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Everything posted by Member121

  1. I've has this happen to me. A jarl asked me to kill the leader of <I don't recall>. The boss fight was with a Briar Heart Forsworn. He stood there, naked, as I dual wielded him to death in a couple of good whacks. I suspected some kind of scripting glitch so reloaded the previous save, recleared the location and when I met the same Briar Heart I walked right up to him (naked, again). I tried talking to him but he just made a few "Yes?", "Can I help you?" type innocuous comments. No aggression so I killed him and moved on. Before this I encountered a few low level bandits / enemies that were not aggressive. At the time I assumed it was just a random encounter with a NPC from some mod that affects random encounters with NPCs. I may have set the mod to too easy. Since that boss encounter I have kept an eye on my encounters with NPCs and it's not my imagination. I can accept that not every bandit I encounter will be aggressive but boss fights are aggressive and difficult. Now, I'm thinking it's some kind of glitch. I am using STEP Extended and a few extra mods. (I'm not near my Skyrim PC, so I don't have the list of my extra mods.) My STEP + Personal Choice Mods profile is unchanged except for a few armor mods I add once in a while. That profile was very stable and free of issues. Until recently. I did change some ini setting a few saves ago. (The ini settings that were recommended here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/6532-new-step-vsync-settings-all-step-users-affected/ ) Sorry, I wasn't trying to highjack the thread. I don't know how to test this but there's my info if it helps someone else.
  2. Is there a txt file with all my keys mapped? I am hoping that Skyrim creates an ini or txt file that lists all the bound keys I use or configured for each mod via MCM menu. I cannot find this file. Other than a simple solution that someone else worked hard to implement for my convenience how do I create a list of all my keys? W = Forward A = Strafe Right S = Iforget
  3. Is this as simple as re-installing Better Shaped Weapons > choosing quiver options (were there arrow options, also?) >Run LOOT > etc and good to go try it out?
  4. Closer Arrows & Quivers clipping. My screenshots are NSFW so I’ll not post them. I have these mods (and others) STEP Extended XPMS Skeleton UNPB Several hair mods Frostfall The arrows and quiver clip into my backside. I disabled the Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows mod. The clipping is totally gone. I only have steel and orcish arrows so I can only test those two for now. Also, IMHO, the Closer Arrows mod makes the arrows too long. The quiver is mounted across my hips. The arrows are so long it makes me as wide as I am tall. Crawling through narrow dungeons with a quiver & arrow combo that appear 4-5 feet wide is immersion breaking for me. This mod is permanently disabled for me.
  5. I play a female character. My quivers are hip mounted, they lay across my hips / backside. I noticed the other day my quivers are clipping my backside. I assumed it was the FNIS patch or maybe the Dual Sheath Redux mod or DSR patch. I had a skeleton problem I resolved but it may be back but now it looks like quiver / butt clipping. I have UNPB that could morph my vanilla body into a big butt quiver clipper. I'm going to disable the Closer Quivers mod and see what happens. I'll be back tomorrow with feedback. (Also, my ponytail is seriously clipping my back mounted bow. )
  6. I have a GTX 770 4GB. Windows 7. I get the same drop in Dragonsreach. I have not noticed the Riverwood drop. I've just started a STEP playthrough and have not been to Markath yet. I use the non-DDSOpt textures. I assumed the hi-res texture options I chose throughout were taxing my system. I lived with it but if there's an easy ini setting or something, I'd like to hear about it.
  7. I have a sound card. Xonar DSX. I wasted my money. It does not provide me with a sound experience that is worth $60. And, I've had crackling / popping / troubleshooting headaches. My onboard audio is good enough for me. And then I heard that my soundcard is not really intended for use with headphones. So if you're using headphones double check the sound card's literature for headphone compatibility. I was hesitant to buy a SSD. Expensive. I decided on an old 1TB HDD and a 240GB SSD. Windows 7 installed on 1TB. Steam and my Steam games on SSD. I like my setup very much.
  8. I built my first pc a couple months ago. pcpartpicker has a feature that filters conflicts between components. Not all components, for example there's a problem between MSI MoBos and G-Skill RAM. G-Skill insists there's a workaround and the guy from G-Skill who is running around the MSI support forums is very polite and willing to help. Me, however, wanted avoid the hassle and went with Corsair RAM. No problems, I haven't looked back. I found myself going to the mall to pickup thermal paste, extra eSATA cable (then I had to go back because SATA and eSATA are not the same) a couple times more than I wanted. Ultimately it's up to you. As you can tell people who have built their own custom rig really believe the pros outweigh the cons. (The finished product will be very satisfying and the fear&intimidation will be forgotten.) And, you can get help here, pcpartpicker, (I searched at reddit), Tom's Hardware was mentioned. Factoid: it looks like phazer, techangel and myself have very similar configurations. That's gotta tell you sumthin'. ADD1CTED_GAM3R? what's your specs?
  9. I agree. All of these parts are available from BestBuy except the MoBo. There are literally hundreds of other MoBo options to choose from.
  10. Holy Christy, I live in small town BC also. I wonder of it's the same one? Where's your Tim Horton's? (Christy Clark is the Premier of BC.)
  11. This+1 If something needs to be troubleshooted then having an intimate knowledge of your components will be very helpful for you and anyone who helps you (you can give them very detailed info). IMO if you're going to buy a premade rig (because you just do not want to go through the hassle, no problem) you should go to your local pc shop. The guys there game and they can get your parts as cheap as you, they can assemble for $50-100 and they'll be able to fix it right away. There's a big difference between the iBUY rig you linked to and the pcpartpicker link compiled by phazer (very good setup in my opinion). The iBUY has an Intel i7 CPU. Phazer's is an Intel i5. i5 for Skyrim and most AAA pc games is adequate and $100 less than an i7. Phazer put that extra $100 into a GPU. A 4GB GTX 770; the same as me. I have over 130 plugins and am playing like just perfect.
  12. This what I did. STEP2.2.9 is the first STEP I've ever installed. Yes it's confusing. Read carefully. There is no irrelevant info in the STEP guide. Another thing I did was to start the game after each section. If the game gets to the character creation menu then you know you're on the right track. (There is a section where one mod depends on a master that has not been installed yet [according to the STEP installation order] and you will not be able to start the game. Just keep going with the install or disable that mod [The name of that mod is on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember. It seriously bugs me when that happens.] and try starting the game. If I recall correctly I did that and it worked.) However, starting the game after each section allows you to see the changes as you go along. (HQ Trees, for example. Or Cloaks of Skyrim. A lot of the Imperial officers are wearing cloaks when they try to execute you.) All in all I think it's best to jump right in. I kept a vanilla copy of my Skyrim directory on my desktop and used it to reinstall my Skyrim from scratch and start over 3 or 4 times. I now have three profiles. My main stable Extended profile; My experimental profile where I troll for new mods, install them and see if I like them; and a third profile that is my playthough profile (I have disabled some STEP mods and added mods I liked when I experimented with them.) One of the things I have benfited from using STEP is to learn how to set my own unique mod list and have a personalized, stable and (nearly) bug free game that I really enjoy.
  13. Okay, so where are my freckles? The Nexus mod page says it should be sitting right there in my character creation menu. I get only one freckle option available to a female character listed under "Complexion". Is there more than one freckle option? (There's 10 different war paints available, I assumed there'd be several freckle options to choose from.)
  14. So, I had the same bug and the solution worked for me. But, out of curiosity, where should I place my XP skeleton? What I did was to open the skeleton's conflicts tab (right click mod in Left Pane > "Information" > "Conflicts"). Here I see three mods that are listed in the bottom pane (The following conflicting files are provided by other mods): -Closer Quivers & Longer Arrows -Feminine Running Animation -Pretty Combat Idles Out of an abundance of caution I moved my XPMS Skeleton to immediately following the lowest of the three conflicting mods. Started Skyrim via MO/SKSE and I got my daggers back on my back and no more war axe dragging along my feet. I love STEP.
  15. AdventureGirl wantsBlue LED lighting - Here’s a place. I don’t mod my PC so I can’t help with that.https://www.moddiy.com Blue case. When I was building my new PC I thought these were pretty good looking cases. But, I was trying to save money so I didn’t buy a Prodigy case.https://www.bitfenix.com/global/en/products/chassis/prodigy-m The Prodigy-M case is NOT compatible with ATX MoBo’s. If you choose the Prodigy-M case you MUST choose a m-ATX MoBo. m-ATX also known as Micro-ATX or even (squiggly) u-ATX And, there’s the original Prodigy case.https://www.bitfenix.com/global/en/products/chassis/prodigyThe Prodigy case is NOT compatible with the ATX MoBo. If you choose a Prodigy case you MUST choose a micro-ITX MoBo. ATX, m-ATX and Micro-ITX are different size MoBo. (Yes, the actual length x width in inches.) A m-ATX MoBo will not physically fit into a Prodigy case. A m-ATX MoBo will fit into a Prodigy M case. I assembled a build idea that includes micro-ITX MoBo and a Prodigy case (in blue).Double check with G-Skill about the RAM being blue.Double check with GigaByte about length of video card.https://pcpartpicker.com/p/PRBKsY PCpartPicker does not have the Prodigy-M case listed but it’s out there. There are several manufaturers of m-ATX MoBo’s. GigaByte has a well reviewed model: GA-Z97M-D3H
  16. https://pcpartpicker.com/p/wH7NYJI chose parts based on what I know works. CPU: I purchased the i5 4670. I like it. The i5 4570 is a little less expensive. MoBo: I chose the GigaByte Z97M-D3H model because it’s compatible with the 1866MHz RAM. You can choose the H97M model but you’ll have to down grade to the 1600MHz RAM. RAM: MSI MoBo’s have a compatiblity issue with G-Skill RAM. There’s a work-around but it’s a pain. I advise to avoid the MSI-GSkill combo. Storage: I own it. It’s fast. Works for me. VideoCard: I like GTX770. (The GTX760 can handle a reasonably modded Skyrim.) But you seem to have a AMD preference. No problem. This CPU + MoBo combo will accommodate any of the GPU’s you’ve been looking at (eg. GTX 760, 770, AMD 280X, 290) PSU: I own it. It is fully modular. Works for me.
  17. Link leads to a blank list for me.
  18. First of all you got some pretty good advice about how to choose your parts from phazer. I’d like to add: If you are going to be building your new rig yourself and this is your first effort please and I mean PLEASE get a fully modular PSU. The model in phazer’s build is not modular. Modular means all the power cables can detach from the main unit. Very important as you, and I when I built my first rig, don’t have a clue how all these components actually fit together inside a case. You’ll appreciate the flexibility of detachable cables.
  19. Yes, you used partspicker perfectly! fun isn't it? You have a pretty solid build. It could be tweaked here and there. I like the 4GB GPUs phazer linked to only because early on in my build research I decided on a 4GB card. There's so many choices it's overwhelming. I narrowed it down to 4GB, three or four manufacturers and under $450. = Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB GV-N770OC-4GD $449.99 LOVE it! You may not need a cooler living in northern US. And, cpu comes with stock cooler. Up to you. Not a mistake to get a good cooler. You may not need an optical drive. I used my new optical drive once... to install my os. Maybe keep your old drive. STEP recommends installing Steam/Skyrim on a separate drive. I found that to be very good advice. A new SSD is really fast and you may not ever buy another mechanical drive again. (I installed OS on 1TB mechanical HDD and Steam/Skyrim on 250GB SSD. Working great for me.) Welcome to the addictive world of pc building!
  20. techspot.com has a gaming pc buying guide. It'll give you some idea where to start. I don't overclock. Don't know how and it looks too complicated. I am enjoying Skyrim + STEP Extended without overclocking.
  21. pcpartspicker.com will find you the best prices. I was in the same position as you about 6 months ago. See my signature for what I decided upon. You'll have to spend the time going to each manufacturer's web site to get the dimensions of the card and compare that to the measurement you take of your case. Please actually do this. Then you know for sure how much space you have. Can your current MoBo handle the bandwidth of a new GPU? Double check your manufacturer's web site. My advice; buy new components as they go on sale and price match is your friend. Upgrade your pc in this order GPU MoBo (might have to do this and GPU at same time. if only to keep from opening your PC and re-building all the components) RAM SSD (holy cow, this makes a difference!!) My 4GB GTX 770 is working great. 760 should work well also.
  22. I don't like the animation for sacks. Can I "hide" the miscsacklarge.nif (and related sack) files in the FileTree? Will this stop the sack animation? Will this cause a bug or something? Well I hid all the meshes>clutter>containers>anything with the word "sack" in it. A quick save game load and I clicked on every sack on the area. No animation, which what I wanted, but have I introduced a glitch?
  23. You scared me with the "package must be restructured" instruction. Turns out it's just a matter of right-clicking > Set data directory until "Looks Good" appears. whew
  24. This is what it was. Sorry for noob-yness.
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