Razorsedge877 Posted January 4, 2016 Posted January 4, 2016 One scary thought is that the CR can get out of hand quickly with mods that maybe one or two people want but not a majority. I think you can add mods that don't conflict with other as freely as you want because we can choose to leave them out, but mods that conflict you should really put thought behind before including them. One mod that comes to mind is immersive weapons. I know it is a popular mod but to me adds a lot of unneeded weapons to the game. I know keeping multiple CR patches is a lot of work but maybe you can have one for weapon/(and maybe)armor, one for followers, ect. Just an idea not sure what you will think about it. I couldn't wait to get home from work to see what you have added today. I have to say you and your wife have put a lot of effort into this guide (wow it looks almost twice as long today) and in my opinion is only outdone by Neo's guide (we all know his guide is #1). It is also very nice of you to accept every ones input.
xxx78 Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) On thing I feel that is missing in this pack and in SRLE itself is quest, exploration and adventure mods that add real playable content to skyrim. Great visuals and gameplay tweaks is nice, but in the end it's all about doing quests and exploring the world. The SRLE explorer pack have some mods but not many, and it is so many great quest/adventure mods out there that add many hours of interesting gameplay. Also this type of mods normally have low impact on the system and is only active when the quest is actually played. Any reason to not add more of this type of mod's? Another thing, I see that you changed the first post and I miss the list of mods that was added by this pack. Would be great if you could add it back :) Edited January 5, 2016 by xxx78
mavanaic Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) found more errors on irileth, hulda, tonilia and lisette cause of the placement between ordinary women and bijin...on lisette you only need to forward the records from bijin to the conflict resolution. don't forget to re-run asis ;) Edited January 5, 2016 by mavanaic
Darth_mathias Posted January 5, 2016 Author Posted January 5, 2016 On 1/5/2016 at 1:29 AM, mavanaic said: found more errors on irileth, hulda, tonilia and lisette cause of the placement between ordinary women and bijin...on lisette you only need to forward the records from bijin to the conflict resolution.Irileth, Tonilia and Lisette should be using the records from the ordinary women mods and not bijin as I perfer the but I will get Lexy to look at it again. On 1/5/2016 at 12:44 AM, xxx78 said: On thing I feel that is missing in this pack and in SRLE itself is quest, exploration and adventure mods that add real playable content to skyrim. Great visuals and gameplay tweaks is nice, but in the end it's all about doing quests and exploring the world. The SRLE explorer pack have some mods but not many, and it is so many great quest/adventure mods out there that add many hours of interesting gameplay. Also this type of mods normally have low impact on the system and is only active when the quest is actually played. Any reason to not add more of this type of mod's? Another thing, I see that you changed the first post and I miss the list of mods that was added by this pack. Would be great if you could add it back :)I have included some addional quest mods moonpath to elsweyr and summerset Isle, The forgotten city i also plan to add iHelgen Reborn if there are any other you feel should be include as always let me know and i will look at them. Yes someone ask if could include the catergories neo used to make it easier to install which i agree with. What might do is also include just a list of the addional mods on the first post for who those hwo like that. On 1/4/2016 at 11:21 PM, Razorsedge877 said: One scary thought is that the CR can get out of hand quickly with mods that maybe one or two people want but not a majority. I think you can add mods that don't conflict with other as freely as you want because we can choose to leave them out, but mods that conflict you should really put thought behind before including them. One mod that comes to mind is immersive weapons. I know it is a popular mod but to me adds a lot of unneeded weapons to the game. I know keeping multiple CR patches is a lot of work but maybe you can have one for weapon/(and maybe)armor, one for followers, ect. Just an idea not sure what you will think about it. I couldn't wait to get home from work to see what you have added today. I have to say you and your wife have put a lot of effort into this guide (wow it looks almost twice as long today) and in my opinion is only outdone by Neo's guide (we all know his guide is #1). It is also very nice of you to accept every ones input.I really dont want to get into having multipule Conflict Resoultions, as for immserive weapons I agree some but not all people may not want it us it so what I might do is get lexy to remove the dependancy to it and only offer the CR without it in future (all the CR does it is give the weapons from IW to NPC's anyway) when a mods majorly conflcit within the guide I will take a straw poll to see if it should be included or not. thanks yes I always consider Neo's guide Number 1 and i have used it for about 18 months now ever since i switched to pc from my xbox 360 I have use the actaul steps before but when I first found Neo's and use that. That was it I don't use anything else but we know Neo's could do with a liitle furthur improvemnet don't we.
xxx78 Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 On 1/5/2016 at 8:41 AM, Darth_mathias said: I have included some addional quest mods moonpath to elsweyr and summerset Isle, The forgotten city i also plan to add iHelgen Reborn if there are any other you feel should be include as always let me know and i will look at them. ok, but this mods is also included in SRLE explorers pack. Is that pack considered dead?Both the first explorers pack for STEP and the explorers pack for SRLE include many great mods that should be checked out. I will come back with a list of some great quest/adventure mods when I have time.
Darth_mathias Posted January 5, 2016 Author Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) Ok Guys and Girlls my wife DarkladyLexy had a good idea about the ordinary women she said it might be better to provide a replacemnt esp with the USLEEP records forwarded cos that all she is doing in the CR.This would mean she could remove the dependancy to that mod from the CR and you can chose whether or not you want to use it. is this something you would like us to do? Edited January 5, 2016 by Darth_mathias
Darth_mathias Posted January 5, 2016 Author Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) On 1/5/2016 at 1:59 PM, xxx78 said: ok, but this mods is also included in SRLE explorers pack. Is that pack considered dead?Both the first explorers pack for STEP and the explorers pack for SRLE include many great mods that should be checked out. I will come back with a list of some great quest/adventure mods when I have time.must admit i like the look of Molag Bal's Inferno - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69811/? , and The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64651/? it just I haven't got a character of high enough level to test them out and since I have never played them I don't know if they are any good. to two mod might one for the straw poll I think STAW POLL ON THIS I THINK - THE MAJORITY WILL RULE (it will run until lets say Friday (08/01/16 5pm GMT)) https://strawpoll.me/6456645 Edited January 5, 2016 by Darth_mathias
nappilydeestruction Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 On 1/5/2016 at 2:05 PM, Darth_mathias said: Ok Guys and Girlls my wife DarkladyLexy had a good idea about the ordinary women she said it might be better to provide a replacemnt esp with the USLEEP records forwarded cos that all she is doing in the CR.This would mean she could remove the dependancy to that mod from the CR and you can chose whether or not you want to use it. is this something you would like us to do?That sounds like a good idea.
DarkladyLexy Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) As Required I have removed the dependancy for both The Ordinary Women and Immersive Weapons from the Conflict Resoultion so you can now decide if or not you want to use these mods it does mean a small tweak to the LOOT Metadata Bijin Merged.esp - Load After the Ordinary Woman.espThe Ordinary Woman.esp - Load After BW Lydia.esp (this needs removing all together, I tell tell Darth when he comes home from work Later tonight)the new CR will be uploaded later tonighti will merged USLEEP changes into the Ordinary women and replacer esp also uploaded later tonight. (I might even upload this replacement esp to nexus we shall see) don't forget about Darth straw poll thingy Edited January 5, 2016 by DarkladyLexy
Zegorzalek Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) On 1/5/2016 at 3:55 PM, nappilydeestruction said: That sounds like a good idea.I concur. This development is awesome. Fantastic work and comments. This said... I am mildly concerned about the move to include more "realistic and gameplay difficulty increasing" type requirements vs general gameplay improvements and tweaks that SRLE does not include. This is fine if that is the direction Darth wants to go. Please understand I am not asking for a change... My question is: with the growing dependency list on some of the mods I will not use, if they are required.. will it keep me from using the larger pack and the CR all together? I have to brush up on my CR dependencies stuff (been over a year) but not sure if I can use a CR patch without the associated masters? DarkladyLexy, can you shed a brighter light on this for me please and clarify? Is there a way around this or is that directly linked to the "multiple CR" discsussion? Many thanks!!! PS. and though I am not a Dark Brotherhood fan, I did find this that I am thinking about including in my collection: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38386/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D38386%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1037428&pUp=1 Edited January 5, 2016 by Zegorzalek
DarkladyLexy Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) not sure if I can use a CR patch without the associated masters? DarkladyLexy, can you shed a brighter light on this for me please and clarify? Is there a way around this or is that directly linked to the "multiple CR" discsussion? Many thanks!!! No you cant if you try and use a mod without the required masters your game will simply crash which is why I am trying not to go over board on the CR I have already removed 2 mods that I feel people would not like to be force to use and there might be a few more, for instant I could merge the ESF from the CR into the Bijin Merged Replacer we upload any this removing this dependancy from the CR (in fact i do that as you download a replace already. lol I am A genious) Most people with large and complicated Load orders do there own conflict resolution anyway. In my honest opinion TES5Edit is one peiece of software I feel everyone modding skyrim should now how to use. It is not difficult to remove and add mod dependancies from a mod, you need to know where to look. (I hope didn't come off Bitchy there) Edited January 5, 2016 by DarkladyLexy
Zegorzalek Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 DarkladyLexy, thanks very much! That is what I thought... when I needed to leave Skyrim last time, I was learning TES5 and beginning the process of CR patching for myself. You did not come across as overbearing... you are doing a great bit of work and I am well aware we cannot make everyone happy all the time... just the nature of public modding. Many thanks again! I did want to further my own understanding of the process for CR, and will look forward to further contributions to the thread and development of this pack! Knowing I was on the right track regards CR and that I can remove dependencies myself is a great relief. Thanks again!
DarkladyLexy Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) On 1/5/2016 at 5:30 PM, Zegorzalek said: DarkladyLexy, thanks very much! That is what I thought... when I needed to leave Skyrim last time, I was learning TES5 and beginning the process of CR patching for myself. You did not come across as overbearing... you are doing a great bit of work and I am well aware we cannot make everyone happy all the time... just the nature of public modding. Many thanks again! I did want to further my own understanding of the process for CR, and will look forward to further contributions to the thread and development of this pack! Knowing I was on the right track regards CR and that I can remove dependencies myself is a great relief. Thanks again!if you want to learn the basics I high recommend when install the base SRLE Neovalen has one of the best TES5Edit guides i've see. He does provide a premade one but a least do the conflict resolution once yourself that way you learn and and tell me i'm doing it wrong hehehe. Edited January 5, 2016 by DarkladyLexy
Darth_mathias Posted January 5, 2016 Author Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) Looks like my wife has been busy. Here is you daily update ChangesAdded: Proper Dark brotherhood armor retex - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15698/? (used the 4k black Version)Added: Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced Patch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57725/? (can't belive I missed this)Added: The Ordinary Women esp Replacer - https://copy.com/RjFDBhLFHhNrvx8n (now has ULSEEP in this replacement esp use this instead of the orginal)Updated: Bijin Merged (now requires Enhanced skyrim faction and Immersive College of Winterhold sorry it's either in here or in the CR) - https://copy.com/jummqKQao7cHJVW1Updated: SRLE Extended Conflict Resoloution (05/01/15) - https://copy.com/boecgdca0G3OnUUz (now DOESN'T needs IW. Bijin merged or the ordinary women to work)Updated Loot Metadata SectionUpdated Mod Required for conflict Resolution (wife just said hey you forgot to update that section, a husbands work is never done to please his wife)last but not least straw poll https://strawpoll.me/6456645Lexy said why not do screenshot for the mods that use FoMods to show what I chose. I think this is good idea I need to work how bests to do this as I don't want to spam the frist postalso does anyone know how to put image side by side instead on underneath each other like it currently is in my mcm menu setting section. Now we have replacement esp for the females would you people like that same done for the males (this would mean we could take out males of skyrim and companions improvment out of the CR) Edited January 5, 2016 by Darth_mathias
DarkladyLexy Posted January 6, 2016 Posted January 6, 2016 hey all you wonderful people would anyone object if we moved all the Photos from the MCM Menu Setting Section and the new (be be created) FoMod Section to something like flicker?
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