp.


konahrik_acc_WAFR_CCOR is not loaded when I load requiem__konahrik_accoutrements.esp or requiem__konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp.


The CATM file is loaded when I load skyrim-radioactive__catm.esp.


konahrik_acc_WAFR_CCOR is not loaded when I load requiem__konahrik_accoutrements.esp or requiem__konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp.

Can you post a screenshot of merge plugins for each please.  Also of the log tab for each.

I suppose the merge page isnt finished? Curious if I can merge all those Claralux patches..

Ah, probably got cut out when updating things.  Yes fully merge it all..  You should end up with a CLARALUX Merged.esp  Just let the patches sort alphabetically and merge them with the main CLARALUX file


++++ CLARALUX Merged


The WLSO patches file on Nexus still includes ele__ectv-merged.esp, but that esp file is not included in the merge instructions (for WLSO Variant 3 Vivid Weathers).


Should we include it in the WLSO merge anyway?


Can you post a screenshot of merge plugins for each please.  Also of the log tab for each.

Ah, probably got cut out when updating things.  Yes fully merge it all..  You should end up with a CLARALUX Merged.esp  Just let the patches sort alphabetically and merge them with the main CLARALUX file


++++ CLARALUX Merged

The DBM ones too, I suppose?


The WLSO patches file on Nexus still includes ele__ectv-merged.esp, but that esp file is not included in the merge instructions (for WLSO Variant 3 Vivid Weathers).


Should we include it in the WLSO merge anyway?

It won't load correctly if you haven't ECTV Merged.esp. I didnt't include those optionals, so I deleted the ele__ectv-merged.esp before the merge


The WLSO patches file on Nexus still includes ele__ectv-merged.esp, but that esp file is not included in the merge instructions (for WLSO Variant 3 Vivid Weathers).


Should we include it in the WLSO merge anyway?

Do not use the WLSO ectv plugin... I'm updating everything that loads AFTER ectv later tonight...  Due to number of esps I had to do one set of things at a time...  Sorry for the trouble but ECTV should be fully integrated tonight/tomorrow morning.


The DBM ones too, I suppose?

Correct.  Paul will update guide. Same instructions for you though.


Can you post a screenshot of merge plugins for each please.  Also of the log tab for each.

Ah, probably got cut out when updating things.  Yes fully merge it all..  You should end up with a CLARALUX Merged.esp  Just let the patches sort alphabetically and merge them with the main CLARALUX file


++++ CLARALUX Merged

Thanks for the help!






[spoiler=log][20:48:52] (GENERAL) Status: ProgramVersion:

[20:48:52] (GENERAL) Status: TES5 Dictionary Hash: $4EB98442

[20:48:52] (GENERAL) Game: Using Skyrim

[20:48:52] (GENERAL) Path: Using C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Games\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\

[20:48:52] (CLIENT) Status: Attempting to connect to mergeplugins.us.to:960

[20:48:52] (CLIENT) Status: Connection successful!

[20:48:52] (CLIENT) Login: Checking if authenticated as "simonOJ"

[20:48:52] (CLIENT) Response: Yes

[20:48:52] (CLIENT) Update: Getting update status

[20:48:52] (GENERAL) Dictionary: Using TES5Dictionary.txt

[20:48:52] (GENERAL) Definitions: Using TES5Edit Definitions

[20:48:52] (GENERAL) Load Order: Using C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Mods\Skyrim Mods\ModOrganizer\profiles\SRLE LOTD Reqtified\

[20:49:16] (LOAD) Background: [update.esm] Building reference info.

[20:49:16] (LOAD) Background: [Dawnguard.esm] Building reference info.

[20:49:22] (LOAD) Background: [HearthFires.esm] Building reference info.

[20:49:23] (LOAD) Background: [Dragonborn.esm] Building reference info.

[20:49:32] (LOAD) Background: [Requiem.esp] Building reference info.

[20:49:35] (LOAD) Background: [konahrik_accoutrements.esp] Building reference info.

[20:49:35] (LOAD) Background: [imp_helm_legend.esp] Building reference info.

[20:49:35] (LOAD) Background: [konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp] Building reference info.

[20:49:35] (LOAD) Background: [requiem__konahrik_accoutrements.esp] Building reference info.

[20:49:35] (LOAD) Background: finished








[spoiler=log][20:50:54] (GENERAL) Status: ProgramVersion:

[20:50:54] (GENERAL) Status: TES5 Dictionary Hash: $4EB98442

[20:50:54] (GENERAL) Game: Using Skyrim

[20:50:54] (GENERAL) Path: Using C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Games\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\

[20:50:54] (CLIENT) Status: Attempting to connect to mergeplugins.us.to:960

[20:50:54] (CLIENT) Status: Connection successful!

[20:50:54] (CLIENT) Login: Checking if authenticated as "simonOJ"

[20:50:54] (CLIENT) Response: Yes

[20:50:54] (CLIENT) Update: Getting update status

[20:50:54] (GENERAL) Dictionary: Using TES5Dictionary.txt

[20:50:54] (GENERAL) Definitions: Using TES5Edit Definitions

[20:50:55] (GENERAL) Load Order: Using C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Mods\Skyrim Mods\ModOrganizer\profiles\SRLE LOTD Reqtified\

[20:51:11] (LOAD) Background: [update.esm] Building reference info.

[20:51:11] (LOAD) Background: [Dawnguard.esm] Building reference info.

[20:51:17] (LOAD) Background: [Dragonborn.esm] Building reference info.

[20:51:25] (LOAD) Background: [Requiem.esp] Building reference info.

[20:51:28] (LOAD) Background: [konahrik_accoutrements.esp] Building reference info.

[20:51:29] (LOAD) Background: [imp_helm_legend.esp] Building reference info.

[20:51:29] (LOAD) Background: [konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp] Building reference info.

[20:51:29] (LOAD) Background: [requiem__konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp] Building reference info.

[20:51:29] (LOAD) Background: finished








[spoiler=log][20:54:43] (GENERAL) Status: ProgramVersion:

[20:54:43] (GENERAL) Status: TES5 Dictionary Hash: $4EB98442

[20:54:43] (GENERAL) Game: Using Skyrim

[20:54:43] (GENERAL) Path: Using C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Games\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\

[20:54:43] (CLIENT) Status: Attempting to connect to mergeplugins.us.to:960

[20:54:44] (CLIENT) Status: Connection successful!

[20:54:44] (CLIENT) Login: Checking if authenticated as "simonOJ"

[20:54:44] (CLIENT) Response: Yes

[20:54:44] (CLIENT) Update: Getting update status

[20:54:44] (GENERAL) Dictionary: Using TES5Dictionary.txt

[20:54:44] (GENERAL) Definitions: Using TES5Edit Definitions

[20:54:44] (GENERAL) Load Order: Using C:\Users\Simon\Desktop\Mods\Skyrim Mods\ModOrganizer\profiles\SRLE LOTD Reqtified\

[20:55:01] (LOAD) Background: [update.esm] Building reference info.

[20:55:01] (LOAD) Background: [HearthFires.esm] Building reference info.

[20:55:03] (LOAD) Background: [skyrim Radioactive - Interiors Compilation.esp] Building reference info.

[20:55:04] (LOAD) Background: [Collectables and Treasures Merged.esp] Building reference info.

[20:55:04] (LOAD) Background: [skyrim-radioactive__catm.esp] Building reference info.

[20:55:04] (LOAD) Background: finished


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