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Everything posted by FuzzyDuck

  1. Yeah... LOD UNloading Fix didn't work =\ Gonna remake the DynDOLOD on a lower resolution then. Just for info will report if it works.
  2. Thanks folks! Gonna test this LOD Unloading Fix soon. I really just don't wanna use for now DyndDOLOD because of performance issues. Aiming for a stable 60, i'm surprised that my 3050 8GB is struggling to keep it up :/ If i don't have another answear i'll recreate the DynDOLOD but gonna go for lower resolution, see if i can manage best of both worlds But thanks for the answears folks !
  3. Sorry if it's obvious, i'm on a loss for this. Strangely. if not opting to use the Dyndolod (I prefer performance than visuals overall) this distorcion on close stonework (Walls, floors) have beeing a recurring thing. Sometimes, reloading the save fix it, sometimes like this one doesn't. Any idea of what mod, from the Step Guide would be doing it? How could i fix it without putting Dyndolod on?
  4. Ohhh fair enough! I think i remember this that you said about past versions having some options. But, may i, this humble no one duck offer an new possibility? It may end up beeing a lot of work. May not even be avabile at the next release, it would be fair. But, the idea would be. As Greg gave a pretty good explanation on how to a User to go and Manually clean certain masters from the CR Patch. Could, there be a page, maye a link to that page on the STEP 5 Patches section, that have an more in-depth explanations on what FormIds are related to each mod affected on the CR? So that at least, we, users, could go manually, having a reference page, to clean ourselves. Of course, it should be tagged as "Advanced Users for Those Modfiying STEP GUIDE" On that, i'm just spitballing ideas tbh, i really don't know how difficult it would be to create this FormID reference sheet. But, just seeing Gregs tutorial here, it's already a fantastic blueprint! Maybe only formated to be on somewhere on the wiki? Other possible idea, is having this exemple on the post as an "Exemple on how to clear Info and Masters" And, an tutorial on how to find what FormIds needed to be cleaned. Of course, with a lot of alarms that "It's an Advanced Guide for those looking to change the base CR Patch." ~ Step Team is not Responsable for Changing the CR Patch. ~ Kind of disclaimer. Again, those are just ideas that came in mind And as always, thank you folks so much for this, seriously, fantastic work. I can say that at least for my friends and social nerd group, STEP has been the reference point for modding Beth games for years. You folks are amazing
  5. Oh, heyt @TechAngel85! I had a small, stupid questio about a possible future work on the STEP Guide Patches. I imagin it may have been talked in the past, of course, but i don't remember the talks that was born of those conversations. Which conversations are those? Well, a "Modeular Installer STEP~ CR Patch". I mean, something similar to kryptopyr's Patch Hub. Maybe, a FOMOD installation, where you get the classic option of installeing the Step CR - Full. That is the one indicatted by the guide. But, on this FOMOD, therere could be a "Custom" option. That would give all those patches, separated,. And yeas, there would be a lot of plugings, as a resolt. Plugings that could, for advancerd usesrs, work with Merge PLugings to turn them into their own Personal Step-CR. This is one way i imagine it could be done. And as i'm not a deep modder. Most i did was really basic stuff, like creating some personal compatibilies patches and, small rebalances for personal playthghoruhgs and, yeah, small things. I know the complete basics, but wouldn't be able to to create a heavy FOMOD to create an "Modular Step-Conflict Resolution FOMOD". And of course, i understand the huge amount of work this would brig. But, i imagine that the last time something like this was seen, at least by myself, were around 2016. Time passed, there are new tools that could help? I guess? I remember aournd 2016 a concept patcher from Mattor, i guess, with an "Smashed Patch". But last i saw, it seemed liked to have been abandoned. Any other projects working around the concept of mergeing mods, conclifct resolutions and the like for nowaday? ~ "Fun" post, note. How. Why, WHY THIS 11 YEARS GAME STILL HOOK ME IN AT LEAST TWICE A YEAR!!? ? AND EVERY FACKING TIME I FIND SOMETHING NEW! Seriously, all complains on bethedsa, and skyim for that matter. But 99% of those are dwarfed unter the sheer communite aorund it. Dramas, intrigues, backstabbing but cooperation and extremely good intentional people doing so much to keep this game alive for so facking long. So yeah, just as an final, i'm still in love not only with the base game (That, i actually can still and have fun) but with the incredible modding comunity. Even with the flaws we can see here and there. Lastly, ******* thank you STEP team to be one, at lesat for my experience, less toxic spots of thos fandom\community. Congratz (Okey, i may have ended up going full praise praise prasie and pretty bootlicker\toady :X towards the project)
  6. God dammit! Thank yah! Was searching for this XD Trying to build a modlist for me based on step but foccused on performance and some gameplay stuff i prefer, was looking into Realm of Lorkhan as the starter option =O
  7. Hoy no problem ^-^ Just thought of pointing it out for future interations \o> Aside from that, i think the whole guide is looking pretty good.
  8. Hoy! Found a small inconsistence, i think. When you are directed to install xLODGen , there isn't any moment of prompting to create an "Step SkrimSE - xLODGen Output" Empty Mod. Later, o Step 5, it asks you to move some files into this empty mod, as if it was asked to be created beforehand. It's a small, easly to understand what is needed to do, thing, but as for consistance, it could be better to have a explanation to create the "Empty Mod" on STEP 2. It's nothing big, but it could make some ppl confuse, so cover all the possible erros. Unless it's already stated somewhere else, bu, i couldn't find it =Z Edit: ~ And now, after i posted i found that we had a prompt to create xLODGen Output before , and that is never used. So i imagine that it wouyld be Step SkyrimSE - xLODGen Output that, Step 5 refers to. As i said, is something really freaking small, but can cause some confusion.
  9. Ohh thanks :O Gonna take a look on the AI thingy
  10. Well, 4 years later, a bad GPU rushed purchase left with me a GTX 1050 for now! I'm doing the STEP SkyrimSE right now, and i remember that on the old STEP there were some customizations on the Radeon Control Panel and Nvidia Control Panel... Doing a quick glance on the new Guide, it doesn't seem to reference those optimizations, so, wanted to know, are those outdated, or left out because aren't directly connected to the modding part? On that, if they were left out for consistance, anyone has experiences on using the Nvidia Control Panel? Right now, as i'm with a GTX 1050, i'm not going for great visuals, but looking into better performance overall. Anyone could give me some pointers on how to better optimize it? Tx in advance, and as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes or wonky writing, english isn't my native.
  11. Thanks folks, i was under the assumption that MO2 was focused on F4 and SkyrimSE D=
  12. Ohh ouki! I was under the impression, that for older games, like Skyrim LE and the like, it would be better to look for the original MO D=
  13. Hoy folks! I'm looking into doing some Oblivion streams in the future, and was looking into mods. Wanted to know if there is anywhere some modern\updated guides, and what manager, those whom do oblivion modding use nowadays? MO1? MO2? Vortex? I know it's an old game, but searching the only guides i found were from from 7\6 yrs ago! So, anyone could give some help on this front?
  14. OoO I thought ther would be an last update to the LE guide, and then only for SE, at least i remember this beeing announced on Tech post about the development. Well that's sad, but understandable >: Will take a look on that guide, maybe i can try do something on it, and for SE will wait for the background issues going on to finish and the proper guide to be released \o> Again thanks for all the work on this project \o>
  15. Ohh thank yah :D No problem, i imagine that, for LE the only one that will be supported, when released will be the 3.0.0 version isn't it?
  16. As the title says! I know the site, wiki and all is going of ver a turmoil right now. Saw the announcement of rolling back from the project for a new system for the site and stuff. And, i'm sorry if it's repeated but, i wanted to ask, where can i find a link, to the most recent version of STEP for the LE Skyrim? On the main wiki page, it gives us the STEP:0.3.0b, that for what i understood is a preview of the SE release that will be given in the future. I've been wanting to go back into Skyrim, specially on LE and wanted to ask if yah folks could point out to me the latest version of S.T.E.P guide for Skyrim LE up on the wiki right now. Sorry if it's pointed somewhere else, i've searched a little but my potato brian couldn't find it. Also thanks for all the work beeing done! Anyway, sorry for any big grammar error, english isn't my native eé Edit: Seconds after i posted it, i found this page : https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.10.1 Would it be? Or this :https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.10.0
  17. Hail!My specs are the following: Windows 10.GPU > Gigabyte GTX 1050 2GB VRAM (Defaut OC Profile with AORUS Engine)RAM > 16GB - 2, 8GB DDR4 2133 MHz (If i remember right, its a HyperX Fury)CPU > Intel Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.6 GHzRunning on a admittedly old 1Tera HDD. WDC WD10EACS-00D6B0 . For some reason, as i saw online people allegedly running on medium on the same GPU and getting smooth 60 FPS on concord for example.But, whenever i try it, the FPS doesn't really hold up.And, i'm talking full vanilla testing right now. No BethIni tweaking, no Fallout 4 Configuration Tool.Only, basic vanilla Low settings.And still getting huge fps dips.Checked my driver and it's up to date. Disabled NVidia Streaming Shield as some say it may affects FPS.Also, NVidia Control Panel, i've set it all to the default.Also, i'm testing this after a complete clean install. Now, I only use ENBoost for the performance improvements and fixes. and I've noticed that the enblocal.ini from the mod in the fallout 4 nexus, is meant to be used with an older version of the binaries of ENBoost, and i noticed that the ENBoost 6.1 on Skyrim Special Edition mod, has a LOT of new options and fixes on the Ini file.Yeah, i understand it is on the Skyrim Special Edition nexus, but, somethings like Mod Organizer 2 is hosted only there too, so maybe the enblocal.ini located there can be used on F04? What kind of performance enhancing mods/settings you folk use?Should i just give up for a moment and go for another game for now, until i'm able to upgrade some piece? Sorry for any grammar mistakes,
  18. Hail folks. Little question, wanted to know if the options here https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENBlocal_INI are usefull for Fallout 4? Same with this .inis https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73618/?tab=description Because the basic ENBlocal.ini that comes with the binaries is reaaaaly empty compared to the one posted on the Skyrim Special Edition.
  19. Oh! Nice. But, why would i need to load those dummy plugins? Don't M.O.2 have the "Have MO manage archives"?
  20. Hail! I'm following 2.10.0 as a base for a new Skyrim run. I'm aware that, when 3.0 Final finally releases, M.O 1 will be left behind and M.O2 will be the Manager to be used, at least that's what i was led to belive from some forum posts. So, i wanted to ask, do you folk think there would be any problems on using M.O.2 for Oldrim right now? Or it's better to keep using the old one?
  21. Well, the title says everything! I seeked out a little but failed. And the ENBoost advanced guide, doesn't explain well if i should or not disable the game native AA. So that's the question. If using EnableEdgeAA from ENBoost, will it have effects? Should i disable the normal game AA? Also, this is offtopic, but i'm using a GTX 1050, and i wanted to know if it's possible to activate MFAA on Oldrim? Maybe inject it thorugh the Driver settings? Anyone has tested it yet, does it give a better performance/quality than the game original AA or EnableEdgeAA ?
  22. Ohh Okey then <3 I'll be using M.O.1.3 for the time beeing, and will update to M.O.2 when/if STEP 3.0 do the same. Thanks for the help
  23. Hail! A question i must ask, following the guide, the part about Mod Organizer, it doesn't specify what M.O should be used. Should we go for M.O 2, as it's becoming more stable with each release or the M.O Legacy located on M.O.2 download page?
  24. Wot! Don't know why, well, here it is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRC2O455RG8 Another instance is here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVJz8tL4FuI
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