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  1. Kelmych's post in Dawnguard and Hearthfire ESMs reported missing by WB was marked as the answer   
    Perhaps it might be affected by using a TES5Edit-cleaned version of these mods; when you initially setup WB you likely had the original versions. It shouldn't complain since I thought it recreated any checksums it might use for the modlist when you startup and during periodic rechecks (but not for the installation packages). Based on your description it sounds like there is a package in the installation tab that expects files with these names. I don't have an installation package that expects any of the vanilla esm files; these esm files are just in the data directory.
  2. Kelmych's post in Mod Organizer 1 (Legacy) can no longer log into, or download directly from the Nexus was marked as the answer   
    This post provides the answer; a version is available.
  3. Kelmych's post in Installing DarNified UI was marked as the answer   
    Mod Organizer should always start an installation with a choice of manual installation; I don't know why it didn't in this case. The line you mention was taken from the FNV guide; I'm not sure exactly which file it references. It looks like DarN has once again lost control of the site used by the guide for this mod. Did you find an alternate site for the 7zip version of the mod or did you already have it? If you have only the fomod version make sure to change the extension to 7z before installing (as mentioned in the guide).
  4. Kelmych's post in INI Tweak Guide - Fallout INI was marked as the answer   
    The values that are hidden are intentionally hidden so users won't see them. They are left in the guide in case there are changes that would allow or require using these settings. The changes for DarnUI fonts are not needed if UIO is used; it takes care of this. The Rendered Terminal settings changes cause problems with some mods; you can search in the CPD thread posts and find the details of these problems.
  5. Kelmych's post in Games for Windows Live link was marked as the answer   
    The link was included in the guide only because some versions of Windows 10 seemed to need a few of the files from it to run Fallout 3. GFWL itself hasn’t been needed in a veyr long time (if it was even ever actually needed).
  6. Kelmych's post in Should I Mark Mergable Plugins as Optional was marked as the answer   
    You'll have to remember all the plugins to change from optional the next time you make a bashed patch, which can be fairly often if you change or update mods regularly.
  7. Kelmych's post in Missing meshes with WEP WMK Uniques for the Pitt FWE and WMK Uniques for FWE EVE addon was marked as the answer   
    The guide includes weapon mods that aren't compatible; users can choose which ones they use. It tries to provide some guidance on what is likely to be compatible and incompatible. If you are familiar enough with xEdit (FO3Edit) you can examine the plugins and identify the compatibility problems.
  8. Kelmych's post in Missing meshes with WEP WMK Uniques for the Pitt FWE and WMK Uniques for FWE EVE addon was marked as the answer   
    The guide includes weapon mods that aren't compatible; users can choose which ones they use. It tries to provide some guidance on what is likely to be compatible and incompatible. If you are familiar enough with xEdit (FO3Edit) you can examine the plugins and identify the compatibility problems.
  9. Kelmych's post in Is there maintenance going on? The Wiki is constantly going down. was marked as the answer   
    Lately the wiki is getting fairly high usage at various times of day which causes this. The STEP team has been working for a while on getting a replacement for the hosting service with more capacity. You will see a lot of messages about this in the forums.
  10. Kelmych's post in Is there maintenance going on? The Wiki is constantly going down. was marked as the answer   
    Lately the wiki is getting fairly high usage at various times of day which causes this. The STEP team has been working for a while on getting a replacement for the hosting service with more capacity. You will see a lot of messages about this in the forums.
  11. Kelmych's post in Running Vivid weathers with STEP mods was marked as the answer   
    The answer I provided was incomplete. "Vivid Weathers" includes even more effects than "Vividian - Extended Weathers", but to switch STEP Extended to use "Vivid Weathers" vs. "Vividian - Extended Weathers" a small edit must be made. After changing the master file name to "Vivid Weathers" open TES5Edit selecting only STEP Extended Patch.esp. In the FormID box in the upper left of TES5Edit enter "000C8221" then enter. STEP Extended will not have the correct "NNAM - Visual Effect" object. Right click this object, select "Edit" and enter "xx000D66" where xx is the plugin ID of "Vivid Weathers". The LOTX object should also be copied from "Vivid Weathers" to the "STEP Extended Patch". Close TES5Edit and save the plugin.
  12. Kelmych's post in Running Vivid weathers with STEP mods was marked as the answer   
    The answer I provided was incomplete. "Vivid Weathers" includes even more effects than "Vividian - Extended Weathers", but to switch STEP Extended to use "Vivid Weathers" vs. "Vividian - Extended Weathers" a small edit must be made. After changing the master file name to "Vivid Weathers" open TES5Edit selecting only STEP Extended Patch.esp. In the FormID box in the upper left of TES5Edit enter "000C8221" then enter. STEP Extended will not have the correct "NNAM - Visual Effect" object. Right click this object, select "Edit" and enter "xx000D66" where xx is the plugin ID of "Vivid Weathers". The LOTX object should also be copied from "Vivid Weathers" to the "STEP Extended Patch". Close TES5Edit and save the plugin.
  13. Kelmych's post in A slight error in the latest STEP wiki was marked as the answer   
    All of the variants of xEdit including TES5Edit and FO4Edit are the same; they can be renamed to the appropriate version for the game or used in Mod Organizer with an argument indicating which game it is being used for. For a long time the updates were posted only to the FO4 Nexus; it seems like this is no longer true.
  14. Kelmych's post in DDSOPT extracts as .bsa was marked as the answer   
    I generally use BSAopt to extract BSAs since it is much simpler, by the way. The instructions for using DDSopt are missing a step. At the beginning of Step 6 (choose destination) it should first say to change the "Save as type" to "All Documents (*).(*)". This will be added to the guide.
  15. Kelmych's post in MO not starting FOSE for Fallout 3 goty was marked as the answer   
    You should not have problems starting FO3 through FOSE using Mod Organizer. The installation process details are in the Fallout 3 guide here on the STEP site. When using Mod Organizer Steam itself is not typically used. The FalloutLauncher replacer for Steam, which is described in the guide,  allows Mod Organizer to "hook" Steam while starting the game to allow Steam overlays. There have been other attempts to allow Mod Organizer to hook Steam when starting FO3 (using FOSE or the Fallout Launcher) but AlexxEGs is the only one I know of that seems fairly robust. Note that the FalloutLauncher replacer isn't required to get FO3 running with Mod Organizer, it just allows Steam to be connected to the game.
    If you still have questions let us know; I suggest asking these questions in the Support thread for the Fallout 3 guide. There are cases where users have had problems getting FO3 to start when using Mod Organizer even when following the steps in the guide; we don't know why this happens.
  16. Kelmych's post in Which xEdit version for lodgen to use was marked as the answer   
    The FO3Edit part of the guide points to the most recent version of xEdit. Until recently this was the version on AFK Mods, but currently this is in the Fallout 4 Nexus page.
    The official page for FO3LODGen is still the page referenced in the guide, and the guide does use files from this page. Version 3.1.2a is listed as "People having crashes with 3.1.2 please try this version and report results in comments" so it is not shown as the latest official version. The FO3LODGen instructions already recommended using the existing xEdit (which would be the one already installed as part of the FO3Edit installation), but to make this clearer some additional text has been added. I haven't seen any reports of testing FO3 LOD Generation using the latest version of xEdit built for use with FO4, but I don't expect there are any problems.
    The FO3 guide links to the latest official release setup by the mod authors, which for FO3Edit is the FO3Edit page and not the FO4Edit page. There is no guarantee that the latest version of xEdit on the FO4Edit page is stable. The guide notes for FO3Edit include a reference to the most recent version of xEdit (currently the FO4Edit version) which, as stated on the Nexus page, isn't an official release.
  17. Kelmych's post in Tracking a vendor item(s) was marked as the answer   
    Adding items to vendor list via a one time use script (usually via a quest) avoids the potential problems of having another mod overwrite the mod's version of the vendor inventory list. I don't think scripts can remove items from vendor inventory (but I'm far from being a script expert). Wrye Bash/Flash can remove or add items from a vendor inventory list when the list is specified in a plugin. I don't think there are script commands that provide a list of the items in a vendor inventory list (but as I said I'm not a script expert) or that provide extensive vendor inventory management; I've never heard a mod author mention this capability.
  18. Kelmych's post in Post-AMD Graphics Driver Update, Concerns was marked as the answer   
    The other difference is the anti-aliasing method; of course, it does depend on whether you can afford the fps drop.
  19. Kelmych's post in Am I ****ed? Processed "Vanilla Compressed Textures" with lossless 2048*2048 and not DXTx was marked as the answer   
    You can eliminate the optimized textures anytime and use the vanilla ones if you want to undo what you did. You can afterwards (or instead) redo the optimization, or get one of the packages of already optimized textures. These are just textures so they don't cause major problems in saved games if they are changed.
  20. Kelmych's post in how to find form id based on ref id? was marked as the answer   
    If you use the MFG Console mod and select an item in the console it should show both the ref id and the FormID
  21. Kelmych's post in Excalibr Not Detecting .esm from FWE (CTD) was marked as the answer   
    The Calibr.esm and xCalibr.esm are completely different, they just happen to have similar names.The eXcalibr mod includes several esm plugins. The guide comment is that FWE already installed the Calibr.esm so you don't need the additional copy from the eXcalibr mod since they are identical. Apparently for some people the FWE fomod isn't installing the Cailbr.esm plugin. I'm considering adding instructions for installation of FWE that don't use the fomod since it's not consistent across users. A simple manual installation can be done, but I'll need to note the files and folders to eliminate.
    You can use Calibr.esm from the eXcalibr mod if you want
  22. Kelmych's post in 'Hi-Res Pip-Boy' Installing Incorrectly/'High Detail Map and Icons' Not Detecting It was marked as the answer   
    Not really  . The internal fomod processor doesn't process the fomod quite correctly  . Maybe we need to ad this to the MO Bugfix list. I plan to add an alternate way to install the mod. Basically you use manual install in MO and then choose the correct folders which already have self-explanatory names. I haven't had time to write this up and test it.
  23. Kelmych's post in Text on Menu is Cutoff was marked as the answer   
    The "DarnUI Support for FWE" doesn't show up in the left pane of MO in the screenshot image and it should if it is installed in the correct place. The installation order and the instructions in the guide take care of putting the mods in the correct order for use with UIO. I tried to avoid putting a detailed explanation of what UIO does into the guide, but I did revise some installation instructions (especially for aHUD) to eliminate some problems that users seem to have all too frequently. The "DarnUI Support for FWE" files, especially "menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml", need to be installed where the guide says since this is the primary menu template file that UIO will detect and modify. This isn't an issue with INI files; UIO (and Unified HUD that used to be in the guide) need to be able to find (and then modify) the proper version of "menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml". After the game has started at least once with UIO installed you will find extra lines  that start with "include" added to this file near the bottom.
  24. Kelmych's post in I need help please. was marked as the answer   
    There is a short summary guide on the overall topic of merging and conflict resolution available on the STEP wiki. There is also a video on using the Merge Plugins script. 
  25. Kelmych's post in Stealth Boys problems was marked as the answer   
    The ''In Game Settings'' section of the guide covers game configuration. As part of this section there is a Control Panel Menu Settings guide that covers the parameters for the game and mod devices mentioned in the guide. It's likely the discussion of configuring the Stealth Boy in this guide will cover the problem you have; if this doesn't provide the solution let us know.
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