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Everything posted by DanielCoffey

  1. Neo - The EFF and Wet and Cold Compatibility Patch that was just added has a Docs folder that needs to be excluded in the instructions. Thorgal - I have the following as the tail end of my load order with PERMA... SR Conflict, Bashed Patch, ASIS-Dependency, ASIS, PatchusMaximus, Dual Sheath Redux Patch.
  2. I know Boris has made similar comments both one way and the other before, but it seems that he will be dropping any NVidia-specific optimisations in his ENB in favour of AMD. For those of us with NVidia cards, it would be advisable to retain the last known optimised dll in case of poor performance going forwards.
  3. Hi Phazer - your system is very similar to mine - 4770k and 780 - so I can take you through the steps I used myself... 1. The normal advice is to count up the heat sources in terms of how many 120mm units of rad space they require. 1 for the CPU, 2 for a gaming GPU, 1 for the motherboard if cooled and 1 spare. Since you don't mention cooling your motherboard, that would add up to 480mm of cooling space as a minimum. The idea behind the spare capacity is no one wants their fans running flat out so by adding at least one extra fan, you can run them all slower and quieter. That will give you the minimum rads required. 2. You don't need a larger reservoir - that doesn't help with cooling as it is only there to trap air. I have an EK 140mm tube res. A single pump is OK for a single GPU but you want a reliable one. One of the branded D5 variants is advisable because they are dependable. You only really need a dual pump system if you have many GPUs or if the machine is business critical. Twin pumps in series means that if a single pump fails, the other will still keep the flow going while you arrange a drain down and replacement. 3. You only want a single loop since you only have the one CPU and GPU to deal with. In fact, even if you go for, say, 2x970s in SLI in the future like Neovalen, you still only need a single loop. Dual loops only come into play in bling builds or if you have, say, 3x or 4xGPU setups. 4. It doesn't matter how many radiators make up your surface area. 1x 120 and 1x360 will work the same as 2x240 or 1x480. You can mix and match 140mm rads in the loop with 120s without issue. Remember to wash out any new rads thoroughly with hot water, then white vinegar (to dissolve any flux residue) then more hot water. 5. Tubing comes down to your budget and aesthetics. Flexible tube is cheap but may leech plasticiser. Buy good branded tube. If you go hardline, you have three choices - straight acrylic with 90-degree elbows where needed, curved acrylic for which you need the heatgun bending kits and copper for which you need a tube bender. 6. Coolant - just use a quality branded premix and remember to replace it once a year as the biocide gets used up. Don't bother with pearlescent fluids as they have issues with pumps and residues. 7. Drain - you MUST have a drain. You will find that many good pumps and reservoirs have spare ports on them to run a drain off. Make sure the drain exits at the lowest part of the loop and has a good tap on the end. 8. Case - because you have an ATX board rather than an mATX board you do have to be careful with your case. As you said, an S8 is more than you want to spend but I can say from personal experience that they are a dream to work with. If you do choose a CaseLabs case, make sure you get the drop-in radiator mounts as it makes your job a LOT easier at build time. 9. Fans - don't bother with push/pull fans - just use 30mm, 45mm or even 60mm rads with fans in push only. Draw cool air in from the outside and allow the warm air to find its own way out. 9. Fan Controller - you may want to see if the budget will stretch to an Aquaero or Lamptron fan controller. I use an Aquaero 6 because I have fans split into several channels (case, push and pull) and it makes my configuration so much simpler. My own machine is a bit of overkill because I had a cash windfall and didn't know how hot the 4770k and 780ti were going to be so I over specified... a lot! I have 2x360 60mm rads in push/pull which is way more than I need. At 100% GPU load, the GPU temp is reported at only 41C. At 100% CPU load the 4770K is reporting 45C at 4.5GHz. The Aquaero allows me to set up multiple sensors so I monitor the difference between water temperature and ambient air and base the fan speeds off that. At idle I have case fans at 40% on a rising curve and the push fans on the same setting but the pull fans are off. At idle I have only a 4C difference between the water and the air. Once I start gaming, the water temp rises. The case and push fans speed up a little and once it reaches 10C over ambient, the pull fans start too. In Skyrim with an ENB at 1440p, I reach 13C over ambient - the water is about 35C with the air being about 22C. I really do advise the CaseLabs cases. Sure they are premium but you will keep the case for the life of that form factor of motherboard. They are designed to be stripped for cleaning or even total rebuilds. Every screwhole or gap is carefully thought about and they are so well made. Spares are always available. DEMCiflex will do custom filters at a very reasonable price if you want dust protection or you could go filterless and air-blast your rads every couple of months. That should give you something to think about. Daniel.
  4. I did think some of the boards used on the small/medium ships were a bit on the broad side and from the outside looked a bit coarse and hard to shape. I was probably expecting smaller, overlapping boards but I may be thinking too modern with my expectations.
  5. The History page is the correct place to look - you can pick a range of dates to compare and you will see the edits - you can then go down to the mods affected and review their current installation instructions. If there are too many edits, break it down into smaller chunks of, say, a day at a time.
  6. I did find that Wrye Bash reported that a few ESPs (including Perkus Maximus) needed to have their Masters sorted but I don't have any errors reported that I am aware of.
  7. No - as we were just saying, the changes are significant and need thinking about. There are short-term patches discussed too.
  8. I have another query about a PerMa Archery mechanic and the VioLens killmove mod... In PerMa, when you draw and hold your bow, you use Stamina. When you zoom with Eagle Eye you use more Stamina. When you release the shot, the Stamina bar pauses for that small timer and then refills. When VioLens triggers an Archery killmove, it totally empties my Stamina bar, regardless of how much I had left when I released the shot. I am in the low teens, level-wise and when I draw, zoom and release with, say, only a quarter of my Stamina gone at the point of release, when the Killmove is over and control returns, the Stamina bar is completely drained. Is VioLens zeroing the bar by mistake or is it suppressing the release event so that PerMa thinks I still have my bow at full draw?
  9. For those folks who add player homes to SR:LE, the ELFX merge handled the ELFX - NoBreezehome.esp without issues. I just added it into the merge and it was fine.
  10. I noted the bit about bursting waterskins too if spoilage is turned on. Oh, was it me or did the ELFX Merge on the new TES5EDIT take quite a while for the second pass?
  11. iNeed has changed but the changes look significant and mention temporary patches.
  12. I would be more concerned about using an exe installer.
  13. There is no attachment visible. There are some issues with the Aspens and LODs that the guide and SFO mentions.
  14. No - I have not managed to reproduce the issue in Whiterun under SR:LE although I have only made a couple of attempts.
  15. Darth-Mathias - there is a thread in this sub-forum about Perkus Maximus. Yes there are conflicts but it works well enough. Neo - Wiseman303's Critter Fixes states that it contains Pondfish and Salmon Replacer fixes but Pondfish has textures too so may be worth keeping as long as it is checked against the Critter Fixes for mesh overwrites.
  16. I got the flashing light issue today on the machine in my signature and Vividian 6.30 but it was not in the same place - it was the cart outside Whiterun and the flash was a blue-white. I do remember having this issue in the past year or so too in exactly the same place so I don't think it is tied specifically to Vividian 6.30. In the past the lights wree pinpoints but this time they were the rectangles shown above. The centre point jumped all over the cart. I was returning from the Western Watchtower having just killed the dragon and was approaching the cart along the road. The hot blue flashing appeared from the cart itself, not the horse or any of the braziers nearby but I did notice that the LODs were adjusting as I ran forwards. Just as the brazier behind the cart adjusted, the flashing occurred. I reproduced it four times reloading from the same QuickSave (and had an immediate CTD when attempting to reload the QuickSave each time after the flash - I had to relaunch Skyrim). I failed to capture the flashes on a screenshot as they were too quick and I no longer have that QuickSave.
  17. Aha - that was what was missing - I had no Bash tags on the CR patch at all. No more nekkid witches... *sigh*
  18. OK, making the assumption that she is a vanilla encounter, I have drilled down as follows... Quest - 0009F337 - Atronach Mis-summoned LvlWitchAny LCharWitchAny LCharWitch01Any LCharWitch01Fire 00074F77 - EncWitchFire01BretonF 00044CD5 - WarlockOutfitLeveled This list is affected by Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp, Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade and Cloaks.esp. Cloaks.esp wins with... ARMO:000C5D12 ClothesWarlockBoots LVLI:00105EF9 LItemWarlockRobes LVLI:01AF0281 LItemVampireHoodsEnch50_KRY LVLI:500454E1 1Dr_BAIN_NecromancerList_CCO LVLI:51000D6C LItemCloakEnch 50 is CCOR, 51 is Cloaks.esp. I don't really know how Bash Tags will affect this but hope that someone could look at those Levelled Lists and make some suggestions.
  19. I am investigating another naked NPC caused by a levelled list conflict. World Encounter : A dead Witch and a nearby Flame Atronach. NPC : Witch Race : Female Breton Equipment : Black Boots, Black Cowl, Cloak - Black Linen, Hooded Black Mage Robes, Iron Dagger. She was wearing everything except the Hooded Black Mage Robes because the Black Cowl conflicted with that equipment slot. She looked like Little Red Riding Hood's *very* naughty sister. I have had a look at the NPC_ entries for "Witch" and none fit her race/sex combo. I will investigate further to see which levelled list she is being generated from and thereby which levelled equipment list is being used to dress her. My level at the time was 5.
  20. I can see it now.. the two young kids asking themselves why the Dragonborn is chasing after them. "Which one of us asked them to play Tag?" "I thought it was you." "Well I thought it was you!" "So... are we going to tell them the game is over?" "Nah, they could use to lose a few pounds."
  21. I did see a *very* brief unexpected flash in Whiterun under a single card and 6.30 yesterday but I have not been able to reproduce the big areas shown above in Whiterun at the steps above the Drunken Huntsman. We will need one of our SLI users to disable a card and retest.
  22. This mod has now been updated to handle more 'shrooms and has been featured by Hodi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcVUDDms3_o
  23. I know you said in your other thread that you fixed it by reverting to 6.20 but I wonder if the newer version of Vividian is using functions from newer releases of the ENB which may in turn be at the root of the issue? What ENB was out at the time that Vividian 6.20 was released? We also know that Boris does not support 2xGPU setups since he does not have one himself.
  24. Given that PerMa-Thief has the Blackjack perk, would it be sensible to disable NPC Knockout Overhaul in favour of PerMa?
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