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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon all.  I am putting this up as a fresh forum post in the hope that some far more experienced than me can point me in the right direction.


I have an enormous build based off SR:LE and SR:LE Extended which for the past two months I have been adding to.  Unmerged it contains a total of just short of 580 plugins.  My load order now contains 49 merges which reduce the load order before bashed patch/DynDOLOD/DSR/ASIS to 246 (excluding the lvl list patches which bashed patch will remove). Every one of the merges has been individually CR'd, all scripts contained in merged mods checked to ensure there are no 'GetFormIDFromFile' calls on .esp files being merged and so on.  This has been an exhaustive process and I am pretty confident that the merges are all good and are not the cause of these errors.


None of the plugins showing below as containing errors relies on anything in any of the merges, and I have been very careful not to include in the merges any masters unless all dependents are also contained within the same merge.  So I can also pretty confidently say that none of the errors are being caused by renumbering of any of the IDs within the merges. 


So having got the load order to within the limit and updated everything which needed it I am about to embark on the CR for the full build.  I am intending to run through everything in the SR:LE CR followed by the SR:LEX CR and then go through each of the non-core/extended plugins and CR them (all of this into one CR plugin).  In preparation for starting this I reran LOOT on last time an decided to load everything up into xEdit and do some final housekeeping.  With the entire build loaded I selected everything and ran 'Check for Errors' and that's when the SHTF!  xEdit returned errors in a total of 39 plugins, only two of which are minor issues in two of my merges.  Many of the other plugins are core mods.  These are the plugins showing errors:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Civil War Overhaul.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
Skyrim Unbound.esp
Hebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.esp
The Haven From The Cold And Dark.esp
Dynamic Dialogue Followers.esp
Snowbound Acres.esp
Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp
CACO_Immersive_Creatures_Patch_ lvl_list.esp
It should be noted that none of these plugins have been tampered with, they are exactly as they were when I downloaded and installed them through MO.
I have uploaded the xEdit errors to pastebin here
I am looking for any advice or words of wisdom you can offer as to how best to go about addressing these errors, which if any of them can be ignored, whether there are any general rules about how to go about fixing each of the different types of error.
I will upload my mod list and load order to ModWatch this evening.
Many thanks for taking the time to read and I hope someone out there can help!
Edited by dunc001
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  On 6/24/2016 at 11:56 AM, dunc001 said:

OK, so having scoured through 16500 lines of log text from xEdit loading the plugins in I came across these three warning lines relating to one of the merges:

[00:08] Background Loader: Warning: Record [LAND:020105F4] in file Dragonborn.esm is being overridden by record [ARMO:030105F4] in file Animal Companions and Mounts.esp.
[00:08] Background Loader: Warning: Record [LAND:020105F6] in file Dragonborn.esm is being overridden by record [BPTD:030105F6] in file Animal Companions and Mounts.esp.
[00:08] Background Loader: Warning: Record [LAND:020105F5] in file Dragonborn.esm is being overridden by record [ARMA:030105F5] in file Animal Companions and Mounts.esp.

They all relate to records from the f'ing Dovahbear companion mod which Neo goaded me into including which I had to shoehorn into an existing merge.  I am guessing that Merge Plugins has renumbered something which has then led to these errors when they've been injected back into Dragonborn.esm.  Could these three errors be causing a cascade effect through the entire load which is resulting in so many errors in so many plugins?

This does not look good Dunc. Obviously the references are all mixed up since same FormIDs are used for different assets.

How exactly did you "shoehorn" Dovahbear (God...you really like this mod?  ::D: )  into an existing merge?

You know that this is not the recommended procedure...

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Posted (edited)
  On 6/24/2016 at 12:13 PM, Astakos said:

This does not look good Dunc. Obviously the references are all mixed up since same FormIDs are used for different assets.

How exactly did you "shoehorn" Dovahbear (God...you really like this mod?  ::D: )  into an existing merge?

You know that this is not the recommended procedure...

Sorry, excuse my incorrect terminology.  I did actually delete the original Animal Companions and Mounts merge completely and rebuild it from scratch with the offending bear included.  I can't confirm my assumption as I'm in the office right now but when I get home I'll check the merge plugins map.txt on that merge and I'll be surprised if I don't find renumbering on the Dovahbear FormIDs.  I'll also test the theory by loading everything EXCEPT that merged plugin in to xEdit and checking for errors again.  If they all magically disappear then I have my culprit...


And no, I'm not that partial to the mod but as you know Neo made me do it :P  If it turns out that this is the cause, then the chicken and the rabbit get to stay and play but I'm kicking the bear out and I'm going to make it my mission to annihilate every last bear in Tamriel!

Edited by dunc001
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Can you tell me which mods are in this merge and in what order you merged the plugins?


If i find time tonight I might download them just to see what is wrong...oh boy!! I can't believe I just said that!! Downloading Dovhbear and chickens!!!  ::D:  ::D:

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Damn, it's not the bear. With that merge not loaded up in still getting the same errors reported within the same plugins as before so it's something else. Any suggestions as to how I proceed from here to track down the cause?

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Posted (edited)

Dunc I am a bit lost as to which plugins you are loading each time you come with an error or warning message.

Your entire load order? A partial one?


For example the warning messages that you have attached above show that Dragonborn.esm has a loading index of 02...how come? You were not loading Dawnguard.esm and Hearthfire.esm?


It is a bit confusing...therefore, can u pls load you entire order, check for errors and upload in pastebin those errors together with your entire load order?


If you check all these plugins with errors individually, do these errors still occur?

Have you checked if any of these error-plugins needs cleaning?

Edited by Astakos
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Astakos knows more about this than I do, but I just wanted to add a suggestion that you can try to re-download the mod(s) that are causing errors if all else fails. It is possible that the mod(s) got corrupted during download, if you were downloading with MO and an antivirus scan was running. Or if you were downloading more than one file at a time. Or just because the Nexus can act like crap on occasion. USLEEP for example should not have any errors (and does not when I just checked in xEdit).

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Posted (edited)

OK guys, so to answer your various questions - https://www.modwat.ch/u/dunc001


The errors are showing up when I load in the complete load order.  I also tried loading in without about half of the merged plugins and most of the errors were still there.  If I load only the main files and, for example, USLEEP and check it individually for errors there are none returned.  So something later in the load order is causing overwrites in USLEEP in this instance which are then reported as errors.  The question is how do I trace which plugin(s) is causing this without having to build up the load order in xEdit one plugin at a time which will take forever.


I have tried redownloading a sample of the mods but that makes no difference and as just stated when checked individually they show no errors.


The pastebin link in the OP is the error report with the full load order loaded up in xEdit, the load order being that shown on my modwat.ch


All plugins with ITMs have been cleaned unless the mod page specifically states not to.

Edited by dunc001
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So if I load up the entire load order minus ALL of my merges including the ones specified in SRLE & SRLEX I am still getting errors.  That's with nothing but 'virgin' esps loaded in.  Like this error in USLEEP for example:




When I then check the first cell/ID I find this:




Is it correct that ICW is removing the XTEL record?  Is this what the error is or am I looking in the wrong place?  Surely ICW can't be at fault here?

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Woww Dunc!! You really jumped into deep waters with that load order mate!  :lol:


Anyway...as I see you have not done any conflict resolution; which I believe with this mod list it will be massive.

There is a strong possibility that some of these errors appear because of non-resolved conflicting records.


First...ignore any errors that state "NAVM \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 11>" . Nothing to worry about.


...but errors that state "REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base" needs attention as usually they are UDRs.


Now, take for example the USLEEP errors...well, we all know that there are no errors in USLEEP!! But perhaps there is a mod that comes after USLEEP and touches the same "quest" records as USLEEP ruining something. You need to take a look in xEdit to see which mod alters what that makes USLEEP complain.


I have checked all the plugins we have in common vs my entire load order and I can assure you that there are no errors present (i.e. EFF Dialogue, DFD, etc) and the ones that have "errors" they are either justified or false positives. But i do not have all the plugins you do, therefore I cannot be more concrete.


For example you can ignore the errors for Forgotten City. They are not game breaking but yes I agree they shouldn't be there. I had brought it up with the mod author back in time but he found no way to correct them. Well, they are removed script properties that can be easily deleted from the plugin...anyway!!  :O_o:


This is the main generalized strategy for nailing some of these errors.

  On 6/24/2016 at 10:59 PM, dunc001 said:

Is it correct that ICW is removing the XTEL record?  Is this what the error is or am I looking in the wrong place?  Surely ICW can't be at fault here?

This is ok! These are he false positives I referred above. ICW is essentially deleting this teleport marker as it needs to create a new one.


Look at the Quest errors after the REF ones...which mod conflict with USLEEP and not filling the alias? This needs investigation...

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Excellent, this is what I was hoping was the case!  So basically, until I have done my full CR I should forget about checking for errors on the entire load order?

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For some of them yes.


For others I am pretty sure there is a faulty plugin(s) somewhere that when you check it individually for errors they will be shown.

This then needs addressing to the mod author.

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Posted (edited)

Hey sorry to necro an old thread, but I've been building/playing my own sort of improvised large modlist based on SRLE: LOTD, STEP and Dreadflopps Packs with bits of Explorers Guide... not on the scale of what Dunc was attempting here, but a pretty large list nonetheless.  


I just checked my own LO for errors as I've been experiencing some weird crashes on saving and load screens (doors, basically and not in a specific location).  Wound up with somewhat similar results.  Just a ton of errors in Skyrim.esm, a navmesh error in USLEEP, lots of tint layer errors in NPC's on various mods, a couple VMAD errors... etc.


When I pull up the record mentioned in the USLEEP error (000FC127), I find that its overwritten by first ICAIO + then 3DNPC.  However, oddly in that same cell is another navmesh that is also edited by USLEEP, ICAIO + 3DNPC (00FC11C) and it is not mentioned?


Sacrosanct pulls quest stage errors in Vanilla quests... checking the records, it just looks like Sacrosanct is editing vanilla quests... Not sure what to make of this?


I do realize the navmesh stuff with 3DNPC + ICAIO could be an issue?  I just have absolutely no idea how to resolve it, so that's one thing i've just decided that 3DNPC is likely more important to win that conflict so I load it last.


My load order, though it contains a number of merges so is likely not all that useful.


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*oh and I've already checked, I am using the latest version of xEdit (3.2) ;)
Edited by baronaatista

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