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FO4Edit | External Exception C0FB007E



I used to use this perfectly (Thanks by the way, excellent Application) & Upon a ReInstall of My Windows I can No longer use the app!


I receive : External Exception C0FB007E error


Bug Report :





date/time          : 2016-05-02, 16:42:51, 554ms
computer name      : DAW-GAMER-MEDIA
user name          : DAW <admin>
registered owner   : DAW
operating system   : Windows 10 x64 build 10586
system language    : English
system up time     : 4 hours 29 minutes
program up time    : 857 milliseconds
processors         : 6x AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Processor
physical memory    : 5746/8190 MB (free/total)
free disk space    : (C:) 99.83 GB
display mode       : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id         : $af8
allocated memory   : 45.08 MB
largest free block : 1.99 GB
executable         : FO4Edit.exe
exec. date/time    : 2016-04-21 13:29
version            :
compiled with      : Delphi XE
madExcept version  : 4.0.12
callstack crc      : $3ff3c5cb, $9b1a6345, $bd5e2d87
exception number   : 1
exception class    : EExternalException
exception message  : External exception C0FB007E.

main thread ($b58):
7500dad8 +048 KERNELBASE.dll                       RaiseException
0040bbb4 +0fe FO4Edit.exe    System       1044  +0 @_delayLoadHelper

004f50a5 +005 FO4Edit.exe    UxTheme               dll

Could this be the issue (Its a modified Theme DLL to allow for Dark / shades of Grey Windows Themes)



0050e2c6 +08e FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TWinControl.WMPaint
00509024 +2d4 FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TControl.WndProc
0050d8e8 +568 FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0050cf88 +02c FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c71cc +014 FO4Edit.exe    Classes               StdWndProc
77c08e54 +034 ntdll.dll                            KiUserCallbackDispatcher
757083ed +03d user32.dll                           UpdateWindow
756f69d2 +092 user32.dll                           CallWindowProcW
0050d9e8 +0d8 FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TWinControl.DefaultHandler
00509024 +2d4 FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TControl.WndProc
0050d8e8 +568 FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0050cf88 +02c FO4Edit.exe    Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c71cc +014 FO4Edit.exe    Classes               StdWndProc
77c08e54 +034 ntdll.dll                            KiUserCallbackDispatcher
756f5ede +13e user32.dll                           SendMessageW
0057666c +01c FO4Edit.exe    ComCtrls              TCustomTabControl.SetTabIndex
0057835e +00a FO4Edit.exe    ComCtrls              TPageControl.SetTabIndex
00577d18 +068 FO4Edit.exe    ComCtrls              TPageControl.SetActivePage
00bbfef7 +0eb FO4Edit.exe    frmViewMain  3371 +16 TfrmMain.DoInit
00bedccd +025 FO4Edit.exe    frmViewMain 13096  +6 TfrmMain.tmrStartupTimer
00556317 +00f FO4Edit.exe    ExtCtrls              TTimer.Timer
005561fb +02b FO4Edit.exe    ExtCtrls              TTimer.WndProc
004c71cc +014 FO4Edit.exe    Classes               StdWndProc
756f62fb +00b user32.dll                           DispatchMessageW
005b44f7 +0f3 FO4Edit.exe    Forms                 TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b453a +00a FO4Edit.exe    Forms                 TApplication.HandleMessage
005b4865 +0c9 FO4Edit.exe    Forms                 TApplication.Run
00c08268 +068 FO4Edit.exe    TES5Edit       86  +8 initialization
76e438f2 +022 KERNEL32.DLL                         BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2c8:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $16c4:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $16f0:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $acc (TWorkerThread):
74ffe1cb +8b KERNELBASE.dll                      WaitForSingleObjectEx
74ffe12d +0d KERNELBASE.dll                      WaitForSingleObject
005d45ad +19 FO4Edit.exe    VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00474e47 +2b FO4Edit.exe    madExcept            HookedTThreadExecute
004c4506 +42 FO4Edit.exe    Classes              ThreadProc
00407588 +28 FO4Edit.exe    System       1044 +0 ThreadWrapper
00474d29 +0d FO4Edit.exe    madExcept            CallThreadProcSafe
00474d93 +37 FO4Edit.exe    madExcept            ThreadExceptFrame
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL                        BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($b58) at:
005d4495 +19 FO4Edit.exe    VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $1268:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2d8:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1370:
7500a4e4 +104 KERNELBASE.dll           WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
00474d29 +00d FO4Edit.exe    madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00474d93 +037 FO4Edit.exe    madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76e438f2 +022 KERNEL32.DLL             BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($b58) at:
7533493b +000 combase.dll

thread $11ec:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3c8:
76e438f2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk




If Anyone Can Help it'd Be Appricated , Thanks

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This kind of issue should be posted directly on the github issue tracker here : https://github.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit/issues



Though Zilav is usually around STEP as well, this is a user forum, not a developer one.




As for your modified .dll, did you try to restore the original and keep your modified one as a backup ? Just for testing purpose. That'd be a step in the right direction for a complete troubleshooting session.


Btw, when do you get the error ? Upon starting the program ? Or when clicking OK ? Or randomly ?

Edited by Kesta
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Thanks for prompt response:


@ The begining of launch, I launch it from NMM , although I tend to install the Mods Manually (just allow NMM access as orgainising and updating via the NMM links is useful).


I've noticed if I keep My finger on the escape button it progress' while constantly refreshing he error!

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