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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

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For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


  Reveal hidden contents






TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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  On 10/10/2015 at 7:44 PM, sheson said:

You are on the right track. To fix the problem right click on the entry with the error message in the column of Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Merge.esp and select edit. Tell TES5Edit you are sure and know what yo are doing :)

Remove everything from the input field and then put in the form id found in the provincial courier service : 5900BBE9

Click OK and it should show the same in both mods now. Safe changes to Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Merge.esp

Or just drag&drop that field with mouse from Provincial courier service into AI overhaul merged ::D:

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Get these updated papyrus scripts, they add a MCM Information page that shows some numbers to verify files can be read and belong to each other.
"Error in unit 'functions' on line 1212 : Type mismatch"
Download and overwrite existing file with this updated TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\lib\functions.pas


In case buttons of the options windows are not visible download and overwrite existing file with this updated

TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\lib\optionsform.pas

DynDOLOD 1.46
This extensive update requires to generate from scratch with the new DynDOLOD.esp 1.46. The papyrus scripts are all updated as well and require the new esp and the latest json files generated by DynDOLOD Worlds.pas 1.46. Do not mix with old versions.
While updating, get the latest xEdit 091015 with the latest LODGen.exe and update PapyrusUtil to 3.1

Delete old LOD files in Data\Meshes\lod\*.*, Data\Meshes\dlc01\lod\*.*, Data\Meshes\dlc02\lod\*.* and Data\Meshes\DynDOLOD\lod\*.* before overwriting with new files from the download archive, some LOD meshes changed names and the old names could interfere.

In all cases and scenarios you have to follow the save game update procedure. RTFM, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.

If you want to generate any of the new and shiny Glow LOD click through to advanced or use expert mode.
All the new options are explained in the new 'Glow LOD' section of the manual. For me performance does not change - YMMV you just have to test.
For the impatient, just check windows + high and fake lights in child worlds.

"Fixes" incompatibility with VIGILANT reported by MrKrupples by simply ignoring the mod and its assets.

Assembly required for Molag Bal's Inferno - see instructions in the manual.

For these mods either rules were added or they work out of the box
Ayleid Citadel - the new worldspace fits into the loaded area and there is really no need to update/generate its LOD as far as I can tell
Azura's Dawn
Cairnstone Tower
Complete Fast Travel Overhaul - row boats...
Draven Manor
Ebonvale Settlement
Expedition to Atmora - added couple missing LOD assets for glaciers
Silverpeak Lodge
The Forgotten City - just the entrace in the waterfall
The WatchTowers Reborn fueled by Genesis
Tiny Little Living

Verified all is in order and still works the same with Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[spoiler=Changelog - probably forgot to add an irrelevant note]
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not show worlds added by ignored mods
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn from DynDOLOD.ini to json to overwrite fade-in time after loading / fast travel
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of 3 emissive multipliers to be used on dynamic glow LOD to make it slightly brighter depending on distance, requires NetImmerse Override
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of 3D name of glow LOD meshes so emissive multiple can be set, requires NetImmerse Override
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added discovery of references using LIGH base elements which have no mesh that have neverfade flag set, use a pre defined fake glowing mesh for LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added mesh masks to DynDOLOD.ini for full and LOD models to ignore for automatic matching
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added EditorID mask IgnoreBaseEDID= to DynDOLOD.ini to ignore base elements, was hardcoded before
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a !NOT mod filename to reference mesh rules - rule will not be used if mod filename is found in load order
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - only process references mesh rules when containing world is processed
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added simple detection of LOD models with 'passthru' in the filename - BSLightingShader/BSEffectShader is not modified by LODGen.exe, some non-LOD shader types/flags work in BTO, e.g. glow shader
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added eighth option 'ignore' to the mesh rules reference drop down and apply before tree LOD is generated
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - remove VMAD from permanently disabled references so scripts do not execute on them
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed using LOD model for child world copies as intended
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added min radius settings in DynDOLOD.ini for fake lights discovery
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added creation and export to json data file of a uGridsToLoad sized cell list for fast travel quick switch of dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of grid sizes to json for more effective dynamic LOD switching for fast travel
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added IgnoreWater switch for LODGen.exe if worldspace has 'No LOD water' flag set
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added advanced/expert setting for max atlas tile size
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated advanced/expert options for Glow LOD
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - updated dlc01soulcairnlod.dds, using 4th slot unused by vanilla
Papyrus Scripts - added slight startup delay before trying to access json data to give PapyrusUtil time to initialize
Papyrus Scripts - added workaround for game engine executing OnCellAttach twice on activators in persistent cell
Papyrus Scripts - optimized switching after loading and fast travel
Papyrus Scripts - reduced numbers of activating activaters after loading and fast travel
Papyrus Scripts - added true fade out for better blending of LOD windows
Papyrus Scripts - added setting emissive multiple when NetImmerse Override is present for LOD windows
Papyrus Scripts - added fade from black time setting
Papyrus Scripts - added check of esp version
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated/added LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new section called 'How to add rules for your own mod'
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new section called 'Glow LOD'
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods

DynDOLOD 1.45

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 10/12/2015 at 1:53 AM, sheson said:

DynDOLOD 1.46


For the impatient, just check windows + high and fake lights in child worlds.


Giving this a whirl right now, hopefully I understood this correctly. :)


Clicked [Advanced >>]

Checked all boxes, clicked [High] for mesh rules.

Under the window, checkmarked Windows, High, and Fake Lights In Child Worlds.


*Hopes He Got It Right* Normally I would read the manual but it's a busy night for me. :)

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/12/2015 at 3:33 AM, darkside said:

For Fake lights

Do you recommend checking only Fake lights child worlds, not Fake lights selected world? or both?



Normally I would not check fake lights in selected world. But it may be personal preference. The switch from a fake LOD light round mesh to the real thing illuminating objects around the light source is noticeable different.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

I am getting a Cannot find Master Data in Tamriel.jso. Solstheim initialized successfully, but Not tamriel. What am I missing? I followed the update procedure(from 1.45). Do I need to do the esp all over again? Or am I somehow missing files. I followed the instructions to delete the current lods from the listed folders, updated edit etc. Did that all.


Added: Reading the faq indicates the problem is missing meshes files etc. I did copy all files, and most worlds are initialize correctly. Is the only 'fix' to redo it all over again? I updated edit, did the deletes, copied all files to the correct places, and used standard install with medium qual. Dyno does initialize Tamriel now, but I get error messages Objects not belonging. 


What I would like to know is, how bad is this problem? If I completely redo DnyDolod, will I notice much difference? Or are the errors so mild you'd be hard pressed to notice it?

Edited by Mebantiza
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Wonderful mod.  Thank you for all the excellent work.

I have done a complete re-install of 1.46 in Mod Organizer, and manually removed the previous version of DynDoLod and deleted the previous output files.  When I attempt to run the DynDoLod worlds i get a pop-up saying -

"DynDoLod.esp is the wrong version.  1.44 is required"


Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

UPDATE - nevermind.  I had not updated my scripts in TES5edit.  Ugh.  Maybe I don't do this sort of thing at 5:00 am.

Edited by DOHstep2013
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Posted (edited)
  On 10/12/2015 at 8:42 AM, zilav said:

Good job as usual!

I LOLed after the comment "move along - nothing to see here", surprise :lol:

Why would you even look at that :innocent:


  On 10/12/2015 at 4:53 AM, Mebantiza said:

I am getting a Cannot find Master Data in Tamriel.jso. Solstheim initialized successfully, but Not tamriel. What am I missing? I followed the update procedure(from 1.45). Do I need to do the esp all over again? Or am I somehow missing files. I followed the instructions to delete the current lods from the listed folders, updated edit etc. Did that all.


Added: Reading the faq indicates the problem is missing meshes files etc. I did copy all files, and most worlds are initialize correctly. Is the only 'fix' to redo it all over again? I updated edit, did the deletes, copied all files to the correct places, and used standard install with medium qual. Dyno does initialize Tamriel now, but I get error messages Objects not belonging. 


What I would like to know is, how bad is this problem? If I completely redo DnyDolod, will I notice much difference? Or are the errors so mild you'd be hard pressed to notice it?



  On 10/12/2015 at 5:25 AM, myztikrice said:

Is there no longer a skse folder in the output or do I have to generate everything again

This extensive update requires to generate from scratch with the new DynDOLOD.esp 1.46. The papyrus scripts are all updated as well and require the new esp and the latest json files generated by DynDOLOD Worlds.pas 1.46. Do not mix with old versions. See update notes

Edited by sheson
  • 0

I am also getting the missing Tamriel issue.  I deleted everything and started with a completely new install of DynDoLod.  This has happened over several attempts, and it is the only issue that has appeared.


Is there anything I might post that could help diagnose this?  I appreciate the help.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/12/2015 at 2:59 PM, DOHstep2013 said:

I am also getting the missing Tamriel issue.  I deleted everything and started with a completely new install of DynDoLod.  This has happened over several attempts, and it is the only issue that has appeared.


Is there anything I might post that could help diagnose this?  I appreciate the help.

Yes, please upload






Edited by sheson
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