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Everything posted by Van555

  1. I had the same experience the time I didn't use enboost. Also laptops take forever to ship...arghh!
  2. This is a good question. I think it depends on how much time you have to mess around with it. If you have a good chunk of time I'd say yes as modding took me months to get all sorted out. Actually thinking about it, the answer depends on if all the skyrim mods have to be redone for the remaster. If yes then go for it because it would take a while for everything to catch up.
  3. Thanks good buddy. How's the casino overhaul going?
  4. Hey guys im finally getting a mod-worthy computer and wanted to check in. Anything cool happen recently?
  5. . Yeah but I've seen that kind of message result in armor kit repair being gone forever! Also not having the couriers stash part is vexing to my completeness fetish. So if anybody has that in thier downloads I'd appreciate it
  6. awesome but seriously Roberts males needs to be sorted out.
  7. Ok so Robert's males is down right now apparently for an update So that could be a good thing if it actually happens and terrible if we stuck in the lurch. I just realized that the couriers stash dlc patch didn't make my mod organizer shuffling! :confused: so if anyone has that particular file, just in case the nexus link doesn't come back up it would be appreciated. good news everyone I found a backup for the time being: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48535/? edit2: well it doesn't have couriers stash stuff though. shoot! We should probably plan a contingency.
  8. I updated the numbers. I'll have to fix them again because jip pulled out a new edition!
  9. Understood thanks I'll take care of it. Soonish Also what in store for that Adam update?
  10. Ok so if you install the enb you should still should use the Enblocal tweaks in f&l right? Also Lutana and Jip's updates aren't reflected in the guide. I'm assuming that's an oversight but don't want to act until it's confirmed.
  11. I'm debating which one would have better balance and probably will go with Lucent actually because I think it would work for my medium tier laptop.
  12. Anything I should know before trying an enb for the first time.
  13. Hmm I see well I got nothing other than nexus diving maybe?
  14. I was just looking at the insides of nvse and it's amazing what jip and lutana's stuff can do.
  15. Hmm haven't you got most of them in pado? Though if you had a just retexture see mod it probably get into f&l
  16. Also I'm testing this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41859/? which claims to be able to remove the gra prefix without screwing up wmx so if it works we can get rid of another annoying thing.
  17. I'm using it right now actually though I haven't played this time around. Any word on this? Not wanting to seem impatient because really I'll probably have to pull apart my big merges anyway...
  18. I could definitely see this if we drop say DEIMIOS (which from what I've heard is rather meh) Though honestly I've been thinking about a few of the little quests mods might fill that spot. we shall see.
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