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Everything posted by EisDrache

  1. I thought I would suggest this mod to STEP being immursive. Because why would the people that originally set these traps make the trigger and or trip wire so noticeable that even a blind man could almost see the trigger/trip wire and make it way to easy to go around the trigger/trip wire. I have been using this mod since its first release and really like it and make's it more realistic. There is also an optional texture file to ensted of a normal blank stone you could use a normal stone with a slight X carved in to it for the people who think that the original trap setter would of marked the stone in some way but a not so noticeable way. Heres the link for you guys to check out and say what you think https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2653 PS: I have also suggested this mod to Neovalen to possibly add it to his Skyrim Revisited guide as well.
  2. I personally still find this the best lighting mod with one of the least performance impact.
  3. I have been trying this guide on one of my older saves now for a good 30 mins or so and lost count on how many times i have tried and still everytime the end result is the same the data area is still not zero'ed out and say the same thing as it did in the start. I wonder how many time it actully takes for it to work
  4. And also if anybody useing the 13.2 beta drivers the layout and options names and such have changed its look and nameing scheme
  5. I have seen a mod like this started a few times at least 3 times. After a while the modder just quits cuz there is alot of work involved to get this done and to get every single tent, building, really anything with a roof to get covered by the mod. More work then any of the modders really wanted to take on so they stoped working on it. Also not to mention every mod that will have a roof of any type faceing the outside conditions will need a compatibility patch to cover there roofs. But it will be awesome if this modder actully finish out this mod it would be awesome
  6. I haven't tried this mod yet cuz i'm not in to the dragonboarn DLC area/quest yet but by looking at the screenshots it looks really good and its from the maker of a few mods that are already in step or being considered for step. Thoes two being Langleys Wood Metal and Stone Textures Workshop, and No stretching heres a link check it out and see what you think https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31591
  7. That does look ok but just looking at thoes screenshots almost gave me in instant headache i can't imagine what it would do ingame
  8. Crap i forgot about Automatic Variants and haveing to run that pretty much everytime you make a change Duh blonde moment lol As stated earlier in this thread i wonder if it is safe to use the Behavior patch ensted which is named SkyTEST - Realistic Animal Behavior v1_02 which is the 5th file down. That is if you still coulden't find it Neovalen
  9. i deactivated both the main SkyTEST and the patch i made by following your guide. I will have to look through and see if there where any other patches for this mod but i thought there was only thoes two
  10. I'm having a problem with removeing SkyTEST from my mods list for this. As soon as i remove it the game crashes at the loading point for the main menu. Any way of fixing this?
  11. I don't know if you have noticed or not but there has been an update to more village animals to version 1.7
  12. Ya i just noticed thoes settings last night most of the time i always forget about the MCM menu lol
  13. ya just thought of that duh extract the BSA and then edit and repack that should work going to try that now EDIT: ok i extracted the BSA and edited the proper file With skyUI 3.0 the proper file is named different and in a different location for the proper file and location you need to goto the Data\Interface\skyui folder and edit the config.txt file
  14. Is this possable to do with SkyUI 3.0 alpha 6 ?
  15. Ya i find it more realistic too. As in Real life you see borders on world maps. why woulden't you see that in skyrim?
  16. I personally prefer RCRN over CoT myself too just has better features i find.
  17. Ya i know and shoulden't be part of step but i thought i would post it in case anybody here likes it but diden't notice it on the nexus
  18. if you take these textures of his (https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27813) there alot better with alot less repetition/tiling
  19. Sorry i should know better I will stop here i was just posting without reading previous post about stopping
  20. I won't pay a cent for a mod created by anyone. Asking for donations for a mod if you like it is one thing but limiting your mod to only thoes who donate is completely ridiculous and should never be endorsed or condoned in any situation or site and as some have said its against the law and not just nexus's rules. I say good riddence. There are other mods out there created by mature authors that are just as good that i have just used last night as i did a fresh install and removed everything to do with SRO
  21. Ya the problem is gotta find a new place to download SRO
  22. But yet Someone is all butt hurt just cuz Cestral is useing certain mod in his combiner and is hidding it till he removes it.This guy has his head so far up his A** and riding up way to high on his high horse. For One Cestral is not even breaking any rules. The was this certain modder sees it its eather use all his textures or use none at all thinking his is the best EVER, And also saying that Cestral hasen't given credit but he has mentioned his name in the dscription. And also Cestral isen't takeing any credit for making any of these mods. He is just making the modding of skyrim easier and doing what almost everybody does anyways just he is removing the pain in the butt steps of finding combatitiblty and looks and a bunch of other things. He is just making it so people can get in to the game ASAP ensted of having to test each mod with each other which could take day. weeks maybe even months depending on how dedicated a certain user is to get the best looking game Really Modder you need to get off your high horse. Your the only one that has come to Cestral and whined and complained that someone is KINDA useing (and i'm useing the word useing very lightly) a mod. I also remember this certain modder whined and complained everytime someone said they liked or used a different mod over his. He gets all butt hurt or complains everytime someone saying anything about his mod that isen't positive.
  23. Actully I find the blinding in the snow very realistic especially when you think about real life. Back in the day there was alot less smog/polution which would make the snow alot whiter then it is today. Also the sun shining alot brighter then it does today. Which gives you the real life effect of Snow blindness. Which happens to alot of mountain climbers. Where they mostly get snow blindness is when they are high up usaully above all the clounds and smog and such.
  24. I'm useing all of his mods his are by far THE BEST retextures out there hands down i can't wait till he is done with the ebony and daedric armor and weapons
  25. The Vanilla UI is good for the console's but utterly useless for the PC thats why SkyUI was made and is geared towards the PC once i used SkyUI there was never going back to the kiddy/console safe vanilla UI. SkyUI might just be too advanced for some. Anyways to each there own
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