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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Ok after that thinly disguised kick up the back side I have updated this pack. It should compare with what is out there now with STEP and SR:LE and I have added a section for REGS as well. Now to get back to ironing shirts.




Ah this is exactly what I am waiting for. At the moment I'm doing a clean install of SR:LE, afterwards I would like to combine it with REGS and Requiem. But that's gonna take a while from now anyway, since I have exams first soon.


can this pack be compatible with all those packs? I would like to play with requiem and civil war, and REGS is tempting but i don´t want to start after 30 hour because some mod is incompatible.


Yes it is, but of course if you add all the packs together then you can have extra potential issues. If you are working from STEP Core then you will be able to add all of those packs. They have instructions to make them compatible with Requiem and each other. The same with STEP Extended but there you will begin to have more potential issues. Mod merging will become necessary with REGS and Requiem.


If you use SR:LE then many mods will have been merged and you wont need the Survival or Weather / Lighting pack. I have used SR:LE with REGS and Requiem and it works fine, though some tweaking is necessary. The main problems potentially arise when adding other mods which are not in the packs. If you want to add other mods as well (you wont need to as your Skyrim will already be awesome) then check for those that have Requiem Patches i.e. Vilja and Inigo both have patches. I can't play without REGS now it just has to be in my game but Requiem will need to load after after all of the REGS mods in most cases.


Interestingly most of the Requiem Patches merge quite happily as well. There are quite a few very keen and helpful members who use this pack with REGS and most seemed quite happy with their games, so you will be in good company.


I would make a choice about what packs you want / need to use and install those religiously. Then try the game out, come back here for any questions to make sure all is running smoothly. Then look at adding new mods should you want to.


All the best



Posted (edited)

Thanks Smile!


I have installed STEP Extended, then i uninstalled the mods not compatible with requiem as your pack suggest, so i can´t use the STEP PATCH.

i have installed Civil War Overhaul and Dragon Overhaul mods  with theirs requiems patch too.

I haven´t decided yet to install the immersives mods (weapons, armors and creatures).


Now i am installing only these modules from REGs:

Cities (i must check if it is compatible with Immersive Content - Extinguished Daytime Fires and Lights)

New Lands

New Locations & Settlements

New NPCs

New Quests and Adventures


I can´t use the STEP REQUIEM PATCH because i have disabled run for your lives. how can i remove the reference from your patch?

Edited by Roberbond

"the lost wonders of mzark" and "sea of ghost" from REGS have conflicts with Requiem. Do i have to disable them or using requiem overriding them resolve the problem?

Posted (edited)

It should do, Requiem really needs to be late in your load order as to accurately quote the gist of an often misquoted statement from the nexus page, "anything loaded after Requiem.esp will break something" this is a little dramatic but, the key with mods that have patches for them is whether they carry forward Requiem stats and changes, in which case the mod should load after Requiem then the patch, but if the patch carries mod changes forward (e.g. an NPC changing mod) then that mod should load before Requiem and the patch after. I need to look into that a bit myself for the guide make sure all is accurate, but there id no accounting for all the variations that a modder will install so not going to do that.


If using STEP I really advise using 2.29. 2.28 is seriously out of date now. I know it isn't released yet but it works a treat (I think it may well be released soon because of the speed with which many changes are taking place). Then you will be able to use the STEP patch as well as the Requiem STEP patch, which also works for SR:LE and should load after both.



Edited by Smile44

Im using 2.2.9 now. In your guide you don´t use trade and barter because requiem fix the trade thing more or less. Çan i remove CCO from 2.2.9 or is it really an improvement?


I had to remove almost everything from REGS because i had so many CTDs. I leave some Enhancements, New Lands and New NPCs and everything looks fine now.


That is an oversight and has been corrected - Trade and Barter patch now in guide. I'm sorry you are struggling with REGS, I have SR:LE plus almost full REGS and Requiem and rarely have a CTD. I'm sure that unless you're system is struggling then you may have an installation or load order problem. I am hoping to provide more information on the latter in the guide soon. Still testing that myself.



Posted (edited)

I have a few more mods, and maybe they are not compatible with REGS. I use civil war and dragon overhaul from apollodown with their requiem patches  of course and i think this game with requiem need a mod follower to make things a little easy, so I have too AFT https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/? and a few mod followers too: inigo, hoth, arissa, slave riekling and i have noticed only inigo have a requiem patch. Will i need a patch to play with the others followers?


I think you can add this requiem patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42540/? to the mod list.

Edited by Roberbond

Yes you can add IW Requiem already adds a number of weapons from different mods and I have Jaysus as well. Having IW does enable you to use the add on plugin from Inconsequential NPCs.

At present any follower that is not purely vanilla in structure will need a patch. Vilja and Inigo have patches, I would like to see patches for Arissa and Sofia. The problem is that such specialised followers need to load after Requiem.esp otherwise they may not work properly but then they will be too weak so a patch brings their stats up to Requiem levels and then you are golden. I have Vilja and Inigo at present and both work well. As for AFT, it should be fine but the more things it does the more likely it will have conflicts with Requiem. I use EFF at the moment but Simple Follower Mod by Kuertee has the least compatibility issues with anything and is a safe bet. DCO I use, not using CWO at present, I want to but there is already too much going on with REGS and Immersive Patrols to want to add to the burden further.



Posted (edited)

I was testing Simple follower and i don´t like because every time you talk with a possible follower the game pause and a menu appear. Then you can talk with him/her or see his/her statistics.


Anyway i have a new little problem now. I am using MO 1.2.9 and there a few "install order" problem. I know the PMOP is solved by moving the mods in the left pane around. My problem is with the mod Enhanced blood which has conflicts with requiem. I think is safer to put that mod below requiem but the PMOP says that mod must be overriding Requiem, can be that true?


Another issue i have is i can´t kill children (that sounds very bad  :;): ). I don´t want to kill anyone, but i want to have realism, so i want killable children. I try to murder one in riverwood and he run away from me. I hit him a few times and nothing happened. The people in the village killed me  ::D: .

Edited by Roberbond
  On 7/4/2014 at 11:15 AM, Roberbond said:


Another issue i have is i can´t kill children (that sounds very bad  :;): ). I don´t want to kill anyone, but i want to have realism, so i want killable children. I try to murder one in riverwood and he run away from me. I hit him a few times and nothing happened. The people in the village killed me  ::D: .

Duuuude, you want realism? You try to kill a kid he runs away and the villagers get irate and kill you - seems that would happen anywhere in the world. But if you mean that you actually hit him with a weapon and he doesn't die then I suppose that there is a point. A mod for this exists in the STEP guide at the end of gameplay, you would need to load it after Requiem.esp I should think. That said Requiem makes all (or most) NPCs killable by the player so I am surprised that children are essential again.




I personally do not care about that feature. There are, I think, some issues with trying to script all of that up properly, not sure where I read that so I am not 100% on it but the mod "non essential Children" sorts it out so that is the way to go.



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