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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. maybe you could try this mod out https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18250/? it was recommended to me by rxkx22 related to this issue, I haven't tried it out yet or there is this method: Install Mfg Console [2] Launch skyrim and open console [3] Click Karliah precisely [4] Click equipments => Karliah hood with Shift key, not the left click. [5] Type "removeitem xxxx 1" (xxxx is the ID of her hood which you can find in [4]) [6] Done.
  2. my bad yes i am. FIXED
  3. thanks fixed (at this rate you'll be getting a create at the bottom of te guide.)
  4. 1). done. 2). done. 3). done. 4). done. 5). this is ok as fences of skyrim needs to loaded after Vivid snow in the install order. 6).done. 7). this again is ok as Dragon Combat Overhaul need to go after EMDR in the Load order. 8). done. 9). done. 10). needs investigating. 11). again needs investigating. 12). I like imperious races would rather not get rid of it. 13). done. 14). cant work out how to set a auto update time and date to the guide at the moment.
  5. so it would appear the mod causing the Carlotta Valentia dialogue issue is Dynamic Follower Dialogue - DFD now to figure out why. so the dialogues from dfd are not overwriting anything from bijin and the the ordinary women and so it beyond my skills to fix i'm sorry to say for now there not much i can do my end about this issue.
  6. thanks fix i forgot to remove the ones at the bootom on the guide.
  7. i am not convienced it is my CR as the dialouge issue occurrs without it activated. yeah i know that but i like Bijin Rikke but since you never see her face it pretty useless. Edit created a new profile and going through the mod list top to bottom until i find which mod is causing this issue will report back later.
  8. what mods didn't you install cos that help me narrow it down. and Rikke helment issue yes i am aware of that too.
  9. Quick update on the Carlotta Valentia dialogue issue that people are currently experiencing: Without My CR - Marriage dialogue occured. With Bijin + The Ordinay women installed - Marriage dialogue occured. Bijin alone - Marriage dialogue occured. The Ordinary Women Alone - Marriage dialogue occured. my base SRLE profile - Marriage dialogue didn't occured. So it would appear there is a mod within SRLE Extended causing this issue as to which I am at a loss at the moment.
  10. it appears to either a dialogue edit or fraction edit condiction the game is applying to Carlotta. we also know it not a bug with USLEEP as I was talking with Neo last time and he tested it out on his SRLE and got the response he was expecting. so that narrows it dowwn to one of the mods in Exteneded which one as of yes I am unsure. I do some invvestigating on this issue today to see if can narrow it down to a mod. Also thanks for te feedback Razzorsedge877 I will look at it and make the needed changes.
  11. This issue seem to my CR. but i cant see why it is do that moment cos she is not in my CR
  12. when you run the dyndolod worlds srcipts in tes5edit you are given a choice of Low, Medium or high setting with a GTX 970 I would recommend medium setting and not High as used by SRLE
  13. what setting dyndolod do you choose?
  14. well thanks for all your help i have so far reinstalled RS Children and modifed my install subguide hopefully it make sense
  15. hey everyone after some testing i have had to put my DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=1280 again. Also added yet more pretty colours to the install order subguide. hopefully all the pretty colours are helping people understand the method in my madness lol.
  16. the CR Sub-guide is coming along nicely I am up to the biggest part non player actors.
  17. excellent work mate.
  18. yes that does clear things up but surely doing that adds a lott of clutter to Mod Organizer. Edit I can actually see Neo's Logic in doing this it make it easier when a mod gets updated.
  19. Neo I Think this needs to made a lot clearer in your guide that patches and optionals should be installed as seperate mods. ALso Neo think you might want to update your instructions for RS Children. you tou use the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (USKP) from teh fomod (surely this is no longer needed you also say to downloaded the optional RSChildren - Merged Complete and USKP .esp (from the mod page), but the issue a replacement esp latter. Surely the one from the mod page it not needed anymore.
  20. ok thanks i have changed CACO in my guide to be patches install only now. think on this line i really should look at doing the same for RS Children. Think Neo needs to make it a lot clear that patches and optionals should be installed a seperate mods.
  21. so maybe for at least for CACO it is best I recommend having seperate mods for the patches within the guide.
  22. so recently updated my Withcer 3 and mods and now geralt wont stop putting his sword away when looting and you get out a aggro and yet there are still ememies here by. I cant remember if there is a mod or setting that stops this. It is flat out annoying especailly during combat
  23. sound like you need to up the DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB= in the skse.ini file. Mine is actually set thus DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=1280. you should be able to run this as you have the same Graphics card as me Asus Strix GTX 970 4GB.
  24. I have added the males to the guide also thanks so much for all your hard work on this save me a lot of hassle. Edit: I have my answer Males pf skyrim and Recorder will be added too.
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