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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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Ah nice, I didn't see that pack. I'll keep my eyes on it. I'm near the 255 plugins mark, but I'll make it work somehow.



Before I begin my play-through, I went ahead and started going through the SR:LE page(I didn't use SR:LE). This might be a bad idea, but I'm specifically looking for requirements that may have been missed in MMO. I'll tread carefully here. For example, I installed the EFF compatibility patches for 2 mods also in MMO. I also hope Extensible Follower Framework is okay with MMO... Please tell me it is. Edit: Multiple Followers Lite may be nice, but I want more options for followers.


Now I have to ask about what SR:LE says for the Guard Dialogue Overhaul.



Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: Weapons and Armor Fixes includes all the keywords required for this mod, therefore the weapon and armor edits are not required and cause a compatibility issue.
Solution: Delete the weapon and armor edits.


Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: A wild edit is overwriting a quest fix from the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
Solution: Delete the offending edit.


Can't forget that the GDO mod page says this "Do Not clean with TES5Edit !".

As I said, I didn't go by the SR:LE guide, only Core and REGS before hitting MMO, so thought I'd check SR:LE and this is the only issue I found.



Edit: I just noticed that the ASIS patcher isn't making anymore esp files in the overwrite folder. It only did it the first time(ASIS.esp) and after I patched it again today, only the folder came up. Is this normal, or should if be like the Bashed patches, which always make you a new esp to replace the old?


Lastly, I have a small list of mods I would love to add into this setup. It was a longer list, but I realize I'm asking for too much, both you guys who help out and I'm reaching my plugin limit. so I shrunk it down and I'll post it in a bit.

Edited by FuzzRocket9
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Extensible follower framework should work, it may have issues with new followers though. One example of this us Karliah as follower by Kryptopyr. Check that mod page on the nexus for more info.


SR:LE's conflict resolution is very thorough. Doing what it suggests resolves possible conflicts that probably can be resolved by load order, like STEP does. It doesn't hurt to follow it if you want.


ASIS.esp should always be created. Maybe you moved it to a new folder? If so it will be created there.

Edited by dreadflopp
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Thanks, I had to delete the ASIS.esp file for the patcher to make a new one.


Okay, finally, I started my game to test everything, but I keep dying at the tutorial intro when I jump off the tower and into the burning house. My health goes straight to zero when I hit the ground. I know what to do, I just hope this isn't a sign of something wrong.


So here's a small list of mods I really want. Let me know how they need to go into the MMO setup, if it's even possible. Also, if anyone has advice for a decent fps limiter so I can have a constant 30 fps, because I really dislike having 60 fps only for it to sink down for a second in some areas. Also anything else to improve my framerate. I don't run any hi res texture mods btw :) for me, gameplay over visuals. Wait until I upgrade my PC though, because I still value a great looking Skyrim. That said, I don't have any micro stuttering. Just the usual annoying stuttering that's just annoying. I remember way back I fixed it, but I forgot how.





Airship - Dev Aveza https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24234/?

Breezehome FullyUpgradable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11158/?

Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53329/?

Civil War Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37216/?

WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9494/?

(WARZONES was so much fun when it came out way back, but so unstable. This version promises better stability)

Immersive Patrols  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12977/?

Respectful Guard Animations https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52326/?

Immersive detection of NPC https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61255/?

(The Improved Sneak Detection mod in MMO is similar to this mod, but I skipped it since I run Stealth skills rebalanced)

Primal Fear https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58050/?

Torch Arrows https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23574/?

Edited by FuzzRocket9
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Anyone actively playing with Loot and Degradation? How does it change your play style?


I am curious about the need to learn Smiting, especially now you can get tempered equipment from enemies and can pay money to blacksmith for upgrading.


I tried to patch standalone Wintermyst for MMO, but can't get my head around it. I follow your guide, dreadflopp. I plan to use it with TTRSO enchanting instead of Enchanting Awakened.

Edited by darkside
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Thanks, I had to delete the ASIS.esp file for the patcher to make a new one.


Okay, finally, I started my game to test everything, but I keep dying at the tutorial intro when I jump off the tower and into the burning house. My health goes straight to zero when I hit the ground. I know what to do, I just hope this isn't a sign of something wrong.


So here's a small list of mods I really want. Let me know how they need to go into the MMO setup, if it's even possible. Also, if anyone has advice for a decent fps limiter so I can have a constant 30 fps, because I really dislike having 60 fps only for it to sink down for a second in some areas. Also anything else to improve my framerate. I don't run any hi res texture mods btw :) for me, gameplay over visuals. Wait until I upgrade my PC though, because I still value a great looking Skyrim. That said, I don't have any micro stuttering. Just the usual annoying stuttering that's just annoying. I remember way back I fixed it, but I forgot how.





Airship - Dev Aveza https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24234/?

Breezehome FullyUpgradable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11158/?

Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53329/?

Civil War Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37216/?

WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9494/?

(WARZONES was so much fun when it came out way back, but so unstable. This version promises better stability)

Immersive Patrols  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12977/?

Respectful Guard Animations https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52326/?

Immersive detection of NPC https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61255/?

(The Improved Sneak Detection mod in MMO is similar to this mod, but I skipped it since I run Stealth skills rebalanced)

Primal Fear https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58050/?

Torch Arrows https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23574/?

Ok yet again


All skyrim mod suggestions should be done like such:


Search for a mod topic in the mods forum using the name given on the nexus mod page.

If it does exist then take the mod topic's URL paste into the post.

If the mod topic doesn't exist then create a new topic and then link the newly created mod topic in the post. 


If you don't know how things are supposed to be done don't fret, there are plenty of examples laying around.



Airship - Dev Aveza - I dont think player homes fit in with MMO

Breezehome FullyUpgradable - I dont think player homes fit in with MMO

Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition - Doesn't fit the theme of MMO

Civil War Overhaul - Maybe

WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest - Lets wait until a few more revisions happen. A better fit would be Sands of Time but that one is up to dreadflopp

Immersive Patrols - up to dreadflopp

Respectful Guard Animations - Doesnt fit the theme the MMO, I dont think it is worth the extra esp slot

Immersive detection of NPC - this is may replace the current sneak mod

Primal Fear - I dont thing this fits the theme but its up to dreadflopp

Torch Arrows - I think this is already included in another mod.


A lot of the suggestions just dont fit, like player homes. 


The warzones and spawn mods would fit in a different pack such as War Ensemble...

EssArrBee, get on that :P

I mean look yUV9qug.png

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You've been able to change my mind on most of those mods you disagree with, so I can calmly begin my adventuring without dreaming of adding more mods daily as I usually do. I'll also see about making threads for some of those mods. I'm sure it helps to have STEP members talking about them and then you'd post a link to the topic and so on.


Okay, so Immersive detection of NPC is the only mod I really really want. I just need to know if it'll conflict with any mods on MMO right now and especially with the Stealth Skills Rebalanced SPERGified mods. Also Torch Arrows are something I've been looking for after playing with a mod in M&B Warband that has flame arrows, which were fun to shoot during the night battles. So which mod, if you can remember for me? Are they in the MMO or STEP Core guide? Edit: I suppose you mean the explosive bolts from STEP Core? I haven't tried them yet, but I want those torch arrows, not bolts!


Yep, I've been waiting for War Ensemble to update as well. I love that armor pack he added, gives you some way cool imperial armors and I'm waiting for a decent stormcloak armor replacement. Haven't seen a good one yet, at least better than vanilla.


Edit2: Just found out Immersive detection of NPC is compatible with Stealth Skills Rebalanced and SPERG. Now I'm ready to play MMO yippeeee :) but I also want those torch arrows ;) let me know, hishutup.

Edited by FuzzRocket9
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You've been able to change my mind on most of those mods you disagree with, so I can calmly begin my adventuring without dreaming of adding more mods daily as I usually do. I'll also see about making threads for some of those mods. I'm sure it helps to have STEP members talking about them and then you'd post a link to the topic and so on.


Okay, so Immersive detection of NPC is the only mod I really really want. I just need to know if it'll conflict with any mods on MMO right now and especially with the Stealth Skills Rebalanced SPERGified mods. Also Torch Arrows are something I've been looking for after playing with a mod in M&B Warband that has flame arrows, which were fun to shoot during the night battles. So which mod, if you can remember for me? Are they in the MMO or STEP Core guide? Edit: I suppose you mean the explosive bolts from STEP Core? I haven't tried them yet, but I want those torch arrows, not bolts!


Yep, I've been waiting for War Ensemble to update as well. I love that armor pack he added, gives you some way cool imperial armors and I'm waiting for a decent stormcloak armor replacement. Haven't seen a good one yet, at least better than vanilla.


Edit2: Just found out Immersive detection of NPC is compatible with Stealth Skills Rebalanced and SPERG. Now I'm ready to play MMO yippeeee :) but I also want those torch arrows ;) let me know, hishutup.

@FuzzRocket9 no idea if torch arrows is compatible.

I have had one previous report of player being killed by fall damage during the tutuorial, I don't know the cause. It may be a script conflict. It shouldn't cause any problems later on. I use alternate start to skip the tutorial. Reccomended mod.

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I gotta thank you guys for suggesting Alternate Life. A very interesting mod. No idea why I avoided it all along. Any other mods like Alternate Life?


@hishutup I've never sided with the Imperials, but if you get the War Ensemble Pack running with MMO right now, I'd make that change. Well those legionnaire armors are enough to make me switch sides, but I'll wait for CWO!


Edit: Here are 2 mods I have to run to enjoy Skyrim. Please let know if they should be fine. I didn't install any related mod from the guides within the STEP pages.


No Blood

No Killmoves - No Killcams - No Killbites


I love these mods so much! The no blood one I can deal without, but Killmoves/cams are so annoying to me, they gotta go.


@dreadflopp Did you ever check out Primal Fear? Even if it doesn't fit the MMO theme, I understand, but the only I need this mod is, because it reminds me of Sangfroid, if you ever heard of it. Finishing the game left me wanting more and I wish the mod author for Primal Fear would keep updating this mod. Anyways, Sangfroid is a really nice combination of strategy and combat. Planning and execution.


Last edit: Primal Fear is an afterthought after finding this new mod. Elemental Arrows does the same thing as Torch Arrows, plus adds other magic types, which I'll ignore for now. Also found an esp replacer that adds the flame arrows and bolts to NPCs. Link is in the EA thread I posted. I don't know how leveled lists work. Would it affect the current MMO setup? I assume the bashed patch arranges everything correctly, but I know I have a mod that removes leveled lists. Sorry I don't know :). Btw, The author is also the creator of Morrowloot, or at least of the version were using for MMO.


Final edit: I was reading through the guide before posting another question. It's about Duel - Combat Realism I noticed my stamina recovery was taking longer than usual and I didn't like it. Maybe it's realistic, but I lose every fight with a humanoid, because I can't run away and I suck at this game, shhhh! Anyways, I came across this post from cstarkey42.  He brought up a mod called Ultimate Combat that works with Duel and lets me change my stamina regen speed. Also like the AI changes he talked about. Hmmm I want... Has anyone else tested these 2 together? They said it's compatible with SPERG. I'm tempted to add it now. Done :)


Btw, this one is tricky, maybe I should of paid more attention on which file to download, but as I was looking through the Duel - Combat Realism download page, I saw other v7 files in the old versions section. Did I grab the wrong one?? I got the main file since it didn't say "Alpha". I grab "STABLE" from the old version section? Is this correct? Link, www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2700/?

Edited by FuzzRocket9
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=== Changelog ===

* 15-01-27 Replaced Resplendent races with Imperious. I don't know if the MCM settings still appy.

* 15-01-27 Updated patches: Minor updates #730 to keep up with USKP. Removed resplendent patch. The new replacement mod, Imperious races, doesn't need any patches.

* 15-01-27 Updated the Patches for Dreadflopps custom install. Added ELE to that.


Sorry @FuzzRocket9 I missed your post. Elemental arrows might add ebony/daedric arrows. If it does it needs to be patched imo. If it doesn't, you are good to go. Ultimate combat should work. Download the latest Duel, 7.8.

 I removed the mention of ALPHA, that didn't apply anymore.

Edited by dreadflopp
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Thanks again, I made the changes I needed to make. As for Elemental Arrows, I checked it through TES5Edit and I didn't see any mention of ebony or daedric arrows within the records. I think this mod just creates new types of arrows.

I'm also trying to figure out what to do with your conflict resolution fixes. What does ELE stand for?


Lastly, I'm not sure if it matters, but as I was getting the updated #730 patch for Revenge of The Enemies/Immersive Weapons/STEP Core, Windows Explorer showed both #730 files as last modified in 2014.

Edited by FuzzRocket9
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Thanks again, I made the changes I needed to make. As for Elemental Arrows, I checked it through TES5Edit and I didn't see any mention of ebony or daedric arrows within the records. I think this mod just creates new types of arrows.

I'm also trying to figure out what to do with your conflict resolution fixes. What does ELE stand for?


Lastly, I'm not sure if it matters, but as I was getting the updated #730 patch for Revenge of The Enemies/Immersive Weapons/STEP Core, Windows Explorer showed both #730 files as last modified in 2014.

Sorry about that. Dropbox didn't sync the files. Called my gf and asked her to restart my PC, it should work now.


The elemental arrows probably works fine then. The worst that can happen is that you'll find too powefull arrows. Not that big of a deal.


My conflict resolution patches are only if you follow my recommended install which is a STEP Extended & Skyrim Revisited mash-up. ELE stands for Enhanced lightning for ENB and is included in Skyrim Revisited.

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