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Constant freezes/hang-ups ingame, infinite loading screens. No CTDs. Can't find the source or cause of the problem?



So, I followed the guide down to a T from start to bottom, and yet at random intervals (usually upon fast-travel / walking a distance) the game will hang-up and I have to ctrl-alt-del to end the process and restart the game.


There is no one certain area or anything being done to cause the freezes either, it happens whenever it wants to without me knowing why.


This is my load order and this is how the NVAC log looks like during the crash.


And if it's of any help, this is what Wyre looks like for me.


The game is launched through Mod Organizer 1.3.8 with FNV 4GB Loader and "-laaexe .\FalloutMO.exe" in the argument box. Also using ENBoost but regardless whether it's on or off, the game will still crash.



  • i5 3570k OC'd to 4.2ghz
  • Corsair XMS3 8GB DDR3 RAM
  • GeForce GTX 970 4GB (3.5, slower 0.5GB section) VRAM
  • SSD: Samsung 830 128 GB / HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB
Edited by FickyAok
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