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Everything posted by namtrahj

  1. Thank you for your help! Here's Legacy of the Dragonborn: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52248/? I have a feeling I should quit while I'm ahead instead of trying to install it, but it's so tempting.
  2. Hi guys! I'm doing a SR:LE + REGS install (with a few other things added) and I'm just about done, but I have a few questions. I've searched the forums but haven't been able to find a definitive answer to them--I apologize if I missed something. 1) In the SR:LE-REGS compatibility guide, I see that Books of Skyrim is no longer listed as a mod that shouldn't be installed. Why is that? Does it no longer conflict with Nernie's? Is it safe to use? 2) Are the JK's modules in the guide the only ones that will play nice with ETaC, or are there more recently-released modules that can be safely added to REGS? 3) I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but is Legacy of the Dragonborn a definite no-go with REGS? I'm scared of the mod anyway, since it mucks around with so many things, but man does it look cool. It sounds like at the very least it conflicts with Nernie's, right? Thank you so much! I love the work that you've all done!
  3. Hey Neo! I must be crazy, but I'm thinking about wiping my install and starting over with a clean SR:LE/REGS install. I really want to just play the game after this and not monkey with this stuff anymore, so before I start I have two questions. 1) I don't want to deal with iNeed or Frostfall (especially Frostfall). Can I safely exclude those or will that break the CR patch? Should I just install them and turn them off in MCM? 2) I wasn't able to get Inigo to work in my previous setup and I'd really like to add him. Do you know of any conflicts offhand? As always, thanks for the great, great guide. And thanks in advance for any answers I can get from you or anyone else. EDIT: Forgot to ask--I was using SPERG on my last playthrough and enjoyed it. Is that safe to add without having to make changes to the CR patch?
  4. Wow, Saerileth's stone looks phenomenal. Can't wait until that's released.
  5. Yeah, I'm not sure what I'm looking at but I just don't see ash.
  6. Thanks for figuring that out, DoubleYou--I was having the same issue with WB.
  7. I've read and played around quite a bit in TES5Edit, but there are two things I haven't been able to figure out. I think I know how to proceed in general, but: 1) Is there any order I should follow in addressing conflicts? Should I just start at the top of the left pane and work my way down? 2) Once I address a conflict, is there a way to flag or mark it so I know it's done? For instance, if I'm going through Mod A's conflicts, and I fix a conflict with Mod Z, can I somehow flag that record so that when I get to it again under Mod Z I'll know it's done? Obviously I'll see in the right pane that the patch is present, but is there a way to change the record's appearance in the left pane so that I'll know at a glance that it's been addressed already? Thanks guys!
  8. Just wanted to let you guys know that I just installed the newest version and it's showing in MO as 1.5.4, not 1.5.5.
  9. I really like both of these. I just installed the other one but now I might have to replace it with this one.
  10. Wow, I really, really like this.
  11. I like the AMB + SRO floors.
  12. Yeah, I have to agree about the stone walls. In that shot it looks kind of like stone-patterned wallpaper because the texture ends so suddenly at the edges. I also like the use of lighter-colored roofs and wood in STEP-- it provides a nice contrast and shows off the detailing in the woodwork. Some of that gets lost in the more monochromatic AMB.
  13. Ess, thanks a ton for that patch. I'm not using STEP patches (doing a hybrid of STEP/SR:LE but not using all of either) so it's awesome to get some of the functionality and drop a good number of plugins at once. Great stuff!
  14. I really like Cabal's overall. From these shots, though, I do have to say that I like the SRO rugs better in the last two sets of comparisons. Cabal's are a bit busy and I like the colors of the SRO rugs.
  15. That Celtic Blue is really nice. I think I'm going to check that out along with Black Alternate.
  16. I've been following this thread to the best of my ability, and to be honest a fair amount of it is over my head. My biggest source of confusion, I think, is keeping straight hypothetical future release vs. beta update vs. last official release. In my case, I am using the last official release of MO--I have NOT updated to the new beta. I had always extracted all BSAs, but I am rethinking that due to this thread. I've added the three DLCs as mods and left the BSAs intact. I'd also like to realize the performance gain of keeping BSAs unextracted as mentioned by Tannin and others. So, given my version of MO, will I have any priority issues if I reinstall/update some mods and do not extract the BSAs, as long as I make sure that ALL BSAs are checked/ticked in the Archive tab? That is the way to ensure that all mods, whether loose files or BSAs, are treated equally by MO, correct? Problems start when a BSA is NOT checked in the Archive tab, right? Also, again keeping in mind that I am not using the beta, can I update 3DNPC without issue? My existing install is loose/extracted, so can I install the update by merging? And should I extract the update BSA since the existing install is extracted? I apologize for the questions and I hope I'm not fundamentally misunderstanding anything. I'm just a bit lost on which release of MO is being discussed sometimes and I've lost sight of what I should do with my existing install. Hopefully clarifying/reiterating some of this will help some other people that might be following along and realizing that they are becoming increasingly lost. I appreciate the help, guys.
  17. Hi guys. This is my first post, so I want to thank everyone at STEP for their work and dedication. I just dipped into the modding world for the first time in April and STEP has been invaluable. I've played Skyrim for about 35 hours but spent many more than that on modding. I also want to thank Tannin and everyone else involved in MO. I don't know much of anything about programming but the VFS seems like genius to me! I do have a question regarding BSAs. I have 300+ mods installed and have been extracting all BSAs since the beginning, which I thought was the best way to do things. Is there any reason for me to go back and redownload everything, leaving the BSAs packed up? Or, since MO treats BSAs and loose files the same, can I just leave BSAs intact going forward as I download new mods and update existing ones? From what Tannin has said it sounds like that would be ok, but since I'm new to all this I wanted to ask before I start down either path. Edit: I'm still using MO 1.1.2. I haven't upgraded yet because I was terrified of breaking something. Tannin's message on the Nexus about waiting for an official release if you're not sure what you're doing made me nervous. One other related topic that I haven't seen mentioned (although I could have missed it) is Mator's TES5Edit merge plugins script. I've just started working with that (pfft, 255) and he very, very strongly recommends unpacking any BSAs associated with the plugins to be merged. If a mix of loose files and BSAs isn't a problem for MO then that's fine, but if not...I wouldn't be sure how to approach the situation. In any case, merging plugins is at least another valid reason that users would need to extract BSAs. Just wanted to throw that out there since I hadn't seen it mentioned. Thanks again for everything, guys!
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