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As another note for you Cestral:

Vurt just updated AGAIN now version 1.3 of Skyrim Flora Overhaul:

== What's new in v1.3 ? ==


Yellow and Blue flowers is replaced with Heather which imo looks more natural for this type of climate.


Reverted back to an older version of the common green grass which, after comparing back and forth, looks superior to the newer.


2 New ferns


The new roots are now in the correct folder


"Missing" files compared to TPC 1.51:





Textures\landscape\trees\treeaspenbarkcomp_N .dds

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Thanks for the list! All of this is intended and if you have any questions about any specific file that was removed then just ask.


EDIT: A lot of the missing files in that list from Tobes Highres Textures aren't actually missing.


Aw man another update! I'll look into it.


Yes, I also removed the new green grass from the TPC and switched to vanilla in 1.51. I guess he came to the same conclusion. :p Now I can switch back again.


Well, I compared Tobe's non-SMIM version since the SMIM version was a patch. I didn't know if it affected all of the textures or not. (hence why I had a note above it). :)


Glad to hear there are no further errors. :)


I like the replacement of the flowers to heather, that looks like a nice change. Though I'm just looking at the screenshot, haven't checked in game yet.


Yeah, the new flower replacement blends in much better.


I'm not so sure about the vanilla grass. I have mixed feelings about it. I kind of prefer the vanilla "fieldgrassobj01" too, but only when viewed from at least 5 meters distance. Whenever you get close, they get grainy and Vurt's grass looks better.


I also have mixed feelings about the new tundra grass. It's better and worse at the same time. I think when used with Lush Grass and you have very thick grass, all the grass becomes a grayish blur which doesn't look too hot. At the same time, it's a nice replacement to the grainy and "light up like a fire at night"-tundragrass that it replaced.


I don't use the new "snowgrass02" not only because it looks a little too thickish, but also because mixing the vanilla version of it with Vurt's "snowgrass01" gives the best blend imo (different grass types instead of the same with different coloring).


Overall, it's very mixed between vanilla and Vurt grasses in v1.52.


I haven't had the time to get much work done because of RL and these updated mods I've had to go through. I've compiled a list of mods, but it's too huge for all of it to be added with 1.6.


I have been looking at Re-defined Dungeons previously and, well, I know many people like it, but I'm not a big fan of its extremely visible patterns in most of its rocks. It's just too exaggerated imo. It's also a little hard to blend with the current SRO textures because Re-defined Dungeons have very neat and clean textures, while SRO has more dust and dirt around. It's also very easy to install separately for those that prefer it. But it's an optional mod after all, but if I go through it, I want to create a good blend and not just copy+paste the whole mod in there (unless a mix of textures won't be possible, then I will do so).


Some stuff on my list, but not all:

Skyrim Redesigned WIP

Intricate Spider Webs

HQ Milky way galaxy

Enhanced Night Skyrim

Dragon Glyphs HD

HD Linens

Insanitys City Banner Replacer

HQ Paper

HD Cinematic Fire Effects

Improved Torches Textures

New Thinner Torch

Better Dynamic Snow

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res

Elaborate Textiles - NPC Clothing Retexture

Better Dwemer Ruins

Re-Defined Dungeons

HQ Skyrim map V2


Unique Booze Bottles HD

Celtic and braided rugs

HQ Towns and Villages

Snow and Rocks TEXTURES HD

Illuminated Tree Lod

Silly Level of Detail (2 mods)


I haven't looked closely at all of these yet so I might not actually add all of them, but at least that's most of what's on my list currently. There are a few more mods as well, and I'm sure there will be more suggestions. Your Riften HQ Textures suggestion is noted.


Oh I no doubt have more to add to the list, but looks like your plate is pretty full. I'll give you a rev or 2 before dropping the full list on ya.


Since I saw some related mods on your list I'll mention these two:

If your going to look at SLOD you should also look at Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons.

If your going to look at Elaborate Textiles and Clothing Improvement HD, you should also look at 2x clothing re-mix.


Now I'll leave ye be. :)


I'm sorry guys, but I am unable to work on the TPC for now. I just had my second graphics card break on me in 3 weeks time, and I am unable to buy myself another one. Let's just say that my life is a little too complicated right now for me to be able to spend money on another graphics card. Just to give you a small idea: I left my life in my home country because my wife gave me an ultimatum to either go with her or lose both her and my son. I sold and got rid of everything I owned before I left. Now, I'm living in a foreign country where I don't speak the language, and pretty much nobody speaks English here either. Shortly after arriving, my wife left me and I'm now only staying here to be able to be with my son. My finances are bled dry and I'm pretty much living as a guest here for now, and I'm not exactly able to spend money on hardware. Heck, I can't even fly home if I wanted to. This is why I've had a lot of time to spend on the TPC. It has been a good distraction from my RL miseries. Anyway, that's where it's at and I'm hoping to be able to work on this again down the road. I suppose for now the TPC in its current shape and form will have to remain, and I can't say for how long.

  'Cestral said:
I'm sorry guys' date=' but I am unable to work on the TPC for now. I just had my second graphics card break on me in 3 weeks time, and I am unable to buy myself another one. Let's just say that my life is a little too complicated right now for me to be able to spend money on another graphics card. Just to give you a small idea: I left my life in my home country because my wife gave me an ultimatum to either go with her or lose both her and my son. I sold and got rid of everything I owned before I left. Now, I'm living in a foreign country where I don't speak the language, and pretty much nobody speaks English here either. Shortly after arriving, my wife left me and I'm now only staying here to be able to be with my son. My finances are bled dry and I'm pretty much living as a guest here for now, and I'm not exactly able to spend money on hardware. Heck, I can't even fly home if I wanted to. This is why I've had a lot of time to spend on the TPC. It has been a good distraction from my RL miseries. Anyway, that's where it's at and I'm hoping to be able to work on this again down the road. I suppose for now the TPC in its current shape and form will have to remain, and I can't say for how long.[/quote']

That really sucks dude, good luck to you though and I really hope you can make it back at some point.


I'm sorry guys, but I am unable to work on the TPC for now. I just had my second graphics card break on me in 3 weeks time, and I am unable to buy myself another one. Let's just say that my life is a little too complicated right now for me to be able to spend money on another graphics card. Just to give you a small idea: I left my life in my home country because my wife gave me an ultimatum to either go with her or lose both her and my son. I sold and got rid of everything I owned before I left. Now, I'm living in a foreign country where I don't speak the language, and pretty much nobody speaks English here either. Shortly after arriving, my wife left me and I'm now only staying here to be able to be with my son. My finances are bled dry and I'm pretty much living as a guest here for now, and I'm not exactly able to spend money on hardware. Heck, I can't even fly home if I wanted to. This is why I've had a lot of time to spend on the TPC. It has been a good distraction from my RL miseries. Anyway, that's where it's at and I'm hoping to be able to work on this again down the road. I suppose for now the TPC in its current shape and form will have to remain, and I can't say for how long.


Hope life picks you back up friend and we'll see you again before too long. Thanks again for all the excellent work and I'll definitely be using what is currently in the TPC for the foreseeable future.

As a notice for the STEP folks looking, SMIM and Vurts have been updated (again) and thus the TPC v1.52 is now (again) out of date. No paths were changed just files added/updated.


I'm updating the batch for my own use but figured someone should post something with Cestral unable to update just so people know.

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