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ENB not working properly if launched through Mod Organizer, works fine if launched through SkyrimLauncher



So I've been trying to install the Natural Lighting and Atmospherics ENB preset(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50065/?) and I've been paying fairly close attention to guides and instructions here and other sites, including the preset's mod page. I also use Mod Organizer, where all mods installed are; SKSE, SkyUI, Unofficial Skyrim Patch, and bark textures included in the preset. When I first launched SkyrimLauncher after installing the ENB (to let the game do it's hardware detection), it didn't detect hardware, which I thought was weird. When I installed the preset and launched the game, there were horrifying visuals artifacts everywhere and I couldn't see anything because of this. The ENB then gave me an error message saying the SkyrimPrefs.ini wasn't correctly configured, saying the bFloatPointRenderTarget wasn't set to 1. The first thing I did was, of course, to check the SkyrimPrefs.ini, but bFloatPointRenderTarget was set to 1. While I was looking around the Skyrim folder, I noticed there were more ini files with bFloatP. in them. I set them all to 1, but nothing changed. I then launched the SkyrimLauncher and this time it detected hardware. I launched the game and everything was fine, at last. I knew I wanted more mods than just the ENB preset, so I launched SKSE through Mod Organizer to make sure there were no problems. The same visuals appeared in the game that I saw earlier. SkyUI seemed to work fine. I went back to Mod Organizer to make sure all plugins and stuff were as they should be, an they were. I went to Mod Organizer's INI editor, and I can't remember if bFloatP. was set to 1 already, but the game still looked horrifying. I then tried to launch SkyrimLauncher through Mod Organizer, no popup telling me it was detecting hardware, and the visual artifacts were still there. I reinstalled the ENB and preset once during my own troubleshooting, but I can not remember when, but it didn't help.

I use a Radeon HD7870 graphics card and run Windows 7 64 bit. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Or can someone who uses this preset guide me through the installation from the very beginning?

7 answers to this question

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The INIs that you can delete in MO so that it'll reinitialize them are found in: ...ModOrganizerprofilesprofileName


You can delete the skyrim.ini and the skyrimPrefs.ini found there. That will force MO to rebuild them from the default INIs found in ...DocumentsSkyrim

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Make sure you're changing the ini file in MO. MO uses it's own set of INI file and not the default game ones. So open up the INI Editor in MO and change the values there as well.


You also shouldn't have any INI files in the Skyrim data directory. You shouldn't have any mods in there period with MO.

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If you've done a lot of INI editing, you may need to just reset them and start over with a fresh copy. Rogue INI edits and too much tweaking can throw your game into endless troubleshooting very quickly. Best to start fresh if you've done a lot of editing. First, you can copy your default INIs into MO and see if that fixes it (though if you haven't touched the default INIs they will be vanilla from when the launcher created them). The game INIs are found in: ...DocumentsMy GamesSkyrim


The INIs is the only thing I can think of that would cause this. MO doesn't do anything specific to the ENB process so I seriously doubt it's MO that is the issue. Rather something with your INIs in MO.

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So I reset the inis in Documents/Skyrim, I couldn't find a way to reset the ones in MO. I did set the MO inis back to 0. I then edited only bFloatP, bShadowsOnGrass, bTreesRecieveShadows and bDrawLandShadows. Set them all to 1. Didn't change much. Still works through SkyrimLauncher but not through SKSE/MO.

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That worked! Thank you so much! You guys are great. Now will I be able to install other lighting mods like Realistic Lighting Overhaul without breaking the game? I'm kinda scared I'll break it again somehow.

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