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Dear Step Community,


I have found a truly great mod that has fixed a major issue on the look of the LOD trees from the distant.



This mod pretty much gives you a high res LOD tree which in result eliminates the faded white LOD looking trees (left) to a normal healthy looking tree (right).

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This is a must have mod in my opinion.


Let me know what you guys think =)

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Deathwing' date=' I updated your post to utilize the Highslide gallery.[/quote']

Thanks for the update Farlo

I thought it was already in STEP. :P

Just checked the latest pdf guide for Step and found no mention of this mod on the list.

If I am mistaken, please let me know where it is located. Thanks




My bad, just updated it to show the link.

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This conflicts with Vurts Flora Overhual. I am not sure if the LOD in Vurts more accurately reflects its trees or not... this one does look nicer but someone using both mods might notice some inconsistencies. Something to look into.

The author has replied that he is working on a compatibility with vurts summer version which should be released in the coming weeks.

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  • 10 months later...

It looks bad with Vurts. You can visit his page to see a comparison. Just go to the files section and scroll down until you find it. If I remember correct, Vurt himself doesn't recommend that mod but provided a compatible version for SFO because he's a nice guy.


STEP has gone with LODs from Vurts for tree with a custom LOD for snowy pines that z92 did himself and uploaded to Vurts page.

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tree LODs are a tricky thing. I highly recommend people to learn to edit their own dds files and then tweak the LODs yourself. It's always good to have a good starting base like vurts, but depending on which tree textures you use for your pines, aspens, etc., you can adjust the color properties of the tree LOD accordingly. The end result is always much better IMO. Of course, I know not everyone has the time or patience to do this.

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