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Hello STEP Acolytes!

On my first and second runs with Fear and Loathing I recieve the error:


"Flashlight Version Error - There seems to be a problem with the HUD files. If you are using iHud, make sure you reinstall Flashlight NVSE after activating iHud."


iHUD and Flashlight nvse both show up without problems but When I access the flashlight menu in MCM I recieve that error.  I am still able to access the settings for both.



On 1st run: I saw the Flash Light on the shelf in the Doc's home but did not pick it up and Test it out. 


On 2nd run: Went threw ALL menus and settings again, to see if any errors popped.  After section "User Interface" =No problems except for error listed above.



Was planning on ignoring this for now and see what happens after everything is said and done.

Going to start a new game right now and pick up the flash light and see what happens 😛



I followed the Fear and Loathing STEP guide Verbatim.  Great guide btw 😄

11 answers to this question

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Uncheck all the UI mods in MO and I mean all them, not just the ones before uHUD. Open FOMM and uninstall uHUD, close FOMM. Check all the UI mods in MO and open FOMM again. Install Rust Town, close FOMM, move the files from the overwrite to Rust Town folder, open FOMM install uHUD, close FOMM. Move the files from the overwrite folder to the uHUD folder in MO. That is the safest way to do it unless you really understand how the whole XML file hierarchy works with FOMM and MO.

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Posted (edited)

Started a new game and threw the tuts.  Got pip boy and grabed the Flash Light.  The flash Light is equipable but not enabled.  I mean It won't turn on or The Character don't pick it up out of the holster or anything like that...if thats what's suppose to happen.


Tried changing it to activate to "pip boy light" setting but the error showed up when I did.



Reading Thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/295144-flashlight-nvse/page-31

Maybe I will find a solution :D



From a couple of Posts out of that Thread on nexus...It would seen that FlashLight NVSE should be installed after oHUD and b4 uHUD.  Maybe?


Gunna try that.


But according to the MODS nexus page (at bottom) it says:

"*Always install oHUD and uHUD last. And if you install any mod affecting the HUD after these, reinstall them both."


So EssArrBee has it listed right.  hmm...still thinking about installing flashlight nvse btween the two.

Edited by AyleidRuin
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Seems like many people have problems with this mod. I was looking through some of the comments and I guess issues with mod are common. I didn't really notice it to much on prior playthroughs or my own play testing. 


One thing I have noticed is that with ENB on this mod slows my FPS down by 50% when outdoors, but only for a few seconds. Also, the FPS can drop when shining the light farther away than up close.


I may review it if to many other people end up with issues. I really like that it helps with the darker nights, but we may be using a different mod if problems persist. Maybe the glow stick mod or I'll make Cateye work for longer, like 12 minutes.

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Posted (edited)

Well after installing in order: 1=oHUD 2=flashlight 3=uHUD  I was able to get rid of the error...but was not able to activate the Flashlight.  But with errors to Project Nevada Hud. lol


I don't know man.  I really like the sound of it...but I'm removing it from my Fear n Loathing STEP...for now :cool:

2bad...was really digging the whole Helmet FlashLight feature.


Oh well.  Thanks for your help man :thumbsup:

Edited by AyleidRuin
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If are not starting from scratch when doing those mods then you may have issues. I know the whole hierarchy of files but it is from days of playing with the mods till I figured it all out. I may have to make a list of what your data tab should look like and what the XML files should look like after running uHUD.

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Posted (edited)

When I said "2 runs"  I mean I started from scratch twice.  That's why I'm not going with FlashLight NVSE, after searching and not coming up with any real solutions.



I mean it seemed that some people had/have it working on that nexus thread.  But when I uninstalled everything (in MO and FOMM) then went back down the list and tried their tips...it didn't work.


1 person said: install FLashlight AFTER oHUD/iHUD and B4 uHUD.  Did that and didn't get any errors with flashlight.  But when I equipped it.  It didn't work. 

PLUS a error from Project Nevada came up in menus.


I tried FlashLight After uHUD.  But of course that didn't work either. 

Just because uHUD brings em' all together.



EDIT:  Your hierarchy is quite fine.  Very good actually.  I'm just having trouble with Flashlight.

Everything else...so far...is fine :)


I have a seperate question for you. 

I wanted to install "Rust Town".  Saw it was available in the uHUD install options. 

If I install that will I be safe if I just reinstall uHUD?  Or do you think it will all be screwed up?  No biggie :D

Edited by AyleidRuin
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Posted (edited)

Ah, Sweet! Thanks you sir.  I am glad its a straight forward process.  I think I will add rust town then :D  But then again maybe ill be back with more problems. rofl


TO CLARIFY:  un-Tick all UI mods in MO (no to uninstall from MO) then deactivate JUST uHUD in FOMM, right?  Not the others like oHUD or Darnified...etc?

Then Re-Activate uHUD in FOMM.  Nothing else?


BUT what about the supplemental mods like:

Project Nevada Implant tex fix  =probably don't have to worry bout this. being a texture.

Project Nevada MCM fix   = but this

Darnified Traits Menu    = and this on the other hand...


you know what?  its all set up now so I probably won't add it now...but if I want to add in the future it will be good to know what I have to do...which you gave me in your last reply.


Thanks again for all the HELP! ::D:

Edited by AyleidRuin
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Yeah it's correct do not deactivate the other mods in FOMM because that will mess up other stuff. And yes untick all the UI supplemental mods because a couple have XML files and you don't want something uninstalling them or overwriting them in some weird unpredictable way.

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