mmm found an interest issue with recorder overhaul has anyone else noticed when recorder is inside thw whites of her eye are well white but outside in sunlight there pink as if there missing textures.
yes it will hide or remove that file wil add a note now. Its a good thing you're proof reading all my mess ups lately i appericate it if you hadn't look in the credit section right at the bottom you've got one. It is my small way of saying thanks.
thanks for these i'll take a look at them but i am getting a little concerned with the high VRam neeeded for the guide cos of off the HD textures i am adding need to rom SPM to see what going on.
hey dreadflopp i just want to check with you since you have been using both imperious races and disparity for a while. Am right in saying that the Racial Abilities Use Modified Abilities from disparity need to DISABLED In the MCM?
the CR Sub guide is now down to the last 2 sections Worldspace and the Non-player characters. added a key and some colour to the very last edit so you guys and can get a idea of what I am planning and too see how is it is for you to follow and find things. hopefully you can all follow it and under the method in my wife's madness lol.
in the cases that requires mods to be merged with the orginals so they can be with merged plugin standalone use I will mention to specifically to merge with the orginal mod.
thanks fixed this. you also need to make sure the Merta UNPB-TBBP is merged with the orginal mod otherwise the textures don't get copied in the merged mod I hva ealready add a not about this into both guide. Discovered this when I was creating a new weapons and armors merged which includes Dawnguard Arsenal (not added to the guide yet i am testing it out)
i am indeed currently using this without Enhanced camera I don't use it because I didn't like and it give me headaches. I but be aware I am thinking about dropping this mod as it appears it has issues with Ordinator.
no that one doesn't work your last on did work but annoying it was EST not GMT. to to honest I don't know either i say just stick with UNPB for now. Or whatever Neo uses for SRLE Base
sweet then we could drop the customizers then and just go with UNPB for now and switch TBBP if or when you get that sorted. also think on it i woudl prefer to use the indivdual mods so i can interweave things. And with that done for to today got to get dinner on for when her ladyship gets home smell ya latter
cool i don't know that i'll dig a bit deeper then i suggest every one turn off Carlotta Valentia from DFD i'll add this to the MCM section of the guide. MCM instruction to remove Carlotta from DFD in the guide hopefully that fixes that.
nice i UNPB-TBBP option would be nice mean we can do away with the customizer. also to everyone else in order to fix the Carlotta Valentia dialogue issue you can turn off Female Even toned in the DFD MCM but this will turn of all female npc that use that voice so i'm not so sure for on or two npc's this worth i will let to you guys to decide.