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Everything posted by MadWizard25

  1. Avoided updating REGS for a while due to modding fatigue and stable gameplay. And yet when I pop back in here what do I see? An ETaC W&C patch! Thank you CJ! Finally a good reason to update to ETaC 11 from 8
  2. As far as I know Companion NPCs are very powerful. I tried beating Vilkas at lvl 12 and got my ass handed to me. Since i play an archer/ light armor character I can understand why post fight. I suspect the guild questlines are for mid level game play or higher, lets say lvl 25+ This makes sense, none of the core quest content for Skyrim is easy in Requiem. You need to be someone of decent power to be considered for the Companions. Search the requeim nexus forum thread for details, i seem to remember that it was stated guild quests are very difficult. I only managed to start and complete the Saarthal questline for the Mages guild by raising my speech to 50 (to skip magic entrance test) via training and enchantments, and have yet to start the thieves guild quests due to lack of perks in sneaking and pick pocketing. I got decimated in Fellglow keep in mages guild, and I dont think ill revisit that till lvl 30, maybe 35. Im level 25 now and am only now again considering taking on vilkas, and only because I finally managed to grab the 2nd gruesome shot perk in archery, which finally allows for decent armor penetration. That plus some decent wep enchantments. TLDR; a lot of main quests require a semi powerful character to begin, level 20, or maybe even 30 plus. You need patience before the game really gets going. Requiem is for role play, you cant start these quests until you have some decent character development. No level 5 dragon slayers or lvl 10 companion status. If you dont have this role play mindset then Requiem is gonna give you a bad time.
  3. This sounds seriously awesome! As for DynDOLOD starting LODGen, you could always offer it as an advanced option, turned off by default. This would probably please most users
  4. This is why i personally like requiem so much. It feels like i have to make something out of myself before im capable of becoming a hero in name as well as skill. Doing hold quests like bandit hunting until level 10 makes perfect sense then. Im slowly accumulating skill and renown. Eventually your good enough for more high risk quests like BFB, and finally the first dragon which i just completed at lvl 21, and it was still tough. This just feels like far more of a natural character progression than vanilla skyrim, even if it can be a grind sometimes.
  5. Thanks for this thread everyone. I never took these warnings seriously, and now Im going to take a look at them. Additionally, I thought BSA unpacking could have an in game impact in term of performance, but not that it could impact the game processes in such a way. I have unpacked all my BSAs by default. If i solve the MO warnings on script order it should be ok right?
  6. Any rough estimate on fps impact at ugrids 7 (sounds like we should play at this setting)?
  7. I never reached a high level because I refused to play the game seriously until there was a stable mod environment. Well that took almost 2 years, and now i can finally play instead of play testing. I never even progressed past the 1st dragon fight. Currently at level 22, previous levels during play tests never got past 5. STEP mixed with Requiem.
  8. 80C isnt that bad for a gfx card, especially nowadays. I still recon you have either a bad mod or an incompatibility between two mods. The only way to figure if thats the issue is the procedure as i described above. I sucks to do it, so most people give up after removing a few mods. Then they start to wonder if its hardware related. Stop. Its almost always your mod setup. Go through everything one by one. No other way to do it. I would not recommend looking for alternative causes to your CTDs without extensively testing your mod setup. There is no shortcut.
  9. Perfect, you have totally allayed my fears. Thanks!
  10. I did, and concluded that buying store bought styles frozen in time and then sprucing them up myself works just as fine as buying tailored finery
  11. Its similar with requiem, you can get 1 shotted by archers. Im not sure how well my tactics apply to HLE but block works well for arrows, as well as enchanting your gear for armor buffs and or magic resistance. You will die a lot. No matter what. Save often. Have plenty of potions, scrolls, and poisons is about the only other thing that helps. You could also install a mod the allows for dodge mechanics.
  12. SPM will not give you a FPS count if you use ENB or SMAA or something similar. As EssArrBee stated, the opening scene can be incredibly performance intensive. Sometimes its recommended to start the game with vanilla skyrim, make a save once your in helgen interiors, quit, and then load your mods, and play ofc. Alternatively, you can use a mod like Live another Life - Alternative Start.
  13. Huh, I did not know this, thanks for the info!
  14. Oh man this looks neat! Especially since it works with Requiem. I have one minor question. The training of the speech skill by doing jobs. How does this scale in requiem? I dont want to jump levels easily just by doing minor jobs. Speech in Requiem can be pretty powerful at later stages.
  15. Sorry, i made a semantic mistake. I do not get errors, I get warnings. Lots of warnings in combat situations. I was confounding errors with warnings, which is not a smart thing to do. Furthermore, I run Max AI and Max Combat AI tweaks when building a bashed patch in WB. Currently its set at 100 and 80 respectively. So yeah, i think EBT might apply to a lot more NPCs in this case than the vanilla 20. Again I can only perceive this, I have no way of accurately measuring. However, I can see large battles with 40+ NPCs, and EBT effects seem to apply. That plus warning spam before CTD, as well as the fact the you said there are injections and detachments going on, is a pretty good observational qualitative assessment of EBT becoming performance intensive in these situations. Its not too far fetched, with my mod setup and AI tweaks, that there is increased script load in these situations. Bundle that with ugrids 7... Admittedly, I am an outlier in the mod setup. I know this does not apply to other necessarily.
  16. My problem with the warnings is that they are false positives. I get warnings about mods being incorrectly ordered when they are clearly the right way around, as requested by MO in the warning. For example; Move Requiem - Mass Effect - now supporting Vilja and others after Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Requiem mass effect is installed lower in my mod order than Apocalypse. That is why I ignore :)
  17. It isn't EBT being a bad mod per say, rather script load. I have no way of accurately measuring script load. Convenient Horse's script lag MCM tool is only an indicator of overall script load. Hence anything i say should be anecdotal, however.... Its fairly obvious that EBT could have a heavy script load. As far as I know EBT scripts fire in combat usually. Say im running Civil War Overhaul, or Immersive Patrols, OBIS, SIC, and the Populated Skyrim series. I have seen and taken part in battles of 40 to 50 NPCs. On ugrids 7, in exteriors. There is going to be a lot of EBT script activity with bleeds and dying, same with Footprints due to movement. High script load = instability. I found i would CTD on death to load in these situations. Additionally, Pap logs would show mass EBT and Footprints spam (relative to previous levels) before CTD. The EBT and Footprints papyrus log errors were false positives and benign, but they are a good indication of increase script load. Just getting rid of Footprints made these CTDs less frequent. Again, Footprints is a perfectly fine mod. As is EBT. Nevertheless, for the stability of my game, i will cut them, no matter how good they are, especially now that we have effective tools for script removal. If the stability issue is script load then something must go. Its individual to each users mod setup. Injecting can be a problem IMO, as i stated above. If you have a extremely script heavy scenario, then even injecting and detaching will cause instability, just due to sheer numbers.
  18. I had this, fixing it was easy! check house/ door formid in console, copy it, find it in tes5edit, see if conflict with requiem, copy as override desired into a custom patch.
  19. Apologies, I should have been more explicit, by saying "frostfall does pretty much what wet and cold does" I meant it replaces parts of it. Actually my main issue with removing W&C is the loss of Ash and Holidays, both which i quite enjoy. Thats perfect, even if it only simulates 50% of EBT i am happy. I have head great succes with reducing load screen on death (my only CTD) by removing script heavy mods. Since i dont want to lose W&C, I can now happily remove EBT (dont notice blood effects too much in any case). Kuldebar, you a wealth of knowledge, not only regarding this thread but many others. Thanks for all the hard work!
  20. I dropped footsteps because if you use ugrids 7 and a lot of spawn mods it becomes very script heavy. It seems to scale with number of NPCs Wet and Cold doesnt seem too bad. Frostfall does pretty much what wet and cold does so if you have it, you can get rid of W&C Im thinking of dropping EBT as well, atm it is by far the most active script I have. Thanks for the replacement Kuldebar!
  21. Nice, thanks for the find. I might try this out with Real Visions palette. Performance version still gives me 10-15fps drop.
  22. Yeah exactly what I meant. I end up creating custom rules, just like with BOSS. Admittedly there are less custom rules, but I would still argue that if you use tes5edit for conflict patches, using LOOT and BOSS makes little difference.
  23. Sounds like you have a very similar play style to me, although I use requiem so npcs and spawns are deleveled. Deleveled enemies has not been a problem, im slowly approaching level 25 and for the first time I can take on large bandit camps (with a follower) unless there are mages. The difficulty and slow progression really makes it satisfying. The money situation is much better as well. I fully agree that money scarcity is needed. I have doubled carriage ship prices, and buying houses costs between 6 to 10k, horses are 6k, and mercenaries are 5k. Gold also has weight so its now a struggle to collect enough capital for most things. Needless to say I cant afford a horse or house yet. I spend an insane amount on healing (requiem disables health regen unless spell/ potion), and traveling since fast travel is disabled. Rare loot is also amazing. Makes exploration much more fun. I dont use morrowloot, but i think Requiem removes high leveled loot from leveled lists. I.e. only vampire bosses have ebony, and elven armor is super expensive and rarely shows in merchants, or found in dungeons/ thalmor, both of which are still out of my reach. Hardcore for the win!
  24. That may be, but its not always the ideal situation. Least number of conflicts does not necessarily correspond to correct overwrite order. So far i think both BOSS and LOOT are on par on the user side. If you want a good load order you will have to manually move plugins around and almost certainly create a custom conflict resolution patch using Tes5edit. This is irrespective of LOOT or BOSS use. LOOT is much better from the developer side because of the metadata and algorithm, no volunteer updates/ assumptions of testing as you said. As a user with a large mod list, using either BOSS or LOOT does not make too much difference to me.
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