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Everything posted by GrantSP

  1. The 'Overwrite' folder is a temporary folder that will contain any file(s) that aren't already found in the existing VFS of MO. If you use a mod or tool that creates new files as part of it's process these new files need to moved into their correct location. The 'proc' style patchers in particular need to have the 'Overwrite' clean before they are run and then the contents made into a mod. In general the installation of mods doesn't place files in this folder. Likewise with tools like Wrye Bash or Tes5Edit. The files are either just backups and can be deleted or new files that need to moved. You need to decide based on what you were doing with that tool.
  2. If you have configured the SkyProc jar to be run via the 'Gears' icon I would guess you may have left off the arguments to call the correct Java executable. Easiest way to fix that is to delete that executable from the drop down list and then open the 'Data' tab on the right-hand pane. Navigate to the folder that contains the SkyProc jar and right-click and select "Add as executable". That will fill out the details correctly. These are the details from my setup. Binary: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exeStart in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\mods\ReProccer - Automated SkyRe patch generator\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_ReProccerArguments: -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\mods\ReProccer - Automated SkyRe patch generator\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_ReProccer\ReProccer.jar" -nobossTake note the Java version called here is version 7 and is 32bit. Any version of Java may be called, ie. jre6, jre7 or jre8. As long as they are 32bit.
  3. Make sure the path to the corflags.exe is enclosed in double quotes and then the switch is separate and then the path to the Papyrus Compiler is also enclosed in double quotes. "C:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Kits\8.1a\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\corflags.exe" /32bit+ "c:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steam apps\common\skyrim\papyrus compiler\papyruscompiler.exe" These are the paths as described in the wiki.
  4. So if we take the 'techy' style of @DoubleYou's wiki and the 'user-friendly' style of @Hishutup and combine them onto the existing Wiki-Editing Guide that should do the trick.
  5. @hishutup I think it may be easier to just use the STEP wiki @DoubleYou linked to and enlarge upon that. If you are unsure of what is needed then narrowing down the edits is going to be next to impossible. Is it focusing on just the STEP wiki? A more general wiki guide? Or some other criteria you have in mind? Going by the headings you have in place at the moment it looks more like a generalised wiki guide. I don't think that is really needed, surely the web has a million of those already. More specific guidelines about how to format a consistent STEP wiki may be a more suitable starting point. I'll put my mind to it in the next few days and see if I can set a framework. EDIT: Actually, looking through the already posted instructions in the https://forum.step-project.com/forum/15-wiki/ the need for another wiki guide becomes even more unnecessary. Or am I completely missing the point of what you are after?
  6. Although I don't really enjoy working on wikis, I'd be more than willing to lend a hand with any wiki work.
  7. Yes, that video is awesome, but if that is what your ENB preset can do to the game then the truly awesome thing is what you have created. Amazing. If it wasn't for that dragon flying in the distance around the 2 minute mark I could have believed it was just some footage from a camping trip in the Canadian Rockies or something. Fantastic work. To be honest I have never gotten into ENBs before, seemed like too many variables to fiddle with and it still came out like a colour splash over the game. I'm going to have to rethink my position on them now. Heading over to Nexus to get my download now.
  8. The warnings MO give are not related to the load order managed by LOOT. That dialog clearly says it is the left hand pane order that needs attention, not the plugins in the right hand pane.
  9. Thanks. As my edit of the last post says, when I made a new chapter by editing the whole document, after saving that I could then edit just that new section easily. I use Chrome and I have got a couple of extensions to check for rogue scripts and malware. It may just be a case of my extensions being too vigorous. Anyway it is all fine now. Thanks
  10. You say you see this error when you try to install a mod from the DL tab in NMM yet you are posting a question in the MO forum. Are you getting confused with which mod manager you are using? NMM is the Nexus Mod Manager and although there is a thread here for support, Mod Organizer is the preferred choice I believe. So could you confirm which mod manager you are actually using and if it is MO could you also provide some more detail about the error message? Things like where the error is being shown? Is from Windows itself? Is it a message in the console pane at the bottom or is it a dialog message that appears?
  11. No, there's no issue with the login. The upload of the screenshot went through okay. I'll give it another shot. I was using the 'Page Edit' option, I need to be able to place the chapter and I couldn't see a way to do it by just editing small sections. So, is the wiki software particularly flaky? The same blank page is shown if I select a 'Preview' of the page also. Thanks by the way for the prompt response. EDIT: To make things easier I just added the chapter title as a place holder when I had the entire document in the page editor and then just edited that empty chapter with the "Edit" button when I viewed it by itself. Everything appears to be fine. I am unsure if that is a result of my doing or just a quirk of software the first time I tried. At any rate we now have a short description about what "potential mod order problems".
  12. I've answered numerous times now, here and in other fora, about the use of the 'Potential mod order problems' dialog in Mod Organizer and it seems to me this probably needs to be added to the wiki. So I have written up some text and added a screenshot and went about adding in a section just after the 'Priorities' chapter. Everything looks like it is being added, my images have uploaded and the wiki text matches the format of other pages, yet when I go to save the page all I get is a completely blank screen with this address: http://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=Guide:Mod_Organizer&action=submitAm I missing something? Do I need extra privileges to edit those wiki pages? Or should I just submit the text and one of the STEP staff does the actual posting? Just wanting to help out.
  13. You say you updated your Java installation. This may mean you will have to update the executables path in your MO exe links. Before updating Java it may have had a path like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe"After updating Java the path may now be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre8\bin\javaw.exe"Note the change in the folder name that points to the version 8 file. You shouldn't have to make those changes. I have a couple of different versions of Java on my system and the paths don't usually change but it might be something worth checking. Of course this is all assuming the versions of Java you are updating are NOT 64bit. You are only using 32bit Java? Also, in the Nexus post (I'm assuming that was you) you stated you tried to run the game with the SKSE option and were presented with a message about a missing java executable. Did you modify those 'Executable' parameters when trying to add the 'Patchus Maximus' exe by mistake? I ask this because of a peculiarity in MO were after modifying or adding a new executable, the drop-down list reverts to the top option and not the one you just edited. Did you perhaps make changes to the SKSE option as well?
  14. Regarding the 'Potential Mod order problem(s)' reported by MO. The thing to remember is: The suggestions to move mods given by MO are related to the mods in the Left-hand pane whereas Loot and other tools are concerned with the position of esp/esm files, or those in the Right-hand pane. So after using Loot to order your mods, those MO 'problems', should be corrected by moving the mods (assets like textures/meshes/menus/etc.) in the Left-hand pane. The "Fix" option in the MO dialog is, as it says still in beta, so don't expect it to fix every possible combination. (Although it does do a fairly respectable job) If you have a large list of problems, work from the bottom up and manually move problematic mods to the desired place. Think of the MO suggstions as reminders from the mod authors to "install" mod A before mod B to make it work.
  15. Are you using any tool like 'Fences' that might be adjusting the location of the 'desktop'? ie. the shortcuts are being created but they are not visible/
  16. I would put good money on it being what GSDFan said. Check ALL the settings whenever something like that happens.
  17. I'm assuming your naming convention here is that there are no spaces and it isn't a quirk of the forum code to remove them. ie 'ModOrganizer' isn't actually 'Mod Organizer'? Even so try placing double quotes around the first executable path in the 'Target' field. "D:\ModOrganizer\ModOrganizer.exe" "D:\Steam Games\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\skse_loader.exe" Could you provide the MO generated shortcut details as well as your hand-made one?
  18. Personally I don't believe you will gain anything from using any form of re-direction: symlinks, hardlinks, clones, copies, or whatever other variant there is. While technically Windows will see these new locations as the original, the tools that you use to mod or organize Skyrim will probably not. They may look to the registry or ini files or some other method to 'see' where the Skyrim executable, and the associated assets are. This may result in conflicts when the tool finds the executable in one place and the assets in another. Or one tool that relies on another to do it's work has to navigate between real locations and linked locations. There is already one error thread here on STEP about a user that came across problems when using symlinks. If you truly want to ease the pain from possible rogue files remaining in your Skyrim directory you could always write some batch files or scripts that remove/restore/delete the files that you want or don't want in that directory. As for Delorean Mirror (sic). It is one method of making backups of files and could be employed in doing what you want. Though it is probably more than what you are wanting and definitely not something that falls under the purview of STEP's forum. More of a general computing question rather than a modding question. Honestly, once you get your system running the way you want it, it shouldn't be too hard to maintain that folder. Each time you try a new ENB or some other tool just take note of what gets changed and be sure to make backups if necessary.
  19. If you are appending these arguments to the executable in MO via the 'Binary' field you will receive this error. Arguments such as "-forcesteamloader" need to be placed in the 'Arguments' field. Having said that you haven't said which version of Windows you are on so maybe Win8 and above likewise have an 'Arguments' field now. Of course this is only if that error is from a desktop launched shortcut, not from one inside MO.
  20. I was intrigued by this thread and although I no longer mod Oblivion I thought I would investigate. I have CSE working perfectly inside MO using this method. Ensure OBSE is installed (obviously) Manually install the CSE by copying all the files inside the archive to the Oblivion directory Open the 'Launch CSE.bat' and copy the arguments: -editor -notimeout In MO create a new, or modify the existing Construction Kit exe link, and in the 'Binary' field point it to your 'obse_loader.exe' In the 'Arguments' field, paste the arguments you previously copied Ensure the exe link is either modified or created anew and close the 'Modify executables' dialog From the drop-down run box choose the new tool and hit 'Run' The modified Construction Kit should run with a dialog to say it was provide by the 'Wise one' (Fry from Futurama) or it may just go straight to the editor. Checking the 'About' dialog will show it is running as that has been modified. From what I can see the CSE functions perfectly and there are no issues. As an aside to this. If you have an ENB installed it is impossible to run the CK, either vanilla or CSE. The 'd3d9.dll' from the ENB throws a curveball at the editor and it refuses to display correctly.
  21. If you are running your game from a shortcut on the desktop rather from a mod manager then right-click on the game's icon, select "Properties" and in the edit field labeled 'Target:' append the -forcesteamloader switch to what is already displayed.
  22. What about UAC for "User Account Control"? Sometimes comes up with MO discussions.
  23. What didn't?
  24. Ahh, okay. Well you need to see straight away, that is in game time, not right away as in tonight that is. If you have Alternate Start that will quickly tell you if MO is working. Or something like SkyUI then when the carriage ride ends you can fairly soon see if it is active. If you have installed Skyrim and then later moved it or in some way changed the location, then yes there will probably be some orphaned references in the registry.
  25. hmm... interesting. So does the game run when run from MO? Also do your MO installed mods load IF the game does run from MO?
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