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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


  Reveal hidden contents






TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/4/2016 at 9:40 PM, sirjesto said:

Have noticed this little glitch for a while now, but waited to post it until I rebuilt a few times, but it's there.




seems to be the LOD staying on the building even up close.  ID from DynDOLOD.




After disabling in console.


I had the same problem today, i had a part of the road and a cliff LODs stay loaded even when I got close to them, I'am loading DynDoLod into an existing save though.

Edited by some_random_guy
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Posted (edited)
  On 3/5/2016 at 4:26 PM, SkulldozeR said:

I always unpack BSAs in MO but I don't merge them if I can help it. I like the freedom to disable certain optional packages at will. Also I use the optimized textures for the DLCs and Vanilla and they are unpacked. Do you think the vanilla causes problems if it's unpacked? If so, I will disable the optimized version altogether and try.


What do you mean by "required" mods? The SR profile has almost 400 mods in total. Which are the required mods you mean?


To be honest I don't have the patience to run the script for every mod in order to eliminate them - it takes ~30-40 minutes each time and there are a LOT of mods involved....

Meshes from No Snow Under the Roof are reported missing in the log. I assume this happens because they are in a BSA that is not loaded by TES5Edit.


The "required" load order is the minimum one to successfully start the game with the generated DynDOLOD.esp. I can run the DynDOLOD.esp you generated by just activating the esp it requires. Vice versa, disable every mod that is not required to start the game with DynDOLOD.esp. It will produce a result either way. There is no need to have hundreds of meshes and texture replaces active. In one large swoop you can eliminate them as the cause or the culprit.


I have not yet asked to generate anything again with certain mods disabled. That would be the next step if the other steps did not work. An quicker alternative is to edit the existing esp and remove chunks of objects. It is pretty simple actually. But narrow down the load order first. With MO it should be a matter of a minutes with using a second a profile.

Edited by sheson
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  On 3/5/2016 at 5:09 PM, some_random_guy said:

I had the same problem today, i had a part of the road and a cliff LODs stay loaded even when I got close to them

If you have the same problem than the same fix applies. Very unlikely.


Does it also happen with a new game?

Did you click the object and get a form id? Could you disable it manually?


Why do I feel like a broken record? :p

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 3/5/2016 at 5:21 PM, sheson said:

If you have the same problem than the same fix applies. Very unlikely.


Does it also happen with a new game?

Did you click the object and get a form id? Could you disable it manually?


Why do I feel like a broken record? :p

Nope, i just thought to myself - "wtf!" loaded the save game again, ran to the same location and it wasn't there anymore:(:)

Edited by some_random_guy
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  On 3/5/2016 at 5:11 PM, sheson said:

Meshes from No Snow Under the Roof are reported missing in the log. I assume this happens because they are in a BSA that is not loaded by TES5Edit.


The "required" load order is the minimum one to successfully start the game with the generated DynDOLOD.esp. I can run the DynDOLOD.esp you generated by just activating the esp it requires. Vice versa, disable every mod that is not required to start the game with DynDOLOD.esp. It will produce a result either way. There is no need to have hundreds of meshes and texture replaces active. In one large swoop you can eliminate them as the cause or the culprit.


I have not yet asked to generate anything again with certain mods disabled. That would be the next step if the other steps did not work. An quicker alternative is to edit the existing esp and remove chunks of objects. It is pretty simple actually. But narrow down the load order first. With MO it should be a matter of a minutes with using a second a profile.

Everything is loose files. I have no BSAs in the MO mods folder. No idea why it says there're not there. The various textures/meshes replacers were carefully selected by Neovalen so I trust in his judgement that they work well with DynDOLOD

  On 3/5/2016 at 5:21 PM, sheson said:

If you have the same problem than the same fix applies. Very unlikely.


Does it also happen with a new game?

Did you click the object and get a form id? Could you disable it manually?


Why do I feel like a broken record? :p

The same happens even with a new game. Yes.


What object do you mean? I don't see anything in front of me when it happens. Plain road and CTD :P

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 3/5/2016 at 5:58 PM, SkulldozeR said:

Everything is loose files. I have no BSAs in the MO mods folder. No idea why it says there're not there. The various textures/meshes replacers were carefully selected by Neovalen so I trust in his judgement that they work well with DynDOLOD

The same happens even with a new game. Yes.


What object do you mean? I don't see anything in front of me when it happens. Plain road and CTD :P

There is no need to answer questions to others users with different problems. :;):



Back to the TES5Edit log: When DynDOLOD Worlds.pas processes the load order, it can only access files that TES5Edit "sees". At startup TES5Edit lists the BSA and game folder.

[00:00] Background Loader: starting...

[00:00] Background Loader: [skyrim - Misc.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00] Background Loader: [skyrim - Shaders.bsa] Loading Resources.


[00:02] Background Loader: [C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\] Setting Resource Path.


The patcher uses a TES5Edit function called ResourceExists. If it returns false, it means the resource does not exist in the currently loaded BSAa or loose in the game folder. Check these files which were reported missing when LOD was generated.






Also check the installation of Farmhouse Chimneys. There we several reported cases of missing nifs causing CTD with that mod before.


Troubleshooting means eliminating all possible causes of an error. Disable every mod that is not required to successfully start the game. Lets rule all out any possible causes of invalid/missing meshes/textures.


Only enable mods with esm or esp which are required to start the game with DynDOLOD.esp to narrow down the list. If that then still CTDs, we can continue to trouble shoot by removing data from the esp in groups.

Edited by sheson
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Will do. Thanks for the info. I will look into those from NSUTR and the Chimneys. I'm at work now and I'll do some digging when I return home. 


Do I need to rebuild the DynDOLOD everytime I remove files from the load order? From the bare minimum I mean.

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  On 3/5/2016 at 7:07 PM, SkulldozeR said:

Will do. Thanks for the info. I will look into those from NSUTR and the Chimneys. I'm at work now and I'll do some digging when I return home. 


Do I need to rebuild the DynDOLOD everytime I remove files from the load order? From the bare minimum I mean.

No rebuilding while we do this troubleshooting. Always use the same esp.

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Well I'll be... I just looked into Neo's guide and guess what.

Those missing .nif from NSUTR... apparently he uses the meshes from Stunning Statues of Skyrim and says to rename the respective filenames with the *snow.nif. BUT what he also says and I missed it, is to put them in the meshes\prometheus\architecture\statuessnow folder!! For crying out loud!! I just renamed the files and left them in their original folder! That's why they're reported missing. If that's the case, I'll start hitting my head on my keyboard! 


As for the Chimneys the installation is pretty straightforward without many options enabled but I will re-install it just in case.

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By the gods!


It is fixed!!! It was those missing .nif files!! I misread Neo's instructions and placed them in the wrong folder and the game couldn't find them!!! Both CTD locations are gone!!!


Many thanks Sheson for hitting the bullseye on my problem! I can't believe something like was causing me so much trouble!!


Many thanks again, I don't know if it was an easy task to read through my files but you're a genius!

  • 0
  On 3/5/2016 at 10:19 PM, SkulldozeR said:

By the gods!


It is fixed!!! It was those missing .nif files!! I misread Neo's instructions and placed them in the wrong folder and the game couldn't find them!!! Both CTD locations are gone!!!


Many thanks Sheson for hitting the bullseye on my problem! I can't believe something like was causing me so much trouble!!


Many thanks again, I don't know if it was an easy task to read through my files but you're a genius!

Great news. Glad you found it.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Ran Dyndolod, started a new game and noticed some issues with some LOD textures:







They all "popped in" when I got close, but I don't remember seeing this behavior before. Especially weird with the waterfalls being partly animated and partly vanilla icebergs. Is this something to do with my Dyndolod install or should I be looking elsewhere? Again, this is Dyndolod on a new game, version 1.47, and just updated TES5Edit 2 days ago.

Edited by aaltair
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 3/6/2016 at 6:36 AM, aaltair said:

Ran Dyndolod, started a new game and noticed some issues with some LOD textures:








They all "popped in" when I got close, but I don't remember seeing this behavior before. Especially weird with the waterfalls being partly animated and partly vanilla icebergs. Is this something to do with my Dyndolod install or should I be looking elsewhere? Again, this is Dyndolod on a new game, version 1.47, and just updated TES5Edit 2 days ago.

You didn't generate static object LOD or didn't copy the generated static object LOD from OUTPUT FOLDER\Meshes\Terrain\tamriel\Objects\*.bto to the game/mod folder.

Or LODGen.exe didn't find required files, check ..\TES5Edit\LODGen_log.txt for errors.

Or LODGen.exe crashed and didn't generate any/few bto files. Make sure you have the latest LODGen.exe. If the latest version crashes, please post screenshot of error.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 3/6/2016 at 10:32 AM, sheson said:

You didn't generate static object LOD or didn't copy the generated static object LOD from OUTPUT FOLDER\Meshes\Terrain\tamriel\Objects\*.bto to the game/mod folder.

Or LODGen.exe didn't find required files, check ..\TES5Edit\LODGen_log.txt for errors.

Or LODGen.exe crashed and didn't generate any/few bto files. Make sure you have the latest LODGen.exe. If the latest version crashes, please post screenshot of error.

Ok, sooo... this TES5edit is no longer what we need? So when I updated Tes5Edit I should have downloaded this FO4 one instead? Just making sure I understand you right. If that's the case GamerPoets video going to need an update.

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