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  1. Ok, I'll have to use a different source.
  2. Clicked on the spoilers. Didn't show anything inside.
  3. Optimially DCE requires having 32gb of memory or more, which makes best use of the mod.
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/100975 It's been several weeks ever since Disk Cache Enabler was released not only for Starfield, but also for Fallout 4 and SSE/AE. Prior to DCE, for years I've tried many attempts at improving performance, anything to get rid of stutters, abandoned LE for SSE, and I even saved up and built a new PC specifically for this game and Cities Skylines, but almost everyone knows that modded games must be on a very large SSD, so that there is little to no stuttering, something which is beyond what I could afford on my current salary (sorry, more than half of that salary is for daily needs; at some point in the future I would move my games to an SSD, but then I stick to hard drives because they are easier to recover. There is PrimoCache, but personal complications prevent me from using credit/debit cards just to buy it). Reading the original technical description of the mod for Starfield: Why the author chose to have two versions of the mod for different versions of the game isn't explained in full, did not explain what are the "overheads" which makes the Universal version different from the 1.6 version, but regardless, DCE Universal is working as much as its 1.6 counterpart, as they cut down on I/O operations which translates to little to no micro-stuttering. This far, I've used the FO4 and SSE (the Universal version, instead of the 1.6-only) versions of the mod, and suffice to say that as they made the most of the installed RAM on my PC, loading assets into memory as I go, the mod made those games truly playable even on a hard drive, as I have racked more hours playing both games than without the mods. The mod also encouraged me to weed out scripted mods causing freezes, as I uncovered culprits found with XPMSSE and promptly replaced them with XPMSSE Lite without the scripts. I do have to say that DCE works best if you have 16gb or more of installed memory (my PC has 32gb) and a hand-tuned page file, especially as some of that memory isn't utilized much by those games. That I feel DCE is a great upgrade for free for those specific games, as opposed to Primocache which, while touted as being superior and can be used for almost every application to speed up I/O operations, is a paid program and may not work for everyone. Damn, wish this mod was made many years ago.
  5. Getting rid of the "shrink-wrapped" mountains after enabling the Terrain Underside option, turns out, needs a readjustment of [TerrainManager] settings in SkyrimPrefs.ini -- setting them to Ultra values solved the problem. fBlockLevel0Distance=35000.0000 fBlockLevel1Distance=70000.0000 fBlockMaximumDistance=250000.0000 fSplitDistanceMult=1.5 fTreeLoadDistance=75000.0000
  6. So I finally solved a problem why I had "plastic-wrapped mountains" after enabling the Terrain Underside option before generating -- it's because of Terrain Manager settings that were set too low in Skyrimprefs.ini, especially fBlockMaximumDistance. Previous (I think BethINI did these settings): fBlockLevel0Distance=50000.0000 fBlockLevel1Distance=72500.0000 fBlockMaximumDistance=94000.0000 fSplitDistanceMult=4.0000 fTreeLoadDistance=72500.0000 After setting to vanilla Ultra settings: fBlockLevel0Distance=35000.0000 fBlockLevel1Distance=70000.0000 fBlockMaximumDistance=250000.0000 fSplitDistanceMult=1.5 fTreeLoadDistance=75000.0000 No more "plastic wrap"!
  7. About this mod, the texture pack is visually great. However, I daresay I once went forward to the author politely asking about the overly-bright snow shaders. Unfortunately he seemed to be very defensive in his decision making the shaders too bright at night, especially as I removed the altered shaders from his plugin as a corrective measure and for the sake of consistency and compatibility.
  8. Here's the files as requested: https://mega.nz/folder/7YESWJAJ#h0NHfNrDFSORKb3spUE54A As far as I have seen, 3DNPC modified the cell's navmesh, and Immersive Encounters added an NPC in that same area with the quest in question, but were not included in the occlusion generation. Will try to run the quest sequence again with default values and settings, using the original occlusion plugin, and report my findings, as for all I know it could also been possibly a memory leak during the time it happened until I rebooted the PC later.
  9. After doing the above instructions, marking cell 6FE1 as modified, I ran the scenario to recreate the conditions which caused the CTD, and the game successfully produced a savegame.
  10. Did as directed, removed all records but the affected cell, then ran the quest as usual and was able to make a savegame without crashing. Repeated this sequence but with SSE Fixes savegame option disabled, and again, no CTD. There were no warnings during occlusion generation with either utility. Yes, it's understandable. Been going through the video I recorded for tracking down the problem, and it appeared that a quest in Immersive Encounters, rather than 3DNPC Immersive Encounters.esp (282E8155) \ Quest \ 73A970B4 <SetteBard01> has, beyond my understanding, somehow affected gamesave function and occlusion data specific to that worldspace cell (6FE1). I do also have to note the current version of Immersive Encounters is also a beta release.
  11. Ok, found that removing the TVDT in question from occlusion.esp resolved the savegame problem.
  12. After generating and playtesting, there is a consistent CTD with the occlusion plugin (occlusion.esp) at Tamriel worldspace cell -36,14 (FormID 6FE1), all while trying to make a gamesave. Used DYNDOLOD 3 as directed, with the occlusion option on. Even tried generating the occlusion plugin with xLODGEN and used it. Same CTD. The only mod making changes to this cell is 3DNPC, specifically the navmesh. I may have to test again but without the occlusion plugin, see what I could possibly find. EDIT: may be a problem on 3DNPC's part. CTD happens with a specific quest. Crash_2021_9_15_16-12-14.txt
  13. Run the launcher outside MO2, which should generate plugins.txt with the default ESMs/ESPs on.
  14. RESOLVED: the stutter in question was eliminated after 1 hour of in-game testing. Okay, the conditions for removing the lag: I just got rid of all limiters and anything to do with vsync (.INI files) only ENB's vsync setting was enabled SSE Display Tweaks was disabled completely - this mod/fix actually works only for monitors over 60hz and therefore cannot be used with a 60hz monitor connected to HDMI Havok fix enabled SSE FPS Stabilizer disabled Skyrim Realistic Overhaul disabled (to reduce VRAM consumption as much as possible) I hope these findings should be of help to anyone using a system setup similar to mine.
  15. After some reading elsewhere, I was beginning to realize this may be a software problem, something to do with the refresh rate and/or input lag (as oddly, I thought about 45 min / 60hz = 0.75?). EDIT: did tried your settings. Still the stutter/lag happened as predicted. I'm getting the feeling it has something to do at the hardware level, despite replacing the mouse and using the drivers. However, I do remember initially playing the game at full screen mode and never experienced something this bad, long before I began reworking my modded setup. EDIT 2: Steam Overlay disabled. Am going to disable HPET at the OS level. Also: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/games-stuttering-when-moving-mouse.1341451/ EDIT 3: Camera look stuttering still happened even after disabling both Steam Overlay and HPET. Note also that I dropped the mouse polling to 125hz. Happened 45 minutes (again) into the game. EDIT 4: seems USB polling may have to do something with the problem; I moved the G102 to another port, the same as what the XB360 controller is on. Also disabled controller support for SSE on the Steam page. Will report back. EDIT 5: Updated to Win10 v.202H. Problem still occurred. Been thinking if it had to do with SSE Fixes, Display Tweaks, or...? Going back to USB polling issues and/or vsync. I might have to come back tomorrow and try disabling all but only what is actually needed. This is really draining, and I am supposed to be happy with my setup. EDIT 6: a certain SSE Fixes setting concerning about VerticalLookSensitivity; I set this to false, then tested until I went over the 50-minute mark before the stutter struck again. HPET enabled manually through BCDEdit. Gonna try another shot.
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