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Everything posted by Van555

  1. Man things were finally set up and then my game ctd a on first level up... Back to the drawing board because I've never seen a ctd preventing level up before
  2. Hey SRB could you reupload the fear and loathing xpadder layout? It seems to be down.
  3. Don't feel too bad it took me at least three tries to get the step guide to work as intended you just have focus reload and say something over here.
  4. At some point soon I need to make my own pack to stop bothering people.
  5. I'm also curious about this because given the rate I've leveled up in the past in my thorough style I would be level 20 by the time I get to novac! In fallout 3 Xbox I waited until after I finished the main quest and that was unsatisfying. My provisional plan was to wait until I could get in to the strip but now I'm not so sure...
  6. Never stop mono! I also think the big nominees I'm still advocating for are equipment restoration and new Vegas expanded crafting.
  7. I get it's an outfit that looks like that but it looks so chunky
  8. Thanks for the hard work dude now to look at all my nominations! ;)
  9. Reminds me of the monty Python ahhh bit.Do you think we should integrate the equipment restoration mod now that it's compatible with wmx? I would nominate it. Also Mojavee rooftops, the starting towns reborn series and yui's more containers more loot/ ownerless trash.
  10. You are on a roll I can't remember the last time I had to redo my advanced recon merge every two days.
  11. Aww man... Oh well probably for the best balance wise. Man this is an exciting time for FLNV
  12. Thank you kindly! I tried my hand at Perks for Lonesome road via slicing up deserters fortress...Didn't work out great but it was my first serious attempt.
  13. How would I be able to access this? Or considering I'm busy I could probably wait a day.
  14. Mono never makes mods compatible with his other mods. ;)
  15. It's the grand conjunction of neck stuff!
  16. Ohh ok I'll get rid of the snippet that says it does then. On second thought I won't do that until I resolve the issue I had with radaway
  17. I'm sure we'll find some use for it!
  18. Dang I'm in the middle of a reinstall because my mega merges got too messy! Curse my perfectionism! Darnified UI is moved at some point right? I'm trying to solve my inability to press y and use rad-away with the controller when you bring up Status. Edit: I think the issue was advanced recon
  19. Shoot did we solve the issue of the guide never telling us where to move darn ui Can only a premium member message someone? Because I really want to ask dree74 for permission to extract the lonesome road more perks from deserters fortress but I can't message him.
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