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Skyrim Flora Overhaul (by vurt)


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vfxninjaeditor: still tweaking, but it's not going to be super high contrast like many other ENB's, since that doesnt look natural.

EssArrBee: Actually the bloom level for day time is set quite low (0.4).


Most ENB's have far too high contrast and daylight looks very unnatural. One of the more well-known ENB's:


Ligtning and contrast doesnt reflect the sky at all, that's a very bright day and not a thunderstorm..


Compare to a game with very natural looking lightning (GTA V as an example)





- very spot on daylight, could amost mistake the first one for a photo.. Even better is looking at some good reference photos (non-photoshopped).



z929669? Four? Um, then i must have packed it with that folder with some older ones probably, lol. How typical me :P


Alright, sounds good. Noise in the alpha sounds like good practice.

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...another thing i'm looking into is making the grass appear better under certain weathers. As you can see, with ENB it's much too bright in this image:


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this effect can really ruin how the game looks, one of the things why i've previously stayed away from ENB. I got a reply from Boris that its possible to fix it because the shader is set improperly in some of the .nifs. Guess i need to compare the working ones with the faulty to see what i should change.

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Interesting work. And in general like your screens.


But still remember that it would most likely be a massive undertaking making something that looks nice for the vast majority of setups! :)


On my own I in general found that most flora and grass etc. kinda needs to be desaturated by about 20% to match with the ground below. So its an easy fix.


The LOD´s I have already shown screens of, and I think they are spot on for my work! Even without fog in the distance.


Only thing I could mention from my last test was one of the ground covers. The mesh that the vurt_tungraGrnd2 texture is applied too have some rather bad stretching while blowing in the wind.

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Yes it's an impossible task to fit the grasses for the hundreds of ENB's variants and texture mods (ground/landscape textures). I'm gonna get bored out of my mind with doing ENB regular, ENB basic, Vanilla Regular, Vanilla Basic.. especially since i tend to update my mod quite often. So i'm probably giving that up and just concentrate on what i think is a natural looking ENB preset and then tweak textures for that version.


aha, that texture isnt really supposed to move much at all, will fix it..

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Vurt, I don't disagree in the slightest. To many ENB's have terribly high contrast for their lighting. But, I remain behind what I already said. Even for your lighting, it appears to have little contrast.


No doubt, it's WIP. Like I said, looks good. :)


Also, about the grass lighting. Is it confirmed that it's a shader flag in the .nif? That would explain why grass using ENB and lighting mods at the same time seem to have many more issues that plain old vanilla lighting. If that could be fixed...

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Guess it does come down to weather settings as you suspect. 

Here is what I have with my modified CoT and ENB. Also did modify the colors of your grasses, and replaced one (Vurt_TundraRedFlora) since it just never fit in with the rest of the crowd. ;) 


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Just wanted to say that with the new Basic/Regular versions of SFO, I really don't think Grass on Steroids is even needed anymore. I could be wrong, but it looks like Vurt upped the Density with these new versions. The Regular Edition looks great.



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Any "advanced" modders around? ;)


I need to change the ground textures named Lpineforest01-03 to LVolcanicAshGrass01 in the Solstheim region. I guess its possible to go over all the cells by hand and switch them out (using "replace"), but i'm way too lazy for that :D Any third party program where you can edit it more easily?

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