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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


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TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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  On 1/26/2016 at 4:53 PM, andisart said:

Ok, so first of all I have to say I have now played with DynDOLOD ingame for several hours and I am in total bliss! The amount of detail this mod method gives is stunning and what I always wished for for this game. It should have always been like that from the start I think, only now does the beauty of the world of Skyrim fully shine. It actually makes you realize what an achievment in game world design it is (and on a side note: it makes Skyrim feel smaller cause now I can see everything, but it doesnt matter). So I have to commend you on your achievment with this massive improvment of a mod and the service you bring to the whole community with it and also with your continued support here. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Looooooook how pretty Solitude at dusk:



And now with DynDOLOD I can make pretty wallpapers like this:



So where can I drop my firstborn? ;-)

(actually that's my fist ever Skyrim wallpaper and you're the first to see, so does that count? lol)


Back to the tree LODs, for now I semi-fixed it by creating my own LODs from custom made billboards (extracted from Nifskope) with LODGen, learned something new there. Plus playing with uGridsToLoad on 7 (only possible with new mod setup with less mods on my setup). I understand now more the way trees work in the game (quite complex). But one thing is still unclear: is there no way to tell the game to fade or blend the transition between full model and LOD tree? It is the sudden switch that makes it so noticeable for me.


The concept with the 3D static trees is intriguing. And you say performance hit is less than expected, so I might give it a shot. Only not sure about how to go about creating 3D static trees when using SFO + Skyrim Bigger Trees?

Screens looking great :)


You could actually set Has Distant LOD flag on the tree baseelements so the full models take a second to fade in. It is the same method used for object LOD. However that means both LOD and full model will be active for a second. You cant make LOD fade out.


In order to work around my programming trying to be smart you need to edit ..\TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\lib\process.pas line #442


if (Result <> '') and ((not bFlagTree and bDoTreeLOD and (Signature(Element) <> 'TREE')) or ((bFlagTree and not bDoTreeLOD))) and (Pos('effects\', sMODLPath) = 0) and (Pos('water\', sMODLPath) = 0) then begin


if (Result <> '') and (Pos('effects\', sMODLPath) = 0) and (Pos('water\', sMODLPath) = 0) then begin

Then generate LOD form scratch, do not use cache.


Creating more 3D static trees for a couple mods is on my list. We recently discussed this, so if you search backwards to December you find some pointers and a download archive for a template.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Loving the new window glow lod but ive been having a double window issue, I have netimmerse Override installed and have changed the values to increase the brightness of the glow lod, When i go into the mcm and deactivate dyndolod the issue resolves itself, mostly.  It always comes back though.  https://imgur.com/a/IuMWL pictures of what im talking about. Seems like a stuck dyndolod script, any thoughts.  Love the mod BTW amazing work. In case you needed a  load order,



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Edited by Greg
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  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 1/26/2016 at 4:53 PM, andisart said:

The tree LODs, for now I semi-fixed it by creating my own LODs from custom made billboards (extracted from Nifskope) with LODGen, learned something new there. Plus playing with uGridsToLoad on 7 (only possible with new mod setup with less mods on my setup). I understand now more the way trees work in the game (quite complex). But one thing is still unclear: is there no way to tell the game to fade or blend the transition between full model and LOD tree? It is the sudden switch that makes it so noticeable for me.


Check the STEP guide on tree settings in the game .ini files. It discusses minimizing the transition. However, with SFO this still looks kind of meh.

Edited by snares
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 1/27/2016 at 9:20 AM, tallgeese3w said:


Loving the new window glow lod but ive been having a double window issue, I have netimmerse Override installed and have changed the values to increase the brightness of the glow lod, When i go into the mcm and deactivate dyndolod the issue resolves itself, mostly.  It always comes back though.  https://imgur.com/a/IuMWL pictures of what im talking about. Seems like a stuck dyndolod script, any thoughts.  Love the mod BTW amazing work. In case you needed a  load order

Does this happen with using the latest papyrus scripts? Does this happen with a new game (just use coc whiterun for a quick test)?

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 1/26/2016 at 7:37 PM, sheson said:



Creating more 3D static trees for a couple mods is on my list...

Excellent!  I'm working on AceeQ's Enhanced Landscapes Haafingar Oaks and creating a standalone version. Sadly, the lod for the Oaks is not good no matter what I try. Can I make a request for some better Oak tree LOD meshes for a future update?  That would be greatly appreciated.  Thankyou.

  • 0
  On 1/27/2016 at 12:11 PM, sheson said:

Does this happen with using the latest papyrus scripts? Does this happen with a new game (just use coc whiterun for a quick test)?

Thanks, the new scripts did the trick, i think I must have overwritten them with the 1.46 files instead. Doesnt happen with a new save, and it seems gone with my old ones as well, It was never really a repeatable problem though, just something that comes and goes.  I probably have too many mods, and need to cull.  But thanks for the quick reply! :)

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Hi, first post here.


So I desperately need help.. I have been reading and re-reading the manuals for DynDOLOD over and over, and I have most of it down, there's just a problem I'm having with Tree's... Basically I'm looking to do this:


I'm trying to have my Tree's draw full detail further out, like perhaps setting the Tree LOD levels to 4,4,8 .. or to be Full Detail until they are a good distance away from me in general (they pop-in to full models fairly close and very noticeably)   



I also have read about the Static models, as well at adding the Optional Trees.Ultra - nolodtrees.lst option but I am just getting overwhelmingly confused (I have a severe case of ADHD so It's tough trying to keep all of the steps in mind) And I don't know how I would go about incorporating them into the further distance properly...


Can someone please just give me steps to follow, it would mean the world to me...


-I just have STEP Extended, and DynDOLOD + Enhanced Landscapes active

-I seem to be able to generate the Land LOD fine (for now)


So How do I go about fixing the Trees only, to basically just be at full detail further out than they are now, and once they DO go into LOD detail, how do I make THAT detail become better, like the Hybrid Tree's(?), or to never use LOD level 16 detail, but max at 8?


After reinstalling DynDOLOD do I run TexGen first? If I have the billboards already included in my mods and they are current and proper, do I need to do any splitting (to make these hybrid Tree's?) Or do I just run the WorldGen.pas and then add the "nolodtreees.lst" option to the output folder once it's done?


I would just love some steps, instead of being linked to the default manuals. I have used the search feature here and on google to extensively read post after post, as well as the manuals, but it's just causing my head to spin.


Any help would mean SO much to me, Thanks :)

Edited by Gunkin
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Posted (edited)
  On 1/29/2016 at 12:08 AM, Gunkin said:

Hi, first post here.


So I desperately need help.. I have been reading and re-reading the manuals for DynDOLOD over and over, and I have most of it down, there's just a problem I'm having with Tree's... Basically I'm looking to do this:


I'm trying to have my Tree's draw full detail further out, like perhaps setting the Tree LOD levels to 4,4,8 .. or to be Full Detail until they are a good distance away from me in general (they pop-in to full models fairly close and very noticeably)   



I also have read about the Static models, as well at adding the Optional Trees.Ultra - nolodtrees.lst option but I am just getting overwhelmingly confused (I have a severe case of ADHD so It's tough trying to keep all of the steps in mind) And I don't know how I would go about incorporating them into the further distance properly...


Can someone please just give me steps to follow, it would mean the world to me...


-I just have STEP Extended, and DynDOLOD + Enhanced Landscapes active

-I seem to be able to generate the Land LOD fine (for now)


So How do I go about fixing the Trees only, to basically just be at full detail further out than they are now, and once they DO go into LOD detail, how do I make THAT detail become better, like the Hybrid Tree's(?), or to never use LOD level 16 detail, but max at 8?


After reinstalling DynDOLOD do I run TexGen first? If I have the billboards already included in my mods and they are current and proper, do I need to do any splitting (to make these hybrid Tree's?) Or do I just run the WorldGen.pas and then add the "nolodtreees.lst" option to the output folder once it's done?


I would just love some steps, instead of being linked to the default manuals. I have used the search feature here and on google to extensively read post after post, as well as the manuals, but it's just causing my head to spin.


Any help would mean SO much to me, Thanks :)

The steps in options\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.txt are exactly the steps that you need to do to replace the existing flat tree LOD with static 3D model trees object LOD.

It also mentions the current limitation that this can only be used with vanilla trees.


If these steps are followed no tree LOD billboards are used, only the 3D LOD tree models found in Data\Meshes\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\*.nif.

At the moment this folder only contains trees for vanilla and 3 juniper trees from 3am.


There is usually 2 files for each supported tree in that folder. The first version ending in *_lod.nif is for Static LOD4  and the second version ending in *_lod_flat_2.nif for Static LOD8


Which of the 2 versions is used for which LOD level is defined by the mesh rule as explained in the instruction.


Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8        LOD 16       VWD      Grid     Reference
tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD8  Static LOD8  Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged

If you do not want any trees in LOD 16 set the column to empty instead of Static LOD8


You need to run DynDOLOD TexGen again if you deleted the updated textures it generated. However, TexGen does not generate any textures for trees.


3D hybrid trees can not be generated from billboards or by splitting existing tree LOD.

Creating 3D static versions of trees requires manual work, which I discussed with Dammal19 in December.


As instructed in the manual, nolodtreees.lst needs to copied to the correct locations before generating LOD with DynDOLOD Worlds.pas

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 1/26/2016 at 7:37 PM, sheson said:

Screens looking great :)


You could actually set Has Distant LOD flag on the tree baseelements so the full models take a second to fade in. It is the same method used for object LOD. However that means both LOD and full model will be active for a second. You cant make LOD fade out.


In order to work around my programming trying to be smart you need to edit ..\TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\lib\process.pas line #442


if (Result <> '') and ((not bFlagTree and bDoTreeLOD and (Signature(Element) <> 'TREE')) or ((bFlagTree and not bDoTreeLOD))) and (Pos('effects\', sMODLPath) = 0) and (Pos('water\', sMODLPath) = 0) then begin


if (Result <> '') and (Pos('effects\', sMODLPath) = 0) and (Pos('water\', sMODLPath) = 0) then begin

Then generate LOD form scratch, do not use cache.


Creating more 3D static trees for a couple mods is on my list. We recently discussed this, so if you search backwards to December you find some pointers and a download archive for a template.

Thank you! That sounds like a possible solution for the tree pop-in, at least until the 3D static trees are more developed.

I ran DydDOLOD again with the edited code, this time I get an error message, not sure if it is related since it points to another code file:  Error in unit 'functions' on line 1212: type mismatch.

Can I ignore this? If not, I saw you posted an update functions.pas in November, this the one to get for me? Which parts of the process do I need to re-run then?

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 1/29/2016 at 11:55 PM, andisart said:

Thank you! That sounds like a possible solution for the tree pop-in, at least until the 3D static trees are more developed.

I ran DydDOLOD again with the edited code, this time I get an error message, not sure if it is related since it points to another code file:  Error in unit 'functions' on line 1212: type mismatch.

Can I ignore this? If not, I saw you posted an update functions.pas in November, this the one to get for me? Which parts of the process do I need to re-run then?

Well the error stop you from successfully creating LOD, the process needs to complete. The update should work for you as well.

Honest though I am not sure the flag will cause tree LOD to stay around long enough to wait for the full model to fade in.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 1/29/2016 at 12:29 PM, sheson said:

The steps in options\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.txt are exactly the steps that you need to do to replace the existing flat tree LOD with static 3D model trees object LOD.

It also mentions the current limitation that this can only be used with vanilla trees.


If these steps are followed no tree LOD billboards are used, only the 3D LOD tree models found in Data\Meshes\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\*.nif.

At the moment this folder only contains trees for vanilla and 3 juniper trees from 3am.


There is usually 2 files for each supported tree in that folder. The first version ending in *_lod.nif is for Static LOD4  and the second version ending in *_lod_flat_2.nif for Static LOD8


Which of the 2 versions is used for which LOD level is defined by the mesh rule as explained in the instruction.


Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8        LOD 16       VWD      Grid     Reference
tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD8  Static LOD8  Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged

If you do not want any trees in LOD 16 set the column to empty instead of Static LOD8


You need to run DynDOLOD TexGen again if you deleted the updated textures it generated. However, TexGen does not generate any textures for trees.


3D hybrid trees can not be generated from billboards or by splitting existing tree LOD.

Creating 3D static versions of trees requires manual work, which I discussed with Dammal19 in December.


As instructed in the manual, nolodtreees.lst needs to copied to the correct locations before generating LOD with DynDOLOD Worlds.pas



I followed the steps for copying the notrees.lst file into the proper folder structure for each world with tree's, also renaming them properly, and the guide says I should get no BTT files -  but I still get them regardless. I have ran DynDOLOD for at least 36 hours straight within the past 48 hours, just trying to generate and regenerate LOD to have it all work. I'm trying to use this with Enhanced landscapes on top of STEP Extended, and when I actually DO get it all working, it suddenly won't work with Skyrim Unbound, everytime. 


"As instructed in the manual, nolodtreees.lst needs to copied to the correct locations before generating LOD with DynDOLOD Worlds.pas"


I think this is a big point of miscommunication for a LOT of people, especially over on Nexus. This would have many people believe that they should be copied to TES5EDIT's Output folder, it might save some confusion to specify which Output folder :)


In this case, it should be the folder that is currently installed, and not the folder which TES5EDIT copies it's finished LOD to, correct?

Edited by Gunkin
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 1/30/2016 at 1:01 AM, Gunkin said:

I followed the steps for copying the notrees.lst file into the proper folder structure for each world with tree's, also renaming them properly, and the guide says I should get no BTT files - but I still get them regardless. I have ran DynDOLOD for at least 36 hours straight within the past 48 hours, just trying to generate and regenerate LOD to have it all work. I'm trying to use this with Enhanced landscapes on top of STEP Extended, and when I actually DO get it all working, it suddenly won't work with Skyrim Unbound, everytime.


"As instructed in the manual, nolodtreees.lst needs to copied to the correct locations before generating LOD with DynDOLOD Worlds.pas"


I think this is a big point of miscommunication for a LOT of people, especially over on Nexus. This would have many people believe that they should be copied to TES5EDIT's Output folder, it might save some confusion to specify which Output folder :)


In this case, it should be the folder that is currently installed, and not the folder which TES5EDIT copies it's finished LOD to, correct?

If BTT files are generated it is because you didn't follow all steps in DynDOLOD-Trees.txt.

The step that was missed in the instruction is the one that says Uncheck "Generate Tree LOD"


If tree LOD is generated, it overwrites any existing files in the output path, including *.lst files.


There is only one field called "Select Output Path" in the wizard, advanced or expert options window of DynDLOD Worlds.pas. Obviously this is what is referred to as "Output Path". There is no ambiguity about it.

Edited by sheson
  • 0

I was still getting Tree files after I had added the named copies to the various folders in that specific output directory.


The ambiguity is that a lot of people have a Pseudo-Mod setup in MO called "Output" as well for DynDOLOD (or something similar) and ultimately the LOD generated would be transferred to that folder. It wasn't just me who was confused, I have been reading extensively, and if there were no ambiguity to it then so many people wouldnt have problems with it, and be as intimidated by the Tool as they are, I believe.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 1/30/2016 at 11:22 AM, Gunkin said:

I was still getting Tree files after I had added the named copies to the various folders in that specific output directory.

Again, not Unchecking "Generate Tree LOD" means overwriting any existing files in the output path, including *.lst files.

In other words, existing files in the output path do not prevent creation of LOD. Only unchecking checkboxes in the DynDLOD Worlds.pas option window prevents it from generating LOD.


Existing files in the output path, including *.lst, do not prevent DynDOLOD World.pas from creating LOD and overwriting the files, including tree LOD.

By not unchecking tree LOD generation the empty file is overwritten when tree LOD is generated.

Only if tree LOD generation is unchecked no *.lst and no *.btt files are generated, so the nolodtrees.lst needs to be copied and renamed to the correct output path because tree LOD is not generated by DynDOLOD Worlds.pas.

The empty file needs to be there to disable the existing vanilla tree LOD.


DynDOLOD-Trees.txt instructs to Uncheck "Generate Tree LOD". Nowhere in DynDOLOD-Trees.txt does it say the empty *.lst prevents generating tree LOD.


  On 1/30/2016 at 11:22 AM, Gunkin said:

The ambiguity is that a lot of people have a Pseudo-Mod setup in MO called "Output" as well for DynDOLOD (or something similar) and ultimately the LOD generated would be transferred to that folder. It wasn't just me who was confused, I have been reading extensively, and if there were no ambiguity to it then so many people wouldnt have problems with it, and be as intimidated by the Tool as they are, I believe.

Read the instruction in DynDOLOD-Trees.txt: "Proceed as normal by copying everything from OUTPUT PATH including the Meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Trees\Tamriel.lst you created in the first step to game or mod folder."

There is no ambiguity about it.

Edited by sheson
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