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Everything posted by egocarib

  1. I replaced EEOS potions with this mod in my Step 2.0.0 install and have been playing for a few weeks. I think this mod does a far better job than EEOS with regard to not over-saturating potion drops on NPCs. My only slight complaint is that I've run into multiple (fairly low-level) enemies that use 3-ish healing potions when I'm fighting them, which feels like just a little too much. I think this could likely be resolved with an MCM tweak to lower the "Max number of potions", but I haven't yet tried making any changes to the MCM (or else it could maybe be resolved by adding potion drinking animations as soupdragon suggested). I haven't fought many higher-level enemies yet so I can't speak to how well it works as you advance further. Overall, though, I like this mod and plan to continue playing with it.
  2. I noticed this too. Interested if anyone knows of a fix. I haven't had to run CK much yet but I might in the future.
  3. Aha. You clued me in to the issue. I had installed Better Dynamic Snow version 3.5.0, which was released yesterday morning. That version causes STEP Conflict Resolution patch to have a missing reference error. The changelog for v3.5.0 notes that there were some changes to the ESM and ESP structure, so that is probably why. I installed the older v3.4.0 of Better Dynamic Snow and that one works correctly with the STEP Conflict Resolution patch (no error). For the Creation Club plugin issue, I think the STEP guide should give some instruction about what to do about it (even if that is simply disabling the ESP while running DynDOLOD?), since it caused a fatal error that prevented me from running DynDOLOD. Thanks for your help!
  4. I think I already did that. Here's my current modlist in MO which includes a lot of Creation Club stuff: https://gist.github.com/egocarib/6207dbcdad7269c375532d0878477e51. When I started the game a while ago it downloaded a bunch of stuff. Now it just loads up to the menu and doesn't seem to do anything special. I'm new to anniversary edition (and SSE!) so it's possible I made a mistake along the way here.
  5. I have been doing the full install of everything in STEP SSE 2.0.0 including ENB and Lighting/Weather mods. Things have been going pretty well until I got to DynDOLOD. The DynDOLOD tool fail to start due to some unresolved reference errors in cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon.esm and Step Patch - Conflict Resolution.esp. Specifically, these ones: cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon.esm DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeon_StaffPedestal "Altar of the Seasons" [ACTI:07000883] ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0700091C] < Error: Could not be resolved > DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeonSummerRespawnLever "Repair Spider Release Lever" [ACTI:07000867] ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0704DAF9] < Error: Could not be resolved > Step Patch - Conflict Resolution.esp [REFR:000D3B98] (places [1C00FFD4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightgateInnExterior01 [CELL:0000905D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 17,11)) REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1C00FFD4] < Error: Could not be resolved > As far as I can tell I've installed all mods on the list exactly as instructed, though it's possible I might've missed something. Anyone know what I might've missed that could have caused these issues to be missed earlier in the guide? (I did do a xEdit QuickAutoClean on all my mods that were flagged in LOOT as instructed. These mods were not flagged by LOOT, and I don't think the QuickAutoClean addresses these issues anyway since they appear to need manual cleanup.) Here's the full list of issues I see reported by xEdit when I run error checking on my entire 2.0.0 mod list thus far - not sure if any of these other issues would also need to be addressed or if they're safe to ignore: [00:04] Checking for Errors in [07] cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon.esm [00:04] DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeon_StaffPedestal "Altar of the Seasons" [ACTI:07000883] [00:04] ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0700091C] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:04] DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeonSummerRespawnLever "Repair Spider Release Lever" [ACTI:07000867] [00:04] ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0704DAF9] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:06] Checking for Errors in [FE 013] cceejsse002-tower.esl [00:06] [REFR:01002F96] (places WinterholdLDoor01 "Door" [DOOR:00107EFE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at -6,15) [00:06] REFR \ XNDP - Navigation Door Link \ Teleport Marker Triangle -> <Warning: Navmesh triangle not found in "[NAVM:00105B64] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:000093BA] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,15))"> [00:07] Checking for Errors in [FE 019] ccbgssse008-wraithguard.esl [00:07] ccBGSSSE008_Quest "Legends Lost" [QUST:FE019AB0] [00:07] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "ccBGSSSE008_Quest "Legends Lost" [QUST:FE019AB0]"> [00:07] QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ QSTA - Target \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "ccBGSSSE008_Quest "Legends Lost" [QUST:FE019AB0]"> [00:09] Checking for Errors in [0A] ccbgssse031-advcyrus.esm [00:10] [INFO:0A000FD4] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGS_QUESTPersuade01Topic "I need to inspect this cell. Can you open it for me? (Persuade)" [DIAL:0A000FD3]) [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] [INFO:0A000FD5] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGS_QUESTPersuade01Topic "I need to inspect this cell. Can you open it for me? (Persuade)" [DIAL:0A000FD3]) [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] [INFO:0A000FD6] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGS_QUESTPersuade01Topic "I need to inspect this cell. Can you open it for me? (Persuade)" [DIAL:0A000FD3]) [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] [INFO:0A000FD8] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGS_QUESTIntimidateTopic "I want something in this cell. Open it, or I cut you open. (Intimidate)" [DIAL:0A000FD7]) [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] [INFO:0A000FD9] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGS_QUESTIntimidateTopic "I want something in this cell. Open it, or I cut you open. (Intimidate)" [DIAL:0A000FD7]) [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] [INFO:0A000FDB] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGS_QUESTBribeTopic "I want to poke around this cell. Is this enough to open it? (100 gold)" [DIAL:0A000FDA]) [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:10] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Could not resolve alias> [00:14] Checking for Errors in [FE 038] ccvsvsse004-beafarmer.esl [00:14] PetFramework_ParentQuestNewBranch0 [DLBR:FE03887A] [00:14] DLBR \ SNAM - Starting Topic -> Found a NULL reference, expected: DIAL [00:14] Checking for Errors in [0C] ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS.esm [00:15] [INFO:0C0010B7] (in GRUP Topic Children of ccBGSSSE025_ElytraPet_ManiaYES [DIAL:0C0010B6]) [00:15] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "ccBGSSSE025_ElytraPetAcquisition_Dementia "My Pet Elytra (Dementia)" [QUST:0C0010C0]"> [00:18] Checking for Errors in [0E] ccafdsse001-dwesanctuary.esm [00:19] ccAFDSSE001_SpherePackage [PACK:0E0017A6] [00:19] PACK \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - CTDA \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "ccAARSSE001ManufactoryControlQuest "The Sanctuary and the Manufactory" [QUST:0E000A39]"> [00:49] Checking for Errors in [FE 041] Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patch.esl [00:50] ccEEJSSE002MageTowerSecond "Myrwatch Gallery" [CELL:FE01392C] [00:50] CELL \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 14> [01:21] Checking for Errors in [3F] Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp [01:22] ODN_Alt_Alt_Hazard_Barricade [HAZD:3F27A7B8] [01:22] HAZD \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 25> [01:24] Checking for Errors in [46] imp_helm_legend.esp [01:24] DwarvenHelmet [ARMA:0003F7FF] [01:24] ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Male -> <Unknown: 2> [01:24] ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Female -> <Unknown: 2> [01:24] DwarvenHelmetOrc [ARMA:460096A3] [01:24] ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Female -> <Unknown: 2> [01:42] Checking for Errors in [6E] Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim.esp [01:42] VKR_Sne_SpotDetection_Spell "Spot Detection" [SPEL:6E0363B2] [01:42] SPEL \ Effects \ Effect \ EFID - Base Effect -> Found a NULL reference, expected: MGEF [01:44] Checking for Errors in [71] Step Patch - Conflict Resolution.esp [01:44] [REFR:000D3B98] (places [1C00FFD4] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightgateInnExterior01 [CELL:0000905D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 17,11)) [01:44] REFR \ NAME - Base -> [1C00FFD4] < Error: Could not be resolved > It's been quite a few years since I booted up Skyrim, so my skills are a bit rusty. In any case, thanks for making this guide available!
  6. I agree that some of the roads really benefit from additional steps and other minor cosmetic tweaks, though some of the changes introduced by this mod feel a bit too liberal for my own tastes. Like these kind of bridge edits, which feel a bit ostentatious and unrealistic to me.
  7. Just so you're not trying to pin the tail on the donkey here if any of you want to test this, here is how to reproduce the crash: Download one of the old versions (1.0 or 1.1) and craft a Silent Moons or Frost enchanted weapon at the enchanting table. If you do that and then save and reload the game once or twice, you'll experience the crash. The problem was that those particular enchantments had conditions on their effects that were not being properly saved, and so the game didn't know how to interpret them when reloaded. Haven't heard any other bug reports since I fixed that in 1.2, but if you notice anything don't hesitate to let me know and I'll pop open the hood and have a look :)
  8. That annoyed me too. Now fixed in version 2.20
  9. The thing that always bothered me with DoD is that I really enjoy the killcam for melee combat and bump it up near 80-90%, but the ranged killcams drive me nuts. I've already noticed an improvement in tuning the frequency of those down. :)
  10. This looks nice, I like the additional ranged options. I think I'll give it a try and see how it compares to Dance of Death.
  11. Version 2.0 Added a new dynamic custom enchantment editing system. You can add up to 14 enchantments of your choice (including unique/artifact item enchantments, or enchantments from other mods) to the new "Custom" menu page, and then you can edit the visual effects of any of the enchantments you've added to this customized list. Should make for a nice compliment to fill in the gaps with overhauls like SkyRe, so that all your enchanted weapons have the ability to look equally awesome (and also adds the ability to edit Chaos Damage too)
  12. Version 1.20 Added "demo mode" to cycle through effects outside the MCM menu and more easily see what's all available without jumping back and forth.Fixed a faulty part of the plugin that was causing the game to crash for a few users, and which also prevented FISS presets from loading correctly. (Seems stable now based on several hours of feedback).Improved log output for any necessary future debugging.
  13. Sorry to take a little while responding. I used to have this same problem with patches and users reporting strange stuff happening when they had the masters loaded in the wrong order (even before LOOT came along). As a result I started making my patches "comprehensively" I guess you could say -- I just forward every single record that conflicts between the two mods, using the version of each record that I want to win in any conflict. So even if I am assuming mod2 will come after mod1, and I want mod2's record to win, I will still forward that record into the patch just in case the two masters get reversed in order. This seems like it will probably be the best practice if LOOT becomes more widely used, since you cannot any longer be sure whether a specific user's load order will match the one you're using when making the patch. I think this might result in a few ITMs depending on the specific patch being made, but these should be harmless, and this may simply become necessary in the future. I guess that's just my best suggestion for the moment. I am not sure exactly how this will develop or what others' opinions will be, though this seems to be the best solution in my own mind.
  14. You can edit it in TES5Edit, you need to shift + double click the description field to open the multi-line editor. You could indicate the variant versions like you've suggested there if you want, as well. As long as there's some kind of indication. I only pointed it out because I was trying to update the metadata for the new AOS yesterday but there was only so much I could do without the version numbers.
  15. If you'll be re-releasing an update, I would suggest adding a version number to the description field of the main AOS.esp files. That will make it much easier for LOOT to notify users if they are using an old version that they should upgrade. Since Mod Authors forum is restricted I'll just paste this here. This was posted before BOSSv3 become LOOT, so you can ignore that:
  16. Although I don't think it is very likely to cause a problem, I still wouldn't personally suggest using it if your game is already stable. I actually think that's one of the dangers of this tool -- people are probably going to start using it all the time on all their saves, when its not needed, which is really only introducing a chance to break something or cause strange behavior. I still think it's an incredible, much needed tool to keep within reach, but mainly for when your performance is suffering or your log is spammed, or other bad things are happening
  17. As Crimson13 says, it's something to be wary about. But preliminary tests seem pretty promising to me -- it can remove orphaned scripts extremely well, even the kind that previously could never have been repaired, infinite loops, etcetera. By default, when you click "FixScript Instances" it appears to remove all scripts that are not attached to a reference, which are the scripts that usually are causing problems and only arise from uninstalled mods or orphaned magic effects. This tool appears to be much more capable of targeting specific scripts, versus previous tools that only tried to remove the entire script data block from the save. Another handy feature is that it allows you to change the value of variables in different script instances, which can be used to fix erroneous scripts, infinite loops, or even just to customize variables of a mod to something that you'd like better. I tried this on several saves with orphaned scripts and it appeared to clean them all out flawlessly. However, I wouldn't use this quite yet without keeping a backup and being willing to revert if necessary, but I'll be keeping a close eye on this tool -- I think it's really promising, and even if it turns out to be flawed, its nonetheless a valuable contribution to the community that can probably be fixed or improved if needed.
  18. Yep, good point to mention. BOSS 3.0 has actually been cancelled as a successor to BOSS version 2.x -- instead, it has now been renamed LOOT - which will be a seperate Load Order Optimizing Tool program. LOOT will be getting more support going forward, with the hopes that it will eventually serve as a good alternative to BOSS. But it produces very different load orders than BOSS, no doubt, since it is largely automated.
  19. Download Link Official Thread A rather major update that includes shifting the BOSS repository from Google Code to Github, among other things. Masterlist downloading bugs have been fixed as part of the change, and in generally the masterlist will download much faster in the future from Github. The move to Github now also means that any user can conceivably make pull requests to submit changes to the masterlist, without needing prior approval to join the BOSS committer team.
  20. @alexbull_uk The new build of SKSE (1.7.0) includes a CreateEnchantment function that allows adding enchantments to items, along with new functions to detect these kinds of created enchantments, and player-enchantments (which was never possible before). There have been functions to detect/apply "normal" enchantments already in the present SKSE build. There are also some functions to detect the strength of tempered items. You might want to take a look at WornObject.psc and ObjectReference.psc in the newest SKSE archive to see what's all available. Drop me a line or leave a message in the Mod Authors forum if you want to follow up.
  21. Since rootsrat brought Gamwich to mind for me again, I figured I'd bump this. Personally, I think these should be definite STEP candidates - these pelts are tops. Seriously one of my favorite things to look at in game when I come across them. ::
  22. Thanks, I missed this one somehow. Gamwich makes a lot of great stuff.
  23. Wow, mator really outdid himself now. This is so cool. Info about latest update:
  24. Update to version 3.1 -- * Now includes a price adjustment menu that gives you a great amount of control for customizing the value of potions, poisons, foods, and ingredients. Very useful if you share the sentiment that selling all your player-crafted potions kind of breaks the economy over time (this has always bothered me). * Also added options allowing you to change whether individual potion & poison effects will stack or not stack. Along with other thingamajigs and whatsits. As always, you can save the details of your unique and extensive setups using FISS. (Nexus)
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