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Everything posted by EisDrache

  1. I get 16.68 on my run with that test my specs are in my sig check below
  2. Hello all i would like to inform anybody that dosen't know that this weekend is a open beta test for Diablo 3 only this weekend as a stress test open Friday, April 20 at 12:01 p.m. PDT (noon), until Monday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. PDT if you like check it out heres a link https://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4963739/Diablo%C2%AE_III_Open_Beta_Weekend-4_19_2012
  3. Ya i have stoped useing the deadly traps mod too after a while the health degen does stop but it degens way to fast it would be better if it was degenning at a managable rate but right now litterly a blink of an eye you can have full health and you will be dead just that quick kinda sucks
  4. its called Automatic Spells, Increased Spawns
  5. Well Blitz54 just told me that even after his merge in to Tytanis he is still going to keep his current/standalone version up to date too which is nice
  6. Sorry Starac I know my punctuation sucks. Sometimes i just get carried away with typeing and just totaly forget about it. I will have to agree with you about the console thing. It just ruins the PC gameing experience. How they have to make it more noob friendly and since the consoles are always behind the times they have to use low detail textures because the consoles can't handle what the PC can not even close. I just wish it was like it was years ago when they made games for PC and then dumbed it down and lowered the quality for consoles.
  7. Coulden't agree with you more zMan Just cuz your not a modder dosen't mean you don't know how to critique certain things like look at movie or game reviewers. Do any of them make games or movies no but they can still do very nice and proper reviews and actually mostly i woulden't trust reviews directly from other modders cuz most of them will show biased opinions favoring there work over others. No offence here Starac but like you where doing in your posts above you where trying to show biased opinions on your work. I know your just trying to back up your work and all that and i completely agree one should but to sum up what you said it looks like your saying random peoples opinions that arn't modders don't count and if your look properly they will see your mod is Superior which i have to say your mod is very good in some ways and also lacking in others as others in the forum have already stated. But what i don't think you realize is if you take the highest detail parts of all the good most ]vanilla friendly tex/mesh mods it will all look like it suits the game cuz all the detail is the same and dosen't really matter if they have changed the texture a little bit its when you have high detail and lower detail mods mixed vanilla friendly or not thats when you start to notice differences and just dosen't look right Me personally i use a mix of your mod SRO and SHD and a few others for the highest detail i can use with decent frame rate and to me and a few others my/there game still looks vanilla or so close to it that you can't even tell. But i have to say your mod is still very good and i know alot of hard work has gone in to it thanks for that and keep it up
  8. I will have to say i have just started useing this mod and it looks pretty good and no other mod has worked on this area of things so it works really well with all other texture mods
  9. You could try FurMark ( https://www.ozone3d.net/benchmarks/fur/) it works pretty good for stressing the video cards also sometimes what works in multi card setups but requires and fresh install of the drivers is switching around the cards so the top one is now at the bottom and the bottom one is now at the top that dosen't always work but sometimes does
  10. The Heroes and Villains part of WiS is optional and you don't need to install it if not wanted
  11. That actully almost seems like artifacts to me if it happens randomly in random locations which usaully happens from overheating or dieing video card. Do you play any other stressful games and see anything in thoes games sometimes it happens really quick and don't even notice it try running a stress test and see if you see anything kinda the same in the stress test
  12. I actully don't use any follower mods cuz i don't use them there more of a PITA then anything always in the way and i just like doing things myself call me greedy but i like getting all the XP and fun to myself but just by reading the features and comments UFO is alot better mod i think
  13. Me personally i like this mod better UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul by fLokii https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14037 does all of what better followers does and then some
  14. all that weirdness has changed zMan if you use the lore friendly version
  15. ok thats makes sence i wonder if the uncapper and game settings customizer will conflict with each other cuz right now i just use the uncapper for the changing of the perk points would disable all the other features and the GSC to change the leveling rate so its a little slowing at the start and a little faster in the higher levels and able to level to at least level 100
  16. oh so the uncapper unlocks the levels too? i thought it diden't
  17. I use that two but i don't think it lets you able to level up to level 100 does it i thought it just worked on skills and perk points?
  18. Hello all i'm wondering if anybody out there knows of a good mod that opens up/lets you level to level 100 ensted of the stock level 81 anybody have any ideas? Right now i'm useing GSC (Game Setting customizer) https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6469 Anybody know of anything better for just the leveling aspect?
  19. i know that ain't the case eather cuz if i save in the sanctuary before i fall and then completely exit skyrim and reload from that save everything is there all the walls and everything
  20. ya but most of the time if i exit and reenter the same location all the textures will be there but with the sanctuary it never loads nothing not black or purple everthing is missing walls floor roof just a big blank space and i fall down to nothingness like i just walked off the end of the world or something I also do have the new version of boss
  21. Hello all i'm having a problem in quite a few locations right now most notably Dark Brother hood sanctuary when i first enter in the door a bunch of textures are missing and end up falling in to the nothingness most of the time if i exit and enter back in all the textures are loaded but with the sanctuary the textures never load anybody know what acould be causeing this? Here is my loadorder/mod list
  22. yep but from what i can tell is its ordering the mods alot better then before and is working nicely for me but i don't use MO
  23. Ya i have been useing the lore friendly version since its release and so fer its very good and haven't run across any broken quests or game breaking bugs I have done testing on a new game and a already started game level 32 and no problems yet
  24. Me personally i had nothing but problems with this mod kept CTD as soon as i got close to the area where the arena was and even after removal of the mod it still kept doing the same thing i had to start a new game just to get to the area but that is what happened to me personally i know it works for some people
  25. well if you look at this site https://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=544&card2=642 and according to that the main points your current 8800 GT is actully quite a bit faster then the 440 2GB your looking at getting yes you will have more VRAM but the card its self is alot slower in terms of general performance your memory bandwidth will take a big hit and with that hit you won't even notice the increase of VRAM cuz of the big decrease of memory bandwidth me personally i would stick to your 8800 GT and get a 2nd one and try SLI your general game performance will be faster eather way with your current single 8800 GT or two then just a single 440 2gb even two of them won't be faster then two 8800 GTs Yes you will be able to load more/bigger textures but at a cost of FPS so you can make skyrim look pretty but run slow or (my personal preference) look nice but also run nice too So me personally i would just stick with your current 8800 and get a 2nd for SLI
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