I’m having a problem with blue/green/violet flecks appearing in certain places only when the image is moving. It’s most obvious in outside rocks where the colors appear in grey spots on the rocks, but it happens in other places (bookcase, stone floor, world map) to lesser degrees. I couldn’t capture it in a screenshot, but caught it in a video at https://youtu.be/XbTRWSuq9gM. It was only after viewing the video on my secondary monitor that I realized it was monitor/driver related because when I play the video of flicking on my secondary monitor, it looks fine. When I play it on my primary monitor, it flickers. So after all that, the video is pretty useless. Sigh.
Word, Firefox (including videos), Thunderbird/mail, etc are fine.
I was running Skyrim without ever running into this problem, then I uninstalled Skyrim and reinstalled it. Just before the reinstall, I updated Windows and the video driver through GE Experience to GEForce 344.11 Release 9/18/14. There is not a newer beta, FYI.
I followed everything in STEP (up to Step 2G) using MO, then started the game for the first time. That’s when I saw the problem. Using Mod Organizer, I removed all the mods and updates and ran only vanilla Skyrim through the Launcher. Still had the problem. I let GE Experience choose the optimal settings, then I set everything way down through Skyrim Launcher (settings are below). Still no change. FPS are a steady 50-60 on the ultra settings. I started a new game on several occasions. No ENB installed. LOOT likes everything. The game runs fine- other than this.
=Other things that didn’t work=
1. I used GE Inspector to set:
Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling to "Disabled" (which is already was)
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling to "Supersampling" (originally Off/multisampling)
2. skyrimprefs.ini
bFloatPointRenderTarget = 1
3. Rolled back driver to 340.52.
I’m out of ideas. I hope someone out there has run into this before. I was going to try reinstalling it, but if it's a monitor issue, that won't solve it.
Thanks for any suggestions.
PC Specs and Video Settings
Reveal hidden contents
Win 8.1 64-bit
Intel Core i7 3.5GHz
16 RAM
Asustek P8Z77-V Pro (LGA1155)
SS drive
NVIDIA GeForce GT 760 with 2 Gig RAM
Video Settings I tried
Settings 1- low settings
Actor Fade: 15000
Anisotropic Filtering- off
Anti-aliasing: Off
Decal Quality: Medium
Display Mode: Full-screen
Distant Object Detail: Ultra
FXAA: off
Fades set to default
Everything is reflected
Resolution: 2048x1152
Shadow Detail: Medium
Texture Quality: Medium
Settings 2- Optimal as chosen by GE Experience
Actor Fade: 15000
Anisotropic Filtering- 16
Anti-aliasing: 8
Decal Quality: Ultra
Display Mode: Full-screen
Distant Object Detail: Ultra
FXAA: off
Fades set to default
Everything is reflected
Resolution: 2048x1152
Shadow Detail: ultra
Texture Quality: High
Reveal hidden contents
sLanguage = ENGLISH
uExterior Cell Buffer = 36
fFlickeringLightDistance = 8192.0
sIntroSequence =
fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 2000.0
fLightLODMaxStartFade = 3500.0
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 2048
bAllowScreenshot = 1
fSunUpdateThreshold = 1.5
fSunShadowUpdateTime = 0.25
fMusicDuckingSeconds = 6.0
fMusicUnDuckingSeconds = 8.0
fMenuModeFadeOutTime = 3.0
fMenuModeFadeInTime = 1.0
bAllowCreateGrass = 1
bAllowLoadGrass = 0
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 7 ; S Floral Overhaul
iMinGrassSize=40 ;up for denser
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
I’m having a problem with blue/green/violet flecks appearing in certain places only when the image is moving. It’s most obvious in outside rocks where the colors appear in grey spots on the rocks, but it happens in other places (bookcase, stone floor, world map) to lesser degrees. I couldn’t capture it in a screenshot, but caught it in a video at https://youtu.be/XbTRWSuq9gM. It was only after viewing the video on my secondary monitor that I realized it was monitor/driver related because when I play the video of flicking on my secondary monitor, it looks fine. When I play it on my primary monitor, it flickers. So after all that, the video is pretty useless. Sigh.
Word, Firefox (including videos), Thunderbird/mail, etc are fine.
I was running Skyrim without ever running into this problem, then I uninstalled Skyrim and reinstalled it. Just before the reinstall, I updated Windows and the video driver through GE Experience to GEForce 344.11 Release 9/18/14. There is not a newer beta, FYI.
I followed everything in STEP (up to Step 2G) using MO, then started the game for the first time. That’s when I saw the problem. Using Mod Organizer, I removed all the mods and updates and ran only vanilla Skyrim through the Launcher. Still had the problem. I let GE Experience choose the optimal settings, then I set everything way down through Skyrim Launcher (settings are below). Still no change. FPS are a steady 50-60 on the ultra settings. I started a new game on several occasions. No ENB installed. LOOT likes everything. The game runs fine- other than this.
=Other things that didn’t work=
1. I used GE Inspector to set:
Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling to "Disabled" (which is already was)
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling to "Supersampling" (originally Off/multisampling)
2. skyrimprefs.ini
bFloatPointRenderTarget = 1
3. Rolled back driver to 340.52.
I’m out of ideas. I hope someone out there has run into this before. I was going to try reinstalling it, but if it's a monitor issue, that won't solve it.
Thanks for any suggestions.
PC Specs and Video Settings
Win 8.1 64-bit
Intel Core i7 3.5GHz
16 RAM
Asustek P8Z77-V Pro (LGA1155)
SS drive
NVIDIA GeForce GT 760 with 2 Gig RAM
Video Settings I tried
Settings 1- low settings
Actor Fade: 15000
Anisotropic Filtering- off
Anti-aliasing: Off
Decal Quality: Medium
Display Mode: Full-screen
Distant Object Detail: Ultra
FXAA: off
Fades set to default
Everything is reflected
Resolution: 2048x1152
Shadow Detail: Medium
Texture Quality: Medium
Settings 2- Optimal as chosen by GE Experience
Actor Fade: 15000
Anisotropic Filtering- 16
Anti-aliasing: 8
Decal Quality: Ultra
Display Mode: Full-screen
Distant Object Detail: Ultra
FXAA: off
Fades set to default
Everything is reflected
Resolution: 2048x1152
Shadow Detail: ultra
Texture Quality: High
sLanguage = ENGLISH
uExterior Cell Buffer = 36
fFlickeringLightDistance = 8192.0
sIntroSequence =
fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 2000.0
fLightLODMaxStartFade = 3500.0
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 2048
bAllowScreenshot = 1
fSunUpdateThreshold = 1.5
fSunShadowUpdateTime = 0.25
fMusicDuckingSeconds = 6.0
fMusicUnDuckingSeconds = 8.0
fMenuModeFadeOutTime = 3.0
fMenuModeFadeInTime = 1.0
bAllowCreateGrass = 1
bAllowLoadGrass = 0
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 7 ; S Floral Overhaul
iMinGrassSize=40 ;up for denser
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
sResourceArchiveList = Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
sResourceArchiveList2 = Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult = 0.0
fMagnetismLookingMult = 0.0
f1PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.7
f1PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.7
f3PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.7
f3PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.7
fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 500.0
bEnableLogging = 0
bEnableTrace = 0
bLoadDebugInformation = 0
bReflectLODObjects =1
bReflectLODLand =1
bReflectSky =1
bReflectLODTrees =1
fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist = 12288.0000
fBrightLightColorB = 1.0000
fBrightLightColorG = 1.0000
fBrightLightColorR = 1.0000
iStoryManagerLoggingEvent = -1
bEnableStoryManagerLogging = 0
bDoDepthOfField = 1
iRadialBlurLevel =2
iBlurDeferredShadowMask =3
fInteriorShadowDistance = 3000.0000
fShadowDistance =4000
iShadowMapResolutionSecondary = 1024
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 2048
iShadowSplitCount = 2
iMaxAnisotropy =1
fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd = 4600.0000
fLeafAnimDampenDistStart = 3600.0000
fTreesMidLODSwitchDist =5000
fGamma = 1.0000
fDecalLOD2 = 1500.0000
fDecalLOD1 = 1000.0000
fSpecularLODStartFade =800
fShadowLODStartFade = 200.0000
fLightLODStartFade =1900
iTexMipMapMinimum = 0
iTexMipMapSkip =0
iWaterMultiSamples = 0
iMultiSample =1
iShadowMode = 3
bTreesReceiveShadows = 1
bDrawLandShadows = 1
bFull Screen =1
iSize H =1152
iSize W =2048
fMeshLODFadePercentDefault = 1.2000
fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault = 256.0000
fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance = 2048.0000
fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance = 2844.0000
fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist =1e+007
fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist =1e+007
iScreenShotIndex = 2
bShadowMaskZPrepass = 0
bMainZPrepass = 0
iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame =10
iMaxDecalsPerFrame =30
bFloatPointRenderTarget = 0
sD3DDevice ="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760"
bFXAAEnabled =0
iShadowMapResolution =2048
fShadowBiasScale =0.25
iShadowMaskQuarter =4
iAdapter =0
iPresentInterval =0
b30GrassVS = 0
fGrassStartFadeDistance =7000
fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0000
fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0000
bGamepadEnable = 1
bCrosshairEnabled = 1
fHUDOpacity = 1.000
bSaveOnPause = 1
bSaveOnTravel = 1
bSaveOnWait = 1
bSaveOnRest = 1
bShowFloatingQuestMarkers = 1
bShowQuestMarkers = 1
iDifficulty = 2
bDialogueSubtitles = 0
bGeneralSubtitles = 0
fGamepadHeadingSensitivity = 1.0000
fMouseHeadingSensitivity = 0.0125
bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
bInvertYValues = 0
bGamePadRumble = 1
bMouseAcceleration = 0
iMaxDesired = 750
fAutosaveEveryXMins = 15.0000
fAudioMasterVolume = 1.0000
fVal7 = 1.0000
uID7 = 0
fVal6 = 1.0000
uID6 = 0
fVal5 = 1.0000
uID5 = 0
fVal4 = 1.0000
uID4 = 0
fVal3 = 1.0000
uID3 = 0
fVal2 = 0.4000
uID2 = 466532
fVal1 = 1.0000
uID1 = 554685
fVal0 = 0.8000
uID0 = 1007612
fCloudLevel2Distance = 262144.0000
fCloudLevel1Distance = 32768.0000
fCloudLevel0Distance = 16384.0000
fCloudNearFadeDistance = 9000.0000
fTreeLoadDistance =75000
fBlockMaximumDistance =250000
fBlockLevel1Distance =70000
fBlockLevel0Distance =35000
fSplitDistanceMult =1.5
bShowLODInEditor = 0
fObstacleAlpha = 0.5000
fCoverSideHighAlpha = 0.8000
fCoverSideLowAlpha = 0.6500
fEdgeFullAlpha = 1.0000
fEdgeHighAlpha = 0.7500
fEdgeLowAlpha = 0.5000
fTriangleFullAlpha = 0.7000
fTriangleHighAlpha = 0.3500
fTriangleLowAlpha = 0.2000
fLedgeBoxHalfHeight = 25.0000
fEdgeDistFromVert = 10.0000
fEdgeThickness = 10.0000
fPointSize = 2.5000
bRenderSkinnedTrees = 1
uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender = 20
uMaxDecals =250
bDecals =1
bSkinnedDecals =1
uMaxSkinDecals =50
uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor =40
fLODFadeOutMultObjects =7
fLODFadeOutMultItems =7.9
fLODFadeOutMultActors =7
bEnableFileSelection = 1
bShowAllResolutions =1
uLastAspectRatio =3
bDoHighDynamicRange =1
bUseBlurShader =0
4 answers to this question
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