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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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I found errors in qotsafan BCS patch, but it's not even mentioned in the pack. I had a crash using it inadvertently, I crashed picking a note, checked and found that it has some errors and incorrect texture names. But BCS already covered well by xathra skyre patches, so no need for that, I was did not seen it in the middle of so muchs mods, was using it incorrectly.

I checked most of the other patches as well and even forwarded some updated changes.


ps.: NONE of the recommended SkyRe Patches have any errors! Other then Morrowloot, IW or Radiant Potions, I can speak for all other skyre patches recommended in the pack.

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I found errors in qotsafan BCS patch, but it's not even mentioned in the pack. I had a crash using it unadverted, picking a note, checked and found that it has some errors and incorrect texture names. But BCS already covered well by xathra skyre patches, so no need for that, I was did not seen it in the middle of so muchs mods, was using it incorrectly.I checked most of the other patches as well and even forwarded some updated changes.

BCS has official updated patchhttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50441/?
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BCS has official updated patchhttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50441/?

That is very nice! So much mods, natural to miss something.


edit: checking now, I had already fixed it myself, and a incompatibility with BOYD and TCIY in the same file (that I named TCIY BOYD BCS, not much worried about merging mods right now, but I'm already on the 200 esps mark!)l. AND, I just made this quest, were the note from Eltry's appear, Fornsworn Conspiracy, just got locked up guys, wish me luck doing time in the mines! LOL.

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You can merge BCS along with the skyre, CCOR and TCIY patches into one and just rename the mp "Book Covers Skyrim.esp".


All of the "qotsafans misc reproccer + destruction tweak 50 patch" edits are in the xathra's post reprocc patch so you don't need that file.  The "qotsafans ingestibles + radiant potions hf patch" can be merged with the other skyre patches mp.  Mine looks like:


ISCompendium SkyRe Patch.esp
HarvestOverhaul_SkyRe_Patch.esp Harvest Overhaul
qotsafans Ingestibles + Radiant Potions HF Patch.esp
SkyRe_SiC_Patch.esp Skyre Compatibility and Reproccer Patches
though I don't use the Falskaar...esp since I get all of the factions brought forward in my tes5edit patch.  Just rename your merge "skyre patches mp" or whatever.  In fact, you can then merge this with SR conflicts, MMO patches, etc...  My "Conflict Patches MP" looks like:
SR Conflict Resolution.esp
REGS - SRLE Patch.esp
Combat Evolved.esp
CONFLICT RESOLUTION.esp  (my own conflict patch for other mods I'm using)
AOS-SOS-ELE Patch.esp       (my own patch for, you guessed it, AOS, SOS and ELE conflicts)

There are errors in Xathra's "Pre ReProccer WAFR ia7 iw uu amidian...esp" due to the updates in UU but the "WAFR UU Pre Reprocc...esp" will update those so just load the later after the former.  In fact, you can merge 

Pre ReProccer WAFR IA7 IW UU aMidianSS Content Addon Patch
WAFR UU Pre ReProccer Patch
CCF PreReProccer Patch
Pre Reproccer_ICH
Post ReProccer Fixes OBIS Patch GIMPYONES
Post ReProccer Fixes CCOR IA7 IW UU aMidianSS Content Addon Patch XATHRA
Post Reproccer_ICH XATHRA
and rename each file to the first in the list ( ie pre reprocc... and post reprocc...), though the post won't merge with the script so just use the files as a guide to bring forward the edits from the original esps ( ie just drag the improved helmets... edits into your new file and the rename it to post reprocc...).
The only qotsa file you need is explosive bolts, and that isn't showing any errors either so you should be good to go.
I hope this helps.  Here's a list of all of my merges, which might help as well:
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It helps a lot man! I am just consufed about when I should use or not Renumber FormIDs.

If I'm merging esps that are masters one of the other (or master of any other file in my load order) I should disable it. And when any of the merged esps are not masters of any other esp (merged or not) I leave it enabled? I don't know if I got this part right. I'm confused! LOL


Example, merging BetterQuestObjectives mains esp + his DLC patches, should be leave disabled, otherwise it messes with idnumbers, or something. But if I merge only the DLCs, then have no masters in the merged patches, then I leave it disable, so they don't point to wrong IDs. Please note that I'm really wild guessing here...


Also, the tags (renumber form ids) in your merges, mean to renumber or not to?

Thank you a lot!


edit: ok, I think I SHOULD renumber it when no other files will NOT be a master of any other esp anymore, even if they are masters of each other inside merged patch. And NOT renumber when you will use the merged patch as a master of another file in your load order, otherwise they will not find the new ID numbers, I got it right now?


edit2: from what I can see it appears to renumber only the IDs that have no master file (derp) so it maintain same IDs of its masters, I got it, but besides when I can renumber or not, what is the difference in renumbering it or not? Even when I can renumber, why do so?


I'm a curious guy, I know this is not the place to ask specifically about the merge script, but since you guys are so kind :)

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Renumber form ids means to leave the option selected, yes.  My rule of thumb is to not renumber merges for patches for the same mod, such as the etac patches, while renumbering merges for esps from different mods.  This doesn't always work, however, so always error test ( close tes5edit, rerun t5e and check for errors ) and yes, definitely pay attention to other files which are going to rely on it as a master.  Sometimes you need to run your whole load order to get the merge to work, so you are sure to run all the files which are needed ( ccor seems to have this problem sometimes.  You would think it would be a master, but it isn't always, and sometimes you'll keep getting errors in the merge due to one simple little item but if you run the whole thing and then merge it it will work right.  It's beyond me, this is much more of a trial and error process than an exact science ).

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@generalmx Thanks for the comparison of the ASIS files.


@dreadflopp sorry I went missing there. Life is kinda in the way at the moment. Is there anything I can help with to maintain this pack? Preferably nothing that needs a 1 day turn around.

No worry, my time is limited too and all help is appreciated. If something comes up I'll let you know. What I have to do atm is test Moon & star with ASIS as we discussed in post #915-918 and check out the potions mods Lonewolf suggested https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4762-new-gameplay-overhaul-pack/?p=87295

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It is known that Chesko Frostfall original got an error in a VM? o.O

I was able to clean the errors from the patches, merge a lot of stuff, only rfostfall remain with the error, I don't know what to put there... there's no reference to see/copy. :(

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@Dreadflopp I just put Dynamic Potions into a test profile. Just copied my current character into it, so it will be added mid game... Hopefully it doesn't get too messed up. I'll let you know how it works. I'm a bit worried as I don't know how to check for conflicts, or make patches, and I just added it on top of my Skyre based MMO/REGS build. Wish me luck.


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The error in frost fall is probably benign.... Is it something like null reference... because those are fine and I would say don't be merging any mods with MCMs... You'll get half working MCMs which you'll easily see. There will be a lot of $ in front of almost all names.

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Thanks for working on an Oblivion modding guide.  It's looking great and I'm happy to see people taking the initiative to make guides for Oblivion, FO3, FNV, etc...  I've been putting off playing those again/for the first time because I didn't want to spend days going through old mods trying to find the best combination so efforts like yours are really appreciated.


The problem with the MCM menus is an easy fix:


1)  Personally, I copy all of my esps and place them into a Merged esp folder and place my MPs into a MP folder.  This makes it much easier to update files without having to search for each individual folder and activate the esp.  Place the original esp into the optional folder (I use MO so hopefully this makes sense to you).2)  Go to *original mod folder/Interface/Translations/*original mod_english.txt, open the txt and copy the contents.3)  Create a MP folder/Interface/Translations/*new MP file name_english.txt and copy the contents into the txt.  Other mods with this translation file need to be copied to this file as well, just put a space in between each new txt you copy over.  Failure to copy them over will lead to a messed up MCM for that mod.  If you notice you missed one simply add it later and it will work fine.  (ie merging something like achieve that and unequipped ammo together)4)  If you don't want to make new folders this should still be easy to follow, just keep the folder structure consistent.  The MP could even be in the original mod's folder, moving the unneeded esp to the optional folder, of course, just be sure to create a new txt with the name consistent with whatever the new mp name is.

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oh so that is how you fix MCMs. I knew it was something simple because what I thought was that the MCM scripts searched for the esp name. Do you know of any popular mods that rely on the esp existing to function correctly. After Oblivion I kinda want to give skyrim another poke. So I will definitely "take a look"... every time I type that, the line in skyrim is drilled into my head


As for the dynamic Potions... i am sure that there are scripts and value that are being overridden.... a patch may be able to fix it...


On a side note about the guide... I'm working with Sorie and any suggestions is welcomed... if you feel like editing or adding something -like a description or instructions- message me first because I am working on it periodically... 



EDIT: I just saw the post on the error in the skyre patcher mods... I guess they've been updated since when I used them. I ditched SkyRE because it thought the patches were inconsistent with each other and didn't want to deal with it. It really doesn't matter anymore... I guess

My bad

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There were a few that didn't work well when I tried to merge them into my "mega mp", which is a large comprehensive merge of misc armors/weapons, small edit changes (such as ragdolls), and other mods but I can't say for sure if they wouldn't work at all in any merge or if there was a problem with the particular merge I was trying to force them into.  Some, such as the cloaks add-ons and WIC, seem like they should be easy to merge while keeping the dependency on cloaks.esp but weird problems would develop.  Merging just cloaks dawnguard and wic, however, seems to work fine.  It's really all just hit-and-miss as far as I'm concerned.  I'm sure there are others who understand this stuff much more than I do and could explain why some work and others don't, even though to apparent conflicts or other flags occur in tes5edit, but the only real way to know if a particular mod will merge or not is to try it and see.  Renumber form ids vs not seems to be the similar flip-a-coin approach...it's a bit more mechanical, at least, but like I said before sometimes it just doesn't work for whatever reason and all you can do is shrug your shoulders.  

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One that is strange is Skymills and Skyfalls but for some reason if its a master esp then they half work... Like there are two blades on the mills... Its weird...

or even RWT main esp being merged causes some water planes to just not exist for whatever reason. There is one in Falkreath that doesn't spawn when merged... all Bethesda games are weird...

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