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Everything posted by Van555

  1. I think kimball was involved in a bullhead campaign and the railway is there but I'm not 100% sure
  2. Let me plugin railways: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59674/ And extended crafting https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47825/?
  3. Fair enough really bandits shouldn't have power armor and t60 was a super prosthodontics so why would they be around so much.
  4. A quick thing but irc the darn ui in the guide says it's supposed to me moved but it never specifies where. I'd actually reccomend adding the book of steel compatibility edition and the power armor distribution mod to the guide. As they both work and would save on plugins. I may add it myself but I'm so terrible at writing coherent nowadays. Also the railway mod seems stable though it does overwrite tye rail are made by nv interiors. I think adding nv interiors Addon by rich wizard should be considered. Sorry for the stream of consciousness style here but it I'm just realizing there's a lot of cool stuff that could be added I'll come up with a list soonish or even a subpack. Probably call it odds and ends.
  5. I tested the necklace thing two it works well.
  6. I've tested that for weeks and can confirm it works fine.
  7. Guys new vegas trains is a thing TRAINS! Hopefully nothing melts.
  8. Of I wasn't saying you had to do it I was just gonna test it and let you guys know. It's a good thing I'm such a obsessive I'm not agonized by restarting so much.
  9. I'm not getting end of the page syndrome again! Also lutana's script extended had an update.
  10. I was thinking if we should look at the book of steel compatibility edition and power armor distributed overhual for inclusion. Thoughts?
  11. Ok so I feel like a total newbie but you don't apply the bash tags script to the dlcs in NV while it is done in FO3 right?
  12. Of course I'd share it if I did it. I gained so much from this guide. I tried contacting the author but he can't receive new messages and the deserters fortress mod the perks were part of can't be extracted without his permission so I think I'm out of luck.
  13. Ohh boy well I know what I must do!
  14. I'm having a problem where with 2 handed guns like the by gun or hunting rifle when fired in vats snap downwards and fire towards the floor. Besides that things look fine so why could this be happening?
  15. I was reading up on how the more perks for lonesome road does exist but as part of another mod. Do you think it's possible to extract the perk stuff without the rest of it? And if so should I contact the author before attempting it?
  16. I'm guessing you don't but I don't know for sure.
  17. I love how mods for this game are still updated...that seems crazy and I love it.
  18. The Geck for four being out will be the symbol.
  19. Oh that makes sense because wanderers is on still! Ok I is are smart
  20. Yes I think so I'd guess it's just a vanilla but where a body goes into the ground and freaks out but with flesh chunks.
  21. Embarrassing on my end though I wonder how you get the medicine bobble head wanderers style? I'll figure it out I guess
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