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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


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TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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Posted (edited)
  On 10/24/2015 at 7:49 PM, SinfulGroove said:

So something is prohibiting access to write to the main .esp? When i ran the worlds script I made sure to close out of everything so nothing could conflict and ran TES5EDIT in admin mode. Ive searched all my files for anything resembling "DynDOLOD.esp.save.2015_10_24_10_17_59" but it doesnt seem to exist. I have no idea where to even start with this.



Heres my Skyrimprefs.ini file, i dont remember messing with any terrain settings in there



Alrighty, so just for fun i decided to run the Worlds script again and recopy over the output and guess what?


started up the game to find that DynDOLOD was successfully initialized, but wait THERES MORE!


Its still broke.



So heres a screenshot i just took of the MCM and the error im getting now, you can see in the background where the entire back half of whiterun keep is missing, and the walls, and a bunch of other stuff.






At this point im just considering wiping everything that even starts with an S from my harddrive and redownloading the the entire vanilla game and my mods with mod organizer.

Edited by SinfulGroove
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  On 10/24/2015 at 10:05 PM, sheson said:

Use latest papyrus scripts from this post that may fix it. They help a couple other guys

Hah that does look promising, But i just decided to completely fresh install Skyrim and all my mods again with mod organizer instead of NMM.


NMM is a nice tool but with the way it adds mods has given me so many headaches trying to sort out problems that reinstalling literally everything will be easier than trying to fix the mess that was my Skyrim folder



Hopefully i can get it working right with MO, thanks so much for the help trying to fix my issue, best mod support Ive ever seen.

  • 0
Posted (edited)


Please have a look on it to prevent mistakes and confusion, I've done my best...



I don't know what happened with your installation of DynDOLOD but I will try to make a short tutorial based upon the great video from GamePoet and my experiences. After that your LODs will work fine I think.

1. TES5Edit
Download the latest version from https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/3750-wipz-tes5edit/ right now it's xedit 131015
From the downloaded archive copy TES5Edit.exe und Skyrim.Hardcoded.keep.this.with.the.exe.and.otherwise.ignore.it.I.really.mean.it.dat into your Skyrim base folder (where the TESV.exe is in).
From the downloaded archive copy the folder Edit Scripts into your Skyrim base folder.

Install SKSE, latest version:

From skse_1_07_03.7z copy the folder Data, skse_1_9_32.dll, skse_loader.exe, skse_steam_loader.dll into your Skyrim base folder


For TES5Edit:

From DynDOLOD 1.46-59721-1-46.7z/TES5Edit copy the folder Edit Scripts into your Skyrim base folder.


Now the packages:
For DynDOLOD I have prepared 3 folders. Each folder is used to create an installable FOMOD, I'm using NMM, not MO but that shouldn't matter.

Folder 1 - named DynDOLOD MAIN
1a) from the archive PapyrusUtil - Scripting Utility Functions-58705-3-1.zip copy both folders into DynDOLOD MAIN
1b) from the current DynDOLOD archive DynDOLOD 1.46-59721-1-46.7z copy the content of the folder data into DynDOLOD MAIN
1c) from the archive Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards-62698-1-0.zip copy the folder textures into DynDOLOD MAIN
1d) copy the billboard textures from your mods that provide billboard files into DynDOLOD MAIN, keep the file structure (the billboards are packed in "texture" folders so you don't have to worry. You have to copy in the order of your mod priority.
Example: I've installed Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.3 and after that Realistic Aspen Trees. This means I first copy the tree billboards for Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.3 and the the ones for Realistic Aspen Trees and overwrite the ones from Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.3 because I want to keep the look of the new aspens.

Now the first package is ready. Make a zip archive out of the folder and install it. Overwrite everything.

Folder 2 - named TexGen generated textures


In general start TES5Edit with arguments like this example:

-l:german -IKnowWhatImDoing -o:"C:\Steam\#DynDOLOD Output"

-l:german sets your language (which STRINGS are loaded)

-IKnowWhatImDoing prevents the CAUTION requester to pop up when you start TES5Edit

-o:"C:\Steam\#DynDOLOD Output" defines your output folder.


Now after you've installed DynDOLOD MAIN open TES5Edit, check all ESMs/ ESPs, press and hold the SHIFT key and klick OK.

Apply the script DynDOLOD TexGen. Wait until a message like this is been shown in the message window:

Copy textures from C:\Steam\#DynDOLOD Output\ to game directory or to a new mod.
Overwrite any vanilla or DynDOLOD LOD textures.
Then run DynDOLOD Worlds.pas to generate LOD for world spaces.

Quit TES5Edit.

Go to your output folder and move the folder textures to TexGen generated textures
Now the second package is ready. Make a zip archive out of the folder and install it. Overwrite everything.

Folder 3 - named The LOD files
In the last step we have to create the LOD files based on the textures we've installed in step 1 and 2.
Open TES5Edit, check all ESMs/ ESPs, press and hold the SHIFT key and klick OK.
Apply the script DynDOLOD Worlds. In the window under select Worlds left klick and select all. Click the preset button of your choice, I ever use High.
If you have some mods installed the script doesn't like then a message shows you which ESM/ ESP has to be unchecked when starting TES5Edit. In this case you have to restart TES5Edit without these files.
Okay, klick on High for example and wait. The generating process begins. Depending on the number of mods you've installed it may take some time, In my case I do some sports on go shopping ( no joke, it takes 50-60 minutes to me).

When the scrits has ended quit TES5Edit.

Go to your output folder and move the content to The LOD files. You can copy the DynDOLOD.esp which is much bigger in size now from your game's data folder to The LOD files too, so all relevant files are stored in one FOMOD.

Now the third package is ready. Make a zip archive out of the folder and install it. Overwrite everything.



When using a new version of DynDOLOD don't forget to clean \Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache

Edited by archer
  • 0
Posted (edited)

1) Using MO, if I have a bunch of texture packs installed (Serious HD, Skyrim HD, aMidianBorn, Visible Windows, etc), should I place DynDOLOD's data (esp + meshes + textues) in Priority tab to override them or to be overridden by them? It has around 100 conflicts with other mods.


2) Do I need to run TexGen? I read instructions and watched GamerPoets video and can't remember any mention of it.


3) Does running either of DynDOLOD TES5Edit scripts replace any of the meshes/textures in other mods?



The reason for all these questions is that I'd placed DynDOLOD right after HighRes Texture pack in Priority, ran TES5Edit Worlds script, started a new game and ended up with flickering textures all over the place - ground, rocks, ore veins, snow overlay, etc.. After that, I saved inside a vanilla inn, quit, removed DynDOLOD, loaded save, saved again, reloaded game, loaded last save: textures that were flickering weren't flickering anymore, but I got blue textures on many distant objects instead - mostly rocks and ice.

I've been using SDO+Skyfalls+Skymills for a long time before this and haven't had any issues, so the problem seems to lie in my confusion about the right DynDOLOD installation, not my game's setup.


PS: Actually, do I even need to generate anything if I don't use or care about seeing mod-added places? If I use the pre-generated DynDOLOD "showcases" from its download page, will its textures clash/look odd with texture packs I mentioned above?

Edited by Santr
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Posted (edited)

It reads OK. I would install Papyrus Util and the billboards each into their own mod/zip.


  On 10/25/2015 at 11:36 AM, Santr said:

1) Using MO, if I have a bunch of texture packs installed (Serious HD, Skyrim HD, aMidianBorn, Visible Windows, etc), should I place DynDOLOD's data (esp + meshes + textues) in Priority tab to override them or to be overridden by them? It has around 100 conflicts with other mods.
2) Do I need to run TexGen? I read instructions and watched GamerPoets video and can't remember any mention of it.
3) Does running either of DynDOLOD TES5Edit scripts replace any of the meshes/textures in other mods?
The reason for all these questions is that I'd placed DynDOLOD right after HighRes Texture pack in Priority, ran TES5Edit Worlds script, started a new game and ended up with flickering textures all over the place - ground, rocks, ore veins, snow overlay, etc.. After that, I saved inside a vanilla inn, quit, removed DynDOLOD, loaded save, saved again, reloaded game, loaded last save: textures that were flickering weren't flickering anymore, but I got blue textures on many distant objects instead - mostly rocks and ice.
I've been using SDO+Skyfalls+Skymills for a long time before this and haven't had any issues, so the problem seems to lie in my confusion about the right DynDOLOD installation, not my game's setup.
PS: Actually, do I even need to generate anything if I don't use or care about seeing mod-added places? If I use the pre-generated DynDOLOD "showcases" from its download page, will its textures clash/look odd with texture packs I mentioned above?

1) See the section called "Overwrite Orders" in the manual

2) The first sentence of TextGen manual says


If a texture replacer is used, the vanilla LOD textures may not match the looks very well. With DynDOLOD TexGen.pas most but not all LOD textures can be generated from the full textures in the current load order.

This mod evolves constantly and new functions and features are added. While the videos are correct they may not show all possible options. Refer to the docs for up to date information. Also see the manual section mentioned in 1)

3) The text under the output field reads


To avoid overwriting existing files accidentally, set the output path to a dedicated directory. It should be outside of the game and MO virtual file structure.

Since all output is generated to a dedicated output folder nothing is overwritten when generating. Obviously those files are supposed to replaces LOD meshes and LOD textures of other mods.

In regards to load order the "Installation" section of the manual says


From the DynDOLOD archive copy the content of the 'Data' folder which contains DynDOLOD.esp and the folder 'meshes', 'textures', 'scripts' and 'skse' into Skyrims 'Data' folder. Usually overwrite all meshes, scripts and skse files.

If a mod provides its own version of certain LOD textures its probably best to not overwrite them. However there are some mods that contain the same old vanilla textures again for no apparent reason. Rule of thumb: if the mod is a texture replacer, use its LOD textures. If a mod doesn't visually change textures from vanilla, overwrite its LOD textures. If in doubt visually compare the LOD textures to make a judgement call with version resembles the full textures better.

Obviously this is a general instruction, but it should steer people in the right direction which files should overwrite what. The user decides which are the files the game actually uses. I find it helps tremendously to open nif/bto/btr files in nifskope and dds files in an image viewer to better understand what they are and which one should be used.


Blue objects means missing textures, so either do not remove those textures or also remove the meshes using those textures.

You do not need to use a mod or need to generate (all) LOD. That is your choice.

Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)

Thanks, Sheson! I redid the whole procedure and everything seems to be working fine so far.


It appears I had been installing everything right before, except for two things:

1) I didn't know if I needed to run TexGen, so I didn't (now I did).

2) I noticed MO reported a LODGen crash at some point during my first generation and I somehow missed that (I left it running overnight).

Looks like one of those things (#2 is my guess) caused the problems in my previous post.

Edited by Santr
  • 0
Posted (edited)



Let me start by saying a giant THANK YOU for this tool. It's amazing.


Now on to my question:


When using the ultra tree option, the settings are LOD4, LOD8, LOD8.


I've noticed that the LOD4 creates the 3d trees correctly, and the LOD8 uses the normal dark 2d billboards from vanilla.


How do set up DynDoLod so that it used the 3d trees for LOD4...... and then uses AOF LOD trees for the LOD8 billboards.


AOF LODs colors match up almost perfectly with the default game, and so I think they would be much better suited as billboards than the default crappy colors.


Thank you for your time, and help.


I've tried:

Starting up TESV with AOF loading after the default game and "splitting textures". I then copied the split textures into the "vanilla billboards" to overwrite them. Then I ran Dyndolod to create the 3d trees as normal (with notrees.lst in place, as well as 'generate tree lod' disabled). The default vanilla color for LOD8 remained.


Edit: Is there some way to create new billboards using the AOF files? Am I being dumb by asking something obvious?

Edited by ordellus
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/25/2015 at 9:26 PM, ordellus said:



Let me start by saying a giant THANK YOU for this tool. It's amazing.


Now on to my question:


When using the ultra tree option, the settings are LOD4, LOD8, LOD8.


I've noticed that the LOD4 creates the 3d trees correctly, and the LOD8 uses the normal dark 2d billboards from vanilla.


How do set up DynDoLod so that it used the 3d trees for LOD4...... and then uses AOF LOD trees for the LOD8 billboards.


AOF LODs colors match up almost perfectly with the default game, and so I think they would be much better suited as billboards than the default crappy colors.


Thank you for your time, and help.


I've tried:

Starting up TESV with AOF loading after the default game and "splitting textures". I then copied the split textures into the "vanilla billboards" to overwrite them. Then I ran Dyndolod to create the 3d trees as normal (with notrees.lst in place, as well as 'generate tree lod' disabled). The default vanilla color for LOD8 remained.


Edit: Is there some way to create new billboards using the AOF files? Am I being dumb by asking something obvious?

To create 3D static trees or 2D flat LOD trees you would need to create or update nif files and their textures  in Meshes\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\ for those trees.

Some tree mods come with their own version of 2D _lod_flat.nifs already. However they typically reference the default tamriel tree atlas texture (which is also the tree mods version) which gets overwritten when generating tree LOD. Take those flat nifs and update the texture reference to a unique filename of your choice, rename the nif to _lod_flat_2.nif and they should be used automatically.


However you are in luck, I am programming a features that can use the dds billboards from the tree LOD generation and automatically make those 2D flat nifs internally while generating static object LOD. After all it is "just" adjusting 8 corners and the referenced texture... It should be ready within a couple weeks.

Edited by sheson
  • 0

I hope this isnt a newb question, but a new version of Falksar is out 1.2 The changelog mentions a number of changes to the landscape itself. Will that require a whole new Dyndolod install to bring it up to date? Or will it make a difference at all.


From the Change log


New Features and Content 
- Dramatically overhauled the mountains southwest, northwest, east, and south of Borvald, providing more playable space and better visuals, along with more for player's to discover. 
- Completely overhauled Hjalmar Armory, inside and out. 
- Overhauled Stargazer Grove and Starwatcher Grove. 
- Added an unmarked Nordic ruin for players to discover near Borvald. 
- Renamed Chillstone Basin to Chillstone Camp due to surrounding wilderness overhaul. 
- Added an unmarked fort to Falskaar's coast. 

  • 0
  On 10/26/2015 at 4:55 AM, Mebantiza said:

I hope this isnt a newb question, but a new version of Falksar is out 1.2 The changelog mentions a number of changes to the landscape itself. Will that require a whole new Dyndolod install to bring it up to date? Or will it make a difference at all.


From the Change log


New Features and Content 

- Dramatically overhauled the mountains southwest, northwest, east, and south of Borvald, providing more playable space and better visuals, along with more for player's to discover. 

- Completely overhauled Hjalmar Armory, inside and out. 

- Overhauled Stargazer Grove and Starwatcher Grove. 

- Added an unmarked Nordic ruin for players to discover near Borvald. 

- Renamed Chillstone Basin to Chillstone Camp due to surrounding wilderness overhaul. 

- Added an unmarked fort to Falskaar's coast. 

Falskaar uses vanilla assets only - at least for objects that qualify for LOD. Since it mentions mountains and a new fort I suggest to generate LOD again for that worldspace.

  • 0

Hi Sheson


Holy cow and I thought TES4LodGen produced a lot of files O_o :)




Possible problem or two with the "default" setup .. more than likely just me getting things wrong ( using DynDOLOD for the first time here so probably a noob mistake )


What could be the cause of :


a) Floating trees, which are levitating in the distance but then plant in the ground as you get closer


b) Tree LOD bilboards which look too tall or stretched, and then pop down to normal size the closer you get - This one is like I should also have that large tree mod installed .. but I dont use it.


Pretty sure I have everything setup the way it should be


I have the Bethesda Hi Res BSAs installed

Plus the Unofficial patch for Hi Res


Using xEdit 131015 ( and the scripts / LODGen.exe which come with that, overwritten with your edit scripts )


Using 1.46 DynDOLOD - I dont use MO, so took your Data folder out of your archive and made it into a Wrye Bash compatible simple BAIN, ( and overwriting those files with the 256 texture option files )


Papyrus Util installed


Zilavs vanilla billboards installed


After using your worlds wizard, selecting everything, using either Medium or High, I then again make a simple BAIN out of all the generated output files, for Wrye Bash to install ( last in my install order so as not to have anything else overwriting the output files )


And the results are in the following screenshots ..



  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents


  • 0
  On 10/27/2015 at 4:27 PM, alt3rn1ty said:

What could be the cause of :

a) Floating trees, which are levitating in the distance but then plant in the ground as you get closer

b) Tree LOD bilboards which look too tall or stretched, and then pop down to normal size the closer you get - This one is like I should also have that large tree mod installed .. but I dont use it.

Billboards come in pairs - dds texture file and txt file with the same name that defines the size of LOD tree in the distance, scale and possible displacement. Looks like you have only dds files installed and missing txt ones.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Is it also normal when selecting all worlds to have missing LOD messages ( for places like Blackreach )


I dont use Skyfalls and Skymills so did not need any of your miscellaneous files

  On 10/27/2015 at 5:01 PM, zilav said:

Billboards come in pairs - dds texture file and txt file with the same name that defines the size of LOD tree in the distance, scale and possible displacement. Looks like you have only dds files installed and missing txt ones.

AHA! could be, Wrye Bash set to Skip readme's etc will also be stopping those installing :)


Thanks Zilav, I just need to wait for the current script to finish generating and redo after hopefully getting Wrye Bash to install them .. Else will do it manually.

Edited by alt3rn1ty
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/27/2015 at 4:27 PM, alt3rn1ty said:

Hi Sheson


Holy cow and I thought TES4LodGen produced a lot of files O_o :)




Possible problem or two with the "default" setup .. more than likely just me getting things wrong ( using DynDOLOD for the first time here so probably a noob mistake )


What could be the cause of :


a) Floating trees, which are levitating in the distance but then plant in the ground as you get closer


b) Tree LOD bilboards which look too tall or stretched, and then pop down to normal size the closer you get - This one is like I should also have that large tree mod installed .. but I dont use it.


Pretty sure I have everything setup the way it should be


I have the Bethesda Hi Res BSAs installed

Plus the Unofficial patch for Hi Res


Using xEdit 131015 ( and the scripts / LODGen.exe which come with that, overwritten with your edit scripts )


Using 1.46 DynDOLOD - I dont use MO, so took your Data folder out of your archive and made it into a Wrye Bash compatible simple BAIN, ( and overwriting those files with the 256 texture option files )


Papyrus Util installed


Zilavs vanilla billboards installed


After using your worlds wizard, selecting everything, using either Medium or High, I then again make a simple BAIN out of all the generated output files, for Wrye Bash to install ( last in my install order so as not to have anything else overwriting the output files )


And the results are in the following screenshots ..



  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents


The set of the 4 first screenshots with the dead floating trees happens because low/medium settings are used and those rocks the tree grow on do not have LOD. The low/medium settings globally do not do LOD for a lot of small rocks. This can be either be solved by creating LOD for specific rocks with reference rules or by deleting the billboards for those trees - as the vanilla game didn't have LOD for those trees in the first place.

If anyone ever creates a list of form ids for those "required" rocks I'll happily add them to the rule set - this came up in this thread before many months back but nobody raise to the challenge ;)

Edited by sheson
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