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  1. hishutup's post in What Should my v-sync settings be? was marked as the answer   
    For starters limiting the framerate can cause some pretty stupid microstutter just by how fps limiting and Vsync work.
    So you can get around the physics thing by adjusting how often it updates them. Basically, reducing the maxTime seems to allow higher framerates.
    I was playing with this quite a bit for ***** and giggles and yes, it correlates and causes the physics issue when a frame happens before an update, meaning more updates has the downside of more CPU load on those havok threads.
    I doubt people have hit the limit for the havok threads though.
    I have a gsync monitor, two actually. When I adjust the max time to update more often then the framerate of the monitor, the physics behave as expected.
    The highest refresh monitor I have a 200Hz panel and it did fine.
    Here is the tweak.
    [HAVOK] fMaxTime=0.009 The value is basically the reciprocal(1/X) of the maximum refresh rate of the monitor. I'd pad the refresh rate by a little because the only downside that I can imagine is a higher CPU load for those threads.  If people want the method I used I basically left vsync on(gsync FTW), I tested various refresh rates(15, 30, 45, 60, 100, 200) and I played with the value to make a truth table, but the values I used were (0.066, 0.033, 0.022, 0.016, 0.01, 0.005).If the delay time between updates was too long, I got the whole flickering water/sun/swimming, flying animals, constant jump thing.I suggest you try it out yourself and draw your own conclusions from this.Havok is pretty much just in the runtime so I doubt any damage to a save can happen. Although, the position of any objects will be added and recorded of course. Also removing or increasing the framerate of the loading screens definitely helps with load times. For some reason bethsoft ties loading to framerate, I wonder why this is...
  2. hishutup's post in Strange Black Lines and Solid Shadows was marked as the answer   
    For the first image I have no idea what youre pointing out but that rock looks horribly deformed, normal parallax issue that is fix with ENB(with deffered) but I am not sure if ENBoost(without deffered) can fix it
    It appears that you are running out of VRAM from what I can gather from the second image.
    ENBoost should help this but you would have to look at the numbers for yourself.
    I know MSI afterburner does if you enable the option
    Of course I could be wrong.
  3. hishutup's post in Strange Black Lines and Solid Shadows was marked as the answer   
    For the first image I have no idea what youre pointing out but that rock looks horribly deformed, normal parallax issue that is fix with ENB(with deffered) but I am not sure if ENBoost(without deffered) can fix it
    It appears that you are running out of VRAM from what I can gather from the second image.
    ENBoost should help this but you would have to look at the numbers for yourself.
    I know MSI afterburner does if you enable the option
    Of course I could be wrong.
  4. hishutup's post in Valid functions for TES5Edit? was marked as the answer   
    To start off xEdit's script system is not full pascal, it uses an interpreter.
    If you need a specific function that doesnt appear to work then you may have to make it.
    mteFunctions has many useful functions that people use, I have ran into several scenarios where I needed to make my own functions.
    If you want to know everything that is a available, check the TES5Edit Github and look at wbScriptAdapter.pas and wbScriptAdapterMisc.pas
    Also, for some reason not all of the wiki edits show up unless you are logged in.
    You could use 
    s := Copy(str, 1, i) instead of 
    s := LeftStr(str, i)
  5. hishutup's post in Dollar sign in front of text was marked as the answer   
    you are missing the Data\Interface\Translations\<pluginName>
  6. hishutup's post in can CTD's be caused from not enough vram? was marked as the answer   
    if youre using ENBoost, no.
    Adding another card actually causes issues with some thing like DOF, water ripples, and some other stuff.
    That and skyrim has a difficult time maxing both cards, I found my two 6970s ran the same as one 6970 and is pretty close to my current 970
    Issues related to CTD tend to be from errors in plugins, heap 1 overflowing, bad scripting practices.
  7. hishutup's post in Smoke & Lantern glow bug - Blue colour in sky was marked as the answer   
    It may be an issue with real clouds.
  8. hishutup's post in The link for Enhanced Distant Terrain under STEP 2.2.9#2.G directions is broken. was marked as the answer   
    It in his AIO
    The STEP guys are aware of the change and are trying to find a good order to put his mod(s)
  9. hishutup's post in ExpandSystemMemoryX64=? was marked as the answer   
    I forget what the function of expandsystemmemoryx64 was called but I can tell you that it would do little anymore and what it did do wasnt really needed to start with.
    I think a related function is like a mem defrag but there is a post somewhere that showed what it was.
    I spent some time looking for the post and I can't seem to find it at this time.
  10. hishutup's post in Quick Stability Test Question was marked as the answer   
    Found it
  11. hishutup's post in Moved mod organizer's location = mods gone was marked as the answer   
    you have to change the advanced settings

  12. hishutup's post in feature request - color rows in panes was marked as the answer   
    send your feature requests to tannins bug genie.
    That is what he uses to keep track of everything
  13. hishutup's post in Flickering textures at intro was marked as the answer   
    A lot of people get that. The only really way to avoid the buggy intro is to use alternate start and pick a different starting location.
    It may be the vsync thing but I had it happen one time and then never again. Admittedly, I use an easier way to test things now.
  14. hishutup's post in Jar Error? was marked as the answer   
    You MUST install the 32 bit version of java from the main orical site
  15. hishutup's post in Weird Crashing was marked as the answer   
    I think this is another case of the memory tweaks not applying...
    I have discussed it in this thread.
    regardless, can you post a followup of if it worked or did not work.
  16. hishutup's post in Random crash when casting a magic spell was marked as the answer   
    you can confirm these correct?

  17. hishutup's post in Textures not appearing in game was marked as the answer   
    Those look like SRO... you need  ENBoost/ENB to fix the parallax issues that are happening in the first image.
    The low res you are seeing is likely related to anisotropic filtering not being enabled due to the lack of ENBoost/ENB
  18. hishutup's post in How do I open jar Files was marked as the answer   
    does that help?
    use x86 because of mo compatibility reasons
  19. hishutup's post in Immersive Creatures - Creatures are frozen in place was marked as the answer   
    I wouldnt do that because it screws up other mods that use time(rnd is one)
    But try it and find out
    Is there a reset option in immersive creature?
    are you sure it immersive creatures?
    I think its a diffetent issue so ill get back to you later because the only thing i can think of is fnis but you said you are not using the creature pack...
    Does the same thing happen on a new game?
  20. hishutup's post in Vividian ENB - Skyrim Revisited ILS from enbhost.exe? was marked as the answer   
    well... that may be why you're crashing
    In the mod organizer executable arguments add
    and then share a new memory blocks log.log
  21. hishutup's post in Shadows on grass - No shadows, black grass (pics within) was marked as the answer   
    My guess its what tech said... It happens with some ENB profiles and especially with fog present
  22. hishutup's post in first time step guide user needs some answers :) was marked as the answer   
    Just install them manually...
    STEP 2.2.9 was written for MO
    Wrye Bash became unsupported and the BCFs last time I remember have issues with not working at all.
    That is both STEP Core and Extended...
    Extended is going to be moving to its own pack for 2.3.0 last time I checked
    The green line symbolizes STEP Core.\
    STEP Core is like the BASE to all of the Packs... 
    STEP Extended is going to be moving to its own pack in the next version...
    To play just core, Install the mods with the green tag in the first column of the table.
    enboost.exe will automatically start when the game is launched and the d3d9.dll hooks properly
  23. hishutup's post in Wrye Bash: "Masters have been reordered" for STEP Core Patch? was marked as the answer   
    It just means the masters that the mod requires are not in the order that the plugin has in it's masters list. Generally they're harmless but I believe step patches should be in the correct order to began with... I don't know that as fact.
    If you want to put them in the correct order then open tes5edit
    Right click to uncheck all
    Select the patch with the out of order maters
    Let it do the loader thing
    Right click and select the one about sort masters (I do not have a PC where I can check the exact name at this time)
  24. hishutup's post in There are files in my actual Skyrim folder. was marked as the answer   
    ok... that is fine... 
    When WB is open and you open a file explorer through WB... The file explorer can also see the VFS...
    Its complicated but in short you are able to see all the files because it seems to load it correctly...
    If you close WB the files should no longer be there.
    its confusing but MO is doing what it should....
    Someone may come around and explain it better...
  25. hishutup's post in SkyUI's favorites button stopped working, can't unequip a torch, and the equip/unequip sound is always the sound sheathing. was marked as the answer   
    I am going to be using MO as a mod manager for this discussion because it is what is accepted on this site.
    dummy esps is a term used for a black esp that has only one job and that is to load a .bsa.
    how this works is a blank plugins like Brawl Bugs CE.esp will only load Brawl Bugs CE.bsa.
    Without the esp, the .bsa will not get loaded unless you are using MO and have the correct settings.
    Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp I believe is the esp that loads the resources for the actual armors and is blank.
    If you happen to load up Step Combined PluginHF.esp and the plugins below then you should see that all of records from the list below should be present in Step Combined PluginHF.esp.
    - SMIM-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp- SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp- SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp- SMIM-ShackRoofFixes.esp- SMIM-ShackRoofFixesDragonborn.esp- Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp- dD-No Spinning Death Animation.espThe STEP patch is something that you should be using because like I have said it does most of the conflict resolution between ALL of the STEP mods for you.
    Remember: Not everything need to be patched.
    I'll show you pics soon on the whole 
    This is only really a problem because STEP uses only AOS so the patch carries edits from only AOS rather than the ones from the correct esp.
    You have AOS, Compendium, CoT sounds and whatnot. I might be able to put something together.
    Some records are going to be from 
    Are you merging or patching because they are two different things.
    This will take a little while because you didn't precisely follow step. I can kinda walk you through it but like I said, it does take time to learn this stuff.
    Does skyUI load up correctly?
    If not take a look inside the mod folder in MO and see if the files are there.
    Sometimes mo will freakout and only have a 1KB file under the name of the plugin file
    There are multiple things going on all at once. I don't really know that to go after first.
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