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Everything posted by pStyl3

  1. LOOT should now support C&PD natively, or at least quite a bit better than before. If there are any more issues, please feel free to post them (preferably on our issue tracker).
  2. We have this issue open in LOOT's fallout3 masterlist repository, it's for adding the userlist of Clear & Present Danger to our masterlist. I'd like to work on this, so question is, has someone already used LOOT 0.14.5 with C&PD (and it's Groups feature, which superseeded Priorities)? If yes, I might be interested in that person's userlist aswell. In any case, some findings regarding the actual guide. The link for DarNified UI doesn't work anymore. And Fallout Character Overhaul - NPC Edits GOTY got removed from Nexus, so this url is entirely dead.
  3. How are you guys and girls doing over at STEP? LOOT has been worked on continuously and it's current release version is 0.12.4 (changelog) On important occasion (GitHub dropped old TLS standards) I want to note, that Windows 7 (and possibly Windows 8) users now additionally need to enable TLS 1.2 support in order for LOOT to continue to work. It will likely also help to update Windows. It would be great if STEP could adjust it's recommendations accordingly to refelct this. It would probably also be good to mention, that users that install LOOT manually (that is, using the preconfigured archive and not the installer) need to make sure, that the MSVC 2015 x86 redistributable is installed on their system (the installer automatically installs this, if it isn't already installed on the users PC). Thanks.
  4. Not that it is my job or place to say anything, but is all this "(f)uck, dude, broo, zzzzzzz, OKOKOKKOK, :D, yawn" really necessary? This is the step forum, not Skype or something else. I get it's fun to create a guide like this, and it's great that you guys show such enthusiasm, but a bit less of the above would definitely be great aswell.
  5. I've released a 100 percent savegame (base game + all DLCs) for Fallout 4 and intend to come back to this in the next couple of weeks. I'm especially eager to use the Contraptions Workshop DLC with everything that belongs to it. So yeah .. finally.
  6. It's --single-process, and that argument was only advertised as a 'fix' for LOOT being blank if run through MO 1.3.11. If Tykune is using LOOT 0.9.0, this particular issue (LOOT being blank) shouldn't happen anylonger, because wrinklyninja was able to fix the bug on his end during the development of v0.9.0. Tykune should follow GrantSP's advice for now.
  7. wrinklyninja released LOOT 0.9.0 Fixes Redate Plugins attempted to redate plugins that were missing, causing an error.LOOT would not launch when run by a user with a non-ASCII local application data path.Sorting processed priority value inheritance throughout the load order incorrectly, leading to some plugins being positioned incorrectly.The conflict filter displayed only the target plugin when enabled for the first time in a session.The behaviour of the search functionality was inconsistent.Duplicate messages could be displayed under certain circumstances.Opening the metadata editor for one plugin displayed the metadata for another plugin under certain circumstances.Changing the current game quickly could leave the UI unresponsive.Applying a filter then scrolling the plugin card list would display some cards with no content.Plugin cards would disappearing when jumping to a plugin card near the bottom of the load order using the sidebar.Clicking on a disabled element in a dropdown menu would cause the menu to close.The UI font size was too large, due to a misunderstanding of the Material Design guidelines.Attempting to build native Linux and 64-bit executables produced errors. Such builds are unsupported and no official builds are planned.AdditionsSupport for Fallout 4.A warning message is displayed in the General Information card if the user has not sorted their load order in the current LOOT session.An error message is displayed in the General Information card when a cyclic interaction sorting error is encountered, and remains there until sorting is next attempted.ChangesImprove sorting performance by only reading the header when loading game's main master file.References to "BSAs" have been replaced with the more generic "Archives" as Fallout 4's BSA equivalents use a different file extension.The sorting process now recognises when the sorted load order is identical to the existing load order and informs the user, avoiding unnecessary filesystem interaction.The metadata editor has been reimplemented as a single resizeable panel displayed below the plugin card list instead of a separate editor for each plugin card.Editable table styling has been improved to more closely align to the Material Design guidelines.Minor UI changes have been made to scrollbar and focus outline styling to improve accessibility.UI interaction performance has been improved, especially when scrolling the plugin card list.The PayPal donation link now points to the PayPal.Me service, which has a more polished UX and lower fees.LOOT's settings file handling has been reimplemented, fixing crashes due to invalid settings values and allowing missing settings to use their default values.Plugin version string extraction has been reimplemented, improving its accuracy and maintainability.Plugin CRC, file and version condition evaluation has been optimised to use cached data where it exists, avoiding unnecessary filesystem interaction.The French and Danish translations have been updated.The installer now only creates one shortcut for LOOT in the Start menu, following Microsoft guidelines.A lot of code has been refactored and improved to increase its quality.The Boost (1.60), CEF (3.2623.1401.gb90a3be), libespm (2.5.2), libgit2 (0.24.1), libloadorder (9.3.0) and Polymer (1.4) dependencies have been updated to the versions given in brackets.
  8. Make a backup of your MO folder (package a .rar archive for example). Then delete everything in your MO folder, with the exception of the "downloads", "mods" and "profiles" folders. Install MO 1.3.11 fresh into a new & seperate folder, once that is done, copy the three remaining folders from your current install over to the new installation of MO. Additionally, I recrently found out, that MO has problems logging into your account, if your Nexus password contains a + If that's the case, I would suggest to change your Nexus password, so that it doesn't contain a "+", and then also to change it within MO (for auto-login).
  9. Tannin uploaded Beta 1 of MOv2. Please also see this and also this comment in order for Beta 1 to be able to start up. It also appears that LOOT now works under MOv2 Beta 1.
  10. If you know of any other videos or mods Kesta, feel free to list them here aswell. Pardon me, what do mean by "BABY guide"?
  11. No further tests as of yet, I am currently focusing on other stuff / waiting for Bethesda releasing more patches / the new Creation Kit / everything around Fallout 4 getting a bit more fleshed out. At a certain point I will continue to work on this. However, for documentation purposes, I will list some videos and mods that have a connection to this stuff: Videos: - - - - - - Mods: - Place Everywhere - Better Settlers - Craftable Castle Wall Patches - Build A Castle -Not THAT Castle Just A Castle- - Craftable Animated Water Wells - CRAFTABLE SPIRAL STAIRCASES - OCDecorator - Static Loot - DDProd AIO HOLY CRAP IT'S ONE ESP - Craftable Tall Walls and Spacers - New Craftable BobbleHead Displays - Shelves and Animated Skulls - Craftable Solar Panels and Fusion Reactors - Craftable Glass Stuffs - Craftable Pillars and Support braces - Craftable Elevator - Craftable Floor Supports - 1x1 Craftable Foundation Pieces - Stackable Concrete Foundations - Functional Weapon Racks - Display your collection - Snap'n Build - The Capsule - Snap'n Build - Wooden Windows - Snap'n Build - The Bunker - Snap'n Build - Roofs - Snap'n Build - Immersive Modular Doorways - Snap'n Build - Industrial bridges - Spring Cleaning - Snapable Junk Fences - Armorsmith Extended - Homemaker - Expanded Settlements - Repairable Sanctuary - Scrap dead things - Repaired Sanctuary Roofs - Workshop Lightbulb Emittance Fix - Crafting Workbenches - Craftable Weapons Armor Clothing Ammo Junk - Build High - Expanded Settlements - Lightbox Floor and Ceiling Pieces - Craftable Ramps and Rails - Simple Intersection - Higher Settlement Budget - Settlement Supplies Expanded 2.5 - Safe SSEx - Scrap scrap - Better Generators - Quieter Settlements - Longer Power Lines
  12. When it comes to the number of plugins, the following applies: - ID numbers consist out of 8 hex values, like e.g. 3F992B23 - the first two digits represent the position of the individual plugin in your load order (so in e.g. aabbbbbb_hex "aa" would be for the plugin (and aa_hex = 170_decimal) - the range, in which plugins are therefore allowed is 00_hex to FF_hex (0_decimal to 255_decimal), so there are a total of 256 'slots' (255 + the "0" one) - 256_decimal is 100_hex --> not allowed, because 100_hex is now three digits long In Skyrim, the last spot FF_hex is reserved for the savegame. Also, the first one 00_hex is always occupied with Skyrim.esm, and the second one 01_hex is always occupied with Update.esm. That means, if you have the vanilla game and no DLC's, you can add a total of .. 256-FF-Skyrim.esm-Update.esm = 256-1-1-1 = 256-3 = 253 .. 253 mod plugins to your load order. In case you own the ultimate version of Skyrim and have thus the three DLCs Dawnguard, HearthFire and Dragonborn, another 3 slots will be not available for you. In this case you would have 250 slots free for mod plugins.
  13. The tcl command wasn't used in any of the Tests until now. I will take a look if, and if yes, how that console command will have an impact on building settlements, next.
  14. Test #31 So I thought .. Test #9 was already quite impressive, but yeah. Seeing as I can bypass the size limit for settlements .. there was room for more. - 32 * 90 = 2880 Lightboxes - 2879 copper wires connecting all 2880 Lightboxes in a line-structure - 1 Terminal - 289 Large Generators - a couple of Power Pylons and one Switched Power Pylon To build this, the trick to reduce/bypass the size limit was performed 4 times, and each time the size limit was reduced to zero. While building this, a couple of interesting observations have been made. Observation: The max. value that can be displayed for the available power is exactly 999. However, if you have 1000 energy or more available, the complete energy will be usable, despite it not being displayed correctly. If you have multiple objects already connected through copper wires and want to add one more wire connection, the existing copper wires will be highlighted. As it turns out, if there are enough Lightboxes (that are connected within only one line-structure), it seems that not all wire connections will be highlighted. Now I used the 'Randomize Colors' option on the Terminal. Observation 1: Despite the Lightboxes being connected in a line-structure, the Lightboxes were not colored in a linear fashion. On contrary, the randomize-function seems to follow a certain pattern regardless of the way the Lightboxes were connected to each other. Observation 2: The randomize-function seems to "split it's work into two parts". What I mean by that is, that the Lightboxes were randomly colorized on "two fronts" the whole time, with the latter one following the first one. You could say, that the "first iteration" randomly colorized the Lightboxes, and the "second interation" then was there to make sure that the colors were really randomly selected and not equal side by side. Observation 3: It took 9:35 min = 575 seconds to colorize 2880 Lightboxes, so you could say that the randomize function worked with (2880 Lightboxes / 575 seconds ) = 5,008696 = 5 Lightboxes per second. However, I did a similar test earlier, where I randomly colorized 276 Lightboxes within 19 seconds .. and that resulted in a rate of 14.5 Lightboxes per second. So this means, that with more and more Lightboxes, less and less Lightboxes per second will be colorized by the 'Randomize Colors'-function. Note: I experienced 2 bluescreens (bluescreens indeed, not harmless CTDs) while doing these tests. While I can not say for sure that Fallout 4 was the cause for this, I cannot rule it out either. It may be that this is simply too much for the game (you will experience noticeable frame rate drops when building so many objects in one settlement, aswell). Test #32 Now a test with a color change (Yellow Bright --> Orange Bright). It took 278 seconds to change the color of all 2880 Lightboxes, which is a rate of 10.36 Lightboxes per second. This means that the process in Test #32 was roughly twice as fast as the process of Test #31.
  15. Test #29 Apparently Lightboxes can be 'tricked' into lighting without a connected power source, if a certain setup of one Interval Switch plus multiple Delayed ON Switches (the exact number still needs to be determined) is used. After I noticed that the Lightboxes that were connected to Delayed ON Switches were lighting all the time, I disconnected everything from the Lightboxes, and they continued to light. As can be seen, these Lightboxes were no 'replacements' for Generators, it is just that the Lightboxes were not turned off. I will continue to investigate this phenomenon. Test #30 How to bypass the size limit of settlements? The following Test #30 is based upon what is already presented on many tutorials on YouTube (though I don't know the original source of this discovery yet). So you have reached your building limit for your current settlement, but want to continue to build and create things? There is a very simple trick that can be utilized to bypass this limit. Essentially, just three steps need to be repeated a couple of times, plus one initial step, and your size bar (in building mode in the top right corner) will be zero once again. The initial step: Put all your weapons into the workshop.Once you have done this initial step, you just need to repeat the following three steps over and over.Transfer all the weapons from the workshop into your inventory.Drop all the weapons from your inventory to the ground.Transfer all the weapons back into the workshop.Let's look at these steps in more detail. First comes the initial step, storing all the weapons into the workshop. Now step 1. Transfer all weapons from the workshop to your inventory. Note, the size bar is not yet reduced. Step 2, drop all your weapons to the ground. Note, the size bar is not yet reduced. Step 3, now store all weapons through 'TAB' back into the workshop. This is the action that will now decrease the size bar, with each weapon a bit. The size bar after a second round performing this trick.
  16. Test #27 How to "merge" two objects into each other? I have found a way, how two specific objects can be completely clipped/glitched into each other. Due to the nature of this glitch, there seem to be a few 'rules' and 'limits' to this: Object A, so the object that is to be clipped into another object, can be anything that can be built through the workshop.Object B, so the object that is used as a 'target' for another object to clip itself in it, can be anything that is moveable without the building mode being active.I don't know if all objects that are falling into these categories really are working with this method .. but this is how I would define it as of now. The setup of Test #27, a Power Armor standing next to an Artillery Piece that is placed upon two Shack Floors. In this example, 'Object A' would be the group selected object consisting out of Artillery Piece and Shack Floors and 'Object B' would be the Power Armor. If I would now group select the Artillery Piece with the Shack Floors .. .. I could, if I wanted to, move outside the settlement building area, while still focusing and holding the object. I will see the following note: Outside buildable area. Workshop Auto exit in 5s. I could move back into the legit building area, however, as it turns out, I am also able to place the group selected object through pressing "E" inside the normal building area. That is, if the group selected object is being displayed green. If now the 5 seconds run out, the building mode will be automatically exited, and the Artillery Piece still stands in it's new place. Note: After re-entering building mode, the Artillery Piece still stand in it's new place, aswell. Just as expected. Back to the starting point. Let's group selected the Artillery Piece and the Shack Floors once more. Move a few steps back so that we are outside the normal building area. I will once again see the note that I left the building area and building mode will be automatically be exited in 5 seconds. Before the five seconds run out, I will now move a few steps to the right. Once I am sure that I have found a new place where my group selected object can be placed .. I will wait. Let the time run out. Once the five seconds are over, the group selected object will be placed right on the spot where I last had it focused on. I will also see the note: Leaving Workshop Mode Next step is to move the Power Armor ('Object B') to where the Artillery Piece ('Object A') was standing before. Now re-enter building mode. The Artillery Piece (plus Shack Floors) will snap back to it's prior position, resulting in both objects being 'merged'. Both objects are being clipped together, although normally not possible. Entering the Power Armor is still possible, though. If tried, the Power Armor will 'snap out of the Artillery Piece' and the player will enter it without the animation playing. The Power Armor wasn't damaged by this. Pfew. Test #28 Let's do this with a Shack Foundation. Notice, how the Shack Foundation has correctly working 'collision' to it (as is expected before attempting anything). Enter building mode, press "E" to select the Shack Foundation element, move outside the building area, move a few steps to the left and make sure the object can still successfully be placed (it lights up green), wait until the five seconds are over. As it turns out, as long as the building mode is NOT re-entered and thus the Shack Foundation does NOT snap back to it's original spot .. as long is the 'collision' of the Shack Foundation missing. I can walk through it, as if it wouldn't be there. That also seems to be the reason why this glitch works.
  17. Test #25 Some more examples of clipping group selected objects into existing objects. Group selected objects can also not be clipped into Power Armors. Note: The 'rule' that Power Armors are not clippable can be bypassed by using a new glitch method discussed in Test #27. Test #26 So how far away can objects be placed. Normally the placement of objects is limited by the barriers of the specific settlement, so one could assume that once this barrier is reached, the object currently in focus will turn from green to red, meaning it can no longer be placed. As it turns out though, that is not entirely correct. The objects will 'turn red' exactly the moment, a half of them have passed the border. If the border 'cuts them in half', they turn red. What about group selected objects? It seems they follow the same rule, but only the first individual object that passes the barrier is accounted for in this question. The second image shows how much that group selected object could be placed outside the settlement area to built in, half a length of the Shack Floor element. On the other hand, there also seem to be some certain objects that can be placed 'outside the walls' even a bit more. Makes one wonder why that metal wall is so 'special' in that department. Finally, it is also possible to successfully connect a Terminal to a Generator, even if the wire goes through the 'red zone'.
  18. Once again, thank you very much. I will try to add a few more notes to Test #20 that will hopefully make it better to understand. In any case, this was really the most complex test yet, that's for sure. If someone really wants to replicate it, studying the diagram would be a good start. If anything isn't clear in that diagram, feel free to ask. If it's cooler I don't know, but I was able to point out a few, interesting details. Already had the idea of prison cells aswell (well, I tried to 'imprison' one especially annoying settler), but didn't come around to test that more. I'll consider it though (maybe placing the bed in the cell?). I hope my writing is understandable though. ----- Test #23 Let's discuss the 'Group Selection' of objects consisting out of multiple individual objects. In this test, we have this initial setup, a 'Shack Foundation' with two attached 'Shack Floor' elements. In building mode, I can go up to my construction and focus each of the individual elements by itself. If I would now press "E" I would select that specific object, it would light up green and I could reposition it or store it back into the workshop. However, as mentioned by SparrowPrince, if you press down "E" and hold it, you will group select the entire structure of objects, that are currently attached to each other. It then behaves as one object, which can be moved and rotated. What happens though, if an object that needs energy is involved in a group selection of objects? In the image above we see a Large Generator, ten Lightboxes and a Construction Light, with the Construction Light being placed upon our Shack Floor element. The Generator produces ten energy and normally the 10 Lightboxes (that are connected in a line-structure) would consume all of this generated energy. However, as the Construction Light is also attached to the Generator, one energy point goes to the Construction Light and therefore only nine Lightboxes light up! If we now group select the structure (Shack Foundation, Shack Floors, Construction Light), something interesting happens. The wire, that connects the Generator with the Construction Light will no longer be visible .. however, the Construction Light is still lighting, and still only nine Lightboxes are lighting. This is true as long as we hold the group selection active and have not repositioned the group-selected-object somewhere else (so as long as we did not press "E"). What happens, if we go further away, so far, that the normally legit distance between Generator and Construction Light will be exceeded? As long as the group selection is active, the Construction Light doesn't care if it is too far away from the Generator, it will continue to be lighting. However, if we now press "E" and thus select a new spot for our group selected object, the wire connection between the Generator and the Construction Light will immediately be disconnected, as it was too long, and therefore the Construction Light will no longer be lighting. You will notice, that now all ten Lightboxes are lighting. Seems like this is unfortunately a dead end. No free energy is being provided. Test #24 We can build treehouses! But apparently not everywhere. Let's say we build this multistoried object and 'group select' it. It will light up green and we can move and rotate it. It is possible, that we can now move this object into the (non scrapable) tree in Sanctuary Hills! So with other words, on all four depicted levels / over it's entire heith the tree can be clipped. If the priorly group selected object were to be a properly built house we would now have a fine treehouse. The entire object can of course be group selected afterwards aswell, enabling us to fine tune the positioning of our treehouse. However, it seems that not all trees can be manipulated like this. For example the tree in Covenant does not want to play nice if clipping objects into it is attempted. One should note though, that this tree can be scrapped! This might be the reason why this tree does not allow objects to be clipped into it .. but this is entirely speculation at this point.
  19. I found the mod Build High - Expanded Settlements and it looks promising! That said, I'm not yet using it, as for the moment I am far more interested to investigate and push the vanilla boundaries of the settlement building feature. Once a certain point is reached, I will definitely start looking out for mods / on how to push height / width / size limits. Yes, it's a great feature. I will have a look at 'clipping' next! I would still argue that that wording is pretty accurate. What could be reasonable is to extend/adjust it by saying e.g.: "The width of buildings and constructions is normally limited by the actual width of the specific settlement. The width can be further extended (in certain areas) through careful placement of objects/clipping mechanics." Or something like that. In any case, more on that with the next batch of tests.
  20. Test #22 Thanks to "OutsideTheBox" on YouTube we now have the knowledge of how to circumvent the length limit of copper wire connections. Kudos to you OutsideTheBox. So let's dive into the trick. This is our small setup for the test, a Generator, a Construction Light and a Power Conduit. This is the normal, maximum distance a Construction Light can be connected through a copper wire to the Generator. Now I have stored the wire back into the workshop and moved the Construction Light further away from the Generator. If we now go to the Generator, press 'Space' to attach a wire and go then to the Construction Light, the wire will be displayed red, as we are to far away. The wire will still snap to the Construction Light, but once we press once again 'Space' to attach the wire to the Construction Light, the process will be canceled. There was made no connection between Generator and Construction Light. Now it get's interesting. Let's place a Power Conduit next to Generator and connect them both with a copper wire. As now the crucial step is to be made, let's do it first wrong (to make the difference clear). Focus on the wire that connects the Generator and the Power Conduit, and make sure, that in the background everything but the Generator is to be seen.Press 'Space' while focusing the wire, AS IF you would do when looking at the Generator to attach a wire. Do that, even if there is no option to do that being displayed.Notice: You will hear NO sound that indicates that something happened (and as we are doing it wrong, it is actually correct that nothing can be heard).Now go to the Construction Light, focus on it, and press 'Space'.You will notice that that was has happened, is that you now hold a wire in your hands, which is connected to the Construction Light. What we have done is the normal action to initiate the attachment of a copper wire from the Construction Light to 'something else'.Now that we have made this clear, let's switch over to the right way .. let's create a copper connection that is longer than they are normally allowed to be! First step. Focus on the wire that connects the Generator and the Power Conduit, and make sure, that: - the wire lights up green - in the background the Generator is to be seen - but the Generator does not lights up green Now press 'Space' as if you would attach a wire, although no option for doing that is being displayed. You will notice that sparks will start to sprinkle midair. You will also notice a 'connection sound', as if you would have attached a wire to the Generator the normal way. You will NOT see a new wire being connected to neither the Generator nor the Power Conduit, but that is fine. Now that you have pressed 'Space' while focusing on the wire (with the Generator in the background) and see the sparks midair, go to the far away placed Construction Light. Now focus on the Construction Light so that it lights up green. Now press 'Space' to attach a new wire. Voilá, a wire connection between the Generator and the Construction Light has been made, although they are standing too far apart! Notice how the wire goes through the ground, what normally would not be possible. This is also the 'downside' of this method, it is not that beautifully looking. If you can cope with that or the wire connection is somewhere hidden so it cannot be seen, this method should be a great alternative for you! Note, that the Construction Light cannot be repositioned from now on, as the wire connection is still too long for that to be allowed. So if you want to use this method to connect an item which is normally too far away, make sure that it's placement is priorly finalised.
  21. Test #20 After much work I finally got my little animation project working. This time I recorded a video, so have a look at that one first. To create this animation, 16 Interval Switches, 25 Delayed ON Switches (24+1) and 8 Delayed OFF Switches were used. A basic diagram of the setup can be looked up here, and additional screenshots can be looked up here. While building this I made several interesting observations. First of all, using this many time-related switches brings the engine of Fallout 4 nearly to it's knees. If you start using even more Interval Switches and Delay ON/OFF Switches (and I did that at first, before optimising the setup I created) you will start experiencing huge lag issues. Also, once I finished the backend of that light chaser animation, getting it to 'work' was sometimes not that easy aswell. Saving at the 'wrong time' and reloading that save later resulted sometimes in the animation not working correctly, although nothing had changed and I used my 'killswitch' (Switched Power Pylon) to reset the whole system. Reloading an earlier save, that was created in the 'right time' was the only option. Note: The finished system to create that animation only needed one power line, not multiple power lines (so not multiple generators that were not connected to each other / powered different Lightboxes). In any case, with a bit of fiddling around it works 'pretty good'. Huge relief that that time wasn't spend for nothing. Test #21 So I have looked into the story with the 'unlimited wire length' and found that it seems to be entirely correct. However, I will split up this analysis into two Tests, because I myself have noted some wonkiness with the copper wires, and I finally was able to get a hold of that. After that, I will explain the unlimited wires. Anyway, first that what I have found out myself. --- This is an exemplary setup, a Power Pylon connected through a copper wire to a Large Generator (the size of the generator doesn't matter). Let's say, we want to reattach that copper wire to something else, we could focus on the copper wire and press "E" to select the wire. After pressing "E" to select the wire, we have now two options. Either to press 'SPACE' and attach the wire to the new connection point (once that one is focused), or we could press 'TAB' to cancel the process. If 'TAB' is now pressed to cancel the process, the wire will snap back to it's last position, so back to the Power Pylon. However, here's the interest part! If we cancel this process by pressing 'TAB' while being to far away from the Power Pylon, so while the wire is colored red, that will not work. What will happen is that the wire is deselected as we wanted, but it is not being snaped back to the Power Pylon .. it is just floating there in midair (the other end "more or less" still being connected to the Generator). If I want, I can now change the position of the Generator. The copper wire will stay in it's place. However, I can still go up to the floating wire and store it via 'TAB' in the workshop.
  22. Test #18 Let's talk about "Pressure Plates" and how they work. We start with a setup of a Small Generator, a Pressure Plate and a Power Counter. The Pressure Plate is a special object, that only transmits power, if the actual Pressure Plate is pressed down. There are two ways to achieve this, the first and normal way is to simply step on it (may it be you, or friendly/hostile NPCs). The second is a bit 'special' and we get to that shortly. In any case, if you see that the Pressure Plate's red light is lighting, it means that the Pressure Plate currently does not transmit power onwards. Once I step onto the Pressure Plate - you will notice how the Pressure Plate sinks in a little - the power will be transmitted and now the green light will shine. The Power Counter detects that power has been turned on (the rising flank of it, so to speak) and displays "1". If I now get down from the Pressure Plate - you will notice how the Pressure Plate will rise up a little - the light switches once again to red. The Power Counter will remain at "1", until I decide to step on the Pressure Plate a second time (in which case the Power Counter will then switch to "2"). So as I mentioned earlier, there is a second method to 'activate' the Pressure Plates, and that is to "double click" on it. If you are next to a Pressure Plate, look down on it so that you can 'Activate' it. Now press two times in a row "E" and if you had the right timing, the Pressure Plate will remain in it's activated state, without the need of someone standing on it. Notice though, this mechanic turns out to be a bit fiddly, because of two reasons: The correct timing is important. If you "double click" the Pressure Plate really fast, it doesn't seem to always work. My best bet was to time the 'second activation' to be executed, once the green light of the Pressure Plate was lighting. So with other words, be not to slow and not to fast either.If this method is used to permanently activate a Pressure Plate, the Pressure Plates sometimes (not always) seem to get "stuck" in this position, where another activation through pressing "E" doesn't seem to work anylonger. This can be reverted by simply stepping on and off the Pressure Plate once. See how the Pressure Plate is activated, although I am not standing on it? Okay, so what about adding a second Pressure Plate to the setup? In this setup, the first Pressure Plate (the one that is directly connected to the generator) still works just as before, once you are standing on it power get's transmitted to the Power Counter. The second Pressure Plate on the other hand, does not work. Notice, how neither the red, nor the green light of the second Pressure Plate is lighting? This means, that no power is reaching it, so stepping on the second Pressure Plate has no meaning in this case. If there isn't anything to transmit, is doesn't matter if the Pressure Plate is set to transmit incoming power onwards. What we could do is our 'special trick' on the first Pressure Plate, so activating it permanently through "double clicking". That way power would reach the second Pressure Plate and it's red light would start lighting. That however would still not be enough to enable the second Pressure Plate to transmit power onwards to the Power Counter. For that we would need to make a new connection between the second Pressure Plate and the Power Counter, if that is the case, and the first Pressure Plate is permanently activated, then stepping on the second Pressure Plate would transmit power onwards to the Power Counter. Sounds pretty rough. Now we have a pure series connection of Pressure Plates right from the start. This setup will not work by itself whatsoever. Pressure Plate A needs Pressure Plate B to be activated, and Pressure Plate B needs Pressure Plate A to be activated. As one can only stand on one Pressure Plate, the Power Counter will never see any power. That is of course, until we decide to permanently activate one or the other Pressure Plate. When that's done (or we permanently activate both right from the start), stepping on the other Pressure Plate will transmit power to the Power Counter. All this can relatively easy be bypassed by this setup. Just connect each Pressure Plate directly with a power source and it's designated 'target' (in our case the Power Counter). Now I can walk in one motion over both Pressure Plates and the Power Counter will add up 2 to the previously displayed count. Let's take a look at this example with four Pressure Plates, connected to be in series, where every Pressure Plate is connected to a Lightbox to further monitor the state the specific Pressure Plates are in. In this first image the first Pressure Plate (the one that is directly connected to the generator) is "permanently activated" through "double clicking" on it. The other three are not yet activated. Now all four Pressure Plates are "permanently activated". If I now would "accidently" step on one of the Pressure Plates (or any friendly/hostile NPC), that specific Pressure Plate and all Pressure Plates "behind" it will be turned OFF, as the power is cut off (the Pressure Plate that was stepped on was thrown out of it's "permanently activated state"). I "accidently" stepped on the first Pressure Plate and all Pressure Plates (and the according Lightboxes) were turned off. Test #19 Observation: There is no general and global height limit when building settlements. The height limit depends on the specific settlement.
  23. Glad that you like it Kesta. Test #17 How to set up multiple Power Counters with different settings to count power? First we need a Terminal and an "Interval Switch". Once connected to a generator, the "Interval Switch" will periodically turn power on and off for everything, that is connected to it. Green means, that power has been turned ON. Red means, that power has been turned OFF. Now let's add a "Power Counter". It's a device, that transmit power, once a specific amount of counts of power is detected, with the maximum being 9 counts. Now we want two Power Counters and each of them should have a different setting. Let's say the first one should count to 3 before transmitting power, and the second one should count to 5 before transmitting power. As the second Power Counter needs to be connected to the existing setup, we have two choices how to do that. Solution A results in a system, where the player will have two individual Power Counters with different counting settings.Solution B results in a system, where the player will have two Power Counters connected in series. In our example, power would be transmitted at the second Power Counter after 15 power cycles (3 times 5).In our example, we want solution A. But there is a problem. If we connect both Power Counters to the Terminal at the same time, and want to give them different settings using the Terminal, there is no way to do that. The number of connected Power Counters doesn't really matter to the Terminal, it's options stay global. And that means, that if we would use [ > Power Counter Control ] now, both Power Counters would get the same setting. So what we're gonna do now is the following. Connect the first Power Counter to the Terminal and put the second one to the side for now. Use the Terminal to set the first Power Counter to count to [3]. Now disconnect the first Power Counter from the Terminal and put it where you want it to be in the end. Now connect the second Power Counter to the Terminal, set it to [5] while using the Terminal, disconnect it and place it where you want it to be in the end, aswell. Now connect both Power Counters to the Inteval Switch. We now have two working Power Counters with different settings. In actual fact, it makes sense to place a "Switched Power Pylon" inbetween the Interval Switch and the Power Counters, and turning it OFF, before the Power Counters will be connected to it. This way you can simultaneously start the counting process of all connected Power Counters. The now fully working setup with nine Power Counters. The first one counts to one, the second one counts to two, the third one counts to three, and so on. Notice how all Power Counters position is "0". Once the "Switched Power Pylon" is activated, they all start counting the power cycles initiated from the Interval Switch, as the second image depicts.
  24. No problem. I hope that you guys and girls will find it useful. Maybe we together can answer some of the questions, that still need to be answered. Also, updated Post #1 and #4 (Test #16 added). Would you mind sharing which exact parameter you have changed (in FO4Edit, i would assume)?
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