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Everything posted by GrantSP

  1. Yes. The files inside bsas are also taken into consideration. As for no script conflicts. Well I am actually coming around to believe there may be an error with the 'error-checking'. Using this mod in question, Non-Essential Children, manually moving that mod to another priority immediately triggers the PMOP dialog even though there are no conflicting assets contained within that mod and the mod the PMOP says it conflicts with.
  2. To test this situation I DL'd and installed Non-Essential Children, as it wasn't in my load list, and then ran MO's 'Sort'. The "Potential mod order problem" result should display only problems related to the position of that mod alone, as prior to installation there were no issues. However my warning list contained: Move Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control after Non-Essential Children Move Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps after Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control Move UFO - Heartfire AddOn after Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps Move Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement after UFO - Heartfire AddOn Move The Choice is Yours - Dawnguard after Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement Move Smithing Perks Overhaul after The Choice is Yours - Dawnguard Simply stated the result description for the newly installed mod is wrong. The last five entries in this list are in the positions they are being told they need to be moved to. The only difference is the new mod which, as it was just installed is last in the list. Moving that one mod, Non-Essential Children, to before Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control results in all the errors being flagged as in the correct order and the warning disappears. So, while I won't say the error-checking is wrong, there does indeed appear to be some tweaking of the results that are displayed.
  3. That's blasphemous! All hail the mighty Google.
  4. Follow the instructions from the OP exactly and rectify any errors you encounter. Tannin has provided the perfect set of instructions to do this and nothing should be left out.
  5. Well you first said you quit since you couldn't get it to work. Then you said you could run the CK so I took it you managed to get past that cr001 error. So what is the case? Can you run the CK or can't you?
  6. Firstly why are there two new threads open about this topic? You could have just added a comment to the existing thread. Aside from that, there is no problem with using Chrome 64bit and MO. As for the text appearing garbled, you are probably trying to view the text as Unicode instead of ascii. Now if there is no line that says: "nxm": false that simply means you need to follow the suggestion of line 6 in the forum post you are looking at.
  7. Right-clicking on the 'Overwrite' folder and selecting 'Create Mod' will give a prompt to name a new mod that will appear in the 'Left-hand pane'. Activating that mod in the 'Left-hand pane' will place the testquest.esm (shouldn't that be a *.esp file?) in the 'Right-hand pane', if that file is then activated, any changes that plugin provides will be available ingame. (Provided that plugin is in the correct order and is not being overwritten by another plugin.)
  8. Those pesky nav bars! Thanks. In the scheme of things this doesn't really rate highly so I wouldn't sweat over it. PS. I didn't know javascript could make 'butter'?
  9. Ahh, Windows. Driving people insane since 1985.
  10. There probably isn't a dedicated forum post that outlines this as the 'problem' only really becomes apparent when MO is used. However the online documentation that MO links to, the wiki here at STEP, does contain a wealth of information. By this I am not saying MO has introduced a problem to how we mod games, rather by separating the elements that make a mod into plugins & assets (right & left panes), MO has provided a greater amount of flexibility. Mods are constructed of a number of things: Plugins - esp/esm files that contain records that the game engine uses to either run scripts or place NPCs or construct buildingsAssets - textures/meshes/audio/menus/etc. that the game uses to create the 3D world or the UI that we interact with ModA may contain only a plugin that uses the existing assets provided by the vanilla game and/or other mods. Its position in the left pane has no bearing on how the game runs. Only the right hand pane, the one sorted by LOOT, determines if the mod runs correctly. ModB is a texture overhaul and contains no plugin. The position in the left-hand pane is crucial as you want these textures to used and this mod needs to have the highest priority or order. The right hand pane has no control over this mod as it doesn't have a plugin to load its assets. LOOT, BOSS or MO's 'Sort' will not place this mod in ANY order. You need to do this by hand. This is where the messages from MO's 'Potential Mod order Problem' dialog comes into play. The order in which these mods in the left-hand pane are placed could be likened to the instructions mod authors give about installing their mod before or after other mods. The difference here is no assets ever get overwritten and nothing is ever lost because of the order you "install" mods with MO. Simply reorder the left-hand mods and you can have ModB's textures in game. If at some point you install ModC which also is a texture overhaul (As an example. It could be a replacement for anything.) You can simply switch the order to see which mod you like the best. This, in my opinion, is the greatest benefit of using MO. The VFS it employs means we have a much greater freedom over what goes into our game.
  11. Keep in mind this instruction is talking about the 'Left pane'. The actual cleaned Update.ESM file still needs to be activated in the 'Right pane'. All you are doing in this process is making another mod that also contains the Update.ESM, this cleaned one is used in place of the existing vanilla one. Technically it makes no difference where "in the Left pane" this mod goes as there are no other plugins or assets that are overwritten by it or that it overwrites. Placing it at the top is more of a mental reminder for the user. The 'Left pane' lists mods, these may or may not contain plugins (esp/esm files). The order of this pane determines which assets get overwritten or themselves overwrite. The 'Right pane' lists the actual plugins, either from vanilla or mods. The order in which these are enabled/activated is critical. As with the placement of vanilla plugins your cleaned versions take their position at the top. As for your TES5Edit Backups folder. It sounds like you have made the 'TES5Edit Backups' mod but on each subsequent TES5Edit session instead of dragging the TES5Edit Backups folder from the 'Overwrite' folder, you need to expand that TES5Edit Backups folder and drag only the edited plugins to your newly created 'TES5Edit Backups' mod. These are most likely from the installation and/or running of a mod or tool prior to your using TES5Edit. It is important to clear the 'Overwrite' folder, either by simply deleting the contents or moving them to the correct mod. If there are extra files/folders in it, when you right-click "Create a new mod" these extras will be added. Opening that meta.ini file in a text editor (Notepad or similar) will give you details of which mod created it. It will look something like: [General] modid=3222 version= newestVersion= category="17," installationFile=Immersive HUD v3-3222-3-0.rar ignoredVersion= notes= nexusDescription="[color=cyan]What is iHUD?[/color] Whatever the contents are they should be safe to delete as they will not be needed in you TES5Edit Backups.
  12. So for all you poor souls about to go into another cold Northern Hemisphere winter, I thought you might like a bit of humour from Dorkly Comics to cheer you. What do you reckon? Is that a fair description of Bethesda games and, more importantly, the modding community?
  13. Found something on IBM's support site Try those suggestions and let us know.
  14. The behaviour of STEP wikis is a bit strange when it comes to jumping to chapter links. When you click any type of link to a chapter heading the display begins the line after the heading with the actual heading itself offscreen at the top. This shouldn't be the behaviour, the display should also include the heading. I'm not really sure why this is happening as the code that is used seems to conform okay, perhaps the wiki software at the backend needs attention.
  15. Okay. Software just doesn't stop working for no reason so there must be a reason for this behaviour. All those mods simply contain jar files that don't, in themselves do anything. ie. they are simply scripts that need the Java executable to run. Your OP says you updated your Java. Why? Did your previous version not work with PerMa? If not, why not? Were you instructed in the documentation to use a specific version? T3nd0 does make mention of a batch file he has prepared that runs PerMa with a greater heapspace. Have you tried to run that bat? If ALL your other 'proccer' type mods are no longer working then it is most likely an error in your latest Java update. You said you're only 99% sure the version you have now is 32bit. It only needs that 1% to show you have 64bit to completely screw with your mind. :O_o: Regardless of which version you installed/updated there can be both 32 and 64bit versions installed on the same machine. This should mean ALL the existing links to the other 'proccer' mods are still looking at the correct version. Assuming you have actually run these mods before. When you look in 'Control Panel - Uninstall', the names of your Java installations will say if any are 64bit. If there is no mention then thety are 32bit. If you do a system wide search for "javaw.exe" you should see all the versions installed. Make sure your MO paths are pointing to the correct one. Lastly, it wouldn't hurt if you do a hard reset shutdown of your computer. It might (though I doubt it) be a case of Java still having something in memory and it won't look at anything else until the previous instance is cleared. Just keep telling yourself: "computers are not conspiring against me, I will find the answer."
  16. One thing I would love to find out is how do get the links to chapter headings to actually have that first line displayed and not scrolled past the top of the page. Do you know what I mean? The first line of the chapter, usually the heading itself, is missed. Every other wiki site I have been to doesn't do this.
  17. How many other programs are there installed in this 2nd 'Program Files (x86)' folder? That sounds like it may be problematic if Windows registry is confusing the two.
  18. Windows places restrictions on certain folders that it has control over. Ostensibly it was to "protect" users from placing rogue programs on their computers that might stuff them up. So folders like 'Program Files' 'Windows' etc. are protected and when you try to run executables, such as Java, on files that are under that 'protection' Windows doesn't allow it and throws errors at you. That's why you will often see recommendations to install games and game tools outside of those folders.
  19. hmm... I will disagree with you about 'Magic Words'. I understand that there are three types of them: #Behaviour Switches - the ones you described #Variables - these are formatted with {{ blah blah }}#Parser Functions - formatted like {{blah: more blah}}But really it is only semantics we are talking about here. If anyone wants to use the wiki all they need to know is the code used to achieve the desired effect. What that code is called isn't a big deal.
  20. Why would you want to? LOOT is simply the next generation of BOSS.
  21. Are you 100% certain you are running a 32bit version of Java and you are not experiencing any Windows UAC difficulties. As far as I can determine "error 193" can be read as saying "I don't know what to do with this type of file. Help." That means your Java setup isn't running *.jar files correctly or Windows is incorrectly trying to do something else with those filetypes. Either way the fault is due to an incorrect setup outside of MO. Try and run that file from outside MO and see what the result is. All the MO executables dialog does is parse the commands in the same manner as you would from explorer. Double-clicking on any *.jar file on your system should envoke the Java runtime if it is correctly installed.
  22. The actual paths as listed in the wiki are not real. They are used only to show the need to enclose each path in double quotes and have the switch /32bit+ in between them. Depending on where each user installed the SDK and the Creation Kit those paths will be different.
  23. Have a look at my first '2 cents worth'.
  24. I think both you and @DoubleYou are looking to provide exactly the same thing, just coming at it from differing perspectives. Yours looks more like information a complete novice will be able to understand whereas @DoubleYou's implies a bit of background knowledge. Both are as good as one another, just different in style. Yes, I agree to move it to one location. That's the beauty of wikis, we can all edit them to get them right. Likewise with the focus on STEP style wikis. It makes for an easier reading experience if ALL the wikis look the similar.
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